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Domestic brands

Brand terminology
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Domestic brand refers to the high popularity in China, product Nationwide sale Of brand International brand refers to the brand with high popularity in the international market and products radiating all over the world.
Chinese name
Domestic brands
Foreign name
Domestic Brand
Economic terminology
Brands with high domestic popularity and products sold nationwide

protective measures

In order to protect domestic brands from various attacks and gradually grow into international famous brands, we must strengthen the protection of domestic brands. But because brand protection is a complex systems engineering We must require multiple departments and enterprises to actively cooperate and take various measures:
(1) Improve the enterprise's Brand value And importance
Enterprises that do not attach importance to product brands, especially their leaders, should be fully aware of the value of brands through various ways, and recognize that an excellent brand is important for building Corporate image And promote Product sales And make them deeply realize the passivity and difficulty of enterprises without or losing brands through painful experience and lessons, so as to change and improve their understanding of brand value and importance.
(2) Strengthen the publicity of domestic brands, especially famous brands
Domestic enterprises, especially famous products enterprises, should increase their efforts to Corporate brand On the one hand, we should increase the amount of publicity, further strengthen the publicity of the enterprise brand through advertising and publicity media, so that more consumers will have a better impression of it; On the other hand, in the propaganda, it is necessary to compare similar products at home and abroad, realistically introduce the advantages and disadvantages of domestic and foreign products, and highlight the advantages of domestic products, so that consumers can have an objective understanding of domestic and foreign products, and cultivate consumers' goodwill and trust in domestic excellent brands.
(3) Strengthen the national Brand protection consciousness
First of all, we should make the whole people improve their understanding of brand value, recognize the severe situation that Chinese brands, especially famous brands, are being severely hit by various kinds of attacks, and fully realize the importance of protecting domestic brands. Secondly, enterprises and the government should have a strong awareness of brand protection and always be aware of all violations against me Brand equity act.
(4) Enhance product identifiability and anti-counterfeiting performance
In order to make the product have sufficient self-protection ability, the product quality, appearance packing It has a distinct personality with advertising, which makes it easy for consumers to identify, and it can be pasted or directly used in the product and Packaging The anti-counterfeiting performance of the product is enhanced by printing anti-counterfeiting marks on the product.
(5) Pay attention to the enterprise's Trademark registration work
First of all, enterprises must send their own trademarks to the country Industrial and commercial administration The department shall register and make the trademark used truly become its own and legally protected trademark; Secondly, the commodities exported by enterprises must arrive first target market National registration to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the brand goods abroad; Finally, enterprises should pay attention to the timely renewal of registration of famous trademarks that have expired to prevent them from being registered and occupied by others.
(6) Cracking down on counterfeiting
Relevant government departments should strictly implement the Interim Provisions on the Recognition and Management of Well known Trademarks, and crack down on all counterfeits Enterprise products Especially for the behavior of famous brand products, we will never tolerate or be soft on counterfeiting, and we will take combating counterfeiting as a long-term work instead of a gust of wind.
(7) Strictly identify famous brands
The Interim Provisions on the Recognition and Management of Well known Trademarks shall be strictly implemented Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Any other than organization And personally identify or take other disguised forms to identify well-known trademarks, and clean up all the existing "well-known trademarks" that are not worthy of the name, purify the brand position, and avoid the adverse impact of the bad image of fake brands on authentic brands.
(8) Actively oppose the dumping behavior of foreign businessmen against China
In the process of importing commodities, the state must, in line with the principle of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of domestic brands, create an environment for fair competition between domestic brands and foreign brands, prohibit all foreign businessmen from selling commodities to the Chinese market at dumping prices, and enable domestic brands to compete fairly with foreign brands in an environment of reasonable prices, And seek survival and development through competition.
(9) Strike hard smuggle activity
The state must make great efforts to crack down on smuggling activities. First of all, we should start from the government departments, and prohibit all government agencies, especially the customs, from directly or indirectly participating in smuggling; Secondly, the customs should strictly inspect the imported goods and try to avoid the successful conspiracy of smuggling activities; Thirdly, the anti smuggling departments should strengthen the team building, train a high-quality team, closely inspect smuggling activities, and severely punish smugglers; Finally, we must persevere in the fight against smuggling.
(10) Adhere to the principle of "self first" in joint ventures, and never lose the brand
In joint venture negotiation In the process, we should adhere to the following three-step principle in terms of trademark use: try to use our original trademark, and then ask for a new registered trademark or Joint trademark We have no choice but to use the foreign trademark, and we must not "transfer profits" without principle stock right Let the market ". The articles of association or relevant formal agreements of the joint venture shall be adopted to ensure the legal status of Chinese trademarks in the joint venture, clarify the conditions and standards for the use of Chinese trademarks, and prevent Chinese trademarks from being left in the cold and dying in name only.
(11) Improve product quality of domestic brands
The survival and development of any brand is inseparable from the quality of products, especially in the international market. Therefore, we must strive to improve the quality of our products when the quality of quite a few of our products, even famous brand products, cannot catch up with that of foreign famous brand products. Only when the quality of the products is improved, the popularity and brand value of the product brand will be improved, and it will be in an invincible position in the market, so as to fundamentally protect the domestic brands.
(12) Expand the assets and business scale of the enterprise
Only the assets and business scale of the enterprise have increased, Corporate brand Only in this way can we be more competitive and more effectively resist the impact and suppression of all foreign brands. In order to expand the scale of the enterprise, it can be carried out with other similar enterprises merge merger , or buy Other similar enterprises and other measures to double the size of enterprises.

