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Tanghe County

County under Nanyang City, Henan Province
Tanghe County, Henan Province Nanyang City , on Henan Province Southwest, at the junction of Henan and Hubei, near Nanyang City in the west Wancheng District , Zaoyang City, Hubei Province in the south and Zaoyang City in the east Tongbai County and Zhumadian City Biyang County , Beilian Sheqi County Kyoto in ancient times Chang'an Luoyang The official road leading to Jianghan Plain is rich in resources and people A place of strategic importance It has a northern subtropical monsoon continental climate. The terrain is high in the east and low in the west, with a total area of 2512 square kilometers. By the end of 2022, Tanghe County has 1.0379 million permanent residents, [18] As of June 2023, Tanghe County has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 14 towns and 5 townships, [14] The county people's government is located in Binhe Street.
In Tanghe, the ancient Tang state of Emperor Yao was first granted here. In the Zhou Dynasty, it was the state of Shen, Xie, Tang and Liao. In the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, it was the state of Tang, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was the county of Tang. After liberation, it was divided into three counties: Tangnan, Tangxi, and Tangbei. In 1949, the three counties were combined and called Tanghe County. It gave birth to such celebrities as Feng Youlan, a philosopher, Feng Jinglan, a geologist, and Feng Zongpu, a famous writer. Tanghe County is a famous commodity grain, cotton and oil base in China, and also an important oil base in Henan Province. Tanghe County has successively won the National Advanced County for Science and Technology Progress, "China Gardenia Hometown " central section Top 100 counties and cities. [20] Reply of the State Council in 2015“ Revitalization and Development Plan of Dabie Mountain Revolutionary Base Area ”Incorporate the development of Tanghe County into the national strategy. [1] There are many scenic spots in the territory, such as Tianzhu Mountain Forest Park.
In 2022, the gross regional product of Tanghe County will reach 43.11 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 5.5%, including 10.9 billion yuan of added value, 10.58 billion yuan of added value and 21.63 billion yuan of added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, with a year-on-year growth of 5.1%, 7.7% and 4.6% respectively. The three industrial restructuring will be 25.3:24.5:50.2. [18]
Chinese name
Tanghe County
Foreign name
Tanghe County
Tangxian County, Tangzhou
area number
four hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and twenty-eight
Administrative Region Category
Henan Province Nanyang City
geographical position
Southwest of Henan Province
2512 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets, 14 towns and 5 townships
Government residence
Riverside Street
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and seventy-three thousand and four hundred
climatic conditions
Northern subtropical monsoon continental climate
population size
1.0379 million (Permanent population by the end of 2022)
train station
Tanghe Station
License plate code
Yu R
43.11 billion yuan [2] (2022)

