Four Kings of Qing Dynasty

Four painters in the early Qing Dynasty
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synonym Four Kings (A painting school in the history of painting in the Qing Dynasty) Generally refers to the four kings of the Qing Dynasty
The Four Kings of the Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty At the beginning Wang Shimin Led by four famous painters: Wang Shimin Wang Jian Wang Yuanqi and Wang Hui The common feature of their artistic ideas is that they imitate the ancients and regard the writing style of famous artists in the Song and Yuan Dynasties as the highest standard. This idea was recognized and advocated by the emperor, so it was respected as "authentic". The "Four Kings" are mainly landscape paintings, with slightly different painting styles. They are also divided into“ Lou Dong ”And "Yushan", which have influenced future generations for more than 300 years. Also known as the "Four Kings" painter and the Four Kings in the early Qing Dynasty.
Four Kings in the Early Qing Dynasty Painter of "Four Kings"
Qing Dynasty
True name
Four Kings of Qing Dynasty

Introduction to Four Wangs


Wang Shimin

Wang Shimin (1592-1680). The word is inferior, and it is called "smoker", "Xilu old man", etc.
Works of Wang Shimin
He is Jiangsu Taicang People. Wang Xijue Sun. He was born in a family of officials in the Ming Dynasty and held the post of Chongzhen in his early years Taichang Temple Minister Therefore, it is also called "Wang Fengchang". Poetry, calligraphy and painting, home Tibetan calendar generation model calligraphy There are many famous paintings. After repeated observation Dong Qichang And others. Good at landscape, professional teacher Huang Gongwang The pen and ink are implicit, green, moist, loose and elegant, but the composition is less changed. His paintings had a great influence in the Qing Dynasty, Wang Hui Wu Li And his grandchildren Wang Yuanqi All of them are personally authorized. And Wang Jian , Wang Hui and Wang Yuanqi Four Kings , plus Yun Shouping , Wu Li“ Qing Liujia ”。 Has created the landscape painting“ Loudong Sect ”, ranking first among the "four kings" of painters in the early Qing Dynasty.
Wang Shimin His works have been handed down from generation to generation, such as "The Landscape Painting of Woodcutters Imitating Mountains"《 Overlapping Mountains 》, Autumn Mountains《 Yayi Mountain Studio 》He also wrote "Xitian Collection", "Collection of Doubtful Yearbook", "Xilu Poems and Grasses", etc.
Wang Shimin is the founder of Loudong School. He is the oldest of the "Four Kings of the Qing Dynasty", the leader of the "Four Kings", and a leader. When young and Dong Qichang Chen Jiru When the calligraphers and painters get close to each other“ Nine Friends in the Painting ”One is to live in seclusion after entering the Qing Dynasty. Industrial poems, characters and paintings are copied every day and studied with great concentration, and famous sites of the Song and Yuan Dynasties are copied everywhere. Works handed down from generation to generation include《 Landscape album 》, Six Books of the Song and Yuan Dynasties《 Changbai Mountain scroll 》、《 The Painting of Falling Wood and Cold Spring 》、《 Fairy Mountain Pavilion 》, "Du Fu's Poetic Style", "Summer Mountain Map", "Imitating Mountains and Woodcutters' Landscape Map", "Mountains and Mountains Overlapping", etc.
In 2001, he《 official script 》It was shot by Shanghai Jinghua to 506000 yuan; In the same year, the first session of "Yilanzhai" Chinese calligraphy and painting held in Nanjing auction There was one of his《 Fuchun Rivers and Mountains Residence Map 》, was sought after by many buyers, and finally sold at a high price of 5.9 million yuan, creating Wang's New heights of works.
In 2005, his "Cangyan Meets the Rain" was sold in Shanghai Zhongtian for 1.65 million yuan; In the same year, he and Wu Li The cooperative "Summer Mountain Map" was auctioned at China International Trade Shengjia for 8.8 million yuan. Wang Shimin Works are rare in the market, occasionally appearing, and the price has been at a high price.

