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Compensatory reaction

[huí bǔ fǎn yìng]
Enzymatic reactions that supplement the supply of intermediate metabolites in the citric acid cycle
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Analytical reaction: Enzyme catalysis , supplement the middle of citric acid cycle metabolite The reaction of supply, for example, by pyruvic acid through Pyruvate carboxylase Catalysis Oxaloacetic acid Reaction.
Chinese name
Compensatory reaction
Foreign name
anaplerotic reaction
supplement citric acid Circulating intermediate metabolite supply
A material reaction that is necessary for a metabolic system and continues to supplement the consumption of systems other than the metabolic system. For example, to Tricarboxylic acid cycle Coordinated operation must be accepted frequently Acetyl CoA Of Oxaloacetic acid But this substance and its precursors α - ketoglutaric acid Wait and act Amino acid synthesis As the raw materials are consumed, it is necessary to supplement the oxaloacetic acid in some way. This reaction is carried out in animals by pyruvate carboxylase reaction, and in plants and bacteria by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase Reaction so that oxaloacetic acid can be supplemented.