Historical evolution

Ancient Liao State Site
During the Xia and Shang Dynasties in Tanghe County《 China's oldest known book of geography Yuzhou Domain. [16]
Zhou is the land of Shen, Xie, Tang and Liao. [16]
Qin , Huyang County, Nanyang County.
Western Han Dynasty In the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, it was Huyang County (city), belonging to Nanyang County.
Jin, Jiyang County, belongs to Yiyang County. [16]
Southern and Northern Dynasties In the Northern Wei Dynasty, Zhongli, Xiangcheng, Chenyang and Shima counties were set up in the county, which belonged to Nanxiang Prefecture, Xihuai'an Prefecture and Xiangcheng Prefecture respectively. Chengguan Town was the county seat of Xiangcheng at that time, and later became the prefecture seat and county seat.
Sui Dynasty The territory is Shangma County and Huyang County, belonging to Chongling County. [16]
In the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (627), Shangma County was incorporated into Huyang County, and Huzhou was abandoned and changed to Tangzhou (now Zaoyang). In the ninth year of the Tang Dynasty, the state government moved from Zaoyang to Biyang (now Miyang, Zhumadian City). In the 13th year of the Kaiyuan era (725), Shangma County was re established in Huyang County, all of which belonged to Tangzhou. In the first year of Tianbao (742), Shangma County was renamed as Biyang County (near Tanghe County), still belonging to Tangzhou. In the third year of Tianyou (906), the governance of Tangzhou was moved from Biyang to Biyang (today's Tanghe County), and the name of Tangzhou was changed to Bizhou,
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms At that time, it was Biyang County. Houliang belonged to Bizhou. Later Tang Dynasty changed into Tang State, later Jin Dynasty changed into Bizhou, and later Han Dynasty and later Zhou Dynasty belonged to Tang State.
Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty are two counties of Biyang and Huyang, both of which belong to Tangzhou. In the 11th year of Shaoxing (1141), it was returned to Jin, and in the 31st year of Shaoxing (1161), it was returned to the Southern Song Dynasty. In the second year of Longxing (1164), it was returned to Jin. Southern Song Dynasty. Gold alternates and construction remains unchanged. In the sixth year of Jiading, that is, the first year of Ning (1213), Huyang County was set up as Huyang Town and incorporated into Biyang County (today's Tanghe). In the first year of Duanping (1234), the Mongol and Song Dynasties united to destroy the Jin Dynasty, and Biyang County (today's Tanghe County) was returned to the Southern Song Dynasty, belonging to the Tang State. [16]
In the second year of the Yuan to Yuan Dynasty (1265), Seyang (today's Tanghe) County was re established as Huyang County, which belonged to Tangzhou. At this time, Tangzhou led four counties, namely Biyang (today's Tanghe), Huyang, Biyang (today's Biyang), and Tongbai. In the third year of the Zhiyuan era, Huyang, Biyang and Tongbai counties were abandoned and Huyang Town, Biyang Town and Tongbai Town were set up. It was incorporated into Tangzhou, and later into Miyang (today's Tanghe) County of Henan Province. Tangzhou does not lead the county, and it belongs to Jiangbei Road of Henan Province. In the eighth year of the Zhiyuan era (1271), it was renamed Nanyang Prefecture.
In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), Tangzhou was abolished and Tangxian County (now Tanghe County) was established, belonging to Nanyang Prefecture. In the 14th year of Hongwu (1381), Tang County divided Biyang Town into Biyang County (now Biyang); In the 12th year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty (1476), Tongbai County was set up in Tongbai Town of Tang County (governing Tongbai today).
The Qing Dynasty followed the Ming Dynasty. [16]
Wenfeng Tower in Tanghe County
Republic of China At the beginning, it was Tang County, belonging to Nanyang Prefecture. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), it was renamed Biyuan County, belonging to South Henan Road In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), it changed to Ruyang Road. In the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), it was changed into Tanghe County and still belonged to Ruyang Road. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), Ruyang Road was abandoned, belonging to Henan Province. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), it was renamed the Sixth Administrative Supervision District of Henan Province.
In November of the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), Tanghe was liberated. On December 28 of the same year, Tanghe County (also known as Tangbei County) was established. The patriotic and democratic government of the county is located in the current Tanghe County (once stationed in Yuantan and Sanliwang Village); Tangnan County was established to the south of Sanjia River, and Qi Yi was set up by the county government; In August of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), Tangxi County was established, and the county government set up Zhangdian (once stationed in Baiqiu). In the 37th to 38th year of the Republic of China (1947 to 1948), there were three counties in Tanghe (North), Tangnan and Tangxi. All three counties belong to the First Patriotic and Democratic Administrative Supervision Commissioner Office of Tongbai District. In the winter of the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), Tanghe (North) County was changed to the Second Patriotic and Democratic Administrative Supervision Commissioner Office of Tongbai District. In March of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), Tanghe County (North), Tangnan County and Tangxi County were merged into Tanghe County. The county government was located in Tanghe County, belonging to Nanyang District. [16]
The People's Republic of China After its establishment, in October 1949, Tanghe County was still in Nanyang. [16]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 2012, the 8 organic villages of Lizhai, Songzhuang, Zengzhuang, Fugang, Niuwumen, Nanmazhuang, Sunzhuang and Niusanmen in Zhangdian Town, Tanghe County were separated, and Dongxing Sub district Office was set up, which was managed by the Guanzhuang Work Area Management Committee, and the sub district office was located in Lizhai Village. [15]
In 2017, Qiyi Township was abolished and Qiyi Town was established. [6]
On September 14, 2021, seven administrative villages of Changgangtou, Liuwa, Liuzhuang, Wangzhuang, Qinchong, Zhuzhuang, Quanzhuang, etc. in Chengjiao Township will be under the jurisdiction of Riverside Street Niuzhuang, Qilijing, Fangzhuang, Liumawa, Niuyuan, Baligang, Qiligou, Tongying and other eight administrative villages in suburban villages are under the jurisdiction of Wenfeng Street [7]

