Four tones

[sì shēng]
Four classifications of tones in ancient chinese
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Four tones ancient Chinese Four categories of tones to indicate syllable changes, including Flat voice , Shangsheng the falling tone and the entering tone Pingsheng, Shangsheng and Qusheng Shusheng And the entering sound is the accelerating sound. Shusheng Rhyme tail In vowels or nasal consonant At the end, the accelerating rhyme ends with Stope ending. In addition to being a tone, the entering tone is a general name for a series of finals ending with stops. Modern Mandarin has lost its entering tone. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese has distinguished the yin and yang tones corresponding to the clear and turbid initial consonants on the basis of the four tones, forming eight tones, that is Four tones and eight tones [1]
Chinese name
Four tones
Four Kinds of Ancient Chinese tone
Southern History, The Biography of Lu Jue
sì shēng
Phonetic transcription
ㄙˋ ㄕㄥ


Four tones, referring to Ancient Chinese The four tones of the voice: flat, upward, downward and inward. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Emperor Liang Wu Once asked Zhou She what is "four tones", Zhou She replied that it is "ti  n) zi (z ǐ) sheng (sh è ng) zhe (zh é)"; These four words just represent the four different tones of "flat up into". According to the Japanese "Xitanzang" Volume V:“ Flat voice Straight low, light and heavy. The upper voice is straight, light and weightless. the falling tone Slightly lead, no light, no heavy. the entering tone Radial, no inside, no outside. Anger in peace is no different from heaviness. " modern Wu dialect In Shaoxing dialect and Minnan Of Chaozhou Dialect Distinguish between yin and yang tones. Yin tones correspond to voiceless tones and yang tones correspond to voiceless tones Dullness
In order not to confuse the order of the four different tones of "going up and entering", we can also think of the modified version of the four character formula that modern people must use to go out, "extend (sh ǒ u) hand (sh ǒ u) to (y à o) ji (j í)"="body( ID )Hand (mobile phone) key (key) Ji (Geely) ".

Explain in detail

[Name]: Sisheng
[Pinyin]: s ì sh ì ng
[Phonics]: ㄙㄕㄥ

Basic explanation

◎ Four tones
(1) [the four tones of classical Chinese phones] the falling tone the entering tone Four tones
(2) [the four tones of modern standard Chinese promotion]: China mandarin The intonation of the high and level tone the rising tone , Up tone, Down tone


(1) . Chinese phonetic tone. The tones of ancient Chinese characters are Flat voice , Shangsheng, Qusheng the entering tone Four, collectively called "four tones".
[Example]: Luo Changpei Introduction to Chinese Phonology 》: "The four tones of 'going up and entering' started at the moment of beam alignment."
(2). Modern Chinese mandarin Phonemic the high and level tone the rising tone , Shangsheng the falling tone Four tones are made by Ancient quartet It evolved.


If we want to know the four tones, we must first know how the tones are formed. So let's start with tone.


Tone, which is the characteristic of Chinese (and some other languages). Ancient Chinese There are also four tones, but they are not exactly the same type as Mandarin. The ancient four tones are:
(1) Flat sound. This tone is divided into Yin Ping and Yang Ping in offspring.
(2) On voice. Some of the tones become voiceless in future generations.
(3) Qusheng. This tone is still dead to future generations.
(4) Ru Sheng. This tone is a short tone.
Rusheng is still preserved in modern Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and other places. There are also many places in the north (such as Shanxi Inner Mongolia )The Ru Sheng is preserved. The Ru tone in Hunan is not short any more, but it also preserves the Ru tone Tune Ru tone has disappeared in most spoken languages in the north and southwest. Northerly Entering tone character Some become Yin Ping, some become Yang Ping, some become Shangsheng, and some become Qusheng. As far as Putonghua is concerned, the entering tone is the most frequently changed into the falling tone. The second is Yangping; The least of them become upper voices. Southwest dialect Most of the entering tone characters (from Hubei to Yunnan) have become Yangping; but Southwestern Mandarin Minjiang, Changhe, Lichuan and Qiannan Some points of the film, Kungui film and Cenjiang film still have independent entry tones, while most of the Minjiang film still has loose glottis glottal stop ending. Kangxi Dictionary 》There is a song rhyme in front of it, called "Fen Si Sheng Fa": Don't be low when the voice is flat, shout loudly and forcefully, go to the sound clearly sad and far away, enter the sound quickly and quickly. This kind of narration is not scientific enough, but it also gives us an idea of the ancient four tones.

