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Four first-class

To build the country into a powerful country in higher education, we need to make overall plans for first-class universities, first-class disciplines, first-class undergraduate courses and first-class majors
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Four first class, namely, the four first class in China's higher education, refers to the overall planning of the country to build a strong country in higher education First class university First class discipline First class undergraduate First class specialty [1]
Chinese name
Four first-class
Overall planning scope
whole country colleges and universities
Construction objectives
"Double First-Class" initiative
Training objectives
First class talents
build Higher Education To strengthen the country, we must do a good job“ Four first-class ”Overall planning of:
First class university Is the goal. First class university It is a symbol of China's hard power, soft power and smart power, which is necessary for national development First class university Support and guidance.
First class undergraduate Is fundamental. No, First class undergraduate , Construction First class university It is self entertainment.
First class specialty Is the foundation. First class specialty yes First class talents The basic unit of cultivation. Only by integrating the curriculum, teachers, teaching, students and teaching methods and technologies on this professional platform, can we build a solid professional First class undergraduate Well run and cultivate First class talents Only then can we achieve our goal. [1]