Zoning Details

As of June 2023, Tanghe County has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 14 towns and 5 townships: [14] There are 525 administrative villages (communities) in Binhe Street, Wenfeng Street, Xingtang Street, Sizhou Street, Yuantan Town, Zhangdian Town, Guotan Town, Huyang Town, Heilong Town, Dahertun Town, Longtan Town, Tongzhaipu Town, Cangtai Town, Shangtun Town, Bidian Town, Shaobaisi Town, Qiyi Town, Mazhenfu Town, Chengjiao Township, Tonghe Township, Zangang Township, Gucheng Township, Dongwangji Township. [12] The county people's government is located in Binhe Street.

geographical environment


Location context

Tanghe County, located in Henan Province southwest, Nanyang Basin east. County West and Xinye County Nanyang City District borders, north and Sheqi County Adjacent to, east of Biyang County Tongbai County Bordering Hubei Province in the south Zaoyang City to be connected. It is located at 32 ° 21 ′ - 32 ° 55 ′ north latitude, 112 ° 28 ′ - 112 ° 16 ′ east longitude, 74.3 kilometers long from east to west, 63 kilometers wide from north to south, and has a total land area of 2512.4 square kilometers. [17]
Tanghe County

topographic features

Tanghe County is located in the transition zone between "Nanxiang Sag" and Tongbai Mountain. The terrain is high in the east and low in the west, with an altitude of 72.8~660 meters. The highest point is located in Laoxiong Nunnery, Mazhenfu Town, with an altitude of 660 meters. The lowest point is located in Xiliuzhuang, Yuwan Administrative Village, Cangtai Town, with an altitude of 72.8 meters. The landform is composed of low mountains and hills extending westward from Tongbai Mountains and plains and ridges in the east of Nanyang Basin, of which low mountains and hills account for 15.3% of the total area of the county, gently inclined plains account for 32.5%, and alluvial valley belt plains account for 52.2%. [17]


Tanghe County Scenery
Tanghe County is located in the transition area from the northern subtropical zone to the warm temperate zone. It has a northern subtropical monsoon continental climate with four distinct seasons and a mild climate. The annual average temperature is 15.2 ℃, the average temperature of the coldest month (January) is 0.9 ℃, and the average temperature of the hottest month (July) is 27.4 ℃. The extreme maximum temperature was 45.1 ℃ (July 15, 1934), and the minimum temperature was - 21.2 ℃ (January 11, 1955). The annual frost free period is 233 days, and the average annual total sunshine hours is 2187.8 hours. The average annual rainfall is 824.8mm, the maximum annual rainfall is 1250.6mm (1965), and the minimum annual rainfall is 455.9mm( [17] 2001), the rainfall is mostly concentrated in June to September, accounting for about 60% of the annual rainfall.


Tanghe County is located in the middle reaches of the Tanghe River, belonging to the Tangbai River system of the Yangtze River basin. The rivers in the territory are mainly Tanghe River and its tributaries. The main stream of Tanghe River passes through the territory from northeast to southwest. The main tributaries of Tanghe River include 9 rivers, including Biyang River, Sanjia River, Tonghe River, Pihe River, Qingshui River, Liaoyang River, Mianyan River, Jianhe River and Jiangshi River. They are distributed in a fan shape and spread all over the county, with a total length of 390.7 kilometers and a drainage area of 4751 square kilometers. [17]


