National English Test
open 2 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
synonym Level IV CET-4 generally refers to CET-4 (National English Test)
College English Test Band 4 is administered by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Sponsored by the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (formerly the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education) Standardization Examination is a national teaching examination. Its purpose is to promote college English teaching in China, measure college students' English ability objectively and accurately, and provide services for improving the teaching quality of college English courses in China [20]
The main target of the examination is college students, undergraduates or postgraduates who have completed CET-4 according to the education program. The preparation of standardized CET-4 and CET-6 began at the end of 1986 and was officially implemented in 1987.
The Ministry of Education has entrusted "National College English 4 CET-6 The committee (named "CET-4 and CET-6 Standardized Examination Design Group" in 1993) is responsible for the design, organization, management and implementation of CET-4 and CET-6.
The time of CET-4 and CET-6 is June and December each year (the time is slightly different each year). The scores of CET 4 and CET 6 are reported in the way of norm reference without a passing line. The scores of the equivalent test papers are converted into reported scores according to the norm. The total reported scores of CET 4 and CET 6 are 710 [2] You can apply for CET-6 with a score of 425 (including 425) or above in CET-4, so it is generally believed that the qualification line of CET-4 and CET-6 is 425.
Chinese name
Foreign name
College English Test Band 4
English abbreviations
Examination time
June and December of each year
Full score
seven hundred and ten

Examination Introduction


Examination registration

Registration conditions
(1) The examinees are limited to colleges and universities with four-year system or above who have completed CET-4 according to the education program undergraduate or graduate student
(2) Equivalent Junior college students or Master With the consent of the school, you can register for the exam in the school;
(3) Night University of the same degree or Correspondence university With the consent of the school, students can register for the examination in the school;
Since the exam in January 2007, CET 4 and CET 6 will no longer be correct Social examinee Open only to college students.
Registration method
Register on the official website of CET-4/CET-6, and the specific time will be organized by the school.
Registration will not be accepted after the deadline.

Examination date

Usually, it is the third Saturday in June and December every year.
Time of CET-4 and CET-6 (written test) in recent years
particular year
Times in the first half of the year
Times in the second half of the year
June 17, 2017
December 16, 2017
June 16, 2018
December 15, 2018
June 15, 2019
December 14, 2019
July 11, September 19, 2020
(Due to the epidemic situation, the examination will be postponed twice)
December 12, 2020
June 12, 2021
December 18, 2021
June 11, 2022
December 10, 2022
June 17, 2023
December 16, 2023
reference material: [3-8] [18] [22] [27]

Examination purpose

To promote the implementation of college English teaching syllabus and make an objective and accurate measurement of college students' English ability Teaching quality Services.

