Costa Rica

Republic of Costa Rica
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The Republic of Costa Rica, La Rep ú blica de Costa Rica for short, is located in Latin America One of Presidential republic Country, adjacent to the north Nicaragua , South and Panama Bordering San Jose, the capital, covers an area of 51100 square kilometers and has a population of 5213400 (2022). White and Indo European mixed race people account for 95%, black people account for 3%, Indian indigenous people account for about 0.5%, and other ethnic groups account for 1.5%. The country is divided into seven provinces. [1]
Costa Rica originally Indian Place of residence. 1513 Spain Start Colonial conquest Became Spain in 1564 colony Independence was declared on September 15, 1821. [1] Joined from 1823 to 1838 Central American Federation Established on August 30, 1848 republic Declared as Permanent neutrality According to the Constitution, Costa Rica does not army Only the police and security forces maintain internal security. It is the first country in the world without an army. [1]
Costa Rica's economy mainly depends on Agriculture and electronic component exit. yes Central America Regional economic comparison developed country , has a high standard of living, and land ownership is generally expanding, and tourism Thriving development Central America and South America It has a variety of cultures. It is called "Switzerland in Central America". Costa Rica 2022 gross domestic product US $82.23 billion, GDP per capita US $13100, gross domestic product The growth rate was 4.3%.
Chinese name
Republic of Costa Rica [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Costa Rica [1] (English)
La República de Costa Rica [1] (Spanish)
Costa Rica
San Jose [1]
major city
Alajuela Puntarenas Limon etc. [1]
National Day
September 15, 1821
National anthem
Solemn motherland, your beautiful flag [1]
Country code
official language
Spanish [1]
Costa Rica Colon [1]
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Rodrigo Chavez Robles President
population size
5.2134 million (2022)
Population density
99.8 persons/km2 (2020)
Major ethnic groups
White Indo European Black Indian [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
51100 km² [1]
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $82.23 billion (2022)
GDP per capita
US $13100 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
five hundred and six
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
Largest city
San Jose
National Motto
Long live work and peace
Ranking of land area
126th in the world
Major universities
University of Costa Rica National University

Historical evolution

originally be Indian Place of residence.
In 1502, C. Columbus discovered the coast of Costa Rica on his fourth voyage. Since then, Spanish colonialists have invaded many times.
In 1563, the city of Katago was built, and Costa Rica became Spain The colony is under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Guatemala. colonial rule During the period, under the cruel slavery and oppression of the Spanish colonialists, Indian It was almost wiped out, and there was little labor force available for slavery, Spanish They have to farm small plots of land to produce agricultural products they need. Costa Rica has long been in a state of poverty, ignorance and isolation from the outside world. [2]
In the 1920s, the Latin American independence movement was on the upsurge, and Costa Rica declared its independence in 1821.
1822, incorporated Mexico Iturvede Empire.
In 1823, he joined Central American Federation
In 1848, the Republic of Costa Rica was founded.
From 1821 to 1870, the regime of Costa Rica was mainly controlled by J R. Mora Poras and J M. In the hands of the two families of Montealegre, the economy has developed greatly, and coffee has grown particularly rapidly, becoming a major export product.
From 1855 to 1857, President Mora Polas commanded the Costa Rican army to unite with others Central America The country was crushed U.S.A The invasion of adventurer W. Volcker defended the independence of Central America.
From 1870 to 1882, T. Guardia Gutierrez exercised dictatorship and weakened the power of the two families. Since the 1970s, British and American capital has infiltrated. American entrepreneur M C. Keith signed a contract with the Costa Rican government to build a railway from the port of Limon on the east coast to St. Joseph, obtained a 99 year lease, and occupied a large area of land to develop banana plantations.
In 1899, the United States United Fruit Company Took over Keith Industries and controlled Railway And banana production and export. In 1913, banana export ranked first in the world.
In 1917, F. Tinoko Granados launched a coup and established a military dictatorship. After Tinoko Granados stepped down, all previous governors were controlled by the monopoly capital of the United States. The labor movement rose in the 1930s.
In 1931, the Communist Party of Costa Rica was founded (renamed People's Vanguard Party in 1943). In 1934, the party led the banana plantation workers to strike in the National People's Congress.
From 1940 to 1948, the two administrations of R.A. Calderon Guardia and T. Picardo were intimidated by People's democracy The movement, promoted by the People's Pioneer Party, took some democratic reform measures.
In the 1948 general election, J M. H. Figueres Ferrer launched a civil war, seized power, and established a governing committee (see Civil War in Costa Rica )The People's Vanguard Party was declared illegal.
In 1949, Figueres Ferrer handed over power to the elected National Alliance Party Leader O. Urat Blanco.
In October 1951, led by Figueres Ferrer, the National Liberation Party was founded.
The National Liberation Party won four of the six general elections from 1953 to 1978. During the ruling period, the party emphasized that the state should intervene in the economy, nationalize some industries, and raise import taxes to protect national industry , forcing United Fruit Company to increase income tax; Strengthening cooperation with other Latin American countries and Western Europe To change the situation of relying solely on the United States, and joined in 1963 Central American Common Market , established with the Soviet Union and some countries in Eastern Europe in the 1970s diplomatic relations
In 1978, Unite the party The leader, R. Kalaso Odio, was elected President. In order to ease domestic conflicts, he took measures such as tightening spending, increasing social welfare, and proposed restrictions National capital Encourage foreign and private investment.
In February 1982, the leader of the National Liberation Party L A. Monge Alvarez was elected President.
In February 2010, Laura Chinchilla She won the general election and became the first female president in Costa Rica's history. [3]
On October 11, 2022, he was elected as a new member of the United Nations Human Rights Council and will take office on January 1, 2023. [15]

