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Jiaying Mansion

Administrative divisions during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty
Jiaying Mansion Most areas of Meizhou were called Jiaying Prefecture from 1733 to 1911. In the 12th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1807) jiaying It is Jiaying Mansion. In the 17th year of Jiaqing, it was restored to Jiaying Prefecture, still leading Xingning, Changle, Pingyuan and Zhenping counties. In the third year of Xuantong (1911), Jiaying Prefecture was renamed Meizhou In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), the state government system was abolished and Meizhou was renamed Meixian County. In January 1988, Guangdong implemented the system of city governing the county. Meixian District was changed into Meizhou City, which governs the former 7 Xingmei County and the newly designated Meijiang District, a total of 7 counties and 1 district; In June 1994, Xingning County was changed from a county to a city (county level).
In October 2013, with the approval of the State Council, Meixian County of Meizhou City was removed from the county into a district, and Meixian District of Meizhou City was established. Meizhou has jurisdiction over Meijiang District, Meixian District, Pingyuan County, Jiaoling County, Dapu County, Fengshun County and Wuhua County, and is in charge of Xingning City (county-level), including 2 districts, 1 city and 5 counties. [1]
Jiaying Mansion Government administration Meicheng It is the political, economic and cultural center of the northeast of Guangdong Province. [9-10] [12]
Chinese name
Jiaying Mansion
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Northeast Guangdong
Area under jurisdiction
this Meijiang District Meixian District Wuhua Xingning Pingyuan Jiaoling
Jiaying dialect( Meizhou dialect
Government administration
Meicheng (Today's Meijiang District) [2]
Set time
clear Jiaqing Twelve years (1807)
Current name

brief introduction

In the 12th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1807), Jiaying Prefecture was upgraded to Jiaying Mansion collar Cheng Xiang (now Meijiang District and Meixian District of Meizhou City) Xingning , Changle (today Wuhua County ), Pingyuan, Zhenping (today Jiaoling County )Five counties. In the 17th year of Jiaqing, it was restored to Jiaying Prefecture.
Meizhou Most areas were called Jiaying Prefecture from 1733 to 1911“ Jiaying ”The word has long been branded in the hearts of Meizhou Hakka people and has become a link between home and abroad Hakka people An important link of.

The whole story of Jiaying Prefecture's founding

In the 11th year of Yongzheng era (1733 AD), Kou was still alive with his frequency conversion. In the case of chaos, Meizhou's development has not stopped. The society is progressing and the population is increasing. Due to the "narrow land with dense population and insufficient rice and grain" in western Fujian, Hakka ancestors They moved eastward to Guangdong one after another. The "border moving order" caused the coastal population to squeeze inland, and Meizhou was like a funnel to accept the people coming from all directions. Tan Yuanheng《 Kedu Meizhou 》China said that Meizhou had a population of one million in the early Qing Dynasty. However, frequent bandit changes have destroyed decades of construction achievements and thousands of years of material and cultural accumulation. It is extremely urgent to strengthen the ruling force and establish the state level local organizational system.
Omida , Manchuria Zhengbai Banner People. Agency in the 10th year of Yongzheng (1732) Governor of Guangdong He took office two years later and was the 20th Governor of Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty. He has worked hard for several years and is praised by the world. The turbulent situation in eastern Guangdong for a long time also affected his nerves from time to time. After full investigation and demonstration, on July 8, he officially launched his own plan for the adjustment of administrative divisions. This plan is the "Commentary on Relocating State Herdsmen to Guerrilla and Other Matters". Together with the four commentaries submitted later, five memorials constitute the new state's demonstration and planning and construction plan.
On the necessity of statehood. He said in his report: Huizhou Prefecture Xingning County and Changle County under its jurisdiction, and Chaozhou Prefecture The three counties of Chengxiang, Pingyuan and Zhenping "are far away from the government to manage poverty. The governor is out of reach." It is absolutely necessary to separate these five counties from the original areas and form a new state. As for the place where the state government is located, Chengxiang should be the first choice, because it was the place where the state government was located long ago, and the situation was "moderately located".
