zero Useful+1


The first educational brand declared by enterprises in China
"Shanxiao" is the first educational brand declared by an enterprise in China Shandong Electric Power Corporation Zibo Power Supply Company was initiated and registered with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in October 2005.
Chinese name
Creation time
October 2005
Zibo Power Supply Company

Activity introduction

The name is taken from the word "good and small" in the old saying "Don't do nothing for good and don't do anything for evil". The only condition for becoming a "good and small" volunteer is "voluntary and voluntary to do meaningful things for others".
The "good small" activity advocates that everyone should strive to do even the smallest thing as long as they are good, and achieve great good through small good, and ultimately achieve harmony between the enterprise and society.
June 2002 Zibo Power Supply Company The issuance of the Notice on Carrying out "Small and Good" Activities marked the official start of "small and good" activities.
In October 2005, "Shanxiao" was registered with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, becoming the first educational brand declared by an enterprise in China. [1]

Origin of activity

At the beginning of the 21st century, the CPC Central Committee issued and implemented《 Implementation Outline of Civic Ethics Construction 》, Shandong Electric Power Corporation The Party Committee has made a series of major deployments such as carrying out "love activities", implementing "safety projects", and "creating harmonious enterprises". Since 2002, the power system reform has been deepening, and the internal and external environment faced by the company has changed greatly, which puts forward new and higher requirements for the quality of the staff team. However, there are some problems in the team building that are incompatible with the situation and can not be ignored, and the staff's value orientation is more pragmatic, and they are resistant to empty preaching and simple indoctrination. This requires seeking a new way that employees can identify with and are willing to participate.
After repeated discussion, Zibo Power Supply Company Put the starting point of moral education on the most basic human nature, stimulate and mobilize the essence of "kindness" of employees, and guide the spiritual pursuit of employees with "kindness". Therefore, take the word "good small" from the old saying "Do not do evil on a small scale, and do not do good on a small scale" to carry out moral education and practical activities with the theme of "good small". It is advocated that employees should strive to do even small things as long as they are good, and achieve great good through small good, and ultimately achieve enterprise harmony. Subsequently, an activity leading group and a working group were set up to carefully plan the activity plan. In June 2002, the Notice on Carrying out "Small and Good" Activities was issued to all employees, which started the "small and good" activities. [1]

Activity Start

At the beginning of the activity, "Ten Kindnesses" were proposed, including "Kindness to Safety", "Kindness to the Elderly", "Kindness to the Environment", and "Kindness to Society". The launching ceremony of "Kindness to Small" and the signing ceremony of "Farewell to uncivilized behaviors" were held. The evening party, calligraphy, photography, and comic book competitions with the theme of "Kindness to Small" were held. A dialogue meeting between new and old employees was held to collect the motto of "Kindness to Small", Activities such as the selection of "small and good" words of heart made the "small and good" activities start quickly.
In order to give full play to the guiding role of party organizations, trade union organizations and league organizations at all levels, the party committee of Zibo Power Supply Company incorporated the "small friendly" activities into its work. According to the work deployment of the party committee of the group company, combined with the current situation of enterprise management, it carefully planned the activity plan, launched new activity themes every year, and guided employees to carry out the "small friendly" activities. In order to keep "good small" inexhaustible vitality and vigor.
The "small and good" volunteer association has been set up, which takes "voluntary obligation to do meaningful things for others" as the only condition for membership, attracting enterprise employees and people from all walks of life to register voluntarily. A moral file of "small and good" has been established, recording 1484 "small and good" deeds of the collective or individual. Every year, the "Star of Kindness" is selected and a column of "Kindness" is opened on the website of "Political Supermarket". The editor printed and distributed such books as "Mottoes and Stories of Good Small" and "Charm of Good Small", which played a good role as a typical guide and model. [1]