There are 4 soil types and 6 sub types of soil in Tanghe, including yellow brown soil, shajiang black soil, fluvo aquic soil and paddy soil. There are two sub types of yellow brown loam, namely yellow cinnamon soil and coarse bone yellow cinnamon soil, which are mainly distributed in the east and west hilly areas and the southeast low mountain and hilly areas, accounting for 67.0% of the total land area; There is only one subcategory of calcareous fluvo aquic soil, which is distributed on both sides of Tanghe River, Biyang River and Sanjia River in strips, accounting for 7.1% of the total land area; Shajiang black soil only has one subtype of Shajiang black soil, which is distributed in the southern low-lying plain, the western plain and local low-lying land, accounting for 25.2% of the total land area; There are two subtypes of paddy soil, which are flooded paddy soil and retention paddy soil. The area is small, and they are mainly distributed in the southeast mountain valley, accounting for 0.7% of the total land area. [17]

natural resources


land resource

The total cultivated land area of Tanghe County is 166701.22 hectares, accounting for 66.76% of the total land area. Among them, 139.81 hectares are paddy fields, 34271.94 hectares are irrigated fields and 132289.47 hectares are dry lands. Mainly cultivated land ≤ 2 °, mainly grain crops. The per capita cultivated land area of Tanghe County is 1612.08 square meters, which is much higher than the per capita cultivated land area of Nanyang City of 996.75 square meters. [17]

mineral resources

By the end of 2020, Tanghe County has found 21 kinds of minerals, 9 kinds of minerals developed and utilized, and 14 ore producing areas. Metal minerals mainly include copper, nickel, iron, platinum, palladium, etc; Non metallic minerals mainly include marble for cement, marble, granite for veneer, building stone, quartzite, fluorite, potassium feldspar, geothermal, mineral water, natural alkali ore, etc., among which copper nickel ore, marble for cement, granite for veneer, and building stone have large reserves. [17]

water resource

The average annual precipitation of Tanghe County is 824.8 mm, the surface water resources are 405.15 million cubic meters, and the groundwater resources are 251.35 million cubic meters. After deducting the repeated calculation of surface water and groundwater, 104.7 million cubic meters, the total water resources of Tanghe County in 2020 will be 551.8 million cubic meters, 17.8% less than the average annual total water resources. The total water resources in the county are 919 million cubic meters, including 651 million cubic meters of surface runoff, 183 million cubic meters of groundwater, and 85 million cubic meters of external water. Over the years, there has been an average of 1275 million cubic meters of transit water. [17]

Forest resources

In 2020, the forest land area of Tanghe County will reach 19976.77 hectares, accounting for 8.13% of the county's land resources, including 10854.62 hectares of arbor forest land, 173.78 hectares of bamboo forest land, 53.87 hectares of shrub forest land, and 8894.50 hectares of other forest land. In general, the forest resources in Tanghe County are relatively small, far below the average level of 40.03% in Nanyang City. [17]

Biological resources

Tanghe County is rich in biological resources, with 578 species of wild plants belonging to 346 genera and 114 families, including 3 national rare plants, namely ginkgo, lotus and wild soybean; There are 230 kinds of vertebrates, 2 kinds of animals under first class national protection, namely black stork and golden eagle, and 24 kinds of animals under second class national protection or above. Among them, Henan Tanghe National Wetland Park is an important station for migratory birds in the middle line of China, which has unique value in biodiversity protection and science popularization and education, and has significant protection value. [17]



population size

Shanghai Shaanxi Expressway (Xinyang Nanyang Section) - Tanghe Service Station
By the end of 2022, Tanghe County has 1.0379 million permanent residents, including 469900 urban residents and 568000 rural residents. [18]

Ethnic Composition

There are Hui, Zhuang, Mongolian, Manchu, Tujia, Tibetan Buyi nationality , Korean, Miao and other 12 ethnic minorities account for 1.02% of the total population.


Current main leaders of Tanghe County
full name
secretary of the county Party committee
Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Chief
Only the main leaders of the party and government are listed, not deputy leaders, as of March 2024 [19]