adapt rhymes to match those of another poem

The relationship between four tones and rhyme is very close. stay Rhyme book Medium. Words with different tones cannot be regarded as homonymous. In poetry. Words with different tones generally cannot rhyme.
It is clear in the rhyme book what words belong to what tones. It is still preserved today the entering tone Of chinese In dialects, it is also quite clear that a word belongs to a certain sound. What we should pay special attention to is the situation of two pronunciations of one word. Sometimes, a word has two meanings (often different parts of speech), and also has two pronunciations. For example, the word "wei" is interpreted as "do" when it is used as a verb Flat voice the rising tone ); When used as a preposition, it is interpreted as "because", "for", read the falling tone In ancient Chinese, this kind of situation Modern Chinese Much more. Give some examples:
Ride, flat voice, verb, ride a horse; Qusheng, noun, mount.
Think, flat voice, verb, miss; Qusheng, nouns, thoughts, feelings.
Praise, flat voice, verb, praise; Qusheng, noun, reputation.
Dirty, flat voice, adjective, filthy; Qusheng, verb, dirty.
Number, Shangsheng, verb, calculation; Qusheng, noun, number, destiny; the entering tone (Read like Shuo), adjective, frequent.
Teach, listen. Noun, education, education; Flat voice, verb, make, let.
Order, the falling tone , noun, command; Flat voice , verb, make, let.
Forbidden, voiceless, noun, prohibition, palace ban; Flat voice, verb, can stand.
Kill, Ru Sheng, transitive verb , killing; De voiced (read like sun), intransitive verb , decline.


Some words were originally read Flat voice Later became the falling tone But the meaning and part of speech remain unchanged. "Look", "sigh" and "look" all belong to this category. The words "look" and "sigh" have already been read in Tang poetry, and the word "look" was often read in the flat tone (read like a magazine) until modern poetry. stay Modern Chinese The word "kan" is always pronounced out of tone, except for the "guard". There are also more complex situations: for example, when the word "guo" is used as a verb, it has two pronunciations, and when it is used as a noun, it has only one pronunciation.


The Relationship between the Four Tones of the Middle Ages and Putonghua
In Mandarin, the Middle Ages Dullness It is voiceless, so it is mediaeval voiceless Flat voice In Mandarin, it becomes the high and level tone (The first tone of Putonghua), the mediaeval voiced flat tone becomes the rising tone (the second tone of Putonghua), medieval aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates Shangsheng changes into Shangsheng (the third tone of Putonghua) in Putonghua. meanwhile the entering tone It disappears in Putonghua, and the mid ancient full voiced entering tone becomes Yangping (the second tone of Putonghua), and the mid ancient sub voiced entering tone becomes the last tone of Putonghua (the fourth tone of Putonghua).