Activity management

Management is the best combination of the two civilizations. When carrying out "small and good" activities, we consciously infiltrate the concept of "small and good" into management. Turn "good and small" into humanized management measures, and pursue the harmonious unity of program operation and humanistic care. Turn "good small" into Fine management Means, advocating the concepts of "I am the highest responsible executor of this post", "doing great things in detail, doing small things in reality", and doing every detail well.
Carry out the "small" and safety peer activities, and formulate and implement the "small" action plan for safe and civilized production. Organize a competition for safe and civilized production, and require employees to bring an extra rag and trash can to the site to prevent minor violations and ensure major safety. Implement 9 actions, including safety education on the road, post changing experience, and civilized environment on the site, to achieve safe and humanistic management. Organize and carry out the activity of "safety culture into families", hold family symposium, organize family members to visit the construction site, establish family difficulties files of employees, etc., and improve the safety responsibility awareness of employees and the safety management level of the enterprise through the penetration of cultural strength and family affection.
Carry out the "small and good" and service peer activities, and formulate and implement the "small and good" action plan for quality service. Starting with ten actions, such as establishing a service website, improving the business expansion process, and expanding payment channels, we will turn everything that customers care about into a "small" fine management behavior of employees. Implement family friendly service, and organize window service personnel to carry out etiquette, sign language and other skills training. Pay attention to the combination of "good small" with the existing management system and service mode, so that every person, every link and every level of organization can accurately perform their service responsibilities, and constantly improve the level of marketing management and quality service. Li Tongzhi, the general manager of the group company, sent a message when inspecting the "Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio", saying that "great achievements are good for small ones", and spoke highly of the event.
Carry out the "small friendly" and health peer activities, formulate and implement the "small friendly" "Caring for Employees Action Plan", and fix the measures of caring for employees' physical and mental health in the form of a system. The "Kindness and Small" Charity Mutual Aid Foundation was established. In 2006, the accumulated fund was 199120 yuan, and relief funds were distributed to employees or family members for 16 times. Organize calisthenics, 1000 person long distance running, swimming competition and collective outward bound training; Advocate a monthly "walking day" for commuting; Send young political workers to participate in psychological counselor training, hold staff mental health lectures, and set up a health consultation hotline; Carry out medical delivery to front-line, old and weak families; Launch "Love Express" and "Love on the Road" activities; Strictly implement the annual leave system for employees; Improve the archives of employees in difficulty, set up a "small and good" love service agency, etc., help employees within our ability, and make everyone feel the warmth of the organization.
Carry out peer activities of "small improvement" and saving, and encourage innovation and efficiency creation. Young League member inspectors were organized to light the lamp and keep running water. They called on everyone to repair the old and reuse the waste, save every screw, and use all printing paper on both sides, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the "good small" and improve the enterprise's Fine management Horizontal. We have set up a "small" innovation studio, an achievement exhibition hall, an e-education classroom and a simulation training room, and extensively carried out mass economic and technological innovation activities such as technological breakthrough, "five small" innovation and QC, to build a broad platform for staff innovation and efficiency.
In the activity of "serving the people first and striving for excellence", we organically integrated "good small" into serving the people, implemented "five conveniences, four benefits and three care", and devoted ourselves to creating "10 minute payment circle+30 minute rush repair circle". Among them, "three passes of love" means to carry out three "small and good" care actions, namely, helping vulnerable groups, emergency power assistance, and helping the elderly, students and the disabled. The city has established a special service file of "small and good" for more than 450 lonely, sick and disabled customers, set up six 24-hour "small and good" emergency spots, set up 26 "small and good volunteer service teams", carried out "three assistance" and other public welfare activities, actively fulfilled social responsibilities, improved the service connotation, and expanded the service extension. [1]