geographical environment


Regional location

Costa Rica is located in Central American Isthmus , genus North America To the east Caribbean (The coastline is 212km long), bordering the Pacific Ocean in the west (1016km long), and connecting to the north Nicaragua (The border line is 309km long), southeast and Panama Adjacent (639 km long border line). Costa Rica covers an area of 51100 square kilometers, including 50660 square kilometers of territory and 440 square kilometers of territorial sea. [16]
Costa Rica

topographic features

The topography of Costa Rica is: the coast is plain, while the middle is cut off by rugged mountains. The country declared its exclusive economic zone to be 200 nautical miles and its territorial sea to be 12 nautical miles. The climate belongs to the tropics and subtropics, and part of it is the neotropics. [2]

Climatic characteristics

Costa Rica has a tropical and subtropical climate, with rainy season (from April to December) and dry season (from the end of December to April of the next year) throughout the year. The central valley area has a pleasant climate, which is like spring all the year round. The average annual temperature of the capital, San Jos é, is 15 ℃ at the lowest and 26 ℃ at the highest. The climate in the surrounding tropical plains is hot. The average temperature in the Caribbean is 21 ℃ at night and 30 ℃ daily. [1]

natural resources

Costa Rica's land area only accounts for 0.03% of the world's total land area, but it has nearly 5% of the world's species, and is one of the countries with the richest biological species in the world. Nearly 30% of the territory is national parks or nature reserves, including 27 national parks, 58 wildlife reserves, 32 natural and cultural reserves, 15 wetland reserves, 11 forest reserves and 8 biological reserves. The national forest coverage rate is 52.38%.
Mineral resources include iron, manganese, mercury, bauxite, gold and silver, among which bauxite, iron and coal reserves are 150 million tons, 400 million tons and 50 million tons respectively. Gold deposits are mainly distributed in the central gold belt of the Tilaran Cordillera in the northwest. Calcium carbonate ores are distributed in the northwest with high grade. The purity of calcium carbonate extracted from limestone can reach 99.5%. The government attaches great importance to environmental protection, and the development of natural resources is strictly restricted.
Oil is totally imported, mainly from the United States, and is exclusively sold by the National Petroleum Corporation (RECOPE). Since 2012, Costa Rica National Petroleum Company has suspended crude oil refining production due to aging facilities, and all fuel oil is imported. In 2020, the oil import volume will be about 17 million barrels, and the import volume will reach about 834 million dollars. [1]

administrative division



The whole country is divided into seven provinces, namely San Jose, Heredia, Pentarenas, Arahuela, Cartago, Guanacast and Limon, with 82 counties and 421 towns. Province is a concept of geographical division, not an administrative institution. [16]


San Jose (San Jos é), with an area of 4966 square kilometers and a population of 1.63 million. The average temperature in the hottest month (July) is 21~27 ° C, and the average temperature in the coldest month (January) is 9~26 ° C.

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Costa Rica (English: The Republic of Costa Rica; Spanish: La Rep ú blica de Costa Rica) is called Costa Rica for short. It means "rich coast" in Spanish. Costa Rica, formerly a small Indian colony, became a Spanish colony in 1564, declared independence on September 15, 1821, joined the Central American Federation in 1823, and withdrew in 1838 Central American Federation The Republic was founded on August 30, 1848. In 1948, it announced the abolition of the army and the establishment of the Fuerza Publica, which became the first country in the world to abolish the army. Costa Rica is politically stable, committed to building a sound democratic system, developing the national economy, and paying attention to environmental protection and education. It is the country with the highest overall development level in Central America. [4]

national anthem

National Anthem of the Republic of Costa Rica
Lyrics: The great motherland, your beautiful flag, shows us your life. Under the clear blue sky, pure and glorious peace emerges. Through the tenacious struggle in hard work, everyone has a rosy face. Your descendants, simple farmers, have won permanent prestige, honor and respect. Salute the earth, salute the loving mother. If someone tries to humiliate your honor, your strong people will be very brave. It can turn simple farm tools into weapons. Long live the motherland, your rich land, always provides our life. Under the clear blue sky, everyone works and enjoys peace forever.