On the establishment of security forces. He suggested the establishment of a guerrilla department (similar to today's public security bureau) under the management of Chaozhou Town. He said:“ Chengxiang County , located in Chongyao and garrisoned in Chengxun, without any military officers, please move one of the guerrillas from Chaozhou Zhenbiao Left Camp to Xinzhou. " The number of troops should be increased by 100 on the basis of 221 of the original garrison, "for defense". As for Xingning Camp Dusi He thought that the management power of (the police station) should be transferred to Chaozhou. "Xingning, which belongs to Huizhou Association, is far away from the Association, and it seems difficult to give consideration to it. It should also be under the jurisdiction of Chaozhou Town, along with Pingying and Zhenying."
About the cultural and educational scientific examination. Report on Cheng Xiang Of style He was full of praise. He said, "Chengxiang is a county, which is covered by moral education during the Holy Emperor's reign. The style of writing is extremely prosperous. Every branch of the township will be connected to the province in a Chinese way, which is rare in other places." But every year, "only 15 students are recruited from the Suike", which is not commensurate with its cultural strength. He suggested that after the state change, the number of places should be increased to 20, "ruling by light and culture".
About personnel and state name. He asked chief of a prefecture The seal of Xuezheng was engraved by the Ministry of Officials as soon as possible. As for the treatment of officials, he believed that "Chengxiang County was originally listed as a medium shortage, but now it is Zhili Prefecture, which governs four counties, namely Xing County, Chang County, Ping County and Zhen County. The affairs are very complicated and should be listed as a shortage." With the heavy burden and pressure, public servants should enjoy the higher treatment of "shortage". He suggested that the name of the new state should be "Jiaying".
The name comes from "Jiaying Bridge". It is said that in the early years of Shaoxing, when the Song Dynasty crossed south, facing the broken mountains and rivers, the people of Jin Dynasty pursued them relentlessly, Zhao Gou suffer unspeakably. Suddenly heard of Meizhou Confucian Temple Born Zhi, Lun Heng said: "The morale and the reason are born Zhi." "Harmony" for the displaced Southern Song Dynasty What a precious dynasty, what a wonderful omen! When Gao Zong was moved, he did not forget to ask the historiographer to record it. Ayden In order to commemorate this event, the state named the small bridge built in the east of the city "Jiaying". The good intention of Emida's use of this name is that he would like to bring a auspicious omen I believe the emperor will also be happy with the harmonious situation.
This scheme is well demonstrated, well designed, well considered and practical. It is only a matter of time before it is approved by the superior.
In the 11th year of Yongzheng's reign, the preparation plan for the new administrative region submitted by the Chief Secretary of Guangdong finally arrived yongzheng emperor On his desk, the diligent emperor personally reviewed all the contents of the report, and he circled it on March 14 Zhu Pi , and oblige cabinet Hold a meeting to discuss. On March 16, the members of the cabinet followed the order and the meeting, and the participants decided to approve the application, naming the state "Jiaying". This day marks Jiaying Zhili Prefecture The birth of.
After some preparation, a grand celebration of the founding of Xinzhou was held in the east campus outside the city. The representative of the central government read about the emperor who approved the establishment of Xinzhou Oracles The representative of the provincial government issued a letter of appointment to the first magistrate, Wang Yuanshu. The parade performance of the newly formed urban defense forces was reviewed on the spot. Later, all participants went to the altar to worship the god of state and pray produce good harvests the wind and rain come in their time Go to the City God Temple to worship the god of the city and pray for local peace and business travel; He went to the Confucius Temple to worship the sage of Confucius and pray for the happiness of the people and the prosperity of culture and education.
Hakka people who have left their hometown in the Central Plains for a long time finally join the embrace of Meijiang, their mother river. Rivers have always been regarded as ancient "expressways". Look around Jiaying, take Meicheng as the center, and the "five genera" are all connected Meijiang Four corners in the domain, clockwise Qinjiang River Ningjiang Cheng Jiang Shikuhe River Songyuan River , no matter which direction you start from, you can take a boat to get there in one or two days town within a state Along this route, the people of Changle and Xingning will not have to cross the mountains to Huizhou, and the people of Pingyuan, Zhenping and Chengxiang will not have to go to Chaozhou on the dangerous beaches.