Wang Jian

Works of Wang Jian
Wang Jian (1598-1677), Yuanzhao, Yuanzhao, Xiangbi, Xiang'an Master, Jiangnan Taicang People, Late Ming and Early Qing painter.
Wang Jian learned from Yu Ji , good at writing in Tang Dynasty modern-style poetry When visiting the capital, the minister should recommend him and give him a service
Wang Jian said, "Although I am not sensitive, can I be enslaved by others?" That is to say, Xiao Dun. Later, he liked the local customs of Wuzhong, so
Those who have lived in seclusion for twenty years have not left their homes. A poor family has no silver lining. However, if he doesn't have his property, he will take nothing. anti-Yuan rebel and rival of Zhu Yuanzhang Every time I saw him, I would persuade him to be loyal. Zhang Shicheng retired and said, "Ming Qing is also a high priest."
Wang Jian He was born in 1598 and died in 1677 in Taicang (now Jiangsu). The word Xuanzhao was later changed to Yuanzhao and Yuanzhao, and the name was Xiangbi and Ranxiang Nunnery Leader. Famous literati in the Ming Dynasty Wang Shizhen great-grandson. He once served as the governor of Lianzhou at the end of the Ming Dynasty, so he was also called "Wang Lianzhou". Since childhood, he has experienced the calligraphy of famous artists in the Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, and has profound traditional skills. After entering the Qing Dynasty, he refused to be an official and amused himself with calligraphy and painting. He painted landscapes, and was influenced by Dong Qichang influence. He is the author of Mingqing Collection.

Wang Yuanqi

Works of Wang Yuanqi
Wang Yuanqi (1642-1715), with the name of Maojing, was a Taoist of Shilitai and a native of Taicang, Jiangsu Province, Wang Shimin Sun.
In the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1670), he became a scholar and an official Minister of Household Waiter , known as Wang Sinang. The imperial court was worshipped with paintings, and in the forty fourth year of Kangxi, the imperial edict and Sun Yuexuan Song Junye Et al《 Painting and Calligraphy Manual of Peiwenzhai 》; Painted in the 56th year《 Longevity Ceremony 》To congratulate Emperor Kangxi on his birthday. Be good at painting landscapes, inherit Family law , learn Yuan Sijia , with Huang Gongwang Weizong likes to use dry pen to burn ink, wipe layer upon layer, and use the pen calmly, claiming that the end of the pen has Jin Gangchu It is advocated that good painting should be between strangers and strangers, and be creative and not influenced by time-honored methods Restrained, ripe or not sweet, raw or not astringent, light and thick, solid and clear, the spirit of the book is full of paper and ink.

Wang Hui

Wang Hui (hu ī) (1632-1717), named Shigu, named Gengyan Sanren, Jianmen Woodcutter, Wumu Mountain Man, Qinghui Old Man, etc. Jiangsu Changshu People. He is known as the painting saint in the early Qing Dynasty. Grandfather Wang Zaishi and father Wang Huanlong are good at painting.
Works include《 Kangxi's Southern Tour 》(Cooperating with Yang Jin and others)《 The Painting of Xiao Temple in Autumn Mountain 》、《 Maple Forest Map of Yushan 》、《 The Painting of Crows in Autumn Trees 》、《 Fangzhou Map 》( Changshu Museum Tibet), etc. Author《 Qing Hui Painting Postscript 》。
Works of Wang Hui
 Wang Hui Wang Hui Wang Hui Wang Hui Wang Hui
Wang Hui

