national debt

[guó zhài]
Government bonds issued by the central government to raise financial funds
zero Useful+1
National debt; government loan), also called State bonds It refers to the creditor's rights and debt relationship formed by the state based on its credit, according to the general principle of debt, and raising funds from the society. National bonds are bonds issued by the state central government To raise Financial funds And the one issued government bonds It is issued by the central government to investors and promises to pay interest and Repayment at maturity Claims on principal debt obligation Since the issuing subject of national debt is the country, it has the highest credit and is recognized as the safest investment tool. [1]
China's national bonds refer specifically to the national bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the central government national finance Credit as guarantee, credit Very high, always“ gilt-edged bonds ”It is called, Robust investors I like to invest in national debt. The types are Credential national debt Bearer (in kind) national debt Bookkeeping treasury bonds Three [1]
On June 15, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued a notice specifying that, Special national debt for epidemic prevention in 2020 Launch Release [2] [2] September, FTSE Russell The company announced that Chinese government bonds will be included FTSE World Bond Index (WGBI) [3] In December 2021, Chinese government bonds were officially included in the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI). [6]
On January 2, 2024 local time, US Treasury Release report: US Treasuries The total reached US $34 trillion for the first time, rising from US $33.911 trillion to US $34.001 trillion. [17] May On the 13th, Website of Ministry of Finance Announce arrangements for the issuance of general treasury bonds and ultra long term special treasury bonds in 2024. [21]
  • Latest news
On July 10, the Ministry of Finance will issue the third tranche of RMB government bonds in 2024 in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on July 10, with an issuance scale of 9 billion yuan. The specific issuance arrangement will be announced in the Central Clearing System of Debt Instruments (CMU) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. ... Details
Chinese name
national debt
Foreign name
national debt
government loan
treasury bonds
Foreign name
public debt
guó zhài
Debt owed by the state
Voucher type, electronic type Bookkeeping treasury bonds

