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A chemical sensory organ located on the lateral side of the comb and gill near the entrance of the mantle of aquatic mollusks (below the visceral ganglion)
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The olfactory detector is a chemical sensory organ located on the lateral side of the comb and gill near the entrance of the mantle (below the visceral ganglion) of aquatic mollusks.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Pectinate gill
Near the entrance of the mantle of aquatic mollusks
There are two chemical sensory organs for those with two comb gills, and only one chemical sensory organ for those with one comb gill. It is a kind of fold or depression of sensory epithelium, and there are many leaflike parts on the left and right sides of the central prismatic part of the gill of some axopods. Because of the similarity with the structure of the comb gill, it is called the parabranc hia