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State Key Laboratory of Beer Biofermentation Engineering (Qingdao Beer Co., Ltd.)

Companies approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology on January 6, 2010
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Beer biological fermentation engineering key state laboratories Relying on Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. and in accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China on Organizing the Formulation of the Construction Plan of the Second Batch of National Key Laboratories for Enterprises (GKBJZ (2010) No. 2), the application of Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. for the construction of the national key laboratory of beer biological fermentation project was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology on January 6, 2010. [1]
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Beer Biofermentation Engineering
Rely on
Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited
Approval date
January 6, 2010
Technological upgrading of beer industry

research field

The laboratory is mainly based on Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd., combined with Tsingtao Brewery's existing research and development system, aiming at the major scientific and technological problems of scientific and technological innovation and technology transformation that need to be solved urgently in the development of the beer industry, and by focusing on tackling a number of key and common technologies that have a major driving role in the technological upgrading and industrial structure adjustment of the beer industry, Provide a batch of advanced and applicable new technologies, new processes and new equipment for the field of beer biological fermentation technology, promote China's beer fermentation engineering technology to reach the international advanced level, and comprehensively enhance the international competitiveness of China's biological fermentation industry. [1]

Laboratory - Demonstration

On September 26, 2010, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized experts to demonstrate the feasibility of the construction plan of the state key laboratory of beer biological fermentation engineering in Qingdao. Relevant responsible comrades from the Department of Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology attended the meeting. The expert group listened to the report on the construction plan of the laboratory, inspected the laboratory on the spot and had a discussion with the laboratory personnel. The expert group believes that the laboratory closely focuses on the major needs of the development of China's modern beer industry, takes the major issues of technological upgrading and industrial structure adjustment of the beer industry as the main research object, and focuses on the research work of cutting-edge, common and major key technologies in the direction of yeast strain transformation and performance optimization, flavor control technology, and key brewing technologies. The laboratory has obvious characteristics and advantages, and its target orientation is in line with the major national needs and industrial development direction. The laboratory has also made reasonable plans in training and attracting talents, operation management, basic conditions construction, etc. The supporting unit can provide necessary financial support and condition guarantee for the construction and operation of the laboratory. The expert group agreed with the construction plan of the laboratory and hoped that the laboratory would further strengthen the introduction and training of high-level talents.