Development history

China first issued domestic public debt and borrowed a large number of foreign debts that humiliated the country at the end of the Qing Dynasty.
Led by the Communist Party of China Red regime In the new democratic period, it also issued bonds for many times. For example, in 1932, Jiangxi Central Revolutionary Base issued bonds in two installments with a total amount of 1.8 million yuan“ Revolutionary war Short term public debt ”。
After the founding of New China National debt issuance It can be divided into three stages: the first stage was in 1950, when New China was just founded, in order to ensure the supply and recovery of the ongoing revolutionary war national economy , issued a total value of about 30.2 billion yuan“ People's Victory Converted into Government Bonds ”。 The second stage was from 1954 to 1958. In order to carry out socialist economic construction, it issued 3.546 billion yuan“ National economic construction bonds ”。 The third stage is after 1979, in order to overcome financial difficulties and raise funds Key construction funds China began issuing treasury bonds again in 1981. By 1995, eight types of domestic debt had been issued, including treasury bill National key construction bonds Treasury bond Special bonds , directional bonds Hedged bonds , convertible bonds, etc., with a cumulative balance of 330 billion yuan.
national debt
On June 15, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued a notice specifying that in order to raise funds Financial funds And comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and economy social development , decide to issue Special national debt for epidemic prevention in 2020 (Phase I) and special national debt for epidemic prevention in 2020 (Phase II). [2]
In September 2020, FTSE Russell The company announced that Chinese government bonds will be included FTSE World Bond Index (WGBI)。 China's government bonds will be included in the FTSE World Government Bond Index from October 2021. After further confirmation in March 2021, international investors will be able to enter China, the world's second largest through the FTSE Russell flagship index bond market [3]
In December 2021, Chinese government bonds were officially included in the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI). [6]
On June 15, 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the first installment of RMB 7.5 billion treasury bonds in 2022 in Hong Kong. [7]
On August 31, 2022, the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and Macao Special Administrative Region Government Notice, central government RMB 3 billion treasury bonds will be issued in Macao on September 7, 2022 [8]
On December 1, 2022, Hong Kong Monetary Authority It was announced that the Ministry of Finance of China would Central Settlement System for Debt Instruments issue RMB National debt, totaling 5 billion yuan. [10]
On September 20, 2023, according to the data released by the US Treasury Department, the total amount of US treasury bonds will exceed 33 trillion US dollars (about 240.8 trillion yuan) on September 18 local time. The New York Times said that the total national debt reached a new high, and the financial prospects of the US government were worrying. [12]
On October 18, 2023, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced that the Ministry of Finance would issue additional RMB government bonds through the central clearing system of the HKMA's debt instruments, with a total issuance scale of 16 billion yuan, divided into four years. [13]
On October 24, 2023, the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted to pass the resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on approving the State Council's issuance of additional treasury bonds and the central budget adjustment plan for 2023. The resolution specifies that the central government will issue an additional 1 trillion yuan of 2023 national debt in the fourth quarter of this year, and all the additional national debt will be allocated to local governments through transfer payments, so as to focus on supporting post disaster recovery and reconstruction and making up for the shortcomings in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and improve China's ability to withstand natural disasters as a whole. [14]
In December 2023, the first batch of national debt fund budget of 237.9 billion yuan has been issued, including 107.5 billion yuan of subsidies for post disaster recovery and reconstruction and for improving disaster prevention and mitigation capacity, 125.4 billion yuan of subsidies for high standard farmland construction in the northeast region and Beijing Tianjin Hebei disaster affected areas, and 5 billion yuan of subsidies for key natural disaster comprehensive prevention and control system construction projects (meteorological infrastructure project construction). [16]
From March 10 to March 19, 2024, the first and second phases of savings bonds (voucher type) will be issued in 2024. Both phases of government bonds are of fixed interest rate and fixed term varieties, with a maximum total issuance of 30 billion yuan. The two treasury bonds are sold on a commission basis by 40 members of the 2024-2026 savings bond underwriting syndicate. [18] Among them, the term of the first phase is three years, the maximum issuance is 15 billion yuan, and the annual coupon rate is 2.38%; The second phase has a term of five years, with a maximum issuance of 15 billion yuan and an annual coupon rate of 2.5%. [19] May On the 13th, Website of Ministry of Finance Announce arrangements for the issuance of general treasury bonds and ultra long term special treasury bonds in 2024. China will issue 1 trillion yuan of ultra long term special treasury bonds. The term of ultra long term special treasury bonds includes 20 years, 30 years and 50 years. The interest payment method is semi annual. On May 17, ultra long term special treasury bonds were issued for 30 years; On May 24, 20 year super long term special treasury bonds were issued; On June 7, the Ministry of Finance issued the 2024 30-year super long-term special treasury bonds for the first time; On June 10, 2024, the third and fourth phases of savings bonds (electronic) were officially launched in the banking channel; On June 14, 50 year super long term special treasury bonds were issued [20-22] [24-25] According to the news on the website of the Ministry of Finance on July 3, according to the relevant work arrangement, the Ministry of Finance will issue the third phase of 2024 RMB government bonds in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on July 10, with the issuance scale of 9 billion yuan. The specific issuance arrangement will be announced in the Central Clearing System for Debt Instruments (CMU) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. [26]
Encyclopedia x Knowledgeable: Illustration of National Debt

main features

National debt is a special form of debt, which has the following characteristics compared with the general debt relationship:
National bonds
The creditors of national debt can be domestic and foreign citizens, legal persons or other organizations, or the government of a country or region International financial organizations The debtor can only be the state.
from Legal relations From the nature of
Legal relationship of national debt The occurrence, change and elimination of the Financial legal relationship comparison, National debt law The legal relationship belongs to the equal legal relationship, but compared with the general creditor debtor relationship, it reflects a certain subordination Domestic debt It is more obvious in legal relations.
From the realization of legal relationship
National debt credit rating The highest and safest creditor debtor relationship.
From the debtor's perspective
National debt has the characteristics of voluntariness, compensation and flexibility.
From the perspective of creditors
National debt is safe Profitability , liquidity, etc.

