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Tang Market Town

Town under the jurisdiction of Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
open 2 entries with the same name
Tangji Town, located in Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province Lianshui County Northeast, East and Funing County Yangzhai Town Border, south and Huangying Township It is connected with Donghuji in the west and Donghuji in the north Shihu Town Bordering. [2] The total area is 65.06 square kilometers. [4] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Tangji Town was 34582. [4]
Before 1949, it belonged to the sixth district of Lianshui County. In 1983, the commune was transformed into a township. In 1988, township was transformed into town. [2] As of October 2021, Tangji Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 12 administrative villages. [3] The town people's government is located at No. 1, Tangji Street. [2]
By the end of 2019, there were 39 industrial enterprises in Tangji Town, including 3 enterprises above the designated size, and 12 stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [4]
Chinese name
Tang Market Town
Administrative Region Category
Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
geographical position
Lianshui County northeast
65.06 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 community, 12 administrative villages
Government residence
1 Tangji Street
Area Code
zip code
two hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-one
Famous scenic spot
Moon Tower
License plate code
Su H
34582 persons

Historical evolution

Before 1949, it belonged to the sixth district of Lianshui County.
After 1949, it belonged to Huangying District.
In 1957, some areas of Tangji, Shihu, Hu Miao and other townships were merged into Tangji Township.
In 1958, the township was transformed into a commune.
In 1983, the commune was transformed into a township.
In 1988, township was transformed into town. [2]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had jurisdiction over Tangji Residents' Committee and 12 villagers' committees, including Xingwang, Daqiao, Feiyao, Lianfu, Shen Fei, Zhou Cheng, Yueta, Zhongying, Fenghe, Fenghua, Lushe, and Hu Miao, with 1 residents' group and 160 villagers' groups. [2]
As of October 2021, Tangji Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 12 administrative villages: Tangji Community, Yueta Village, Xingwang Village, Shenfei Village, Feiyao Village, Daqiao Village, Lianfu Village, Zhoucheng Village, Zhongying Village, Fenghua Village, Fenghe Village, Humu Village and Lushe Village. [3] The town people's government is located at No. 1, Tangji Street. [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Tang Market Town is located Lianshui County Northeast, East and Funing County Yangzhai Town Border, south and Huangying Township It is connected with Donghuji in the west and Donghuji in the north Shihu Town Bordering. [2] The total area is 65.06 square kilometers. [4]
Tang Market Town


The main rivers in Tangji Town include Tangxiang River, Tangsong River, Tangyang River, Fudui River, Xiguan River, Wudoudagou, etc., with a total length of 2.2 kilometers. [2]

natural resources

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had 51000 mu of agricultural arable land, 1.6 mu per capita. [2]


At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had a total population of 34708, including 3725 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 10.7%. There are also 6130 floating population. In the total population, there are 18118 males, accounting for 52.2%; 16590 women, accounting for 47.8%. In 2011, the birth rate of Tangji Town was 10.4 ‰, the mortality rate was 5.2 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was 5.2 ‰. The population density is 510 people per square kilometer. [2]
By the end of 2017, there were 24452 permanent residents in Tangji Town. [1]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Tangji Town was 34582. [4]
 Tang Market Town Tang Market Town Tang Market Town
Tang Market Town




In 2011, Tangji Town achieved a total regional GDP of 350 million yuan, including 220 million yuan of added value of the primary industry, 70 million yuan of added value of the secondary industry, 60 million yuan of added value of the tertiary industry, and the ratio of added value of the tertiary industry and the tertiary industry was 62.9:20:17.1. The total financial revenue is 23.5 million yuan. From the perspective of main taxes, business tax of 8 million yuan, value-added tax of 10 million yuan, enterprise income tax of 400000 yuan, individual income tax of 1 million yuan, and per capita net income of farmers of 6875 yuan were completed. [2]
By the end of 2019, there were 39 industrial enterprises in Tangji Town, including 3 enterprises above the designated size, and 12 stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [4]


In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Tangji Town was 470 million yuan, and the grain crops were mainly rice and wheat. The total grain output is 41326 tons, with 1191 kg per capita. The main economic plants are rape, peanut, and soybean. The livestock industry is dominated by poultry. The total output value of livestock industry is 40 million yuan, accounting for 8.5% of the total agricultural output value. By the end of 2011, the forest coverage rate in Tangji Town was 20.9%, and the volume of standing trees was 250000 cubic meters. The fishery is dominated by freshwater aquaculture, with a total output value of 2.9 million yuan. There are 390 large agricultural machinery. [2]


In 2011, Tangji Town completed a total industrial output value of 220 million yuan. There are 2 industrial enterprises above designated size, with 430 employees, realizing industrial added value of 6 million yuan. [2]

Commerce and trade

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had 324 commercial outlets and 544 employees; The total sales of social commodities reached 360 million yuan, and the trade volume of urban and rural fairs reached 270 million yuan. [2]


At the end of 2011, the balance of various deposits in Tangji Town was 240 million yuan; The balance of various loans was 30 million yuan. [2]

