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Big arbor
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Back trees, large trees, up to 20 meters high; Branchlets cylindrical, reddish brown to dark brown, densely covered with yellowish lenticels. In the dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Binchuan, where the altitude is 1800-2300 meters, and in the limestone forest of Mengzi, Wenshan, Yanshan and Xichou, where the altitude is 1100-1500 (- 2300) meters.
Chinese name
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huí shù
Above 20m

morphological character

Large arbor, more than 20m high; Branchlets cylindrical, reddish brown to dark brown, densely covered with yellowish lenticels. Two pinnate compound leaves, 60-70cm long, with two grooves on the leaf axis and petiole, puberulent on the ridge between the grooves, and 6-10cm long petiole; The pinna are opposite, with 9-15 leaflets; The leaflets are alternate, papery or nearly leathery, obliquely ovate or obliquely ovate oblong, 4.5-9cm long and 2-3cm wide, the apex is short and gradually pointed, the base is round, the edges are serrated or the young leaves are serrated inconspicuously, both sides are slightly pilose along the midrib and lateral vein, the axils of the dorsal vein of the leaf are bearded, both sides of the midrib are uplifted, and the lateral veins are 10-14 pairs, slightly concave on the surface, uplifted on the back of the leaf, and the net veins are slightly prominent on the back of the leaf; The petiolule is about 3 mm long. Panicle Terminal, broad, 15-25 cm long, yellow puberulent; The flower is yellow and the base is purple; Petiole ca. 2 mm, pubescent; Calyx 5-parted, lobes long ovate, about 1.5 mm long, blunt at the top, sparsely puberulent outside, with small eyelashes on the edge; Petals 4, linear lanceolate, about 9 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, obviously clawed, clawed about 4 mm long, white villous, with 2 ear shaped small scales on the upper part, scales glabrous; Disk slightly oblique; Stamens 8, filaments about 7 mm long, white villous, shorter in female flowers; Ovary oblong, white villous. The capsule is oval and ovoid, 6-7 cm long and 4-4.5 cm wide, with a rounded tip and a small pointed head, which is purplish red when mature; Seeds spherical, brown, ca. 5 mm in diameter. Flowering in July, fruiting in October. [1]

Growth environment

Huishu trees are grown in the dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Binchuan area at an altitude of 1800-2300 meters, and in the limestone forests of Mengzi, Wenshan, Yanshan and Xichou at an altitude of 1100-1500 (- 2300) meters.

Distribution range

Huishu is distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangdong (north), Hunan (west), Hubei (west) and Shaanxi (south). In western Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi, there is another variety, var. apiculata (Rehd. et Wils.) How et Ho, which is often referred to as "locust tree", whose flowers are used as yellow dye. The type specimen was collected from Dapingzi, Binchuan.

Key values

The root can be used as medicine to reduce swelling, relieve pain, promote blood circulation and drive away ascaris. It can also cure Wind heat cough Flowers can be used as medicine to clear the liver and eyes, clear heat and stop coughing, and can also be used as yellow dyes. The seed oil is used for industry.