Karka Mongolia

Names of Mongolian tribes in Mobei after the middle of the 16th century
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Khalkha Mongolia is after the middle of the 16th century North of the Gobi desert Mongolian The names of various departments are distributed in the Karka River( Halaha River )Named. It was translated as "Hanha" in the Ming Dynasty and "Kerka" in the Qing Dynasty. [12]
At the end of the 15th century, Batumink, grandson of Genghis Khan XV( Dayan Khan )After the unification of eastern Mongolia, the original large and small territories of Monan and Mobei were merged into six ten thousand households, divided into the left and right wings. Kalkawan households It belongs to the left wing and has twelve. The five internal divisions are located to the east of the Karka River, and Batumunki is awarded the fifth son Alechuborote The other seven live in the west of the river, and are awarded young children Gesen Zhalaer Huntaiji.
After the death of Batumunki, the five internal divisions gradually moved south, and in the early Qing Dynasty, banners were compiled, belonging to Neizasak Mongolia (Inner Mongolia); Gesen Zhalaer To stay in the old place, the headquarters is still called Karka, and the jurisdiction area is gradually expanded. The main body of the area is Zalayer Department Belonging to the people. [3] In 1691, Khalkha Mongolia passed Duolun Association It was subordinated to the Qing Dynasty, and also made flags, which were divided into Chechen Khan Tuxietu Khan Department Zasaktu Khan Department , later added Saiyinnuo Yan Department , is the four branches of Karka, belonging to Outer Zhasak Mongolia Outer Mongolia )。 [4] Contemporary Mongolia 80% of the population are Khalkha Mongols. [5]
Chinese name
Karka Mongolia
Foreign name
Mongolia Khalkha
Mobei Mongolia Hanha
East Asia
geographical position
It connects Hulunbeier in the east and Hulunbeier in the west Altai Mountains , bordering desert in the south and Russia in the north
climatic conditions
Temperate continental climate
khalkha mongolian
Mongolia in the Qing Dynasty
Tuxietu Khan Department, Zasaktu Khan Department, Chechen Khan Department, Saiyinuoyan Khan Department


The region of Karka Mongolia is connected to the east Hulun Buir , west to Khovd , south the Gobi Desert , north and Briat Mongolia borders.



Preliminary formation

After the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongolian court returned to the grassland and formed many nomadic groups in Mongolia, or“ Ulus ”, or“ toman ”(10000 households). At the beginning of the 15th century, Mongolia was divided into East and West Mongolia. West Mongolia is also called Weilat people( name used for western Mongolian tribes during the Ming Dynasty ), nomads Hang Aishan The grasslands to the west and north of Tianshan Mountains, and the East Mongols are mainly distributed in today's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Mongolia Domestic. The Mongol Khan was in East Mongolia. Genghis Khan Dayan Khan Before the accession to the throne, there had been six large households in the central area of East Mongolia, but except for the Ten thousand households in Chahar The other ten thousand families were under the rule of different aristocrats. After a long struggle, Dayan Khan ended the inheritance of the different aristocrats to the various ministries Dominion At the same time, he granted his descendants to 60000 households and established Genghis Khan in East Mongolia“ Gold Family ”The direct rule of.
Dayan Khan had eleven sons. Dayan Khan's sixth son Alechuborote And the eleventh son Gesen Zhalaer Separately sealed to Kalkawan households The left and right wings of. The Kalkawans have been nomadic since the time of Dayan Khan or earlier Halaha River Watershed ("Khalkha" is the transliteration of "Halaha" in different Chinese, and the 10000 households are named after the river). In the middle of the 16th century, the left wing of Karka followed the Mongolian Khan Call Sun go down south Greater Khingan Range When stationed in the pastoral area, the department was called "Shanyang Karka", which was what the Qing Dynasty called“ Neikalka In fact, the "Five Ministries" broke away from the Kalkawans and became one. After entering the Qing Dynasty, the five ministries were established Zasak Banner , or incorporated Eight Banners Mongolia They are no longer titled "Karka". The right-wing lord Gejusen Zhazalai developed from the Haraha River basin to the west, and Wuliang Haven It borders on and conflicts with it. In the 1920s and 1930s, the Mongolian Khan Buchi Led the ministries to reclaim and divide up the Uliang Hawan households, and Geresenza shared the original Uliang Hawan households Pastureland And part of the people. As a result, the power of Kalkawanhu extended to Hang Aishan , everything North of the Gobi desert Grassland. At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, Kalkawan households were distributed in Dongzi Hulun Buir Of Erguna River , west to Hangai Mountain, north from Lake Baikal The vast area in the north of South Mongolia, that is, most of the territory of Mongolia.
After the death of Geresenza, his seven sons divided their heritage into seven nomadic groups, which are customarily called "Seven Harmony and Great Karka" or "Seven Etok Karka"(“ He Shuo ”And“ Otok ”Are the names of Mongolian social organizations at that time). The "Karka" in the Qing Dynasty refers to these Mongols. The seven sons of Gresenza hold the left and right wings of Karka, and the right wing is the eldest son of Gresenza Ashe Sea Darkhan Huntaiji, the second son Noyantai Hatan Batur, the sixth son Delden Kundulun, the last son Sam Ethuan and their descendants Zhu Wuruth; Three sons on the left wing Nono and Wei Zheng Nuoyan, the fourth son Amin Dulale, the fifth son Dalai (no queen) and their descendants Zhuwulusi. [6]

