Shangshu 19

New hybrid varieties
zero Useful+1
Shangshu 19 (original line No. SL-19, original code 968-19) is a dual-use sweet potato variety bred by Henan Shangqiu Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences through sexual hybridization of SL-01 as female parent and Yushu 7 as male parent [2 ] [4 ] [6 ]
Shangshu 19's top leaves are slightly purple, and other parts of the ground are green. It has heart-shaped leaves with teeth, medium short tendrils, 1-1.5 meters long, about 8 branches at the base, and no fuzz at the top; Potato blocks are spindle shaped, with purple skin and white flesh; Good germination, strong growth of stems and leaves, early and concentrated tuber formation, 2-4 tubers per plant, neat and concentrated tuber formation; The dry matter rate of fresh potato is 32.8%, the dry starch rate is 71.4%, the crude protein is 4.07%, and the soluble sugar is 14.53%; It does not blossom and belongs to spring summer potato type; High resistance Root rot of sweet potato , anti Sweet potato stem nematode disease , high sense Black spot of sweet potato [1-2 ] [5 ]
In 2007, Shangshu 19 was identified as one of the demonstration varieties of sweet potato industrialization by the National Agricultural Technology Promotion Center [4 ] In 2014, this variety won the special prize of the fourth "Tianyu Cup" National Sweet Potato High Yield Competition [1 ]
Chinese name
Shangshu 19
Sweet potato
Identification No
Guojianshu 2003004
Henan Shangqiu Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
Parent source
SL-01/Yushu No.7

Breeding process

In 1996, Shangqiu Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences used SL-01 as female parent and Yushu No. 7 as male parent to conduct sexual hybridization and select sweet potato varieties from their offspring [4 ]
On March 26, 2003, the variety was identified by experts of the National Sweet Potato Identification Committee, named Shangshu 19, and identified as Guojianshu 2003004 [1 ] [4 ]
Pedigree of Shangshu 19 [1 ]


  • Agronomic characters: Shangshu 19 is a medium short vine type, with purplish leaves, heart-shaped leaves with teeth, green leaves, veins and stems, and about 8 branches at the base. Potato shaped long spindle, with purple skin and white flesh. Good germination, strong growth of stems and leaves, early and concentrated tuber formation, 4 tubers per plant. It does not blossom, and is a spring summer potato type [1 ] [4 ]
  • Disease resistance identification: According to the identification of the National Sweet Potato Research Center (Xuzhou) from 2000 to 2001, the disease index of Shangshu 19 was 21.7 in both years, and it was concluded that Shangshu 19 was highly resistant to sweet potato root rot; The disease index of sweet potato stem nematode disease in two years was 35.2 and 79.8 respectively, which was one year resistant and one year susceptible. There was no disease in the field during production, and it was comprehensively evaluated as resistant to sweet potato stem nematode disease; It is not resistant to sweet potato black spot. The disease index of sweet potato black spot in two years is 193.37 and 192.11, respectively. It is concluded that it is highly susceptible to sweet potato black spot [2 ] [4 ]
  • Quality analysis: According to the quality analysis of the National Sweet Potato Research Center (Xuzhou), the fresh dry matter rate of Shangshu 19 is 32.8%, the dry starch rate is 71.40%, the crude protein is 4.07%, and the soluble sugar is 14.53% [4 ]

Suitable area

Shangshu 19 has strong adaptability and can be planted in irrigated and dry land. It is suitable for planting sweet potato in spring and summer in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei and other sweet potato planting areas, but not in areas with severe disease of sweet potato black spot [1 ] [4 ]

Yield performance

  • Regional test
From 2000 to 2001, Shangshu 19 also participated in the regional trials in northern China and Henan Province. The average yield of fresh potatoes per mu in the northern regional trial for two years was 2063 kg, 2.4% lower than that of the control Xushu 18, and the yield reduction was not significant; The dry potato yield was 606.5 kg, 0.66% lower than the control, and the yield reduction was not significant; The dry matter rate was 29.7%, slightly higher than the control. Two year average comparison of control species in Henan regional test Xushu 18 The yield of fresh potato increased by 16.31%, and that of dry potato increased by 20.6% [1 ]
  • Production test
In 2002, this variety participated in the production test of sweet potato varieties in the north of China. The average yield of fresh potatoes per mu was 2113.3 kg, 7.93% more than that of the control Xushu 18, and the dry potato yield was 621.78 kg, 8.35% more than that of the control Xushu 18 [1 ]
  • Production and planting
In 2000, 19 commercial potatoes were planted in Erlang Village, Lizhai Township, Yongcheng, covering an area of 16.5 hectares. The average yield of fresh potatoes and starch was 3569.56 kg and 650.7 kg, respectively, based on the mixture of spring and summer potatoes [2 ]
In 2002, 19 commercial potatoes were planted in Suzhou City, Anhui Province, covering an area of 2667 hectares. The per unit yield of starch spring potatoes was about 700 kg, and the per unit yield of summer potatoes was 400-500 kg, with a high yield of 900 kg [2 ] [4 ]
  • Demonstration planting
In November 2022, at the production measurement site of the sweet potato demonstration site in Guanyun County, Gangdong Village, Nangang Town, experts finally obtained the Shangshu 19 sweet potato varieties planted in the high-yield sweet potato demonstration site in Gangdong Village, Nangang Town, Guanyun County, with an output of 11585 kg per mu [3]