The establishment of Jiaying Prefecture created a region that became more than 420 prefectures in the country at that time( Zhili Prefecture Sanzhou )One is to become an area that has always occupied an important position in the political territory of Guangdong, the embryonic form of the administrative region of Meizhou City in the contemporary era, and a region with a thriving culture. With the deepening of the sense of belonging and identity of Jiaying, Hakka people The centripetal force and cohesion of Fengshun County and Dapu County have been continuously strengthened, and the alliance of Fengshun County and Dapu County is the inevitable result of this force. [3] [11]


"Jiaying" means auspicious, also referring to the Southern Dragon God
According to the investigation, the word "Jiaying" is a sign of good fortune, and the idiom "Do not levy Jiaying" is used; Signs: signs; Jia: Meishan; Should: Return. Meaning: auspicious omen, beautiful return. The Book of the Han Dynasty - Praise of Emperor Ping: "Xiu Zheng Jiaying , sing and write ". The second is the honorific title of the Red Dragon God Jiaying King. According to the records of Chunxi Sanshan Annals, the Northern Song Dynasty imperial court conferred the title of the Dragon King in the World Dragon King Temple to honor the title of the Dragon King, with a unified title: "The Green Dragon God granted the title of King Guangren, the Red Dragon God granted the title of King Jiaying, the Yellow Dragon God granted the title of King Fuhui, the White Dragon God granted the title of King Yiji, and the Black Dragon God granted the title of King Lingze.". The traditional five elements of King Jiaying are the main part of the south.
In the third year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty (1109), "Five Dragons" was proclaimed to the whole country, and the custom of worshipping the Five Dragons in Hakka may have originated here. History of the Song Dynasty 》In the sixth year of Zhenghe (1116), "dead trees grow branches in Meizhou"; In the 16th year of Shaoxing (1146), "Confucius Temple in Meizhou gave birth to Zhi". According to the time, during Chunxi (1174-1189), Meizhou Cultural Park The name of Neijiaying Bridge may indicate auspicious omen or dragon god.
Emperor Yongzheng had a special liking for the word "Jiaying"
Before the establishment of the "Jiaying" prefecture, the evolution of Meizhou was roughly as follows: Chengxiang County set up in the Southern Qi Dynasty was upgraded to Jingzhou in the third year of Qianhe in the Southern Han Dynasty (945), and Jingzhou was changed to Jingzhou in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Song Dynasty (971) Meizhou In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), Meizhou was abolished and Chengxiang County was restored to Chaozhou Prefecture in Guangdong. According to the Imperial Decree of Yongzheng Zhu Pei, on March 19, the 10th year of Yongzheng (1732), the governor Emida Zuoshengcheng Township was a Zhili Prefecture, governing the four counties of Xingning, Changle, Pingyuan and Zhenping. It was noted that Chengxiang was originally a "Meizhou", but did not dare to make decisions without authorization, "respectfully asking the emperor to appoint a good name", but Yongzheng was moved to "Jiaying", and in the 11th year of Yongzheng (1733), it was officially designated as "Jiaying Prefecture" Until 1911, it was renamed Meizhou by the Revolutionary Party.
Yongzheng really liked the word "Jiaying". Kangxi During the expedition to Gardan, Yongzheng once held the Zhenghong Banner Camp, and the flag of Zhenghong Banner happened to be the Red Dragon Banner. Since he had been ordered to build the Yellow River levee in Wuzhi, Henan Province, and personally experienced the damage caused by the Yellow River flood, Yongzheng immediately started to build the most expensive, highest standard, and most magnificent Dragon King Temple in history here -“ Jia Yingguan ”。 Emperor Yongzheng granted the imperial plaque "Jiayingguan", apparently to protect it with the power of King Jiaying, the red dragon god the country is prosperous and the people are at peace the wind and rain come in their time Political stability. "Jiayingguan" guards the Huaihe and Huanghe rivers in the Central Plains. If another "Jiaying Prefecture" is set up to stabilize the south, it is just in line with Yongzheng's "sacred meaning".
Therefore, the highest official of Guangdong, Emida Zuoshengcheng Township, is located in Zhili Prefecture and "respectfully invites the emperor to appoint a good name". "Sacred meaning" should be the key whether his subordinates speculate about catering or Yongzheng chooses a name personally. Moreover, at that time, the Chaohui prefectures in eastern Guangdong were "out of reach" to Meidi, so they urgently needed to re-establish state governance to strengthen management, and also needed to use the "Red Dragon God" to help the people.
At that time, Jiahe appeared in eastern Guangdong and gave birth to the name
Jiahe is a strange growing grain, such as double ear grain, which is a sign of good luck. The Sun's Reign Painting said: "Jiahe is the best grain and the best virtue". "Ritual Fight and Magnificence" said: "If the government is promoted to peace, then fine grain and fine grain will coexist".