Three Sweats Appear

Karka Mongolian Lineage Map [13]
From the end of the 16th century to the 1730s, there were three khans on the left wing and three khans on the right wing.
In Karka, the first person to say "sweat" is Abadai Khan Nonuohe, the third son of Gresenza, is the leader of the left wing of Karka, and Abadai is his eldest son. In 1580, he called himself "Saiyin Khan". In 1586, he was awarded "Waqilai Khan" by the Third Dalai Lama( Vajrapani Sweat). His grandson Dou cloth He also called himself "Tuxietu Khan" (a reliable Khan), thus forming Tuxietu Khan Department
Karka right wing long Lai Hu Er Made sweat by Abadai Khan. After Abadai's death, the left-wing forces once declined, and Laihu Erhan's son Subardi Taking the opportunity to expand its influence, it was elected as“ Zasaktu Khan ”(There was a ruling Khan), thus forming Zasaktu Khan Department
Around 1630, the Later Jin Dynasty attacked inner mongolia , Lin Dan Khan Ujimqin, Sunit, Haozite and other subordinate departments defected to Lin Dan Khan's allies and brother-in-law to escape the war Huge base Jinong, together with his subordinates and Abahannar and other ministries, elected Shuo Lei as "a common Mahasamadi Chechen Khan ”, referred to as "Mahasamadi Chechen Khan" or "Chechen Khan" (Sage Khan), thus forming Chechen Khan
There were three great khans in Karka, and the whole Karka was divided into three khanates. During the Babadai Khan period, Kalkawanhu emerged to form a unity khanate But failed because of his death and the long-term split between the left and right wings. Later, the three khans were divided into three parts, which were not subordinate to each other. [6]

Tribute to the Qing Dynasty

In 1636, there were 16 departments and 49 departments in Monan Mongolia Feudal lord Belongs to the Qing Dynasty. Since then, in Mobei Mongolia and Qinghai Erut Mongolia The feudal lords sent envoys to pay tribute to the Qing Dynasty [1] In the third year of Chongde (1638), Karka sent envoys respectively Shengjing (Today Liaoning Shenyang ), presenting his homage to Huang Taiji“ Nine white tribute ”, that is, annual tribute White Horse Eight horses, White camel One end. Huang Taiji was overjoyed. He planned to set up 49 banners in southern Mongolia and several banners in northern Mongolia, but suddenly he died of illness and did not implement them. On the other hand, in 1640, Karka Mongolia and Oyirad Four departments will unite in Talbahatai , concluded《 Mongolian Weilat Code 》, united against the Qing Dynasty, which worsened the relationship between Karka and the Qing Dynasty. [7]
In 1646, Khan Shuo Lei of Karka Chechnya instigated Sunite nobles Tengjisi Anti Qing, Eerkchuer, etc Bahrain Ministry People and animals, the two left-wing khans joined forces to fight against the Qing army, the right wing Erdeni, Ombu Equal plunder Guihua City Tumet tribe. Qing government In view of the new trend of the Karka Ministry, the Prince of Henan was sent dodo The leader suppressed the Tengjisi Rebellion, defeated the joint forces in Karka, and took the measures of both kindness and prestige to attract the differentiation, finally forcing Karka to plead guilty and admit defeat, and restore the Nine White Tribute. In 1655, the Qing government first established Karqa VIII Zasak , respectively, the left-wing Tuxietu Khan, Chechen Khan Danjin Lama , Morgan Nuoyan and the right-wing Bihilertu Khan (Zasaktu Khan) Enyuqin Luobo Zang , Chechen Jinong, Kundulun Toyin, implemented in Karka after many years of implementation League flag system The foundation has been laid for the thorough acceptance of Karka. [7]