cultivation techniques

  1. one
    Strong seedling cultivation: Put the selected seed potatoes into bamboo baskets or woven bags, put them into warm water at 58-60 ℃, and gently rotate them up and down several times to make the potatoes evenly heated. After 10 minutes, put them out to cool down; Soaking seeds with 500-600 times carbendazim or methyl tobu body liquid for 10 minutes can prevent and control sweet potato black spot; Seed soaking with Hongyubao can control sweet potato stem nematode disease. The plot with leeward and sunny direction, convenient drainage and irrigation, fertile soil, and no sweet potatoes planted in recent 2 years shall be selected as the seedbed, and the soil shall be deeply turned 15 days before seed discharge to fine and level the land; In sunny days when the temperature rises, select disease-free, injury free potato blocks with the characteristics of this variety as seed potatoes, try to make the head face up and the tail face down, water thoroughly after seed discharge, spray carbendazim for sterilization, cover with fine soil, and then cover the potato blocks with plastic film for moisture preservation and heat preservation, and heat preservation and budding before emergence. In case of low temperature weather, Adopt straw curtain or plastic arch shed to increase thermal insulation measures; Weeding shall be carried out in a timely manner after the seedlings are complete, and watering shall be carried out as appropriate. In case of aphids, spraying shall be carried out in a timely manner. When the seedlings grow to 15cm, ventilation shall be selected to refine the seedlings to ensure that the seedlings are healthy. Cutting seedlings, especially high cutting seedlings, can reduce the carrying amount of pathogens such as sweet potato black spot, sweet potato stem nematode disease, and effectively prevent or reduce the occurrence of field diseases; In addition, after cutting and transplanting, the roots can quickly return to the seedlings, and the new roots can easily develop into tuberous roots, thus increasing the yield; There are fibrous roots at the base of the sprouted potato seedlings, which are not easy to form potato blocks, and affect the number of inserted soil nodes, reducing the yield [1 ]
  2. two
    Soil treatment: Deep ploughing more than 30cm before winter is beneficial to soil improvement; Before ridge planting, sufficient base fertilizer shall be applied at one time, 1500 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer, 40 kg of biological bacterial fertilizer, 10 kg of potassium sulfate (pure), 7.5 kg of potassium chloride shall be applied per mu, and organic fertilizer shall be evenly distributed before deep tillage, and chemical fertilizer shall be sprayed before rotary tillage; The ridge spacing is 85cm, the ridge height is 30cm, the ridge is straight, the surface is flat, the soil is loose, and the core of the ridge is ploughed thoroughly without leakage. The three ditches shall be matched. After ridging, the "waist ditch" and "field ditch" shall be dug in time to dredge the ridges and ditches so that the three ditches can be matched to facilitate drought resistance and waterlogging drainage [1 ]
  3. three
    Timely planting: Generally, when the temperature of spring potatoes is stable at 15-16 ℃, that is, when the ground temperature of 10 cm is stable at 17-18 ℃, it is appropriate to start planting spring potatoes. Spring potatoes can be planted around April 15, and should be planted early and quickly in the appropriate period to increase production. When planting summer and autumn potatoes, the temperature is already high, and the temperature is no longer a limiting condition. You should seize the time to plant immediately after the previous crop is harvested, or interplant the previous crop lines to extend the growth period and increase the yield [1 ]
  4. four
    Field management: Check the survival condition of potato seedlings 5-7 days after planting. In case of missing seedlings caused by dead seedlings, missed planting and insect pests, replanting shall be carried out in time to ensure that the seedlings are neat, even and strong. At the stage of potato seedling clumping, spray 50-70ml of 5% Quizalofop-p-ethyl EC with a manual sprayer with a cover, add 50kg of water to evenly spray on the ridge surface, spray paraquat at the bottom of the ridge, and manually weed at the ridge sealing stage; After seedling planting and before ridge sealing, carry out intertillage twice. The first intertillage is carried out after seedling slowing. The depth of intertillage is 6-7cm, and the second is about 3cm. The bottom of the ridge is deeply hoed, the back of the ridge is shallow hoed, to prevent root damage, maintain the ridge shape, and combine intertillage weeding and ridge cultivation; In case of heavy rain in the middle and late growth period, the ponding in the field shall be removed in time; When there are signs of overgrowth on the ground, spray 200 mg/kg paclobutrazol 50 kg per mu, or 160 red taro king and 50 kg water, once every 4-5 days, 2-3 times continuously. High yield cultivation of sweet potato is not suitable for vine turning. The effective way to prevent excessive growth of stems and leaves is based on basic work, such as enhancing the aeration of soil, reasonably applying nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, arranging reasonable proportion according to formula fertilization, and selecting varieties with early tuber setting, rapid root expansion in early stage, and weak overground growth. Spread poison bait on the border to prevent mole crickets, stir fry the wheat bran or corn flour with medicated agents, and put them on the border and ridge in groups. Observe more in the field to prevent aphids, red spiders, sweet potato moths, spodoptera litura and other pests as early as possible, and drain the water in the field as soon as possible after the rain to prevent waterlogging, so as to ensure the yield and quality of potato blocks. If there is no rain for a long time, water to fight the drought. According to the growth of aboveground sweet potatoes, the weak ones shall be sprayed with urea or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaves [1 ]
  5. five
    Timely harvest: After frost falls, pick sunny days to harvest, dig in the morning and then check and bag in the afternoon. After drying in the field, some diseases can be alleviated. It shall be planed, loaded, transported and unloaded lightly [1 ]