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Tang Hua

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Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Jiangsu Provincial State owned Enterprises
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Tang Hua, male, Han nationality, born in September 1963, Jiangsu Jianhu People, on-the-job university degree, Senior accountant , joined in June 2002 Communist Party of China , started work in July 1983.
He once served as the chairman (deputy office) of the board of supervisors of provincial state-owned enterprises in Jiangsu Province. [1]
Chinese name
Tang Hua
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Jianhu, Jiangsu
date of birth
September 1963
University one is graduated from
Huaiyin School of Finance and Economics


He has successively served as clerk, section member, deputy section chief, section chief and deputy director of the Commerce and Trade Department of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, deputy director of the Economic Construction Department, director of the Statistical Evaluation Department, director of the Financial Supervision and Evaluation Department of Jiangsu SASAC, and director of the Property Rights and Income Management Department. [1-2]
From June 2016 to October 2018, he served as the chairman (deputy office) of the board of supervisors of provincial state-owned enterprises in Jiangsu Province. [3-4]

Appointment and removal information

On October 27, 2018, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province decided after study to remove Comrade Tang Hua from the position of chairman of the board of supervisors of provincial state-owned enterprises. [4]