zero Useful+1

Commercial buildings

Houses for business and living services
Commercial buildings refer to all kinds of shops Sales Department , restaurants, grain and oil stores, vegetable markets, barber shops, photo studios, bathrooms Hotel Guesthouse And other houses used for business and living services for residents, and Office space , such as office buildings and garages.
Another explanation for commercial housing: commercial housing refers to Real estate development company Developed for commerce, grain, supply and marketing catering Stores, retail departments grain shop , bookstores, supply and marketing stores, restaurants and other houses. Generally, it refers to the houses on the ground floor facing the street.
Commercial Land use life 40 years.
Chinese name
Commercial buildings
Land use life
40 years
Detailed Provisions on Enterprise Domicile
Loan Term
10 years

Registered address

According to the latest Administration for Industry and Commerce It is required that the company's registered address must be in the commercial housing, not in the residential housing. If the residence is used to register a company, it must be done with the consent of all neighbors“ Housing reform and commerce ”Registration can be used to register companies. For detailed requirements of enterprise domicile, see the annex Detailed Provisions on Enterprise Domicile

Housing loan

personal Commercial housing loan , refers to the use of Own funds Commercial loans granted to borrowers for the purchase of commercial buildings (including shops, office buildings, etc.) [1]
Credit line: the maximum credit line for individual commercial housing is the total price of the purchased commercial housing (for individual second-hand commercial housing Evaluation price 50% of the transaction price). If the relevant regulatory provisions change the loan limit of personal commercial housing, the provisions shall be followed.
Loan Term : Individual Commercial housing loan The maximum term is 10 years.
lending rate : Personal commercial housing loan interest rate People's Bank of China Relevant regulations shall be implemented.