national flag

Costa Rica Flag It was launched on November 27, 1906. The national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is about 5:3. The flag is composed of five parallel wide strips from top to bottom, namely blue, white, red, white and blue. The red stripe is twice as wide as the blue and white stripe. The blue and white colors come from the colors of the original Central American federal flag, and the red part was added when the Republic was established in 1848. Blue represents sky, opportunity, idealism and perseverance; Red represents enthusiasm and blood for independence; White represents peace, wisdom and happiness. The national emblem on the left side of the red part is the national flag used by the government, and the proportion of the national flag used by the government is 2:3.

national emblem

National emblem of Costa Rica
National emblem of Costa Rica It was started in 1848 and partially modified on May 5, 1998. At the top of the national emblem, there is a blue belt with the words "Central America", which expresses the memory of Costa Ricans for the former federation; Below is a white ribbon with the name of the Republic inlaid with green branches and leaves. The corns on both sides of the national emblem are round and golden, which indicates that the agriculture of this plateau country is mainly corn planting. The three reddish brown volcanic peaks represent the Balba, Ilasu and Boas Mountains between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Three quarters of Costa Rica's population mainly produces coffee live on the green plateau with flowers at the foot of the hillside. The seven white five pointed stars in the blue sky represent the existing seven provinces of Costa Rica. There is an ancient white sailboat in the close view of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean behind the mountains. The dynamic feeling of sailing clearly shows Costa Rica's prosperous maritime trade. A round of sunrise is rising on the sea, and the dawn of the new century is shining the bright future of this country. [5]

national flower

Cattleland - (Orchidaceae) Cattleland is a horticultural hybrid, which is one of the most famous orchids in the world. Pseudobulb It is stick shaped or cylindrical, with 1~3 leaves on the top; Leaves thick and hard, midvein concave; Single or several flowers are born on the top of pseudobulb. The flowers are large and beautiful, bright and colorful. Originated in tropical America, it is from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and other countries national flower There are more than thousands of varieties. The colors are white, yellow, green, red and purple. Branching, tissue culture or aseptic seeding are used for reproduction. Sex likes warmth, humidity and sufficient light. Usually used Fern root moss and lichen , bark blocks and other potted plants. High air humidity, proper fertilization and ventilation are required during the growth period. [1]

national bird

Muddy Thrush


Costa Rica National Bird Mud Thrush
Long live work and peace (in Spanish, Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz)

Population and nationality

The national population is 5.2134 million (2022). It is mainly concentrated in San Jose, Alajuela and other cities. Chinese account for about 1.5% of the total population, mainly in San Jose, Guanacaste, Puntarenas, Lim ó n and other provinces. The population of San Jose, the capital, is 1.6615 million. In 2020, Costa Rica's labor force population will be 2.44 million. In 2022, the population will be 5.2134 million. [1]
Costa Rica is a country with no distinct national color. Its citizens are mainly descendants of Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy and Jews. The number of Indians is small and the living area is narrow. White and Indo European races account for 95%, black people account for 3%, Indian aborigines account for 0.5%, and other ethnic groups account for about 1.5%. Chinese came to Costa Rica in the 19th century. Most of them were road builders at that time. Now they are mainly engaged in catering, retail and other industries. So far, there are about 50000 overseas Chinese in Costa Rica. [16]




Costa Rica implements the separation of legislative, judicial and administrative powers Presidential republic [4]
In April 2022, Chavez, the candidate of the Democratic and Social Progress Party, was elected the 49th President of Costa Rica and took office on May 8.


The current Constitution came into force on November 7, 1949. The Constitution stipulates that the state implements a republican system with the separation of legislative, judicial and administrative powers. The General Audit Office and the Supreme Electoral Court are independent institutions. The President is the head of state and government, and can be re elected every other term; The President and Vice President are elected directly for a term of four years; In the absence of the President, the first Vice President, the second Vice President and the Speaker will take over in turn. [4]


It is called the Legislative Assembly, a unicameral system. It is the highest legislative body in the country and consists of 57 members. Members are directly elected by voters for a four-year term and cannot be re elected. The current Legislative Assembly will be formed in May 2022, including 10 members of the ruling Democratic Social Progress Party, 19 members of the National Liberation Party, 9 members of the Christian Social Unity Party, 7 members of the New Republic Party, 6 members of the Progressive Liberal Party and 6 members of the Broad Front Party. The current chairman is Rodrigo Arias S á nchez of the National Liberation Party, who will take office in May 2023 for a term of one year. [1]


