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commodity production

[shāng pǐn shēng chǎn]
Economic terminology
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Commodity production refers to capitalist system Next, refers to the exploitation of capital Wage labour Produce goods for characteristics. It is private ownership Based on the most developed commodity production. The production of material means at a certain stage of social production with the direct purpose of exchange. Commodity producers produce a product not to obtain its use value, but to obtain its value. Use value is the material undertaker of value. In order to obtain value, commodity producers must produce use value, that is, things useful to society. Commodity production is a form of social production, but not the only form. [1]
Chinese name
commodity production
Under the capitalist system, it refers to the commodity production characterized by capital exploitation and employment of labor

Basic Introduction

Commodities are capitalist society The most common and abundant phenomenon in. The wealth of capitalist society is represented by a huge accumulation of goods. All aspects of social life are governed by the principle of buying and selling. stay Capitalist mode of production Next, not only labor products are commodities, but also natural materials, such as land, primitive forests, minerals, etc., which are not produced by labor, can be commodities; Not only tangible goods can be commodities, but also various intangible things such as a person's reputation and heart can be commodities. In particular, human labor has also become a commodity. It is this latter point that constitutes Capitalist commodity production The most fundamental feature of.

the labor

In capitalist society, workers capitalistic enterprise Go to work, and get a certain amount of remuneration after the end of labor. On the surface, workers sell capitalist It is labor. Actually not. What he sold was not labor, but his own labor. Because labor is the labor Only when the labor force is sold to the capitalist as a commodity, can the capitalist obtain the right to use the labor force, and the workers will work for the capitalist. Labor force or labor capacity is the existence of human body Labor process The total amount of intelligence and physical strength exerted by. It only became a commodity under the social condition that workers were separated from the means of production, that is, the means of production were owned by capitalists. Since the means of production are concentrated in the hands of capitalists, workers have to sell their labor as commodities to capitalists in order to survive. Labor commodity Like other commodities, it has value and use value. Value of labor It is equal to the value of maintaining a certain amount of means of subsistence needed by workers and their families. The use value of labor has its own characteristics, and its actual use itself is labor, which is the value creation process. The value of labor force and the value created in the use of labor force are two different quantities, and the latter can be greater than the former. When the capitalists purchase labor, they are concerned about the fact that labor has created more than its own value surplus value Ability.
the labor Becoming a commodity will inevitably make commodity production universal and Capitalist commodity production It becomes the dominant form in social production. This is because the employed workers can only live by selling their labor force, and they must buy means of living in order to maintain their livelihood. At the same time, the society must have means of living as commodities for workers to buy. This situation shows that once relying on Wage labour With the popularization of production, commodity production will inevitably become a universal form of production. The popularization of commodity production will promote Social division of labor With the development of, commodity production has become more and more specialized, and the mutually complementary production process has increasingly become an independent production process. At this time, capitalists engaged in production not only need to buy labor, but also to buy goods on a larger and larger scale Means of production To what extent has labor become a commodity Means of production To what extent will it become a commodity. The more capitalist commodity production develops, the more damaged and disintegrated the old mode of production, which mainly meets its own needs directly and only converts surplus products into commodities. Therefore, the labor force becomes a commodity, and the first thing is to make the commodity Universalization of production And then gradually transform commodity production into capitalist commodity production.

Production premise

Capitalist commodity production is premised on large-scale production. It requires not only a domestic market that is constantly developing in breadth and depth, but also breaking the boundaries between nations and countries, opening up the world market and developing international division of labor This development process is developed capitalist country The process of turning economically backward countries into their own industrial product sales markets and raw materials and food supply bases is developed country Of capitalist class The process of exploiting and plundering economically backward countries.