Posts and telecommunications

In 2011, the postal business income of Tangji Town was 132000 yuan, and the annual telecom business income was 1.5 million yuan. [2]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 2 kindergartens in Tangji Town, with 830 children and 21 full-time teachers. There are 2 primary schools with 1486 students and 83 full-time teachers. There is one junior high school with 313 students and 48 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools, the enrollment rate of primary school students, the enrollment rate of school-age population in junior middle schools, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reached 100%. The education fund reached 20 million yuan, and the education cost within the budget was 10 million yuan. [2]

Cultural undertakings

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had one cultural station, one library and more than 5000 books; There are 13 rural bookstores with a collection of more than 35000 books. [2]


At the end of 2011, there were 15 sports venues in Tangji Town. All villages have installed fitness equipment, and 55% of the permanent population often participate in sports activities. [2]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had 1 health center with 50 medical beds, and 1.5 medical beds per thousand people; There are 60 professional health personnel, with an average of 1.8 health technicians per 1000 people. Medical institutions (outpatient department and above) have completed diagnosis and treatment of 30000 people, 300 inpatient operations, and 1350 discharged patients. The incidence of notifiable infectious diseases was 345/100000, and 34000 people participated in the new rural cooperative medical care, with a participation rate of 98%. [2]

social security

In 2011, the number of rural minimum living security households in Tangji Town was 359, with 716 people, and the expenditure was 892000 yuan; 48 people are provided with five guarantees in rural areas, and the expenditure is 192000 yuan; The five guarantees in rural areas provided for 71 people in a decentralized manner, with an expenditure of 262000 yuan; 65 people received medical assistance in rural areas, 245 people received assistance from the civil affairs department to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 380000 yuan: 380 people received temporary relief in rural areas. 10395 people participated in the new rural endowment insurance, with a coverage rate of 96%. 151 people were entitled to pension and preferential treatment, and the expenditure was 381000 yuan. [2]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had 13 postal outlets, a total one-way length of 113 kilometers, 140 delivery points and 100% rural postal rate. There are 3 telecom enterprises and 6 service outlets. 5000 fixed telephone users, 16000 mobile phone users and 2497 broadband access users. [2]


power supply
At the end of 2011, Tangji Town had one 3500 kV substation, two main transformers, a total capacity of 14.8 MVA, two high-voltage transmission lines, a total length of 109 kilometers, and a power load of 18750 kilowatts. The annual electricity sales have reached 15.28 million kilowatt hours, the comprehensive voltage qualification rate is 98.94%, and the power supply reliability rate is 99.47%. [2]


Tangji Town has two provincial roads, which are 6 kilometers long. There are three county and town level roads, with a total length of 20 kilometers. There is one passenger station, and the daily average passenger volume of 50 passenger cars is 1000 person times. [2]
 Tang Market Town Tang Market Town
Tang Market Town

Historical culture


Origin of place names

In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), Tang market town was established by Tang Aisong, so it was called Tang market. [2]

cultural relics and historic sites

Moon Tower
Yueta, in Yueta Village, Tangji Town. According to the Annals of Andong County, Yongzheng County, "Faji Temple is 75 miles away." Faji Pagoda is outside the mountain gate of Faji Temple. There are three pagodas: the left hides the Buddha's teeth, the right hides the Buddha's bones, and the southwest giant hides the relics. It is seven levels high and can be accessed by a door. It was rebuilt in the 34th year of Wanli. There is Tongji Bridge in the east of the temple, and the stone inscription "Master of Divinity".
There is also a local legend: "In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin led his army to garrison the Faji Temple during the Eighth Uncle's Eastern Expedition. Later, he was wounded in the battle and died in the Faji Temple. Li Shimin ordered Yuchi Jingde to build a pagoda in the temple to commemorate it." Therefore, there was a temple first and then a pagoda. The temple already existed in the early Tang Dynasty, and the pagoda was built in the early Tang Dynasty. Among the uncles (including expenditure) of Li Shimin, the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shuliang, the only king of Changping, died after being wounded in battle, and he died on the way of the road in the battle with Turks in the fourth year of Wude of the Tang Dynasty (621). Therefore, the legend is not credible.
In the book Essence of Chinese Ancient Pagodas, there is a special record of Jiangsu Lianshui Moon Tower. The full text is as follows: "The tower is octagonal in plane. It may have seven storeys in those days, but now there are six storeys left, with a total height of 24 meters. It is also a pavilion style tower. This tower has no base, but only a simple foundation. The first floor of the tower is particularly high, and its east, west, north, south and south sides have folding angle door openings (Gui shaped)". The tower body is smooth, without decoration. A single bucket arch is made to the eaves. Except for the corners, there are two on each side, This is common on the Song Tower. The eaves are very short, and the corners are made of stone bars as corner beams. Because the eaves of the tower are broken, there is no intention of flat seats. There are four door and window openings on four sides of the tower body on the second floor and the third floor, and the other four sides are decorated windows. The structure is roughly similar to that of the first floor. The fourth floor is mullion window; The fifth and sixth layers have been destroyed. The inner part of the tower is "wall inside folding type". Judging from the standard of the door and window openings and the bucket arch style, it is a tower of the Song Dynasty. In 1982, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province approved the Moon Tower as a provincial protected cultural relic.

Honors won

In January 2022, it was selected into the "Name List of Health Towns in Jiangsu Province in 2021". [5]