Explain in detail

Proposition of the concept of four tones
Four tones may be Old Sinitic Already exists in, but as a concept Southern Dynasty Liang Of author of an epochmaking work in phonology The Book of Liang recorded that he wrote a book called "Four Tone Score" to discuss this issue; The same book also contains Emperor Wu of Liang Xiao Yan When asked what the four tones were, Zhou She replied, "The Son of Heaven is a sage." Later Sui Dynasty Written by Lu Fayan《 rhyme classification of characters 》, mark the four tones as "flat upward entry". In fact, "The Sage of the Son of Heaven" and "Ping Shangru" have different words and the same connotation: "Tian" and "Ping" are the same Flat voice "Zi" and "Shang" are the same voice, and "Sheng" and "Go" are the same voice the falling tone "Zhe" and "Ru" are the same the entering tone However, once Qieyun was published, it spread widely, and "Pingsheng", "Shangsheng", "Qusheng", and "Rusheng" became the general names of the four tones.
rhyme classification of characters 》It has been lost for a long time, but according to the Remnant copy And the book's Addendum Song rhyming dictionary 》You can see its outline. Press Rhyme The rhyme is arranged according to the sound, so《 rhyme classification of characters 》, can be divided into four parts: flat, upward, downward and inward. With reference to modern dialect materials, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion, Ancient Chinese There are four tones. As for the specific value adjustment, it is now difficult to determine. Modern scholars internationally known sinologist In the book "Four Voices and Three Questions", it is concluded that "flat, upward, and downward" are based on and imitate the three tones of the Buddhist scriptures read on the same day in China ". In particular, it should be pointed out that some scholars question whether ru tone should be classified as tone or a series of Stope (p, t, k) The general name of the ending vowel. Because only this kind of vowel sounds, relatively, with vowel or nasal consonant The final vowel only sounds flat, up and down. therefore Rhyme book Take plosives and nasal sounds of the same part to match to form a complete system. For example, the cold rhyme receives the nasal sound Rhyme tail There are only three tones (cold, dry, and Han), and the rhyme book is equipped with the same part of the entering voice and the horn rhyme, so that the four tones are complete.
The Evolution of Four Tones
Four tones have undergone tremendous changes in the development of Chinese, mainly including Yin and Yang, Quan Turbidity goes up , Ru Sheng disappears.
Divide Yin and Yang
Four tone basis initials (Initial consonant) is divided into two tones, one is yin, the other is yang. The Japanese "Xitanzang" in the Tang Dynasty in the s said: "At the end of the succession, the right mage came... The momentum was too strange, and each of the four tones had its own weight." It can be seen that the four tones had split up at that time. But the degree of differentiation varies in different modern dialects Cantonese Cantonese speech South Fujian The crane guy's words are flat to divide yin and yang, and the upper voice is indistinguishable. Urban area of Yimeizhou (including Meijiang District Meixian District Meicheng Hakka with accent Meizhou dialect It is equal to Yin and Yang, and not equal to Yang. mandarin Beijing dialect only Flat voice Divide Yin and Yang. Yantai dialect There is no distinction between yin and yang. Some dialects, such as Guangzhou dialect and Pinghua dialect, will the entering tone Further subdivision leads to such tones as high yin, low yin, high yang and low yang (in essence, no matter Cantonese, Pinghua hakka dialect still Minnan dialect In fact, the number of adjustments is often less than nominal Because some ru tones are the same as other tones, only Rhyme tail It's just different). lift Cantonese speech Take for example. Altar《 Song rhyming dictionary 》When the disciples cut, both the altar and the trunk were in the same tone. But Tanjin Reading the rising tone (Adjust | 11 |), do today's reading the high and level tone (Adjust the value | 55 |), which is the result of differentiation.