Production purpose

Capitalist commodity production The result of a certain amount of products or use value capitalist All. Capitalists do not produce use value for themselves consumption , because they are commodities Exchange value The undertaker of. Since his products are produced as capitalist goods, they should not only produce use value, but also produce value. They should not only produce value, but also Production surplus value If capitalist Productive commodity value Purchased with him to produce the goods Means of production and Value of labor Equal without surplus, it is meaningless for him to engage in commodity production. Therefore, extracting surplus value is the fundamental purpose and decisive motivation of capitalists to produce goods, and is the essence of capitalist commodity production. Surplus value is the part of value produced by hired workers and occupied by capitalists free of charge that exceeds the value of labor force itself. Its source is the surplus labor of hired workers. The pursuit of surplus value is the driving force of capitalist commodity production. What commodities the capitalist produces and how many commodities he produces depend on how to obtain the maximum surplus value.
Capitalist private ownership And chasing residual value or profit The production purpose of the whole society will inevitably be trapped in the fierce competition between capitalists Anarchy How much profit the capitalist can actually get from selling goods depends on the goods market price The price is affected by the supply and demand of commodities, but in the final analysis Law of value The price fluctuates around the value. When the market demand When increasing, the result of buyer competition, market price It will rise and exceed the value, so that the capitalists can obtain more profits. Then he expanded production and supply. along with supply With the continuous increase of, there will be opposite changes, that is, the supply of the commodity is greater than the demand, and the competition between suppliers intensifies. As a result, the market price will fall, and the profits obtained by the capitalists will be reduced, or even unprofitable. At this time, he would shrink to stop production and reduce supply. As a result, a new cycle of supply and demand, market price and profit changes has emerged. The phenomenon that the price of commodity market fluctuates spontaneously around the value is just the manifestation of the blind effect of the law of value under private ownership, which regulates the production of capitalist commodities and Commodity circulation

Historical process

stay feudal society later stage, Capitalist commodity production With Simple commodity production And sprouted. At first, it still did not get rid of manual labor, so its scope was still limited, only involving a small part of national production, and its development was relatively slow. But after capital Primitive accumulation After the process, Feudal mode of production and Guild system Accelerate disassembly, business The development of natural economy The industrial revolution also laid a solid material and technological foundation for capitalism to finally defeat feudalism. All this has finally made capitalist commodity production the dominant form of social production.
Capitalist machine industry The childhood of Industrial capital Dominate. What suits this is free competition Of Capitalist commodity production As commodities are products of capital, equal capital requires equal profits. Free competition of capital among various departments and capitalist credit system The development of Average profit rate and Production price Formation of. Under the new conditions, the market price of commodities fluctuates around the production price, Law of value It spontaneously regulates the production of capitalist goods and commodity exchange In the late 19th century, changes in science and technology further developed the machinery industry, heavy industry It plays a leading role in social production. The concentration of production and capital reached a high level monopoly organization Industrial capital and bank capital Fused finacial capital Has occupied a dominant position. What suits this is Monopoly capitalism Production of goods. Monopoly capitalists pass regulations Monopoly price And other ways to ensure the monopoly of high profits.

Concept comparison

And Simple commodity production The differences and commonalities of capitalist commodity production were based on simple commodity production in the late feudal society. But there are qualitative differences between the two. The production of simple commodities is the personal work and ownership of workers Means of production The purpose of combined individual production is to meet their own needs. Capitalist commodity production Is to employ workers to work with capitalist means of production Socialized mass production The purpose is to provide the capitalist with surplus value. The products of the former are mainly used to meet their own consumption. They are sold as commodities only when they have surplus after their own consumption. The purpose is to exchange the use value with the same value for their own consumption. The latter started with the production of a large number of commodities, which were sold to the whole society or even the world, in order to realize surplus value or profit. In simple commodity production, although Private labor and social labor There are contradictions between them, but whether the goods can be sold or not, and whether the labor for producing products can be formed Total social labor Part of the personal labor products still belong to their own possession. In capitalist commodity production, not only the contradiction between private labor and social labor continues to exist, but also the labor products are not owned by those who use the means of production to engage in labor, but are owned by capitalists, that is, they have developed into the contradiction between socialized production and capitalist private ownership.
Capitalist commodity production It has something in common with simple commodity production. Both are based on Private ownership of means of production On the basis of, subject to the spontaneous division of labor of the society Law of value The adjustment of the, will appear rich and poor Polarization Phenomenon. Because both are commodity production based on private ownership, the initial capitalist commodity production was generated from the differentiation of simple commodity producers.