Assessment content

Assessment part
Assessment requirements
Assessment skills
Listening comprehension
Candidates are required to be able to understand short English broadcasts with slower speech speed;
Be able to understand the multi turn simple English conversation on familiar topics;
Be able to understand speeches and reports with slow speech speed, familiar subject matter and long length;
Be able to use basic listening strategies to help understand;
The speaking speed of listening materials is 120-140 words per minute
A. Understanding Explicit Information
01 Understand the main idea
02 Understand important information or specific details
03 Understand the speaker's clearly expressed views, attitudes, etc
B. Understand the implied information
04 Implications of inference
05 Judging the Communicative Function of Discourse
06 Infer the speaker's opinion, attitude, etc
C. Comprehending Listening Materials by Using Language Features
07 Identifying phonetic features (such as identifying speech sounds from consecutive utterances, understanding stress and intonation, etc.)
08 Understand the relationship between sentences (such as cause and effect, comparison, condition, etc.)
D. Using listening strategies
09 Use appropriate listening strategies to help understand
reading comprehension
Candidates are required to be able to read English newspapers, articles and other English materials with familiar themes and low language difficulty;
Be able to read English materials of common practical styles in work and life;
Be able to use basic reading strategies to help understand;
Careful reading speed reaches 70 words per minute, fast reading speed reaches 100 words per minute
A. Understanding Explicit Information
01 Understand the main idea
02 Understanding details
03 Understand the author's clearly expressed views, attitudes, etc
B. Understand the implied information
04 Summarize the main idea
05 Implications of inference
06 Judge the author's opinion, attitude, etc
C. Understanding Articles by Using Language Features
07 Guess the meaning of words and phrases according to the context
08 Understand the relationship between sentences (such as cause and effect, comparison, condition, etc.)
09 Use lexical and grammatical cohesive devices to understand the relationship between different parts of a text
D. Using Reading Strategies
10 Use appropriate reading strategies to help understand
Candidates are required to be able to describe their personal experiences, feelings, emotions and events in English;
Be able to describe simple charts and drawings;
Be able to express personal opinions on familiar topics;
Can write common practical writing ;
Be able to make brief discussion, explanation and explanation according to the outline, chart, picture and other prompt information;
The central idea is clear, the structure is basically complete, the words are used properly, the sentences are smooth, the meaning is coherent, and the basic writing strategies can be used;
Be able to write a passage of no less than 120 words in half an hour
A. Thought expression
01 Express the central idea
02 Expressing important or specific information
03 Expressing opinions, attitudes, etc
B. Textual organization
04 Narration, discussion or description around the given topic, with emphasis
05 Group sentences into paragraphs coherently
C. Language use
06 Use proper vocabulary
07 Use correct grammar
08 Use appropriate sentence structures
09 Use correct punctuation
10 Use cohesive devices to express inter sentence relations (such as contrast, reason, result, degree, purpose, etc.)
D. Use writing strategies
11 Use appropriate writing strategies to help express
Candidates are required to be able to translate Chinese paragraphs with familiar themes and low language difficulty into English;
The content of the paragraph involves China's cultural, historical and social development;
The translation basically accurately expresses the meaning of the original text, with smooth sentences and appropriate sentence patterns and words;
Be able to use basic translation strategies;
Be able to translate 140 to 160 Chinese characters into English within half an hour
A. Translate sentence level Chinese information into English
01 Accurately express the meaning of Chinese words with appropriate English words
02 Accurately express the meaning of Chinese sentences with sentence patterns that conform to English norms and expression habits
B. Translating Chinese information into English at the textual level
03 Accurately and completely express the information of Chinese paragraphs in English
04 The translation is clear in structure, coherent in discourse and fluent in language
C. Use translation strategies
05 Use appropriate translation strategies to help express
Oral expression
Candidates are required to have short but multi turn conversations on familiar topics in English;
Be able to simply describe or describe general events and phenomena;
Be able to give a brief speech on familiar topics after preparation;
The language expression is clear, and the pronunciation, intonation and grammar are basically correct;
Be able to use basic oral expression and communication strategies
A. Oral presentation
01 State facts, reasons, opinions, etc
02 Describe people, events, phenomena, etc
B. Oral interaction
03 Exchange of views, emotions and opinions
04 Argument, explanation, comparison, demonstration, etc
C. Using Oral Communication Strategies
05 Use appropriate oral expression and communication strategies to help express
reference material: [21]

Examination content


written examination

Composition of test paper
test structure
Test content
Test question type
Number of questions
Score proportion
Examination time
Essay writing
30 Minutes
Listening comprehension
Short news
Multiple choice questions (single choice questions)
25 Minutes
Long dialogue
Multiple choice questions (single choice questions)
Listening passage
Multiple choice questions (single choice questions)
reading comprehension
Vocabulary understanding
Banked Cloze
40 minutes
Long reading
Read carefully
Multiple choice questions (single choice questions)
Chinese to English
paragraph translation
30 Minutes
125 minutes
reference material: [1]
Examination process
technological process
Admission of candidates (late candidates are prohibited)
Audition time
Distribute answer cards 1, 2 and test book (the test book is not allowed to read before listening)
In the writing part, the composition topic is on the back of the exam book
Answer card 1 (no answer is allowed during the period)
Answer other parts
All exams are over, and answer card 2 and test book will be collected

