
Chinese characters
zero Useful+1
Qi, Chinese first level character [4] , pronounced qi, originally means appliance. It generally refers to appliances, and also refers to attention; can.
Chinese name
Zheng Ma
External strokes
Total strokes
Phonetic transcription
five thousand six hundred and sixty-eight
Order number
two thousand five hundred and twelve trillion and five hundred and eleven billion three hundred and forty-four million two hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and fifty-one
Stroke order reading and writing
Vertical fold, horizontal fold, horizontal fold, horizontal fold, horizontal fold, vertical fold
Decomposition of beginning and end of Chinese characters
Mouth dog
Chinese Character Component Decomposition
The mouth of a dog

Etymological evolution

Q ì Xiniu, Quality Department; Xiniu, Zhiyun, Qujiqie. [1]
Tacit words. The four "mouths" represent the mouths of various objects, and the "dogs" guard them in case of loss. The original meaning is "appliance". Duan Yucai was right when he said that "objects are all objects". Utensils of different texture and different purposes can be called "utensils", such as "wood ware", "gold ware"“ Pottery ”, "food utensil", "wine utensil", "weapon", etc. The original meaning of "Qi" has been used up to now, and the ancient and modern writing methods have not changed much. As a variant, "utensil" can be found in Yupian · 㗊 Department. [1]

Detailed interpretation

Part of speech
English translation
example sentence
illustrative word
knowing. From the dog. "Shuowen": "The mouth of the elephant is guarded by the dog." There are many objects, and the dog is used to guard them. Original meaning: appliance
Utensils and dishes—— Shuowen. Paragraph note: "Qi is a general term for all Qi."
The world's artifact—— Laozi
The shape is called an implement—— Yi · Tie Ci
The periphery is the tool—— Book of the Zhou Dynasty - Treasure Book
Its tribute implements—— Zhou Li, Great Pedestrian
Ice and charcoal are different—— Han Feizi, Xianxue
As a food utensil. Cut down trees and get rich—— Han Feizi, Ten Passes
It is a guard—— Mozi Public Input
Xiao Yu's evil weapons—— Tang · Han Yu, Collection of Mr. Changli from Zhu Wen Public School
The pot tilts—— "Yu Chuxin Zhi, Preface to Autumn Poems"
Do your best—— Qing Dynasty, Zhou Rong, Biography of Taro Old Man
Utensil tribute (the instrument of the temple. One of the nine tribute); The utensil cart (utensil refers to silver urn and Dan steamer, etc., and the cart refers to mountain cart, etc. They all appeared in the peaceful and prosperous times, so they symbolize auspicious omen); Small vessel (narrow container); Appliance
Generally refers to appliances
Silverware; Tin ware; Lacquer ware; Jade article; Straight tools (carpenter's curved ruler); Toy; Weapon guard
Organelle; genitals; Urinary apparatus
Measurement; mind
Instrumental knowledge (degree and insight); Small tools (narrow tools); Instrumental conduct; Instrument (bosom; measurement); Instrument (referring to people's mind and measurement)
It is a tool of the temple—— Liu Ji, Ming Dynasty, "Words of those who sell oranges"
Instrument energy (instrument capacity); Equipment division (qualification and talent of personnel); Chi Chi (talent and ambition); Talent
Late bloomers—— Laozi
First autonomy and then governing people is called a great tool—— Fayan - Prophet
think highly o
The First Master of the Art -- The Three Kingdoms · Biography of Zhuge Liang
The imperial court implements—— The Book of the Later Han Dynasty
Qi Ren (attach importance to appointment); To treat with utensils (that is, to treat with respect and courtesy); Love of tools (value and care); Encounter with tools
(Reference: [2]

Interpretation of Ancient Books


Kangxi Dictionary

[Ancient Chinese] 𡄛𡄛𡄛𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, 𡄛, ㌴. Shuowen is the mouth of many tools, so the dog guards it. Guangyun utensils. The shape of Yi · Xici is the tool. "Note" shaped the instrument. Shu Shun Dian is like five weapons. The "Zhu" device is called Guibi.
also The Rite · King System diagnoses the deaf, lame, broken, dwarf, and hundred workers, each with its own food. "Note" device, can also. The Analects of Confucius and its envoys are also implements. "Shu" is a book about talents and officials.
also The tools of Guan Zhong in The Analects of Confucius are small. "Note" says that its measurement is small.
also Last name. See Surname Yuan.
also Ye deceives me till I die, and I beg for help. Cao Zhi, Three Tripod Praise of the Yellow Emperor, the tripod is of excellent quality and is an ancient artifact. The Yellow Emperor was cast to resemble Taiyi. "Ji Yun" or "Yi". Yu Pian is a popular work. [2]

The exegesis of classics

Evolution of qi characters
~Synthetic also [Laozi] The World's God of Artifacts Note ○ Forming Date~[Yi Xici Upload] Form is called~Note ○ Inner Cheng Date~[Historical Records of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty]~Weapon Yiliang Justice [Law Book] It attaches great importance to justice in weapons ○ Inner Sheng Date~[Later Han Dynasty Gongsun Commentary Note] ○ Ritual God Date~[Zhou Ritual Ritual Ritual Ritual Ritual Ritual Ritual Ritual] Zhang Yurui~Collection Note ○~Gong Zong Temple~[Zhou Ritual Master] On the third day, the Gong Si Nong annotation is called Gui Bi [Shu Shun Dian], such as the Wu Chuan ○ Wu Zun Yi's family [Zhou Li Da Pedestrian], whose tribute is called Wu Nung annotation ○ Wu Li Yue, and the military armor is called [The Book of Rites], different is called Wu Nung annotation ○ Wu Li Yue, and the military armor is called Jia Bing, [The Later Han Dynasty Lu Gong Commentary] ○ Che Fu is called Che Fu, [The Later Han Dynasty came to Sheh Commentary], [Zheng Xing Commentary] ○ Che Fu is called Che Fu, [The Later Han Dynasty Zhang Gang Commentary] Xun Shuang's Commentary on the Benefits of the Tu Xing in the World -- Also [Xinxu Miscellaneous 5] -- Tribute silver, iron, stone, chime, Dan paint, also [Zhou Li Dazhai], three days -- Tribute note -- Use -- Service -- Also [Etiquette and Rite on the eve] hide -- In the margin note -- Call the clothes play belong to [Wenxuan prison written from the Ming Dynasty], and for Wancheng -- Note -- About the use of ritual music, good or bad, cars and clothes [Zhou Li Si Yue] The second order of governance is the annotation of things And it is also [Huainan Original Way] that the things that the gods of the world pay attention to are also [the Analects of Confucius are the government] that the gentleman does not pay attention to the emperor and can also [the King System of the Book of Rites] pay attention to their food respectively [the Analects of Confucius] and make people pay attention to the emperor and can also pay attention to the world's benefits [Chuang Tzu's suitcase] that the saints pay attention to Wash up and don't recommend Yu Zhu [look], the pot of saying after Yu Zhu [elephant below], a gentleman made a success by fighting against the army~Yu Zhu [verse upload], a gentleman's~also Yu Zhu~thought that the world would benefit Yu Zhu [verse below], the archer~also Yu Zhu was aware of the situation~Yu Zhu, a gentleman hid~Yu Zhu in the body ○ shape is called~[Yi Xici upload] ○ can be held and used to say~[Chuang Tzu's suitcase] The sage is the benefit of the world [3]