Night view on both banks of Tanghe River
In 2022, the gross regional product of Tanghe County will reach 43.11 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 5.5%, including 10.9 billion yuan of added value, 10.58 billion yuan of added value and 21.63 billion yuan of added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, with a year-on-year growth of 5.1%, 7.7% and 4.6% respectively. The three industrial restructuring will be 25.3:24.5:50.2. [18]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets of Tanghe County will be 17.658 billion yuan, an increase of 15.8% over the previous year, and the investment in real estate development will be 1.257 billion yuan, an increase of 2.2% over the previous year. The annual sales area of commercial housing will be 821300 square meters, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. By industry: 768 million yuan was invested in the primary industry, 9.754 billion yuan was invested in the secondary industry, and 7.136 billion yuan was invested in the tertiary industry, accounting for 4.4%, 55.2%, and 40.4% of the total investment in the county. [18]
In 2022, the general public budget revenue of Tanghe County will reach 1.501 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.6%; the tax revenue will reach 1.054 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.6%, accounting for 70.2% of the general public budget revenue; the non tax revenue will reach 3.78 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 196.5%; the government fund revenue will reach 3.029 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.62%.
In 2022, the general public budget of Tanghe County will spend 7.484 billion yuan, up 11.1% year on year. Key expenditures: 1.078 billion yuan for general public services, 192 million yuan for public safety, 1.509 billion yuan for education, 304 million yuan for science and technology, 942 million yuan for social security and employment, 524 million yuan for health care, 123 million yuan for energy conservation and environmental protection, 1.03 billion yuan for urban and rural community affairs, 1.29 billion yuan for agriculture, forestry and water affairs. [18]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of Tanghe County residents will be 25137 yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 5.8%, including 35828.8 yuan for urban residents, with a year-on-year growth of 4.7%, and 18542.5 yuan for rural residents, with a year-on-year growth of 6.6%. [18]

primary industry

In 2022, the planting area of crops in Tanghe County will be 4881900 mu, including 3451100 mu of grain crops. The sown area of summer grain is 2.1345 million mu, including 2.1344 million mu of wheat; The sown area of autumn grain is 1316600 mu, of which the sown area of rice, corn, beans and potatoes (converted into grain) is 71700 mu, 100800 mu, 104000 mu and 125500 mu respectively. The planting area of oil plants is 945600 mu, and the planting area of vegetables and edible fungi is 327500 mu. The total annual grain output was 1353608 tons, including 986870 tons of summer grain and 986855 tons of wheat; The total output of autumn grain is 366738 tons. The total output of oil plants and vegetables reached 272985 tons and 909579 tons respectively. In that year, 815800 live pigs were on hand, 1234800 sold, 90900 tons of pork were produced, 1711000 cattle were on hand, 124700 sold, 18700 tons of beef were produced, 401000 sheep were on hand, 410900 sold, 4900 tons of mutton were produced, 8.3866 million poultry were on hand, 5463400 sold, 7300 tons of poultry meat were produced, 54600 tons of eggs were produced, and the total annual meat output was 121800 tons, Milk output is 25900 tons. [18]
Night view of Tanghe Bridge
In 2022, Tanghe County will have 1733 hectares of afforestation area, 730000 person times of compulsory planting, 2.29 million trees, 8.93% of forest coverage and 18.95% of forest coverage; The effective irrigation area of farmland throughout the year was 71.02 thousand hectares, the area of farmland with guaranteed harvest due to drought and waterlogging was 53.8 thousand hectares, and the area of soil erosion under comprehensive control was 21.67 thousand hectares. [18]

the secondary industry

In 2022, Tanghe County will complete the added value of industries above designated size of 4.02 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year. Among them, the non-public sector was 3.64 billion yuan, up 7.6% year on year; The added value of high-tech industries was 2.08 billion yuan, up 12.5% year on year, and the total output value of industries above designated size was 16.36 billion yuan, up 13.1% year on year; The sales output value of industries above designated size reached 16.36 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year; The sales rate of industrial products was 93.1%, basically the same as above; The main business income of industries above designated size was 16.69 billion yuan, up 6.9% year on year, and the profit was 1.25 billion yuan, up 3% year on year. [18]
In 2022, there will be 40 general contracting and professional contracting enterprises in Tanghe County, and the total output value of the construction industry will be 5.678 billion yuan, up 15.85% year on year. [18]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Commercial foreign trade
Henan Oilfield in Tanghe
In 2022, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Tanghe County will reach 17.18 billion yuan, up 2.9% over the previous year, and the retail sales of social consumer goods above the designated size will reach 2043.91 million yuan, up 17.4% year on year. Wholesale sales totaled 8936.6 million yuan, up 3% year on year; retail sales totaled 171690.6 million yuan, up 1.7% year on year; accommodation sales totaled 127.73 million yuan, down 5.4% year on year; catering sales totaled 2243.81 million yuan, down 4.2% year on year. [18]
In 2022, Tanghe County will have a total foreign trade import and export volume of 123.76 million US dollars, one newly approved foreign-invested enterprise, the actual use of foreign direct investment of 7.83 million US dollars, and the introduction of foreign capital of 5.624 billion yuan. [18]
In 2022, there will be one travel agency in Tanghe County, with 4.8 million tourists coming to Tanghe, a total tourism income of 3.3 billion yuan, and three star hotels.
By the end of 2022, the balance of deposits of financial institutions in Tanghe County was 52.658 billion yuan, an increase of 7.066 billion yuan over the previous year. Including: 4.959 billion yuan of unit deposits and 44.232 billion yuan of savings deposits; The balance of various loans of financial institutions was 25.16 billion yuan, an increase of 3.644 billion yuan over the previous year, including 8.897 billion yuan of short-term loans and 16.056 billion yuan of medium and long-term loans. [18]