oral examination

Level IV oral test computer Test format. The simulated examiner and the test questions are presented on the computer screen, and the test questions are prompted by words or pictures (pictures, charts, photos, etc.). The examinees are randomly arranged by the computer system into a group of two people. The examinee interacts with the simulated examiner and the examinee on the computer. The exam consists of four tasks, and the total exam time is about 15 minutes.
Examination process
Task name
Examination process
Answer time
introduce oneself to
According to the examiner's instructions, each candidate makes a brief self introduction. The exam time is about 1 minute.
20 seconds for each candidate (two candidates in turn)
Task 1
Short passage reading aloud
Candidates are ready to read a short passage of about 120 words in 45 seconds. The exam time is about 2 minutes.
Each examinee reads aloud for 1 minute (two examinees do it simultaneously)
Task 2
Short answer
The examinee answers two questions related to the passage. The exam time is about 1 minute.
40 seconds for each examinee (two examinees simultaneously)
Task 3
Personal statement
After 45 seconds of preparation, the examinee will make a statement according to the prompts given. The examination time is about 2 minutes.
1 minute for each examinee (two examinees simultaneously)
Task 4
Two person interaction
After preparing for one minute, the examinee will talk according to the set situation and task. The exam time is about 4 minutes.
Two examinees interact for 3 minutes
reference material: [21]
Those who pass the oral examination will be issued a certificate by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education. The certificate is divided into three grades: A, B and C. Those whose scores are lower than C will not be issued a certificate. Each grade has corresponding+, such as A+, B+, C+.
The level standards of CET-4 and CET-6 oral test ability are as follows:
Grade description
A etc.
There is basically no difficulty in oral communication with familiar subjects in English
B etc.
Being able to communicate orally in English on familiar subjects, although it is difficult, it does not affect communication
C etc.
Be able to conduct simple oral communication on familiar subjects in English
D etc.
Not yet able to communicate in English
From 2016, CET-SET will be divided into CET-4 and CET-6, namely CET-4 and CET-6. The original CET-SET will be set to CET-SET6.

Achievement related


Result announcement

According to the interval between the release of CET-4 and CET-6 scores in previous years, the general scores will be released more than two months after the end of the exam. In the second half of 2022, the scores of CET-4 and CET-6 (additional tests in March) will be announced at 9:00 a.m. on April 25, 2023. [26]
Please refer to the data in the table below for the query time of CET-4 and CET-6 scores over the years:
Examination time
Result release time
Time interval
June 14, 2014
August 20, 2014
68 days
December 20, 2014
February 28, 2015
70 days
June 13, 2015
August 20, 2015
68 days
December 19, 2015
February 26, 2016
69 days
December 17, 2016
February 22, 2017
67 days
June 17, 2017
August 22, 2017
66 days
December 16, 2017 [4]
February 27, 2018
73 days
June 16, 2018 [5]
August 22, 2018
67 days
December 15, 2018 [6]
February 26, 2019
73 days
June 15, 2019 [3]
August 21, 2019
67 days
December 14, 2019
February 21, 2020
69 days
July 11, 2020
August 28, 2020
48 days
September 19, 2020
November 4, 2020
46 days
December 12, 2020 [7]
February 26, 2021
76 days
June 12, 2021
August 26, 2021
75 days
December 18, 2021
February 24, 2022
68 days
June 11, 2022
August 25, 2022
75 days
September 17, 2022
October 25, 2022
38 days
December 10, 2022
February 21, 2023
73 days
Some references: [9-16] [23-25]

Score inquiry

The query method of CET-4 and CET-6 scores: examinees can pass China Education Examination Network Check the score.