Issuance purpose

national debt
During the war, the military expenditure was huge. In the absence of other financing methods War debt Raise funds. Issuing war bonds is a common way for governments of all countries in wartime, and it is also the first origin of national bonds.
national debt
Generally speaking, the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure can be achieved by increasing taxes and issuing more shares currency Or the method of issuing national debt. Compared with the above three methods, tax increase is a good way to take from the civilian to the civilian, but there is a certain limit to tax increase. If Tax Overweight, which exceeds the capacity of enterprises and individuals, will not be conducive to the development of production and will affect future tax revenue. It is the most convenient method to issue more currency, but this method is the most undesirable, because it can make up for it by issuing more currency financial deficits Will lead to serious inflation, which has the most severe impact on the economy. There are difficulties in raising taxes, but no additional issuance is allowed currency In this case, it is still a feasible measure to issue national debt to make up the fiscal deficit. Government adopted Issuance of bonds It can absorb idle funds from units and individuals and help the country tide over financial difficulties. however Deficit national debt The circulation of deflation
3. Raising construction funds
The country should carry out infrastructure and communal facilities Construction, which requires a large number of Long term funds , by issuing Long term treasury bonds , part of Short term funds Transformed into medium and long-term funds for national construction Large projects To promote economic development.
4. Issuance of borrowed and exchanged treasury bonds
National debt is issued to repay the matured national debt fastigium , in order to solve the problem of debt repayment Source of funds The problem is that the state issues debt in exchange for government bonds to repay old debts that are due, which can reduce and disperse the country's debt repayment burden.


According to different standards, national debt can be classified as follows:
National debt can be divided into State bonds and National borrowings
State bonds
Yes Issuance of bonds formation National debt law Legal relationship. National bonds are the main form of domestic debt, State bonds issued by China mainly include treasury bill National economy Construction bond National key construction bonds, etc.
National borrowings
According to certain procedures and forms, the borrower and the borrower jointly negotiate and sign an agreement or contract to form a legal relationship of national debt. National borrowings are National external debt The main forms of, including Foreign government loans Loans from international financial organizations And loans from international business organizations.
Press Repayment period Different, national debt can be classified Fixed term treasury bonds and Non term treasury bonds
Fixed term national debt: refers to the national debt issued by the state with a strict time limit for repayment of principal and interest. Time bonds can be divided into Short term treasury bonds Medium term treasury bonds and Long term treasury bonds
Short term treasury bonds
It usually refers to the national debt issued within one year, mainly to adjust the national treasury Capital turnover Temporary surplus and deficiency, and has greater liquidity.
Medium term treasury bonds
It refers to the national debt issued with a term of more than one year and less than 10 years (including one year but not including 10 years), which can make the country's use of debt funds relatively stable due to its long repayment time.
Long term treasury bonds
It refers to the national debt (including 10 years) issued with a term of more than 10 years, which can enable the government to control financial resources for a longer period, but holder 's earnings will be subject to Monetary Value And price impact.
Irregular national debt: refers to the national debt issued by the state that does not stipulate the time limit for repayment of principal and interest. The holders of such treasury bonds can receive interest on schedule, but have no right to demand repayment of debts. As issued in the UK Permanent National debt is of this kind.
According to different regions of issuance, national debt can be divided into national internal debt and national external debt.
National debt: refers to the national debt issued in China. Most of its creditors are local citizens, legal persons or other organizations Local currency Payment.
National foreign debt: foreign debt refers to the general term of the principal and interest of various debts that the permanent residents of a country should repay to the non residents according to the contract. According to the regulations issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange《 Interim Provisions on Statistical Monitoring of Foreign Debt 》And《 Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Statistics and Monitoring of Foreign Debt 》China's foreign debt refers to all contractual debts undertaken by organs, groups, enterprises, institutions, financial institutions or other institutions in China to international financial organizations, foreign governments, financial institutions, enterprises or other institutions outside China in foreign currency.
According to the nature of issuance, national debt can be divided into Free government bonds and Compulsory national debt
Free national debt: also called discretionary national debt, refers to the national debt issued by the state and voluntarily subscribed by citizens, legal persons or other organizations. It is a common form of issuing national debt in contemporary countries, which is easy to purchaser Accept.
Compulsory national debt: political power , compulsory purchase of national debt by citizens, legal persons or other organizations according to prescribed standards. This kind of national debt is generally adopted during the war or when the financial economy is in exceptional difficulty or when it is used to implement specific policies and achieve specific goals.
According to different uses, national debt can be divided into Deficit national debt Construction national debt Special national debt and War debt
Deficit national debt
It refers to compensation financial deficits National debt of. In implementation Double budget Institutional countries, including Regular budget Our national debt is a deficit national debt.
Construction national debt
It refers to the national debt used to increase the country's investment in the economic field. In countries that implement the dual budget system, the national debt included in the capital (investment) budget belongs to the construction national debt.
Special national debt
It refers to the national debt issued to implement a special policy within a specific scope or for a specific purpose.
War debt
War national debt refers to the national debt used to make up for war costs.
According to whether it can be circulated, national debt can be divided into Listed national debt And unlisted government bonds.
Listed national debt: also known as marketable national debt, it refers to the national debt Stock Exchange Free trade National debt of.
Unlisted national debt: also known as non marketable national debt, refers to national debt that cannot be freely traded. This kind of national debt has a long term and a high interest rate. It is usually issued in registered form.
According to the liquidity of bonds, it can be divided into Negotiable national debt and Non negotiable treasury bonds
National debt in the form of national borrowing is generally non-negotiable and transferable, and only bonds issued by the government can be circulated and transferred.
Free transfer And circulation are the basic attributes and characteristics of national debt. Most national bonds issued by most countries are accessible stock market Free trade.
According to the issued vouchers, it can be divided into voucher national debt and bookkeeping national debt.
Credential national debt: refers to the filled treasury bonds used by the state Collection voucher A bond issued in the form of.
Bookkeeping treasury bonds: also known as paperless bonds, are bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance through paperless means, which record claims in computer bookkeeping and can be listed for trading.