Submit to the Qing Dynasty

Kangxi During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, a dispute occurred between the Zasaktu Khan Ministry and the Tuxietu Khan Ministry in Karka, and the dispute was submitted to the Qing court for arbitration. In the 25th year of Kangxi (1686), Emperor Kangxi sent Li Fan Yuan Shang Shu Arani (also known as Arni) and the Great Lama, and then to the Khanate Department of Tu Xietu Culenberger League During the alliance, Alani asked Mongolian nobility The prince conveyed the emperor's words: stop annexing each other with brotherly relatives, and try to solve the previous grievances, and order Tu to thank Tu Khan Chahundorji Return the attached people Jasaq "Let them live in peace and harmony as usual". But the dispute between the two books soon arose, Zasaktu Khan Sahnai Killed by Chahundorji, Moxi Weilat Junggar Ministry chief Gardan He took the opportunity to intervene, and in 1688 (the 27th year of Kangxi's reign) launched a large-scale attack on Tsahundorji, Tuxie Tuhan. After the defeat of Chahundorji, he had to make a choice between joining Russia and joining the Qing Dynasty. Zhebuzun Danba I (Chahundorji's younger brother) believed that: "The name of the north Russia During the reign of the Khitan Khan, although Kangping was a great country, Buddhism was not flourishing, Lapel Left, cannot be matched. During the reign of the Black Khitan Khan in the south, people enjoyed peace and happiness, and Buddhism circulated. again Manchuria Khan's clothes are like heavenly clothes, and Material It is the treasure of Tianlong, velvet Damask All of them are complete. It's really a blessed Khan. If we go to the other side, we will enjoy the prosperity of the country and the people. " [11] At his initiative, Khalkha Mongolia submitted to the Qing Dynasty.
In May of 1691, the 30th year of Kangxi's reign, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty the Great Wall The border defense to the north and the management of Karka Mongolia Dolon Nor (Today Duolun )Hold a meeting with the nobles of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia( Duolun Association )。 at that time Battle of Ulan Butong Just after the end, Emperor Kangxi personally presided over the Inner and Outer Mongolian Ketu Monarch Assembly, including Tuxie Tuhan Zhebuzun Danba Hutuktu Wait until everyone arrives at the meeting. Emperor Kangxi inspected Eight Banners Soldiers, several decisions were passed at the meeting:
  • It is stipulated that Khalkha Mongolia must comply with the laws and regulations of the Qing Dynasty;
  • The Mongolian princes of Karka were given the titles of Khan, Jun Wang, Baile and Beizi, and the original titles of Jinong and Nuoyan were canceled;
  • Implemented in Khalkha Mongolia League flag system 34 banners were set up (increased to 86 banners during the Jiaqing period [10] );
  • The official recognition of Zhebuzhun Danbahutuktuggen as the Great Lama of Outer Mongolia established his religious status. [8]
This meeting marks that Khalkha Mongolia was included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty, belonging to Outer Zhasak Mongolia , short for Outer Mongolia Yongzheng Year [9] , Prince Karka's son-in-law Celeng The Qing government sent twenty-one banners from the part of Tuxie Tuhan to be subordinate to the E Fu Ce Ling Saiyinnuo Yan Department (It means good officials). From then on, Saiyin Nuoyan tribe was called Da Zhasak, which was in parallel with the Three Khans tribe and was called the Four Bureaus of Karka. Chechen Khan Department and Tuxietu Khan Department Minister of Cullen Affairs Under the jurisdiction of Saiyinuoyan and Zasaktu Khan General Ulyasudai Governing.