Activity development

During the activity, we consciously extended "small and good" to the society, making "small and good" an effective carrier for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and help vulnerable groups.
In order to help children in poor mountainous areas go to school, the company organized a donation of 270000 yuan to establish Zibo Power Hope Primary School in Ezhuang, Zichuan District, and paired up for long-term study.
Activity development
Since 2005, the company has helped 1000 poverty-stricken workers and delivered holiday materials to them every Spring Festival.
In June 2007, the volunteers of "Good Small" donated more than 5000 books to the city library to build a civilized and bookish Zibo.
In July 2007, volunteers of "Kindergarten" donated more than 90000 yuan to help Zhao Congcong, a 24-year-old college student suffering from cancer.
Since 2008 Shandong University of Technology We will jointly carry out the "Kindness and Kindness" student aid activities, and subsidize ten poor students who are excellent in character and learning every year. More than a dozen volunteer service teams for "small and good" have been set up, including science and technology, environmental protection, women workers and youth, to carry out long-term activities to help vulnerable groups, remove white garbage and other social welfare activities.
Activity development
In 2008, six "Kindness and Small" Social Care Action Plans were formulated and implemented, including green, environmental protection, student aid, civilization, assistance and care, which were included in the program of Zibo "Four Virtues" Practice Day, and became one of the important participants in the activity. In the construction of a harmonious and civilized city in Zibo, the National Games, the Provincial Games and other important activities, there are "small and good" volunteers.
In the past ten years, Zibo Power Supply Company has organized more than 1200 public welfare care actions, helped 523 out of school children in pairs, helped more than 5500 vulnerable groups, donated more than 7.7 million yuan to the society, and benefited more than 400000 people. Many moving stories have been spread in the society: retired worker Liu Jun has been awarded the title of "Top Ten Civilized Citizens in the City" for years to eliminate urban psoriasis, Li Guocheng has been myasthenia gravis Xiang Linlu, a girl, provides "the special line for life". Zhu Zhe, Sun Hongyan, Zhong Ning and Zhang Yadi take care of the lonely elderly Xu Xinglan to form a "love relay". Tian Yulin and Wang Fengmin, 6 people who bravely saved a car accident and fell into the water, won the honorary titles of "Zibo Moral Model of Helping Others" and "Courage for Good" [1]

Activity impact

The continuous and in-depth development of the "small and good" activity has been actively supported and enthusiastically participated by employees, recognized by the society and recognized by the government.
Activity development
In 2007, Publicity Department of Shandong Provincial Party Committee The group company has focused on the promotion of the "small friendly" volunteer activities as a major model. Reporters from more than 10 provincial and municipal news media, such as China Power News, State Grid News, Dazhong Daily, Shandong TV Station, Shandong Power News, Zibo Daily, etc., conducted centralized interviews and reports, and achieved good social results.
On March 5, 2008, Zibo Municipal Party Committee and Government held a grand ceremony in five districts and three counties of the city, urging citizens to join the ranks of "good small" volunteers. On the day of the activity, more than 200000 people from all walks of life joined the volunteer team of "Kindergarten". In May of that year, 13 central news media, including Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and People's Daily, were deeply interviewed and reported on the "Good for Small" volunteer activity in Zibo's "National Civilized City" construction, which promoted civilization, protected ecology and many other excellent practices and vivid examples. [1]


On December 5, 2012, it was awarded the title of "National Excellent Volunteer Service Organization" by the Central Civilization Office. It is one of the 21 excellent volunteer service organizations in China and the only one selected in Shandong Province. Wang Shiming, deputy director of the Central Civilization Office, gave instructions to Zibo Power Supply Company for ten years of "good small" volunteer service: "Zibo has done a good job in this work!" [2-3]
The "Kindness for Small" activity has won the "Excellent Volunteer Service Project" of China Volunteer Work Committee State Grid Corporation of China "2006-2007 Innovation Award for Spiritual Civilization Construction", "2008-2009 Innovation Achievement Promotion Award for Spiritual Civilization Construction", "Outstanding Youth Volunteer Service Collective of State Grid Corporation of China", "Outstanding Corporate Culture Case", "Outstanding Volunteer Service Project", the first ten corporate culture brands in Shandong Province, and "Moral Model of Helping Others" in Shandong Province in 2007, In 2007, it won the first place in Zibo's "Ten Moral Models of Helping Others". The volunteer of "Kindness and Small" won the award of "Person of the Year Moved Zibo". Xinhua News Agency published the volunteer activities of the Charity Kindergarten in its "Internal Reference Selection", "Executive Information" and "Domestic Dynamic Sample". [1]
In November 2012, Liu Zhenya, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the State Grid Corporation of China, made an important instruction: "Zibo Power Supply Company's practice is" good for small "and" effective ", which plays an important role in strengthening team building and cultural construction. It should be carefully studied, summarized and promoted." So far, the wave of national electric power learning in Zibo was set off. [4]


The only condition for becoming a "good little" volunteer is: "volunteer to do meaningful things for others".
Now 3031 employees and more than 200000 citizens have volunteered to join. [5]