According to Yongzheng Zhu Pei Yu Zhi, Guangdong Frontier sealed officials Attach importance to the development and governance of eastern Guangdong. Seven years after Yongzheng's reign, he reported the successive rice and wheat harvests in eastern Guangdong, and Qiqijiahe appeared frequently. Yongzheng was really pleased with the appearance of the dragon after he saw it. The idiom of "stop attacking Jiaying" was frequently used, and the emperor and his officials encouraged each other. "Jiahe" was the direct reason for the name of Jiaying Prefecture.
On the third day of March in the seventh year of Yongzheng, Guangdong Chief Executive Wang Shijun The emperor's virtue touched the world. In February and March, when there was no supply, "the price of rice in eastern Guangdong was reduced, and wheat was abundant". "Huichao Prefecture grows the most wheat, which is more prosperous". Yongzheng Zhu Pei: You "earth guarding officials" are really just, loyal, scrupulous and diligent in government affairs, and have been touched by God's blessing Jiaying Also "! The term "Jiaying" has been highlighted. According to the Guangdong General Annals Volume VII, in the winter and October of the eighth year of Yongzheng's reign, Chaozhou Prefecture Magistrate declared: "The products of Chengxiang County, Chaozhou Prefecture ear full of grains Four or five ears of one stem make up an acre of land ".
Acting as the governor of Guangdong on the 10th day of September in the 10th year of Yongzheng's reign Yang Yongbin From July to the end of August in eastern Guangdong, "the rain is more smooth, and the late rice and grass are more prosperous", and there is a "one stem to more than 20 ears" of Jiahe. Yang Yongbin did not forget to feel the holy grace, saying that it was because "the emperor respects the sky and works hard for the people, and pays attention to agricultural affairs" that he was able to "cease the levy" (a good sign). Yongzheng Zhu's criticism was modest and encouraged him to urge him again: this is all because your officials are "loyal to their duties and have the sense of heaven's harmony", which has nothing to do with me. God's praise and criticism of you is my praise and criticism. You should be more alert when you are excited when facing the "Xiuzheng" Jiaying.
In November of the 10th year of Yongzheng's reign, Yang Yongbin once again played the tune of the east wind in Guangdong to make the rain smooth. "Jiagu Fanchang makes the people happy." The late rice harvest was excellent, and the price of rice everywhere was only "from five yuan to eight yuan zero". The Valley of Ruixiang sent by counties "ranges from one stem with two ears to seven ears, one book from two ears to one hundred and twenty-nine ears, from four to five feet and from one foot to one foot". Yongzheng was overjoyed. Zhu Piao said, "I can't help but add more with my hands"! Can't help but rejoice. Therefore, "Jiahe" is the direct reason for the name of Jiaying Prefecture.
The Imperial Decree of Yongzheng Zhu Pei shows that the real use of the name of Jiaying Prefecture was in the middle of November in the eleventh year of Yongzheng (1733). According to the Annals of the State, "On March 14, the 11th year of Yongzheng Reign, on the 16th of this month (the Military Aircraft Department), the state was officially named 'Jiaying'". [4]

History of Meizhou City

Public Records 》According to the Northern Song Dynasty, "In the spring and autumn of Meizhou Qimin The Warring States Period belongs to Vietnam, Qin belongs to the South China Sea, and Han belongs to South Vietnam.
Setting in the Southern Qi Dynasty Chengxiang County , Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Southern Han Dynasty Dry harmony In the third year (945), the second year of the late Jin Dynasty, Cheng Xiang was promoted to Jingzhou , Lingcheng Township and County. This is Meizhou State governance Start of establishment.
Northern Song Dynasty shake out dice Four years (971) for avoiding Song Taizu's grandfather Zhao Jing The taboo was changed from Jingzhou to Meizhou. Meizhou ”The name of begins here.
Northern Song Dynasty Xining In 1073, Meizhou was abandoned and replaced as Chengxiang County, which was subordinate to Chaozhou.
Northern Song Dynasty Yuanfeng In the fifth year (1082), Meizhou, Lingcheng Township, belonged to Guangnan East Road.
Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing In the sixth year (1136), Meizhou was abandoned and Chengxiang County was established again, which was subordinate to Chaozhou.