Type of national debt

The types of Chinese government bonds include Credential national debt Bearer (in kind) national debt Bookkeeping treasury bonds Three. [1]

Credential national debt

It means that the state does not print physical bonds, but fills in treasury bonds Collection voucher National debt issued in the form of. It is in the form of treasury bond receipt as proof of debt, and cannot be listed Circulation and transfer , interest accrues from the date of purchase. stay Holding period If the holder needs to hold cash in special circumstances, he can go to the purchase outlet Cash in advance When cashing in advance, in addition to repaying the principal, the interest shall be paid according to the actual holding days and corresponding Interest rate grade calculation. [1]

bearer from bond

by Physical treasury bonds It is a kind of national debt issued by recording the creditor's rights in the form of physical bonds (with the issuing year, face amount, etc. printed on the bonds) without recording the creditor's name or unit name on the face of the bonds, also known as physical bonds. It is the longest national debt issued in China. [1]

Bookkeeping treasury bonds

Also known as paperless national debt, it is precisely defined as a bond issued by the Ministry of Finance through paperless means, recorded in computer bookkeeping, and can be listed for trading. [1]




Parity issue That is, the issue price is equal to Face amount When the bonds are due, the state shall repay the principal and interest at this price.
Discount issue I.e Issue price Below the face value of the bond. When the bond matures, the country shall Nominal price Repayment of principal and interest. It is different from Discount issue
Premium issue That is, the issue price is higher than the face value of the bonds. When a bond matures, the state only pays the principal and interest at the face value of the bond.
Issuance mode
Public Offering Law That is, through the financial market upper Open bidding To issue national debt.
National debt issuance Public offering of Bidding method According to bidding Subject matter Payment period, price and Yield bidding Three forms.
Score according to the determined bid winning rules Single price bidding Netherlands Equation) and Multi price bidding (American style).
Consignment method That is, the financial institution will buy all the national debt and then sell it to the public. The part that cannot be sold will be borne by the financial institution itself.
Law of sale That is, the government entrusts sales agencies to sell treasury bonds directly in the financial market.
Payment issuance method. That is, the government's corresponding cash payment is replaced by national debt.
Compulsory apportionment method That is, national use political power Forced nationals Purchase of treasury bonds