Independence and nation building

In 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), the eighth Zhebu respected Danba Hangdadorji Leaded Mongolian princes And the upper lamas Russian Empire Declared "independence" with the help of《 Russian Mongolian Treaty 》(i.e. the Treaty of Cullen).
In October of the same year, Baron Wen Ganlun, the Japanese lackey and white bandit leader( Roman Fedorovich Wenganlun von Sternberg )With his 800 soldiers Cavalry division Enter Mongolia and use the Mongolian people's Xu Shuzheng The discontent of the military dictatorship deceived the feudal princes of Mongolia and some people who did not know the truth masses Support. On February 3, 1921, Wen Ganlun's bandits defeated the Chinese garrison and occupied Kulun. On February 15, Wen Ganlun helped the 8th Zhebuzun Danba ascend the throne of "Mongolian Emperor" again, and established the so-called "autonomous government", whose members were appointed by Wen Ganlun. Wigan Lun's evil purpose is to use this Puppet government And turn Outer Mongolia into the future anti Soviet war base. As a result, the heavy taxes and levies for anti Soviet war preparation and support of its army, as well as various kinds of labors, were all pressed on Mongolia working people On the head. The Mongolian people are more and more aware of Wen Ganlun bandit gang Even some feudal lords expressed dissatisfaction with Wen Ganlun for the reactionary nature of his puppet government. Mongolian people Armed struggle The conditions are ripe [2]
In May 1924, the eighth Zhebuzun Danba died of illness. Mongolia cancels after one month Constitutional monarchy , establish republic , the People's Republic of Mongolia was established. Since 1924, the Outer Mongolian government has announced its closure, cutting off all communication with China. With the barrier of thousands of miles of desert, a series of events occurred in its territory, except Soviet Union The government is rarely known to the outside world. The West calls it a mysterious country in the world. But, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party And the Mongolian people have deep sympathy for the revolutionary struggle carried out by the Communist Party of China, and give help within their capabilities. For example, in 1935, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army arrived in the Long March Northern Shaanxi Later, especially after the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, in order to communicate with the Soviet Union, the Communist Party of China, with the support of the Mongolian government, established international relations through its territory Traffic line , transfer personnel and documents. At that time, some leading cadres of the Communist Party of China came and went between China and the Soviet Union through this traffic line. But this traffic line is quite dangerous because it needs to cross desert Gobi and waterless grassland [2]
At the beginning of 1919, the history of Outer Mongolia took a major turn. stay Russian October Revolution Under the influence of Sukhbaatar and Joba Mountain , two revolutionary groups were set up in Cullen. Soon these two revolutionary groups merged into a unified revolutionary organization, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, which led the Mongolian people to rise up and make revolution and take charge of their own destiny. In the summer of 1920, it was controlled by Britain and the United States in China Direct warlord , defeated the ruling pro Japanese Anfu warlords, which made Japan Imperialism He lost the Anfu lackeys who plotted to expand in Mongolia. Therefore, Japan decided to seize territory for itself in Mongolia by using the remnants of the White Bandit Army that fled to northeast China after being defeated by the Russian Red Army [2]
The Chinese government at that time did not recognize Mongolia's independence. In 1924, the Chinese government signed a contract with the Russian government《 Sino Soviet Outline Agreement on Settlement of Outstanding Cases 》, it is still stipulated that Outer Mongolia is Chinese territory China enjoys Territorial sovereignty But because the Northern Expedition War broke out in China, Beiyang Warlord Busy with fighting, the negotiations to resolve outstanding cases failed.
Mongolian international status Is on the Second World War Established after the end. In February 1945, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union reached an agreement on the Soviet Union's participation in the war against Japan《 Yalta Agreement 》In order to urge the Soviet Union to send troops to force the Japanese imperialists to surrender at an early date, the United States and Britain unanimously agreed that the Soviet Union should write "the status quo of Outer Mongolia must be maintained" in Article 1 of the agreement. The United States promised to persuade the Chinese government to recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia in order to realize this clause. The Kuomintang government had to accept the fact in order to make the Soviet Union promise that it would not aid the Communist Party. In October 1945, the Kuomintang government sent the Deputy Minister of the Interior Lei Fazhang Go to Outer Mongolia to "observe" the independent vote of all Mongolian people in the referendum. The voting began on October 10 and ended on October 20. 494074 citizens voted, 489291 voted for independence, and the rest were Abstentions This means that 99% of voters approve of independence. Finally, the Chinese Kuomintang government issued an official announcement on January 5, 1946, announcing the independence of Outer Mongolia.
On October 1, 1949, The People's Republic of China Establish. Following the recognition of the Soviet Union The People's Republic of China After the Central People's Government took the lead in establishing diplomatic relations with New China, the People's Republic of Mongolia established diplomatic relations At the beginning of 1950, when China and the Soviet Union negotiated and signed the Sino Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, the Soviet side hoped to emphasize the "status of the Mongolian People's Republic" in the treaty. It is said that at that time Moscow The visiting Chairman Mao Zedong said to Premier Zhou Enlai, who presided over the negotiations with China, that the independence of Outer Mongolia has become a reality. Since the Soviets insist, let them do it, but not in the friendly treaties [2]
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, the friendly relations have been growing day by day. On May 27, 1960, Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council of China and Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Chen Yi visited Mongolia and signed on May 31《 China Mongolia Friendship and Mutual Assistance Treaty 》Agreement on Economic and Technical Assistance between China and Mongolia, and the two governments joint statement Later, the relevant departments of the two countries exchanged maps and negotiated to delimit the China Mongolia border Mongolia, December 1962 Council of Ministers chairman Zedenbar And Vice President of the Council of Ministers Zagwaral Visited China and signed the two countries on the 26th Border treaty Since then, China and Mongolia have further developed friendly exchanges, and the Chinese government has tried its best to give Mongolia various assistance [2]