In the 14th year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty, Meizhou was restored, still leading Chengxiang County Guangnan East Road
In the 16th year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1279), Meizhou was upgraded to the Meizhou Road General Administration Office, 23rd year of Zhiyuan , reduced to Meizhou, Lingcheng Township County Jiangxi and other offices in the province Guangdong Dao Xuan Wei Shi Si.
In the first year of Yuanzhen (1295), Meizhou belonged to Chaozhou Road, Yanyou In the fifth year (1318), the Department of Propaganda and Comfort of Zhili Guangdong Road was changed.
bright The second year of Hongwu (1369), the abandoned Meizhou was restored to Chengxiang County, which is the capital of Guangdong Chief Executive Sichaozhou.
clear Yongzheng In the eleventh year (1733), Cheng Township was upgraded to Zhili jiaying The four counties under the leadership of Xingning, Changle, Pingyuan and Zhenping, plus Chengxiang County, which is under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, are called "Jiaying Five Subordinates".
Jiaqing In the 12th year (1807), Jiaying Prefecture was upgraded to Jiaying Mansion
In the 17th year of Jiaqing, it was restored to Jiaying Prefecture, still leading Xingning, Changle, Pingyuan and Zhenping counties.
Xuantong In 1911, Jiaying Prefecture was renamed Meizhou.
In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), the state government system was abolished and Meizhou was renamed Meixian County.
Established in October 1949 after the founding of the People's Republic of China Xingmei District
On January 26, 1950, the Office of Xingmei Administrative Supervision Commissioner was set up, which governs seven counties, namely, Meixian, Xingning, Wuhua, Dapu, Fengshun, Jiaoling and Pingyuan;
At the end of 1952, Xingmei District was abolished and 7 counties in Xingmei County were changed into administrative units East Guangdong Administrative Region
In February 1956, the administrative region of eastern Guangdong was divided into Huiyang District Shantou area, Xingmei 7 counties belong to Shantou area;
Established in July 1965 Meixian District The former 7 counties of Xingmei County were divided from Shantou District and belonged to Meixian District, which was later changed to Meixian District
In March 1979, Meizhou Town, formerly under the jurisdiction of Meixian County, was upgraded from a district level to a county level, called Meizhou City. Meixian County governs 7 counties and 1 city;
In June 1983, Meizhou City and Meixian County were merged and changed into Meixian City. Meixian District was changed from 7 counties and 1 city to 6 counties and 1 city;
Implemented in Guangdong in January 1988 City governing county system Meixian District was changed into Meizhou City, which governs 7 counties and 1 district in total;
Xingning County, June 1994 Remove the county into a city (County level), Meizhou governs 6 counties, 1 city and 1 district.
In October 2013, with the approval of the State Council, Meixian County in Meizhou City was removed from the county to a district. Since then, Meixian County has ended its governance and established Meixian District in Meizhou City. Meizhou has jurisdiction over Meijiang District, Meixian District, Pingyuan County, Jiaoling County, Dapu County, Fengshun County and Wuhua County, and is in charge of Xingning City (county-level), including 2 districts, 1 city and 5 counties. [5] [8]

Regionalization change

Before the Qing Dynasty, the administrative divisions of each county in Meizhou were different. Chengxiang County was called Xiang and Li in the Tang Dynasty. The whole county is divided into six townships, namely Huairen, Guangde, Fengshun, Fengfu, Wan'an and Taiping. Song Xining changed from village to town, from Li to capital, and from Li to Bao. The capital of Yuanfeng was abandoned, and the town was restored after protection. In the Yuan Dynasty, the village was changed into the capital and the map was drawn. There was no examination of the number of villages and capitals in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. In the Ming Dynasty, Xiang and Du systems were set up, with Guo (the city within the city) as Xiang, Yeju (the countryside outside the city) as the capital, Xiang and Du below as pictures, and Li below as pictures. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Chengxiang had three compartments and nine capitals, with 19 maps and 190 li under its jurisdiction Pingyuan County At that time, three and four maps of Yihua, Changtian and Grottoes were drawn Zhenping County Then draw the second picture of Matsuyama and the second picture of Tortoise Pulp. Set Fengshun County At that time, the third map of Wan'an and the fifth mile (namely, the three fortresses of Wan'an Capital, Huanqing and Jianqiao) were drawn [6] )By Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, there were still three compartments, six capitals, 13 pictures and 139 li in the whole county. Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty changed its name to Bao, Jia, Yue (some were also called "She, Zhu, Gong, and Cun"). Jiaying's original ownership (Chengxiang County) was divided into 36 fortresses, and it had 224 Yue, Jia, and Yue under its jurisdiction.