(1) Bearer national debt Purchase of
Bearer bonds are mainly purchased by various institutional investor and Individual investors The purchase of bearer physical bonds is the simplest. Investors can sell bearer bonds to major banks (including ICBC the Agricultural Bank of China China Construction Bank Bank of Communications Etc.) and Securities institutions Each branch of the bank will fill in the purchase form with the money. The nominal value of bearer bonds is generally 100 yuan, 500 yuan, 1000 yuan, etc.
(2) Credential national debt Purchase of
Credential treasury bonds are mainly issued to individual investors. Its sale and payment are made through savings outlets of major banks Postal Savings Department outlets and Financial sector And the National Debt Service Department. Its outlets are all over the country, and can meet the needs of people to buy and redeem to the greatest extent. Investors who purchase voucher type treasury bonds can hold the money to fill in the form and pay at each outlet during the issuance period to handle the purchase. The issuing point shall fill in the voucher type treasury bond collection voucher, which shall include the purchase date, the name of the purchaser, the type of securities purchased, the purchase amount, and the ID card number, and submit it after filling in purchaser Received. Formalities and banks Time deposit The procedures are similar.
Credential government bonds are sold in whole numbers starting from 100 yuan and purchased at face value. After the release period, for customers Cash in advance Of Credential national debt , can be specified by Agency stay Control indicators It will continue to be sold to the public. When an investor purchases after the issuance period, the bank will fill in a voucher for the collection of treasury bonds, and the investor will still purchase at face value. Purchase date mean Value date The interest shall be calculated and paid according to the actual holding days and the interest rate of the corresponding grade when cashing( Interest calculation To the last day of the cashing period at maturity).
(3) Bookkeeping treasury bonds Purchase of
To purchase bookkeeping bonds, you can go to securities companies and pilot commercial banks OTC trading The pilot commercial banks include Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China Bank of China China Construction Bank China Merchants Bank Bank of Beijing and Bank of Nanjing National debt counters have been opened nationwide trading system Branch of.
A: Over the counter book entry treasury bonds. It is better to open the book entry national debt through the bank Online Banking Service Account: directly enter the bank's web page on your home computer, enter your own account number and password, and you can freely trade during trading hours.
B: Investor purchase Bookkeeping treasury bonds You can use the exchange open Securities account Or national debt Special account And entrust a securities institution to act as an agent. Investors must have stock exchange Securities account, and Securities business organization open Fund account To purchase book entry government bonds.
Difference between the two: bank transaction is not accepted transaction cost The transaction cost of the securities company is about 0.1% - 0.3% of the transaction amount (including commission, etc.). No bookkeeping treasury bonds at the bank counter Transaction commission , but customers buy Full price It is usually lower than the full selling price. If you buy and sell on a short-term basis, you may Floating loss Because the counter book entry treasury bonds are traded between you and the bank, the price is usually higher when you buy them, and slightly lower when you sell them to the bank. The bank usually encourages investors to hold them for a long time. Although there is no transaction fee, the bank will earn your price difference if you buy and sell on the same day, which is equivalent to transaction cost
Buying and selling bookkeeping treasury bonds through the securities company system is the same as buying and selling stocks; Place an order through the delegated system. It is very simple. Enter the National debt code , and then enter the transaction quantity and price; Generally, after opening an account, the securities company and the counter bank will give the operation manual.