In 2002, Zhang Peng, the attendant of 95598 remote workstation, received a call asking for paying the electricity bill on behalf of others. After work, this strange phone has always touched the young man's heart. After many searches and inquiries, he found the customer, a 76 year old Aunt Wang who suffered from serious leg disease and lived alone. The warm-hearted and kind-hearted Zhang Peng was touched by Aunt Wang's situation. From then on, he not only paid the electricity bill for Aunt Wang regularly, but also often came to talk with her and clean up. Aunt Wang was moved by the young man's sincerity. When she learned that Zhang Peng was still single, she took the initiative to lead a red line for him. Unexpectedly, after the girl learned about Zhang Peng's story, she immediately felt good about him, and a beautiful marriage was achieved.
Zhang Peng's love not only helped Aunt Wang, but also found a lifelong partner. Careful volunteers found that there are many people in the society who need help like Aunt Wang. As a result, the volunteers of Kindergarten Children gathered their wisdom and produced a love file, which was in the form of one-on-one assistance.

beautiful sisters

The 85 year old Xu Xinglan, who has no children around, lives a very hard life. In 2002, Zhu Zhe rushed to the old man's house immediately after learning about the situation. When she saw that the old man's house, which was less than 10 square meters, was full of junk picked up from the street, she decided to pay the electricity bill for Aunt Xu in the future. Since then, Zhu Zhe has paid the electricity bill for the elderly on time every month, cleaned up, washed and cooked for Aunt Xu when he had time, and contacted the staff to straighten out the indoor power lines and replace the safety Switch socket In 2005, Sun Hongyan of the business hall discovered this and began to pay the electricity bill for Aunt Xu on her own initiative; In 2008, Zhongning joined the ranks of caring for the elderly; In 2009, Zhongning saw that the 92 year old man could no longer take care of himself. She took the initiative to take the old man to Jinqiao Nursing Home. Zhang Yadi, a new employee, was deeply moved by the love of the teachers and did not hesitate to join the love relay.
Love and love meet, can produce a greater love; Good and good transmission can extend to more long-term good deeds. We will continue to relay our love and continue to do "good".

a birthday present

In June 2002, Yin Xudong accidentally met a customer who needed blood transfusion for first aid in the field service of installing meters for customers. As an outstanding "good little" volunteer with 36 years of party age, he did not hesitate to donate blood. Since then, he has insisted on participating in voluntary blood donation every year. As of May 2009, he has donated 16 times, totaling 10600 ml, more than the total blood volume of two healthy adults!
According to the regulations, blood donation cannot continue after the age of 55. To this end, Yin Xudong has increased the number of donations since the end of 2008. From December 17, 2008 to April 23, 2009, he donated platelets four times and six times, almost once a month. His blood donation was so frequent that his family saw it in the eyes and felt pain in the heart. So, the dutiful son-in-law joined the volunteer team of Kindergarten on his 55th birthday, continued to donate blood for free, and took over the love baton from his father-in-law.
Yin Xudong's deeds have infected every "good little" volunteer around. They wear little red hats and move everywhere they need to care. In the nursing home, they wash and clean for the elderly; In schools for the deaf and mute, there are people who send stationery and books to children; In the logistics of the disaster area, they are busy making quilts... This is how the volunteers of Kindness and Kindness have made great love for Kindness and Kindness.

Build a lifeline with love

In 2000, Xiang Linlu, who was in bloom, suddenly became ill and was diagnosed as Polymyositis The doctor concluded that she could only live for 4 years at most. Jiao Wenjie, his mother, looked at her daughter who could only survive on the ventilator in despair and cried bitterly. "Kindness" volunteers came to Xiang Linlu's side and mobilized all the staff to donate money for Xiang Linlu to ensure the stable operation of her ventilator.
On January 21, 2002, volunteers of "Kindness School" connected the first 220 volt dual power supply in Zibo to Xiang Linlu's home; In 2003, Xiang Linlu needed to go to Jinan for medical treatment twice due to the aggravation of her illness, and the "Kindness" service team specially sent a tram to follow the power guarantee; On January 15, 2004, Xiang Linlu's family needed to relocate for some reason, and the volunteers set up the second life line for Lin Lu.
There are still many customers like Xiang Linlu. In October 2010, a 0.4 kV low-voltage dual power "life line" was set up for Zhang Hongchuan, who was hit by a car accident and suffered from cervical bone marrow injury. In November 2012, the "life line" to maintain the life of Aunt Chen Zongming was also set up. Their way of life is engraved with the love of the power supplier. [1]



Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio

Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio
"Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio" was founded in September 2010, named after Li Guocheng, one of the top ten service stars of the group company. It carried out service innovation around the weak links in marketing service work and the hot issues concerned by customers, and promoted the continuous improvement of service level.
"Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio" has received high attention from leaders at all levels since its establishment. Shandong Electric Power Corporation When Li Tongzhi, the general manager, came to inspect, he highly praised the studio and the "small and good" service method, and cheerfully praised: "Great success is good for small!"
As the innovative front of the company's marketing service work, Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio actively engaged in the "service battle" and the establishment of the "small and good" service brand through point to area efficiency radiation, customer demand oriented, "lean marketing" as a breakthrough point, took the lead in setting up the "Communist Community Service Station" in the province, and explored the launch of the "10+30" The new mode of power supply service has created a 10 minute payment circle and a 30 minute rush repair service circle, which has won unanimous praise from customers and all sectors of society.
The studio has been successively rated as the "Advanced Team of the National Socialist Labor Competition", the "Quality Trustworthy Team", the "Pioneer Worker" and the "Gold Medal Team for Excellence" of Shandong Electric Power Group. Li Guocheng and Sun Hongyan won the honorary title of "Top Ten Service Stars" of Shandong Electric Power Group in 2012.

Rainbow Spirit Team

Li Guocheng Rainbow Studio
The Rainbow Fairy team has integrated "small kindness" into every link of quality service, and refined and summarized the small details, cards, methods, and care of small kindness service methods. They serve customers with wisdom and love.
Small details gather great wisdom
"Go to work half an hour in advance" to solve the problem that office workers have no time to pay fees when they go to work and pay fees before they go to work; The "24-hour self-service business hall" provides services such as 24-hour business expansion and installation business acceptance, self-service payment, information query, invoice re printing and so on to meet the business needs of customers after work; "Payment navigation map" provides customers with the query of nearby payment outlets to help customers complete payment within 10 minutes; "Living map of payment", team members can memorize the exact address of all payment outlets skillfully, and can easily inform customers of the nearby payment outlets as long as they need; "Power consumption is clear", the business acceptance personnel can tell the details of the relevant processes, time limits, costs, etc. involved in the customer's power utilization project according to the customer's power utilization application, so as to facilitate the customer's handling.
Small card reflects big service
"Love Contact Card", "Love Reminder Card", "Love Informing Card", "Payment Understanding Card", "Resident Electricity Service Manual", one card, one manual, reflecting our unlimited service to customers; "Love Contact Card", printed with the personal contact card of each member of the team, allows customers to contact us as soon as they encounter power problems; For different electricity businesses, eight "Love Reminder Cards" have been printed to remind customers of the electricity data they need to provide for various electricity businesses; "Caring card", informing customers of the time limit of each process of handling the business expansion and installation, the payment standard of business fees, etc., "payment understanding card", providing customers with payment outlets, payment methods, payment time, so that customers can easily pay their electricity bills; The "Residential Electricity Service Manual" guides customers to use electricity normally and pay fees, which is convenient for inquiry and repair.
Small solutions to big problems
Open the "Zibo Power Rainbow Genie" microblog, and communicate with customers through microblog to solve power related problems; "One counter service" means that customers can handle various electricity businesses at any window, which improves the utilization rate of business windows and shortens the waiting time of customers; Set up a "service dictionary", carry out the activity of "monthly presentation of service cases", educate and guide team members with cases in work, and help them master service skills and service skills; "Step electricity overbalance warning": inform resident customers of step electricity overbalance in advance by SMS, telephone, door-to-door and other means to avoid excessive electricity charges due to overbalance of electricity; Implement "community manager responsibility system", set up "community power class", publicize power policies and regulations, common sense of safe power use, guide customers to use power safely, save power, help customers deal with power failure, and solve power problems.
Small care shows great feelings
Enter the door from the customer, greet him with a smile, greet him with a greeting, communicate with him, and guide him to handle various electricity business; Treat each customer as his or her own relatives and friends, and work with affection; Think more from the perspective of customers, establish the concept of "no fault for customers", and be more tolerant and considerate; Take the initiative to understand the difficulties of customers, care more and help more; Caring for vulnerable groups of customers, we set up a love time bank, established a "love passbook" and "love file", and set up an electric life line for special patients; Regularly go to the nursing home and Special education schools Provide caring services and help within our ability; Set up a special counter for the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to provide "special" services for the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women, etc. [1]