In 2022, Tanghe County will have 4.17 million passengers, 217.61 million passenger kilometers, 22.65 million tons of freight, 630.948 million tons of freight, and 6331241 million tons of passenger and freight kilometers.
In 2022, Tanghe County will have 59.48 kilometers of expressways, 181.08 kilometers of national roads, 143.84 kilometers of provincial roads, 344.88 kilometers of county roads, 600.21 kilometers of township roads, and 2293.34 kilometers of village roads. [18]
Ningxi Railway (Nanjing Xi'an) - Tanghe Railway Station
Tanghe has superior location and convenient transportation. Adjacent to Zhengzhou Wanzhou High speed Railway and Nanyang Airport; Ningxi Railway, Shanghai Shaanxi Expressway, 312, 234 and 328 National Highways run across the whole territory. Tanghe Resumption and Fangzao Expressway are under construction. Deng Tong Expressway, Nantang Light Rail and Xihe High speed Railway are accelerating. Tanghe is included in the half hour economic circle of central urban area of Nanyang. [20]

social undertakings



In 2022, there will be 493 basic education schools (kindergartens) in Tanghe County, including 238 kindergartens, 201 primary schools, 46 junior high schools, 7 senior high schools, 4 vocational secondary schools and 1 special education school. 17629 basic education staff, 15642 full-time teachers, 231892 basic education students, 56012 students enrolled in the year, 57323 graduates; There are 9097 preschool students, 34549 children in kindergarten and 10918 children out of kindergarten; The number of primary school graduates is expected to be 19456, with 15051 students enrolled in that year and 111389 students in school; There were 19978 junior high school graduates, 20799 students enrolled in that year, 59974 students enrolled in that year: 5378 senior high school graduates, 11007 students enrolled in that year, 25663 students enrolled in that year: 924 vocational secondary school graduates, 2390 students enrolled in that year, 4176 students enrolled in that year: 16 special education graduates, 58 students enrolled in that year, 317 students enrolled in that year. [18]

Science and technology

By the end of 2022, Tanghe County had authorized 600 patents, signed 71 technical contracts, and the turnover of technical contracts was 427493000 yuan. [18]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2022, Tanghe County has 25 art performance groups, 1 cultural center, 1 public library, 163000 books, 1 museum, 1 archives, 1 national key cultural relics protection unit, 1 radio station, 100% radio population coverage, 1 television station, 100% television population coverage, 10000 cable TV users, and 100% coverage of three libraries and one station. [18]

medical and health work

By the end of 2022, Tanghe County has 970 health institutions, 48 hospital health centers, 1 disease prevention and control center, 1 health supervision institution, 6295 beds, 6786 health technicians, 2724 licensed doctors and professional assistant doctors, and 3108 registered nurses. [18]

social security

Feng Youlan Memorial Hall
In 2022, 717459 urban and rural residents of Tanghe County will participate in the basic endowment insurance, 22733 in government institutions and 31707 in unemployment insurance. Throughout the year, 12.945 million yuan of the minimum living security fund for urban residents was issued, 179.78 million yuan of the minimum living security fund for rural residents was issued, 27.6263 million yuan of social welfare lottery tickets were sold, and 6.33 million yuan of social donations were received. [18]

