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CCTV Finance Channel Finance TV Program
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The Business Way is CCTV Finance Channel (CCTV-2) First gear High end finance TV programs take "discovering commercial value" as the column communication concept. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
High end financial programs
Broadcast status
Replacement program
Opponents [2]
"Business Path" selects the most typical business figures in the world in the context of the big era, intercepts and analyzes their wealth life, which is the most enlightening to the business process at home and abroad, interprets the classic business legend cases, and discusses the way of wealth growth. "Business Path" is dedicated to being a discoverer of global business value, a communicator of Chinese enterprise growth, and a promoter of China's economic development.
Chinese name: Shangdao
Foreign name: Business Legend
Type: High end finance program
TV station: CCTV
Column positioning: talking about the business legend and the way to wealth
Program duration: 30 minutes
First broadcast: 12:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday host
Wang Kai: Graduated in 2001 Beijing Broadcasting University He has been engaged in dubbing since graduation from the 97 level undergraduate class of the Broadcasting Department of the Broadcasting and Hosting Academy of Arts. Transferred in in 2004 Central People's Broadcasting Station The Voice of Literature and Art host During which a large number of novels were broadcast. From 2005 to now, he has served as a member of CCTV-2 "Fortune Story" and "Business Road" (launched on August 31, 2009) host September 2009 CCTV Finance Channel The First Time - Reading Newspapers host Characters once reported by the column:
Liu Chuanzhi : Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lenovo Group, Lenovo Holdings CEO
Jiang Xipei: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd
Chen Zhilie : Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yanxiang Group
Shi Zhengrong Chairman and CEO of Wuxi Suntech Power Holding Co., Ltd
Wang Wenjing : Chairman of UFIDA Software Co., Ltd CEO
Shen Nanpeng : founding partner of Sequoia Capital China Fund
Bachok : Chairman of Yachang Group Co., Ltd
Xu Shaochun kingdee international software group company limited Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive CEO
Wang Zhentao : Chairman and President of Aokang Group
Li Kaifu : Former Google China CEO Li Kaifu
Li Yanhong : Chairman and CEO of Baidu
Li Shufu : Chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group
Ma Weihua : Executive Director, President and CEO of China Merchants Bank
Wang Jianlin : Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group Co., Ltd
Pan Gang: Yili Group chairman
Yan Ping: Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Group Co., Ltd Chairman of the Board
Hobo Kohler: Kohler Global Chairman
Kazuo Inamori: Kyocera Worldwide CEO
Okada Zhuoye: Japan Aeon Group Honorary President
Al Ries U.S.A Contemporary Marketing Master
The predecessor of Commercial Way:
On July 18, 2005, the program "Fortune Story Conference" was officially broadcast on CCTV-2, focusing on the wealth creation process of Chinese entrepreneurs, feeling their ups and downs of entrepreneurial stories, and spreading business wisdom. In four years, the program has focused on more than 800 influential Chinese entrepreneurs. The column of Fortune Story Club has won the title of Excellent Column of CCTV and Economic Channel for many times, and China TV The best wealth creation program on the list.
August 31, 2009, accompanied by CCTV Economic Channel Revised into CCTV Finance Channel The Fortune Story Club has also been upgraded, and the Business Way column was born. From the program form to the program content, Shangdao is a qualitative leap. The program "Commercial Way" is also broadcast on CCTV Russian and CCTV English channels.
the near future, host Wang Kai won the Best Narrative Control Award of New Weekly.
Column Introduction
Fortune Story Club 》On August 31, 2009, the column was officially renamed as the "Business Road" column, which is the transformation and upgrading version of the "Fortune Story". Taking "discovering business value" as the column communication concept, Business Way selects influential business figures in the context of the big era, intercepts and analyzes their experience fragments of great significance to the global business process, interprets the elements of classic business cases, spreads business wisdom, and shares business value. Based on the current situation, the column of "Business Path" always follows up major events in the real business field and searches for the trend of business pulse; We have successively launched high-end interview programs such as "250 Days of Liu Chuanzhi - An Exclusive Interview with Liu Chuanzhi's Crisis Resurrection", "Ask Rice in the Snow - An Exclusive Interview with the Holy Kazuo of Japanese Business", "Crazy Pride - An Exclusive Interview with Li Shufu's Acquisition of Volvo", to comment on hot financial events in time and deeply present the business trajectory behind the event.
The column "Business Way" reviews history, looks for trendsetters and great enterprises in global business history, and digs the genes of commercial success; He has broadcast classic case series such as "On Disney", "Panasonic, Toyota's Way of Operation and Management", "World class Enterprise Metamorphosis", and wrote fresh business cases for China. Once broadcast, the program was highly praised by viewers, experts, scholars and business people.
The column of "Business Way" looks forward to the future, has insight into business prospects and enlightens business wisdom. Broadcast successively“ Discover China's management model ”"Discover China's business model"“ Discover China's competitiveness ”, "Green Company" and other series of special programs lead the future business development direction, gain enormous social influence, and are highly praised by the News Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee.
On the road of brand building, the column of "Commercial Road" actively extends the value of the brand column and carries out offline boutique activities. Activities such as "Shangdao? World-class enterprise salon" and "Shangdao? Growth enterprise training camp" build an efficient communication and learning platform for world-class enterprises to approach China and Chinese enterprises to the world. The online broadcast of Shangdao covers the whole world, and the program has been compiled in CCTV English Channel , Russian Channel and Arabic Channel Broadcast.
"Business Path" is determined to be a discoverer of global business value, a communicator of Chinese enterprise growth, and a promoter of China's economic development.
Due to the adjustment of the financial channel, the original "Business Road" program was upgraded to the large-scale financial debate program "Opponent" from September 26, 2010. The program is broadcast on CCTV2 at 21:55 every Friday evening.