Repayment method
That is, several repayment periods are specified for a national debt, and the principal will be fully paid off when the national debt matures.
That is to say, a certain proportion of national debt will be repaid by drawing lots according to the number of national debt on a regular basis until the end of the repayment period and all national debt will be paid off after winning the lot.
That is to say, it is implemented in national debt due date It shall be paid in full at one time according to the face value of the ticket.
That is, from stock market The government has bought back the national debt until the expiration of the period.
That is, by issuing new treasury bonds to exchange for old treasury bonds that are due.
Source of funds
Expenditures are made through the budget. The government will Repayment of national debt Amount as expenditure An item of revenue Guarantee the repayment of national debt.
to use Fiscal surplus stay Budget implementation When there is surplus, the surplus will be used to repay the principal and interest of the national debt due that year.
establishment Sinking fund government budget set up Special fund It is used to repay the national debt. Every year, a special fund is set up from the fiscal revenue to repay the national debt.
Borrow new debt to repay old debt. The government issues new bonds as a source of funds for the repayment of old bonds. The essence is the extension of debt maturity.

laws and regulations

National debt law
National debt law , refers to the National development To adjust the social relations arising from the issuance, circulation, transfer, use, repayment and management of national debt legal norm The general name of. It mainly regulates national (government) and national debt agency And the behavior of government bond investors when they are involved in government bonds, and adjust various relations between government bonds and the main body of government bonds in the process of government bond behavior.
Different from the debt law in the civil law, the national debt law regulates the relationship between the creditor and the debtor that takes the state as the main body Fiscal law The feature that one side of the main body is always the country is consistent, and the national debt is obtained by the country revenue An important way to meet social needs , implement State functions Therefore, the national debt law is an important part of the financial law Sectoral law However, the core of the social relationship adjusted by the National Debt Law is the relationship of creditor's rights and obligations between the subjects of national debt, that is, the relationship of rights and obligations between the state as the debtor and other creditors. Therefore, the National Debt Law is closely related to the civil law, especially the debt law in the civil law. The theory and specific provisions of the civil law on debt can often be applied to the National Debt Law.
National debt law Although it is an important department law of the fiscal law, it is also quite different from other department laws of the fiscal law such as the tax law. For example, the equality of the subjects of the national debt law is obviously different from other department laws. Although one of the subjects of the national debt law must be the state, in the legal relationship of national debt, the state is the debtor and other Rights subject In the case of rights and obligations, whether other rights subjects have creditor's rights and obligations with the state is generally determined by their own will. In the legal relationship of national debt, they are on an equal footing with the state, but in other financial legal relationships, the subordination between subjects is clearly different from the national debt law. In addition, the state has obtained National debt income The rights of the rights of the rights and interests are closely linked to their obligations to repay the principal and interests, while other obligees must also perform the payment if they want to enjoy the right to obtain the principal and interests Purchase of treasury bonds Financial obligations. So in a sense, National debt law Yes with public law Private law of nature.
Overview of legislation
1. Foreign national debt is owned by France
U.S.A; France; Japan; the republic of korea.
2. China's national debt legislation
New China was founded Later, it was issued in 1950, 1954-1958 and 1980 till now Domestic public debt Each period National debt issuance Previously, the State Council formulated regulations on national debt, which specifically stipulated the issuance, transfer, interest rate, repayment of principal and interest and other related management matters of national debt. The national debt regulations are the legal basis for regulating the management of China's national debt and adjusting the relationship between the subjects of national debt. In 1968, the state paid all the principal and interest of domestic and foreign debts. In 1968-1981, China was neither Domestic debt Countries without foreign debt. In January 1981, the State Council approved the treasury bill Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Treasury Bill Regulations"), deciding to issue treasury bills to make up for financial deficits , later released National key construction bonds Treasury bond Key enterprise bonds Hedged bonds Special bonds Etc. By 1992, a treasury bill regulation had been promulgated every year to regulate the issuing objects and methods, the amount and interest rate of issuance, the term for repayment of principal and interest, the discount, mortgage and transfer of treasury bills and other bonds National debt law Legal responsibilities, treasury bond management agencies, etc. From 1989 to 1991, an annual Special national debt Regulations, which stipulate the issuing objects, issuing amount, issuing period, interest rate and repayment period of special national debt. The current national debt law is the "Treasury Bill Regulations" issued by the State Council on March 18, 1992. However, as the national debt law, the regulations can no longer meet the needs of the development of the socialist market economy.
First, its scope of application is limited to treasury bill We cannot regulate all types of national debt;
Second, its main provisions are Treasury bond issuance Matters related to National debt circulation The use of national debt is not regulated;
Third, there is no standardized approval procedure for issuance.
Therefore, relevant departments are actively drafting《 National debt law 》In order to clearly regulate the behavior of national debt and the relationship between national debt.
National debt law : refers to the adjustment of national debt in the process of issuance, use, repayment and management economic relations The general name of the legal norms of. This is an important branch of the financial law, and many of its basic principles are consistent with the financial law. The adjustment object is the creditor's rights and debt relationship with the state as the main body. Its main characteristics are as follows: First, the national debt law has the dual attributes of public law and private law; Second, the national debt law has fiscal policy Attribute of; Third, the national debt law has macro-control The nature of.
Revision of management measures (2023)
In 2023, in order to standardize the establishment of bond underwriting syndicates, ensure the smooth issuance of bonds and the stable development of the bond market, treasury department Together with the People's Bank of China and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Administrative Measures for the Establishment of National Debt Underwriting Groups were revised. It is proposed that those who intend to be members of the underwriting syndicate of savings bonds should carry out business activities in accordance with the law. In the past three years, there have been no major illegal records in savings bonds, personal savings deposits, wealth management product sales and other business activities, with a registered capital of no less than 1 billion yuan or a total assets of no less than 30 billion yuan, and with more than 50 business outlets. [15]

