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Directional, narrow, collimated, high-speed material flow ejected from near celestial bodies
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Jet is a directional, narrow, collimated, high-speed material flow ejected from near the celestial body. Accompanied by accretion process, they are twinned in different levels of celestial systems. Common in a quasar , radio galaxies, micro quasars and young stars (protostars and pre main sequence stars).
Chinese name
Foreign name
Jet Stream

brief introduction

The jet in the quasar is the most spectacular. Its scale can reach millions of light years, and it can keep collimation on such a large scale, and keep the jet direction unchanged for millions of years. The speed can be very close to the speed of light, so that if the jet direction and the line of sight direction are exactly close, it is possible to observe Superluminal motion That is, some components of the jet seem to have moved outward several times faster than the speed of light.

Research progress

First, people saw optical jets in M87, 3C273 and other individual galaxies. However, in the late 1970s, VLA clearly showed the slender material strip (i.e. jet) between the radio lobe and the parent galaxy in the radio galaxy, which attracted people's attention. With the development of technology, more and more jets have been found, and people have also found that they have a variety of forms, and the existence of jets has been detected in the infrared and X-ray bands.