Historical culture


Intangible Cultural Heritage

As of May 2023, Tanghe County has 4 provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, 31 municipal projects and 115 county-level projects, totaling 150 projects. [25]

Cultural Relic

Sizhou Temple Pagoda
Sizhou Temple Pagoda Located in the north section of Xinchun Road, Tanghe County, it is a national key cultural relics protection unit and the first batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Henan Province. It is one of the tallest and largest ancient pagodas in Henan Province. It is known as "Sizhou Temple Tower is ten feet away from the sky". Sizhou Temple Tower, also known as Bodhi Temple Tower, was built in the second year of Shaosheng in the Song Dynasty (1095). It is located in the original Bodhi Temple and no longer exists. Sizhou Temple Pagoda is a pavilion style brick tower with imitation wood structure. It is octagonal pyramid shaped in shape, 11 levels in total and 49.75 meters high. The first stage has a diameter of 7.6 meters and a side length of 5.86 meters. There are brick core columns in the tower, and spiral steps are built around the columns to reach the top of the tower; 59 Buddha statues of Sakyamuni are embedded in the outer wall of the second tower; There are six Buddha statues embedded in the outer wall of the fourth tower. The Buddha statues are 21cm high and sit on the lotus Xumizuo. There are 80 carved dragon heads in the wing corners of the tower body, which hang 33cm outside the tower body. There is an iron ring in the mouth of the dragon head. Under the ring, there is a Fengduo. When the wind blows, the bell rings, and the Sanskrit sound is quiet. The top of the pagoda is in the shape of eight buns, covered with green glazed tiles, lotus and treasure bottles. The top of Sizhou Temple tower sometimes emits "white smoke" (midges), which is called "ancient pagoda Lingyan". It was rated as one of the eight scenic spots of Tanghe in the Qing Dynasty. [21] [23-24]
Wenbi Peak
Wenbi Peak The tower is located in the east section of Jianshe Road, Tanghe County, in the Tanghe Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall. It is the second batch of provincial key cultural relics protection units. It was built in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Wenbi Peak Pagoda is a brick pagoda in the style of imitating a pavilion. Its plane is octagonal, ranking ninth. The first stage has a diameter of 5.18m and a perimeter of 17.28m. The overall height of the tower is 30 meters. [21]

famous scenery

Shizhu Mountain Forest Park
Shizhu Mountain Forest Park National AAA Tourist Attraction It is located in Mazhenfu Township, 35 kilometers east of Tanghe County. The mountain stretches from east to west, about 40 kilometers long. At the top of the mountain, there are two big stones standing like pillars, about 14 meters high, so it is called "Stone Pillar Soaring the Sky", and it is one of the eight scenic spots in Tanghe County. The column has ring marks, which is recorded in the old county annals. It is the place where Dayu guided the Huaihe River to govern the river system. [21-22]
Shizhu Mountain Forest Park
Feng Youlan Memorial Hall
Feng Youlan Memorial Hall , located in Tanghe County, Henan Province, adopts the traditional Chinese quadrangle style, including the rooms of Feng Youlan's parents, Feng Youlan and his brother Feng Jinglan. Feng Youlan's exhibition hall and other places also show his academic achievements and life path to future generations in the form of pictures and words. [21] The memorial hall covers an area of 4356 square meters and is composed of three parts: the square area in the middle, the school area in the west and the auxiliary room area in the east. [26]
Feng Youlan Memorial Hall