Xingning County was divided into four sections in the southeast and northwest in the Ming Dynasty, with 171 villages under its jurisdiction. In the Qing Dynasty, there were still four compartments, but the village was changed into a fort, with a total of 154 castles.
When Wuhua County set up Changle County in the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Xining of the Song Dynasty, there were Xiang and Du. The whole county is divided into 52 townships, including 1 township, 3 prefectures (i.e. Qinghua, Puxi, Qinjiang), 9 plots (Qinghua 3, Puxi 2, Qinjiang 4). In the third year of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty (1569), it was divided into two sections: the south and the north, three of which remained the same, and the following sections were divided into 10 pictures and 37 townships. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the two carriages and three carriages were still set up, but the lower part of the two carriages and three carriages was changed to the fourth floor and about 24, which governs 496 villages.
In the 36th year of Jiajing's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1557), Dapu County was established as a capital and a commune, with two capitals, Qingyuan and Luanzhou, and 32 communes under each. In the ninth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1744), the society was changed into three societies and 17 societies. Society A was an independent unit, not subordinate to each other.
From the early days of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty to the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Pingyuan County set up cities, towns and villages. The whole county set up 4 cities and 19 towns. In the 17th year of Shunzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1660), Pingyuan County was changed into a township, city and fortress, with 2 townships, 4 cities and 15 fortresses. In the 23rd year of Kangxi's reign (1684), the capital and fortress were abolished, and 15 townships were established. In the 25th year of Jiaqing's reign (1820), Pingyuan County was changed into 4 cities, 15 townships and 195 villages.
In the sixth year of Chongzhen's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1633), Jiaoling County was set up in Zhenping County as the second picture of tortoise pulp, the second picture of Songyuan, the first picture of grottoes in Pingyuan County, and the second picture of grottoes in Jiecheng Township. After the establishment of the county, the county is divided into townships and communes, with 12 townships and 84 communes in the whole county. The Ming system was followed in the Qing Dynasty, and the number of villages and communities was the same as that in the Ming Dynasty.
The administrative divisions of counties in the Qing Dynasty are as follows
Chengxiang County Fen 36 Fort: West Street, East Street, West Wing, East Wing, Shuinan, Baitu, Luoyi, Longwen (formerly Longgang), Dali, Xiaoli, Lantan, Chaihuang, Shekeng (now Yujiang Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Fugui (now Chengjiang Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Changtan, Nankou (now Nankou Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Jinping (formerly Xiaozha), Hetian, Sidu, Yaoshang Shikeng (today's Shikeng Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City, under its original name), Likeng, Daping (today's Daping Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Shishan (today's Shishan Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Xiyang (today's Xiyang Town, Meijiang District, Meizhou City, formerly known as Sichang), Bingcun (today's Bingcun Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City, formerly known as Jinzhou), Jinpan (today's Chengdong Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City) Yanyang (today's Yanyang Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Songkou (today's Songkou Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Dazhu, Meiping (formerly the lower half of the picture), Songshan, Longwen (today's Longwen Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City, formerly Longya), Yaotang, Taoyuan (today's Taoyao Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City), Songyuan (today's Songyuan Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City).
Xingning County There are four compartments in the east, south, west and north. The east chamber governs 35 fortresses, the south chamber 36 fortresses, the west chamber 42 fortresses, and the north chamber 41 fortresses, totaling 154 fortresses.
Wuhua County There are two south and north wings, three Qinghua, Xiexi and Qinjiang, four floors in the east, south, west and north, and 496 villages under its jurisdiction.
Dapu County In the ninth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1744), Qingyuan and Luanzhou were set up as two capitals, under which there were three communities, namely Tongren, Hema and Sanhe. Lansha, Guyuan, Baihou, Baizhai, Yanshang, Yuangao, Dachan, Changfu, Shishang, Zaicheng, Yongxing, Weixin, Baoan, Daning, Changzhi, Yongqing, Pingsha, and 17 villages were set up.
Fengshun County At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were four cities, namely Fengzheng, Lantian, Wan'an and Qingyuan, under which there were seven maps, namely Fengyi, Fenger, Fengsan, Lanjiu, Lanshi, Wansan and Fufeng, and under which there were 38 villages, communities and castles. [7]