Case introduction

UK government issues RMB bonds
On October 14, 2014, the British government announced the successful issuance of 3 billion yuan to RMB Priced treasury bonds. This makes Britain the first country to issue RMB bonds the West , whose issuing scale is in non China RMB bonds Medium maximum. [4]
central government stay Macao issue RMB national debt
On June 25, 2019, the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and the Macao SAR Government announced that the central government would issue 2 billion yuan of government bonds in Macao on July 4, 2019. [5]
On October 4, 2022 local time, according to American media, US Treasury Reported data display , USA Total national debt It exceeded $31 trillion for the first time on the 3rd. [9]

data statistics

Issued by the National Bureau of Statistics on February 28, 2023《 Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2022 》It shows that in 2022, various entities will issue bonds (including Corporate bonds Asset backed securities national debt Local government bonds and Policy banks Bonds) raised 6449.4 billion yuan, of which Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges issued a total of listed infrastructure Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) 13, Raised funds 41.9 billion yuan. National share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises listed company 6580 listed companies raised 23.2 billion yuan in total in stock throughout the year. [11]
On January 2, 2024 local time, the US Treasury Department released a report: the total amount of US treasury bonds reached US $34 trillion for the first time, rising from US $33.911 trillion to US $34.001 trillion. [17]

Purchase method

Electronic savings bonds
Individual investors can purchase through the members of the savings and treasury bond underwriting syndicate (the list can be inquired through the issuance announcement of the "government bond management" special column on the website of the Ministry of Finance) and the online banking or mobile banking of some members. To purchase electronic savings bonds, an individual investor must first open an individual treasury bond account and capital account through the counter, online banking or mobile banking of members of the savings and treasury bond underwriting syndicate, and purchase them at the counter of any outlet of members of the savings and treasury bond underwriting syndicate, or through online banking or mobile banking, with valid personal identity documents during the sale period.
Credential savings bonds
Individual investors can purchase through the outlets' counters of members of the underwriting syndicate of savings bonds (the list can be inquired through the issuance announcement of the "government bond management" special column on the website of the Ministry of Finance). During the sale period, individual investors can go to the counter of member outlets of the savings bond underwriting syndicate with valid ID cards, subscribe by cash payment or transfer, and obtain paper subscription vouchers.
Bookkeeping treasury bonds
Individual investors can purchase through the counter business establishment of the national inter-bank bond market (the list can be queried through the website of the Central Clearing Corporation), or through the securities companies that carry out bond brokerage business in the stock exchanges (the list can be queried through the website of the Securities Association of China).
Ultra long term special treasury bonds issued in 2024
The ultra long term special treasury bonds issued in 2024 are bookkeeping treasury bonds with three maturities of 20 years, 30 years and 50 years. The specific purchase operation is handled according to the above bookkeeping treasury bond purchase process. [23]