Local specialty

Tanghe Bean Jelly
Tanghe Bean Jelly It is a special snack in Tanghe County, Nanyang City, Henan Province. Tanghe Mung Bean Jelly is characterized by its yellowish color, delicate and refreshing, and its mouth is smooth and refreshing. [27]
Tanghe sesame candy
Tanghe sesame candy (more commonly known as "spiced candy"), sesame candy and peanut candy are traditional snacks in Tanghe. As local specialties, they are said to have been used to pay tribute to the emperor in ancient times.
Tanghe high-quality specialty sesame candy
Tanghe sesame candy is made of rice flowers, broken flowers and kernels, mixed with thin sugar, heated, cooled and cut into semi-circular slices, very crisp. Flake sugar is made of white sesame seeds, mixed with dilute sugar, heated, cooled and cut into rectangular, thinner slices. [27]
Guotan Braised Chicken
Guotan Braised Chicken It is famous far and near, known as "fresh and tender meat" and "five spices and bones", and is a traditional famous food of Han nationality in Nanyang, Henan Province. It has a long history of more than 400 years, starting from the Tang and Song dynasties and the Ming and Qing dynasties. [27]
Tonghe Tongdan
Tongdan, a high-quality specialty of Tanghe
Tung egg It is a famous and special product of Tonghe Township, Tanghe County, and has become a tribute in the Yuan, Ming, Qing and Shi dynasties. Tonghe River is a major tributary of the Tanghe River. The river flows into the Tanghe River and flows into the Han River, leading directly to the Yangtze River. Tonghe Tongdan has a large size and heavy weight. Generally, 6 Tonghe Tongdan can reach 1 jin. The egg yolk can be seen by melting the skin. The egg yolk is like sand, like rice, and is dark red. When eating, put it into the soup and immediately float a layer of clear oil, which is of good quality. Tonghe Tongdan is a national geographical indication protection product. [27]
Pinellia ternata
Pinellia ternata It is a famous genuine medicinal material. Tang Banxia was registered and protected as a geographical indication by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb of Araceae. The tuber of Pinellia ternata (Thunb) Breit. It has the effects of eliminating dampness and phlegm, reducing adverse reactions and vomiting, eliminating swelling and dissipating stagnation, etc. It mainly treats wet phlegm, cold phlegm, vomiting, chest stuffiness, chest knot, plum and nuclear qi, etc. [27]
Tang Gardenia
Tang Gardenia , China's geographical indication protection products. Tangzhizi is an evergreen shrub belonging to Rubiaceae. The twigs are green. The leaves are opposite, flowering from May to July, white. The fruit is ovoid, hexagonal, and mature in October. It likes warm and humid climate, and is relatively resistant to shade, but not cold. Gardenia has beautiful flowers, leaves and fruits. The flowers are fragrant and can be used to smoke tea and extract spices; The fruit can be made into three kinds of natural pigments, yellow, red and blue, with good stability and strong coloring power. It is widely used in drinks, cakes, fruit wine, medicines and their coating; Root, leaf and fruit can be used as medicine; It is used for purging fire and removing annoyance, clearing heat and diuresis, cooling blood and detoxifying, blood drenching, astringent pain, red eyes, swelling pain, fire and sores; External treatment for sprain and pain. [27]

Famous people

Feng Youlan, a famous Chinese philosopher
There is Emperor Guangwu in Tanghe County reigned as Guangwu Di General of Ma Wu Fan Hong, a Guanglu doctor, was born in Huyang. There are also Qu Duan Li Jian , Cao Yingqi, etc. In modern times and modern times, there are many talents, such as Zhang Xingjiang Zhou Bangcai, a noted philosopher Feng Jinglan Feng Yuanjun Li Ji, Xu Xusheng, Guo Xujing, Qu Zhongxiang Zhong Yue Yang Ciyun, Feng Zongpu, etc. [20]

Honorary title

City Honor
The most dynamic county town of rural Taobao in 2015
National Advanced County for Science and Technology Progress
National Advanced County in Science and Technology
Top 100 Counties in National Grain Production
The first comprehensive agricultural demonstration county in China
National Demonstration County of Integrated Cattle Raising Standardization
National Best Case Award for Excellence
One of the top 100 counties in six provinces in central China
Advanced County for Safe Construction in Henan Province
Advanced County of Henan Province in Opening up
Comprehensive Demonstration County of E-commerce in Rural Areas of Henan Province
On February 2, 2019, it was rated by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the national advanced unit for TCM work at the grass-roots level at the county level. [3]
2019 National Garden County [4-5]
National pilot counties of agricultural socialized service innovation [8]
The second batch of national science popularization demonstration counties from 2021-2025 [9]
In December 2021, it was proposed to be named the "Publicity List of Advanced Units in the Establishment of Legal Counties (Cities, Districts) in Henan Province". [10]
In March 2022, it was identified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the third batch of national regional peanut breeding bases. [11]
In June 2022, it was selected into the national youth development county pilot list. [13]