Explanation of score

The design of CET-4 and CET-6 is based on the College English Curriculum Requirements (hereinafter referred to as the teaching requirements). Level IV refers to the "general requirements" specified in the Teaching Requirements; Level 6 refers to the "higher requirements" specified in the Teaching Requirements. The scores of CET Band 4 and CET Band 6 are reported by norm reference, without passing line. The norm group of CET-4 is about 30000 non English majors from 16 universities in China; The norm group of CET-6 is about 5000 non English majors from five key universities in China. The equivalent test scores of each test were converted into report scores according to the norm. 4、 The total reported score of CET-6 is 710, and the calculation formula is:
In the formula, TotSco represents the total score, X represents the original total score of each candidate before the norm conversion, Mean represents the mean value of the norm, and SD represents the standard deviation of the norm. The equivalent test scores of each CET-4 and CET-6 will be converted into report scores according to this norm formula.
4、 There are four parts of the individual score of CET-6, and the proportion of these four parts and the score is 35% for listening, 35% for reading, and 30% for translation and writing. The full score of each individual report is 249 for listening, 249 for reading, and 212 for translation and writing. The sum of the points of each individual report is equal to the total points of the report.
Each examinee's report score has a corresponding Percentile Location. The following table is a comparison table of the reported scores of CET-4 norm percentiles. An example of how to use it is as follows.
Example 1: The total score reported by a candidate in CET-4 is 450. It can be seen from the table that the corresponding percentile of the candidate in the norm group is 25%, indicating that the candidate's English performance is better than 25% of the norm group, but worse than 75% of the norm group.
Example 2: The total score reported by a candidate in CET-4 is 500. It can be found from the table that the corresponding percentile of the candidate in the norm group is between 44% and 55%, indicating that the candidate's English performance is at least 44% better than that of the norm group, but not better than 55%.
Example 3: A candidate's listening score reported by CET-4 is 140, and its corresponding percentile in the norm group is 12%, which means that the candidate's listening performance is better than that of 12% of the norm group.
Example 4: An examinee's reading score of Level 4 report is 140, and its corresponding percentile in the norm group can be found in the table is 17%, indicating that the examinee's reading performance is better than that of 17% of the norm group. [2]
Norm Percentile Comparison Table of Reported Scores in CET-4
(35%, full score 249)
(35%, full score 249)
Translation and Writing
(30%, full score 212)
Total score
(Full score: 710)
Report points
Percentile (%)
Report points
Percentile (%)
Report points
Percentile (%)
Report points
Percentile (%)
one hundred
one hundred
three hundred and thirty
one hundred and ten
one hundred and ten
one hundred and three
three hundred and fifty
one hundred and twenty
one hundred and twenty
one hundred and eleven
three hundred and seventy
one hundred and thirty
one hundred and thirty
one hundred and nineteen
three hundred and ninety
one hundred and forty
one hundred and forty
one hundred and twenty-seven
four hundred and ten
one hundred and fifty
one hundred and fifty
one hundred and thirty-five
four hundred and thirty
one hundred and sixty
one hundred and sixty
one hundred and forty-three
four hundred and fifty
one hundred and seventy
one hundred and seventy
one hundred and fifty-one
four hundred and seventy
one hundred and eighty
one hundred and eighty
one hundred and fifty-nine
four hundred and ninety
one hundred and ninety
one hundred and ninety
one hundred and sixty-seven
five hundred and ten
two hundred
two hundred
one hundred and seventy-five
five hundred and thirty
two hundred and ten
two hundred and ten
one hundred and eighty-three
five hundred and fifty
two hundred and twenty
two hundred and twenty
one hundred and ninety-one
five hundred and seventy
two hundred and thirty
two hundred and thirty
five hundred and ninety
two hundred and forty
two hundred and forty
six hundred and ten
six hundred and thirty
six hundred and fifty

Examination features


Multiple volumes and multiple questions

The CET 4 and CET 6 are conducted in the form of "multiple papers and multiple questions", that is, three sets of different papers are used in each examination room, and only the same questions are used in the listening part. The purpose of this move is to make the exam more fair and reasonable.

Examination organization

The National College English Test Committee for Band 4 and Band 6 is appointed by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The examination committee is composed of relevant professors and experts from several key universities in the country, with two advisers, one chairman, several vice chairmen, and several members of the professional committee and the advisory committee. The National College English Test Committee is responsible for the College English Test academically and organizationally. Part of the examination work is carried out by“ Examination Center of Ministry of Education ”Responsible. The Examination Committee shall set up an office as a permanent office.

Charging standard

Charging standards vary across the country. Consult your school for specific charging standards.

Discipline subdivision


Subdivision principle

Due to different schools, English Major The classification of is also different. However, in the study of undergraduate English majors, the contents of freshmen and sophomores are relatively extensive, such as basic English, English phonetics, fast reading, English listening and other basic stages, which mostly play a role in consolidating basic abilities. By the third year of college (some schools are in the second year of college), they will have a more detailed classification. It is generally divided into teacher training, foreign trade and translation. Of course, some schools also set up Tourism English And other relevant courses. This means that on the basis of the English they have learned, English majors have access to knowledge beyond their majors, expanding width of knowledge And prepare for employment.