investment analysis

Pieces of Ancient Masters
Ancient masterpieces refer to paintings created by famous ancient calligraphers and painters with a size of less than 2 square feet. Their forms mainly include Dufang Fan painting Hand roll , album, lens and other forms. Masterpieces are more important than big ones, and their works are limited by space, so their creation is often more difficult, which can better reflect the artist's profound skills and the painter's personal experience.
At present, famous sketches are in the whole Auction market With stable performance and moderate price, what is its future development prospect? This article takes the "Four Kings of the Qing Dynasty" as an example china guardian Based on the transaction of spring auction and autumn auction over the years, this paper systematically analyzes the art investment market of ancient famous artists' calligraphy and painting sketches from three aspects: the value of the auction collection, the demand of the calligraphy and painting market, and the appreciation space of their works.
At the 2010 Spring Auction, Chinese calligraphy and painting showed outstanding performance, especially ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting. High priced auctions were repeated, accounting for 36% of the top 100 Chinese art deals. China Guardian Ancient calligraphy and painting Some of them launched more than 500 pieces of treasures of various periods and schools in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, including, Transaction price exceed RMB The auction of 1 million yuan accounts for more than 10% of the total《 Shih-ch'u Pao-chi 》Copy of Song People Guo Zhongshu The four pictures of hunting and riding were sold at a price of 79.52 million yuan; Beijing Poly A total of 1.36 billion yuan was auctioned in the special auction of ancient calligraphy and painting in the spring of 2010 Turnover , become the mainstay of Poly Spring Auction, and Huang Tingjian Calligraphy works, such as Shen Zhou Chen Chun Among them, painters of the Qing Dynasty Huayan The created Flower and Bird was sold at a price of 16785780 yuan; And Xiling ancient works of calligraphy and painting have also obtained Turnover rate 86.33% and a turnover of 138 million yuan.
According to the above relevant data, although ancient China Calligraphy and painting collection Facing a high market position that collectors cannot accept, but because of its outstanding artistic value, clear description, orderly collection delivery Physiognomy Intact Existing quantity Small, high value preservation, still valued and concerned by old and new collectors, with the possibility of creating a higher price Art market Occupies an important position in. Therefore, there is the practice and rules of pricing by the ruler. The reason is, on the one hand, related to the Runge standard of famous calligraphers and painters; On the other hand, it is also related to the way in which the state bought some calligraphers and painters' works after the founding of the People's Republic of China.
In fact, ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting cannot be priced by the ruler. The "ruler" in the so-called "price by ruler" here has two meanings: one is the specification of rice paper, and the other is the square ruler of the work. The reason for this is that ancient Chinese painting and calligraphy is the result of the painter's imagination and attachment to things in the process of the same thing quality of paintings The interpretation and annotation of equality have nothing to do with the scale: Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi Proposed“ Vividness theory ”(See Zhang Yanyuan Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties 》Records), while the Southern Dynasties Sheikh Proposed rhythmic vitality Orthopaedic pen, corresponding pictograph conformity to kind in applying colors , business location and Transfer profile Of“ Six Laws ”(See the record in Paintings), and derived from it“ Six products ”。
If Gu Kaizhi and Xie He's discussion on the concept of painting remains in the painting itself, then the Tang Dynasty Zhang Huaiguan On this basis, he made a big step forward and began to pay attention to the influence and role of paintings in a wider range. In his book《 Draw off 》"God, Wonder and Power" three ranks According to Zhu Changwen's subsequent explanation in "Continuation of the Book", "outstanding and unique, it can be described as a god. It can be said that the application is exquisite, it can be said that it is wonderful; it can be said that it can be said that it can be said that the basis of Zhang Huaiguan's" three quality theory "is two, one is his contribution to the development of calligraphy and painting, and the other is the internal artistic feelings that calligraphy and painting works bring to the audience. The two are interdependent.
Zhu Jingxuan On the basis of its theory Yipin (See《 A list of famous paintings of the Tang Dynasty 》Records), and classified as Yipin, such as Wang Mo Li Ling Province And Zhang Zhihe, etc. Later, Zhang Yanyuan Of《 Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties 》He put forward the five quality theory of "nature, spirit, subtlety, refinement and preciseness", pointed out that the essence of painting skills lies in conception and brushwork, emphasized the meaning of painting itself and the cultural taste of painting, and Painting Art The tradition and inheritance of painting, especially the personality of painters.
to Northern Song Dynasty When, Lauryl alcohol Proposed“ Six requirements ”、“ Six long ”、“ Third grade ”The criteria for painting evaluation and appreciation (see the records in the "Holy pilgrimage painting list"), the so-called six essentials: charm and strength, old style and system, reasonable variation, colorful painting, going to nature, short learning and teaching; The so-called six elders: rough halogen for pen, obscure for talent, delicate for strength, crazy and strange for reason, ink free for dye, flat painting for strength; The three grades are divine, wonderful and capable. The key to evaluating the quality of painting works is to "first observe its weather, then determine its destination, and finally seek its reason based on its meaning". and Huizong in Northern Song Dynasty The description of the paintings collected by the imperial court compiled by the official during the Xuanhe period《 Xuanhe Painting Manual 》It reflects the standard of the Song Dynasty painting academy, emphasizing the conception and style, "not imitating the predecessors, but the appearance and color of things are natural, and the style of writing is high and simple".
Southern Song Dynasty The court Courtyard painting Has reached its peak, Deng Chun In his works《 Painting successor 》But the opposite Literati painting He believes that the vividness of painting works only depends on personality, and emphasizes the cultural accomplishment and artistic interest of painters. Later, the Ming Dynasty Dong Qichang It further promoted the literati painting and put forward the concept of "South Beizong On "(see the records in the Rongtai Bieji)," there are two schools of Zen Buddhism, namely, the north and south schools, which were divided in the Tang Dynasty. The two schools of paintings are also divided in the Tang Dynasty, but their people are not the north and south ears Li Sixun The father and son colored the landscape, which spread to Zhao Gan Zhao Boju , Bosu, Ma, Xia generation. Nanzongze Wang Mojie Start to use shading, change Gou Zhuo The law of. It is said that Zhang Xuan, Jing, Guan, Dong, Ju Guo Zhongshu , Mi Family father and son, as well as the four masters of the Yuan Dynasty. It is also like that after the Six Ancestors, there were horses, Yunmen, Linji children, and Sun Zhisheng, while the Northern Ancestor, Wei Yi " Literati painters And Artistic conception , belittling the courtyard painting and green before the Southern Song Dynasty Landscape painting The Northern School of Painting, such as the System, worships the Southern School of Painting represented by literati painting.
No matter what kind of theory and opinion, it is not based on the size of the work, but on the comprehensive consideration of the performance content, performance skills and characteristics of the times, the artistic skills of the use of brush and ink, the degree of realization of the unity of form and spirit, and the personality and Personal accomplishment On the basis of factors such as the artist's artistic achievements and status in the development of painting, and the number of painters' creations, the grade of painting works can be determined.

