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Business data

Collection of historical information and instant information of each important link in the value chain of an industry
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Business data refers to the collection of historical information and instant information of each important link in the value chain of an industry, including internal data of commercial enterprises, distribution channel data, consumer market data, etc.
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Business data
Internal data of commercial enterprises, distribution channel data, consumer market data, etc
Business data can not only reveal the history of the industry, but also reflect the latest development of the industry. More importantly, it can predict the future of the industry Industrial value chain Provide reliable consultation and guidance on strategy, R&D, marketing, management, etc. of various enterprises. The collection of business data of a large number of industries is the business data platform. The business data platform can not only make horizontal and vertical comparisons within the industry, but also make comparisons between industries. It can also monitor the real-time development of various industries and has more powerful functions.