Business English

Business English is aimed at adapting to the language requirements of workplace life, and its content involves all aspects of business activities. Business English course is not only to improve students' English level and ability, but also to teach students a western business management concept, working psychology, and even how to deal with foreigners, how to cooperate with them, how to work, and their living habits. To some extent, it is included in cultural concepts.
Students are required to receive good training in English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, master the basic theories and knowledge of English language and literature, politics, economy, management, social culture and other aspects, and pass the national CET-4 and CET-8 examinations for English majors. This major aims to train senior English professionals engaged in translation, management, teaching and research in foreign trade, foreign affairs, culture, press and publication, education, scientific research, tourism and other departments.

Computer test related

1. Computer based test features
The proportion of listening increased
It is very different from the traditional written test that emphasizes reading, Computer test Pay more attention to listening, accounting for 70%. The composition part also incorporates listening requirements. First, watch a video. After understanding the video, briefly describe the video content in the composition and explain your own views. "If you don't understand the video, you can't write a composition at all."
Increase the following reading link
After the listening part, a follow up reading link is added. The examinee needs to repeat the conversation he heard before into the microphone of the computer, so as to check whether the examinee's spoken English is standard. So before the exam, the examinees need to debug the computer Microphone Volume.
Changes in computer test questions
The pure listening questions still account for 35% of the total proportion of the paper and pencil test of the New Band 4, while the following reading questions can be included in the scope of oral listening. Other questions except for pure reading are introduced or answered based on listening materials or reading materials, and cannot be completely incorporated into the listening section. The number of purely reading questions dropped from 35% of the new CET-4 paper and pencil exam to 30%, but there are still other questions that may be related to reading. On the whole, reading should not be underestimated, especially listening. The new level four of the computer application exam is to comprehensively promote speaking and writing by listening and reading, which also follows linguistics The relationship between input and output is better confirmed from the perspective of.
2. The main differences between the computer test and the traditional paper and pencil test
A、 First is the form of examination:
The medium for answering questions is changed from paper and pen to computer and network.
B、 Next is the content of the examination: since listening takes up a large proportion in the investigation process, the reformed CET-4 and CET-6 pay more attention to the examination of students' language communication ability.
The plate structure and score are set as 70 points for listening and 30 points for reading. This statement is somewhat exaggerated. Let's take a look at the CET-4 computer test process and score arrangement of a university in December 2008:
① Video understanding: Main Ideas and Important Details answer 25% of the multiple choice questions based on a video (about five minutes). A video (about five minutes) from a TV program or real life. Listen to or watch three recordings or videos (usually two audio and one video), which involve lectures/reports, dialogues/interviews, or news. It is generally selected from CNN, VOA, BBC, etc.
② Listening based Intergrated Dictation: the video conversation is replayed sentence by sentence, and the key words in the sentence are filled in the blank 10%
③ Conversation following: Listening and Repeating video conversation is replayed sentence by sentence, and voice recognition examinees repeat 10% of the recorded questions
④ Reading Comprehension Section A: Reading in Depth 20% Section B: Skimming and Scanning 10%
⑤ Grammar and StructureSection A: Blank Filling 5% Section B: Translation 5% of the translation blanks based on video and reading materials
⑥ Topic writing: Summary and Meeting is based on videos and reading materials, and 15% of the questions are completed
C、 The last is the exam time: the traditional paper and pencil exam is from 9:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m., while the new CET-4 computer exam is from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., 20 minutes less than the original.

Local conditions

May 19, 2022, according to Shanghai Education Examination Institute According to the news, in view of the latest situation in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Shanghai, in order to ensure the health of the vast number of examinees and test related staff, the National College English Test Band 4 and 6 (CET) originally scheduled to be held in Shanghai on June 11 was postponed to September 17. [17]
On November 28, 2022, according to the Beijing Education Examination Institute examinee And the examination staff are healthy and safe. In combination with the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in Beijing, after comprehensive research and judgment, it is decided that delay The National College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 (written test) for the second half of 2022 in Beijing will be held on December 10. The time and implementation rules of the postponed examination will be separately arranged according to the deployment of the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education. [19]