Category limitation

Although evaluating something Ancient calligraphy and painting Of works Pindi When it comes to harmony and value, we should not "judge the price by the rule", but for some ancient famous calligraphic and painting works, the sketch has its own special significance. The sketch here refers to the painting works created by calligraphers and painters with a size of less than 2 square feet (1 square foot=33.3 x 33.3 cm). Its forms mainly include Dufang , fan painting Hand roll , album, lens and other forms.
Dufang refers to a painting, calligraphy or poem page with a square of one or two feet, which is smaller, generally referring to a painting and calligraphy work with a square of 25-50cm; Fan painting is divided into fan circular fan , fan pieces (surfaces), etc., were originally practical products, but after being drawn by calligraphers and painters, they have become works of art that can be appreciated and played. They are easy to carry and enjoy, and have always been favored by literati; The hand scroll evolved from the shape of the scroll. Its shape function does not lie in the decoration of the halls and rooms, but in the play and appreciation between players. It is a kind of preservation of cultural classics.
In general, creating Hand roll High Cultural accomplishment And painting level. It is suitable for close view and exquisite. Even if you make large cursive or rough strokes Charm of pen and ink The operation research and overall layout of artistic value And artistic taste; The album is a sketch in the form of calligraphy and painting, which first appeared in the Tang Dynasty Painting heart Smaller, six or eight or twelve of four foot rice paper Dufang There are also many fans, Folding fan Folded off and mounted into a volume. The album has three styles: horizontal Drawing core , which is mounted up and down is called "push awning", Vertical Picture cores mounted into left and right flip folds are called "butterfly type", and those mounted into a form of full folding are called "butterfly type"“ Warp folding type ”Its function and nature are very similar to those of hand scrolls, which are used for desk displays in private communication.
From the perspective of creation, the aesthetic realm that the album can reach is Hand roll It is no equal, but in terms of the richness and diversity of expression, the album is better than the hand scroll. From the perspective of preservation, the album is superior to the hand scroll, deficiencies The fold of album is easy to break. In terms of the flexibility of exhibition and play, the album can also be removed for use as a lens or as a "patch" decoration, which is more flexible; The lens is specially equipped with Mirror frame The calligraphic and painting forms that are hung on the wall after are produced in modern times, which can be large or small, refined or simple, and have more extensive decorative applications.
However, no matter what form it is, famous sketches are more important than big ones, and their works are limited by space, so their creation is often more difficult, which can better reflect the artist's profound skills in terms of size. In addition, ancient calligraphers and painters have always liked to create sketches, while painters are keen on large-scale works. In fact, large works are generally used as decoration, while small works are more private or secret, so they often reflect the painter's personal experience and artistic value.