Principles of protection

The protection of domestic brands is a complex activity, which involves many aspects of society, such as politics, economy and culture. If it is not well considered and handled properly, the protection work will be wasted, or even self defeating. To this end, we must follow the following four principles:
(1) Combine protection with competition.
We advocate the protection of domestic brands, whose basic starting point is to protect the legitimate and legitimate rights and interests of domestic brands and protect the economic interests of enterprises and the country. But we must not deny the legal competition between domestic brands and between domestic brands and foreign brands because of protection, otherwise we will not engage in market economy , equal to back planned economy And closed door era, which finally led to economic recession. Therefore, while protecting domestic brands, we should also encourage competition among domestic enterprises to achieve the survival of the fittest among domestic brands; Allow appropriate introduction of foreign brands to participate in China's market competition Strengthen the sense of crisis and self-development ability of domestic brands; Encourage domestic brands to participate in international market competition, hone and expand their strength in the international market, and strive to become international brands.
(2) Combination of protection and absorption.
To protect domestic brands, we must not close domestic brands, and not only limit ourselves to self-development, self-improvement, and ultimately self survival. Instead, we should implement open protection, constantly learn the strengths of other brands, especially international brands, and become an organic part of ourselves through digestion and absorption, so that we can grow rapidly.
(3) Enterprise self-protection and social support Combination.
Enterprises benefit directly from protecting domestic brands. Therefore, in the process of protecting domestic brands, enterprises should actively take various effective measures to protect their own brands. The legislation, law enforcement departments and Industrial and commercial administration The department should also actively cooperate and support the brand protection work of the enterprise, and adhere to the self protection and social support In this way, the expected effect can be achieved.
(4) Precautionary protection is the main and remedial protection is the auxiliary.
The so-called remedial protection refers to a series of protection activities taken after the brand is hit, such as "combating fraud" and "combating smuggling" mentioned above. Although this kind of protection is effective, its effect is always not ideal, especially the long-term effect is not ideal, which can only play a temporary role. Therefore, all relevant social departments, especially enterprises, should actively take protective measures, that is, preventive protection, and take preventive protection as the main way before the brand is hit, so as to achieve substantive results. [1]