Total turbidity goes up
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates Sound refers to Ancient Chinese Turbidity in Stope , turbid Fricative , voiced affricate. The whole turbid upwardness refers to the uptone characters starting with these consonants, such as Dan and Dao, turning into the falling tone There are few exceptions in national dialects. This one Sound change According to the textual research, it also took place in the late Tang Dynasty.
Entering sound disappears
Some dialects, such as Cantonese Minnan Guest language Which completely preserved the ancient Chinese language the entering tone System. But for most dialects, Stop coda There were different degrees of shedding. The original p, t, k stops in medieval chinese Rhyme tail Some dialects, such as some sub dialects of Fujian and Hakka, merge into one or two, and some develop a glottal stop ending ʔ at the same time. Some are Wu dialect Jin Only the rhyme ending is reserved. Some are Hunan dialect The stop rhyme is completely dropped, and the entering tone only exists as a tone. Finally, in most Mandarin dialects, Ru tone has even been incorporated into other dialects Tune as Southwestern Mandarin The Ru Sheng of the rising tone Tune, North China Mandarin The entering tone of is assigned to the other three tones.
Take Putonghua as an example. House, Hog, B and Wu are all《 rhyme classification of characters Entering rhyme , but in Mandarin the high and level tone , Yangping, Shangsheng, Qusheng.
Dialects the entering tone The process of disappearance is not consistent, but on the whole, it is merging first, and then becoming glottal stop Later, the laryngeal plosives fell off and were finally incorporated into other tones. In the Central Plains, this process began in the Song Dynasty or earlier, and was completed by the Yuan Dynasty.
modern dialects Tone contrast
Comparison Table of Tones of Main Dialects
Dialect area
place name
Flat voice
the falling-rising tone
the falling tone
the entering tone
Tone number
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Flat 24
Shangsheng 213
Qusheng 42
Up tone, down tone
the falling tone
Yin Ping 55
Yangping 42
Shangsheng 213
Qusheng 21
the high and level tone
the falling tone
the rising tone
Yin Ping 55
Yangping 24
Shangsheng 42
Qusheng 31
the high and level tone
the rising tone
Yin Ping 31
Yangping 53
Shangsheng 442
Qusheng 13
the rising tone
Flat 24
Shangsheng 51
Qusheng 44
Flat voice
Yin Ping 45
Yangping 21
Shangsheng 52
Qusheng 213
the rising tone
Yin Ping 55
Yangping 21
Shangsheng 52
Qusheng 224
Entering sound 3
Yin Ping 31
Yangping 13
Shangsheng 212
Qusheng 44
Entering tone 5
Flat 11
Shangsheng 53
Qusheng 45
Yin 2
Yang in 54
Yin Ping 44
Yangping 24
Upper Yin 52
Yang Shang 31
Yin removal 412
Yang Go 31
Yin in 4
Yang in 23
Yin Ping 52
Yangqu 113
Yin removal 334
Yang went
Yin ingress 5
Yang in 23
Yin Ping 33
Yangping 13
Shangsheng 41
Yang went
Yin removal 55
Yang Qu21
Entering sound 24
Yin Ping 33
Yangping 13
Shangsheng 41
the falling tone
the rising tone
Yang went
Rusheng 45
short name for Jiangxi province
Yin Ping 42
Yin removal
Yangping 24
Shangsheng 213
Yang went
Yin removal 55
Yang Qu21
Yin ingress 5
Yang in 21
Yin Ping 44
Yangping 11
Upper voice 31
Qusheng 52
Yin ingress 21
Yang in 4
Yin Ping 44
Yangping 52
Upper voice 31
Yang went
Yin removal 213
Yangqu 242
Yin entry 23
Yang in 4
Xiamen, Taipei
Yin Ping 55
Yangping 24
Shangsheng 51
Yang went
Yin removal 21
Yang Qu33
Yin entry 32
Yang in 5
Yin Ping 33
Yangping 24
Upper Yin 44
Yang Shang 22
Yin removal 41
Yang Qu41
Yin ingress 5
Yang in 24
Yin Ping 33
Yangping 55
Supra Yin 53
Yang Shang 35
Yin removal 11
Yang Go 31
Yin 2
Yang in 5
the high and level tone
55 or 53
Yangping 21
Upper Yin 35
Yang Shang 13
Yin removal 33
Yang Qu22
High Yin 5
Low negative inlet (middle inlet) 3
Yang in 2
Yin Ping 41
Yangping 52
Upper Yin 33
Yang Shang 24
Yin removal 55
Yang Qu22
High Yin 5
Low negative inlet (middle inlet) 3
Gao Yangru 24
Low positive inlet 2
Dialect area
place name
Flat voice
the falling-rising tone
the falling tone
the entering tone
Tone number
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates
Secondary turbidity
aspirated voiced stops and voiced affricates