Uighur Mongolian

Official languages of Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China
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Uighur Mongolian, Mongolia and the People's Republic of China Inner Mongolia The official language of the autonomous region has been used to write the Mongolian language since the 13th century The People's Republic of China and Mongolia Officially recognized mongolian Of written language
Chinese name
Uighur Mongolian, Traditional Mongolian
Foreign name
Угарлинмонголбилиг (Mongolian)
Region of use
Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Mongolia
User population
About 4.5 million

Written history

The Ministry of Mongolia made its fortune in Onon At that time, there were no words.
In 1204, Genghis Khan When the Naiman was conquered, the Uighur who was the Naiman Seal Officer Tata Tonga Although he was arrested, he still kept the seal of the country. Genghis Khan highly praised his loyalty to his country, so he ordered him to take charge of the documents and seals of Mongolia, and ordered him to teach the crown prince and kings Wei Wu Characters (generally referred to as Uighur )In writing mongolian At this time, the Mongols adopted the word "Weiwu" to write Mongolian.
Chinese Mongolian Uighur Mongolian has always been used. [1] In the 16th century, Mongolia believed in Buddhism and widely translated and spread Buddhist scriptures, Mongolian Therefore, it is popularized and finalized. Therefore, at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Mongolia The Renaissance
Here Prewriting Some deficiencies of Mongolian are improved. At this time, many Tibetan languages were introduced Sanskrit It is a classical term, replacing the words used by Mongolians in the past. And in order to facilitate translation hide Sanskrit Sound, another variant letter. Improvement of letters to Ali Gali Is large.
In 1587, Kharqin The translator Ayu Xigushi modified the old font and created his own Ali Gali font, which can express all Tibetan and Sanskrit sounds, and can express consonant groups that are not found in Mongolian.
At this time, some archaisms were abandoned. Scholars say that the written Mongolian language at this time is Classical Mongolian
In 1946, due to historical reasons, Mongolia abandoned Uighur Mongolian and began to use Slavic alphabet The new Mongolian language created on the basis of Cyrillic Mongolian [2]
In 1992, Mongolia Dahural It was decided to gradually resume the use of Uighur Mongolian. The Mongolian government issued a policy to strengthen the use of Uighur Mongolian in 2008, and plans to comprehensively summarize the use in 2011.
President of Mongolia Zhahia Elbegdorj In 2010, an order was signed to continue to expand the use of Uighur Mongolian.
The 2014 Mongolian law stipulates that the use of Cyrillic Mongolian will be abolished in 2020, and traditional Mongolian will be used. This item Presidential Decree It will be implemented on a trial basis from now on and will take effect on July 11, 2011. The Presidential Decree pointed out that the President of Mongolia, the President of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia Prime Minister of Mongolia When members of the Mongolian government communicate with international institutions and foreign officials at the same level, official documents and letters must be in Uighur Mongolian, and attached to the country or the United Nations arbitrarily Working language A translation of.
Birth of Mongolian citizens and Marriage certificate Relevant certificates and graduation certificates issued by educational institutions at all levels must be in Uighur Mongolian and Cyrillic Mongolian Write side by side. [3]
Officially adopted by the Mongolian government on March 18, 2020《 Mongolian The National Outline (3) decided to fully resume the use of Uighur Mongolian, commonly known as traditional Mongolian, from 2025. Education, culture, science and Sports Department On the 18th, it was reported that according to the outline, Mongolia will use both Cyrillic Mongolian and Uighur Mongolian in state affairs from 2025, preparing for the future comprehensive use of Uighur Mongolian.
The Government of Mongolia requests that the State communications technology The department sets out to solve the problem in the Internet environment Accessibility Use Mongolian international standard Code problem; national standard The measurement department adopts the Cyrillic and Uighur Mongolian standards for official use; Academies of Science, Language and Arts and other institutions accelerate the construction of citizens and Legal representative Double file database, etc. The Mongolian government also requires that the press and publication department must release and publish written content in both languages by 2024.
All state organs create new and old characters network environment All state officials will participate in traditional Mongolian training to meet the ultimate full use of traditional Mongolian. [2]

Character features

And Syria Literature and Arabic alphabet Similarly, Mongolian letters have different shapes at different positions of a word. Mongolian alphabet It can be a unit per word, or a word with its Postposition Is one unit.
Most Phoneme It shall be divided into initial, middle and final - the initial and final phonemes shall be written respectively, and the rest shall be written as middle type. A medium-sized letter has a vertical line to connect the whole word. Vowels have separate types, but consonants do not.

Alphabetical list

Mongolian in China Mongolian There are 29 letters, which are represented by Mongolian letters vowel 5 of, representing consonant 24 words, which are spelled in word units, Bank loans From left to right. [4]

Related events

Mongolian officials have accelerated the pace of promoting the Uighur Mongolian language in Mongolia. Uighur and Mongolian are Chinese Inner Mongolia The official language used by the Mongols. Some scholars believe that this is the strengthening of Mongolia national consciousness , remove the representation of Russian influence in words China Mongolia relations There is a certain "good".
President of Mongolia General Office And Bayan Honggor provincial government The General Office jointly held the "Mongolian Character Day" in the province, hoping to speed up the restoration and promotion of the use of traditional Mongolian - Uighur and Mongolian in a wider range.
During this period, training, forum, speech and other activities will be held.
The Mongolian people have used the Uighur Mongolian language, that is, the traditional Mongolian language, for more than 800 years. But in Soviet Union With the support of, Outer Mongolia Independent from China and established the people's republic ofmongolia Later, the characters were reformed.
In the 1940s, under the influence of the Soviet Union, Mongolia established the“ Character reform Committee ", the country soon changed the Uighur Mongolian into Cyrillic Mongolian.
Cyrillic Mongolian Slavic Mongolian There are many foreign words, mainly in English. It has written language It is consistent with spoken language and easy to print. For Mongolia Scientific and cultural education The popularization of has played a positive role.
But compared with Uighur and Mongolian, Cyrillic Mongolian traditional culture However, its inheritance has a negative impact. Mongolian in Inner Mongolia is influenced by sinicization, and Chinese is the majority of foreign words.
Uighur and Mongolian are The People's Republic of China Inner Mongolia The official language of Mongolian in the autonomous region is also the official written language of Mongolian in China today.
Because the Mongolian nationality is mainly located in Mongolia and China. After the Mongolian character reform, in fact, there was a certain gap between the Mongolian communication between China and Mongolia. [3]