The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body, composed of 22 judges, whose term of office is eight years. If there is no objection from 2/3 members of the Parliament when the term of office expires, they can be re elected automatically. There are four courts, the first, second and third courts are composed of five judges respectively, and the fourth court (the Constitutional Court) is composed of seven judges. Local courts are divided into provincial, county and district courts. Orlando Aguirre G ó mez, President of the Supreme Court, was elected in September 2022. [16]


The current government was established in May 2022. The main members are: Stephan Brunner Neibig, the first Vice President, Mary Munive Angerm ü ller, the second Vice President, Natalia D í az Quintana, the Minister of the Presidential Palace, Arnoldo Andr é Tinoco, Minister of Foreign and Religious Affairs, Nogui Acosta Ja é n, Minister of Finance, Manuel Tovar Rivera, Minister of Foreign Trade, Mario Zamora Cordero, Minister of the Interior, Police and Public Security, Francisco Gamboa Soto, Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade; Laura Fern á ndez Delgado, Minister of Planning and Economic Policy; Paula Bogantes Zamora, Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Anna Katharinna Muller Castro, Minister of Public Education, Angela Mata Montero, Minister of Housing, Franz Tattenbach Capra, Minister of Environment and Energy, Luis Amador Jim é nez, Minister of Public Works and Transport, Andr é s Romero Rodr í guez, Minister of Labor and Social Security, Nayuribe Guadamuz Rosales, Minister of Culture and Youth, V í ctor Carvajal Porras, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Heiner M é ndez Barrientos, Minister of Fisheries, Gerald Campos Valverde, Minister of Justice and Peace, and William Rodr í guez L ó pez, Minister of Tourism , Minister of Human Development and Social Integration Yorleni Le ó n Marchena (female), Minister of Communication and Liaison Jorge Rodr í guez Vives, Minister of Sports Royner Mora Ru í z, Cindy Quesada Hern á ndez, Minister of Women's Rights and Interests. [1] [18]


Main political parties:
(1) Partido Progreso Social Democr á tico: the ruling party. It was established in May 2018. In 2022, the party will take power for the first time. Luz Alpizar Loaiza, the party chairman.
(2) Partido de Liberaci ó n Nacional: the largest political party in Colombia and the opposition party. Established in April 1952. He has been in power for 9 times. Ricardo Sancho Chavarr í a, the party chairman.
(3) Partido Unidad Social Cristiana: It was composed of the Democratic Rejuvenation Party, the National Republican Party, the Christian Democratic Party and the People's Alliance Party in December 1983. Randall Quir ó s, the party chairman.
(4) Frente Amplio: established in 2004. A left-wing party split from the former Communist Party. Patricia Mora Castellanos, the party chairman (female, Patricia Mora Castellanos). [1] [18]


Rodrigo Chavez Robles : President. Born in Costa Rica on June 10, 1961. He graduated from the University of Costa Rica with a doctorate in economics from Ohio State University. He joined the World Bank in 1993 and worked for more than 20 years. From December 2019 to May 2020, he returned to Colombia to serve as Finance Minister. In May 2022, as the candidate of the Democratic and Social Progress Party, he will be elected president, and his term of office will expire in May 2026. [1] [13]


Costa Rica's economic development level is among the best in Central America. Foreign trade, tourism and service industries play an important role in the national economy. The Colombian government has actively implemented fiscal and tax reform, opened telecommunications, insurance and other sectors to the outside world, developed high-tech industries, developed and utilized renewable energy and clean energy, made efforts to expand exports and attract foreign direct investment.
The main economic data in 2022 are as follows:
GDP: US $82.23 billion
Per capita GDP: $13100
GDP growth rate: 4.3% [1]


It mainly focuses on light industry and processing and manufacturing industry, mainly including equipment and instrument, food, wood, chemical and other departments. In 2020, the industrial output value will reach 4.67 trillion kronor, accounting for 12.97% of GDP. The industrial export volume is US $8.5 billion, mainly exporting precision equipment, medical devices, semiconductors, electrical materials, etc. Raw materials and intermediate products rely on imports.
In recent years, the manufacturing industry of precision instruments and medical equipment has developed rapidly, and the export volume in 2020 will reach 3.938 billion US dollars. Important enterprises in Costa Rica include: Instituto Costarricensede Electricidad, the third largest enterprise in Central America, with total assets of 6.65 trillion kronor and 15000 employees by the third quarter of 2020; The national oil company (Refinadora Costarricense dePetr ó leo SA) has a total assets of 902.5 billion kronor by the end of 2020; Cooperativa de Productores de Leche Dos Pinos, R.L., is a leading dairy industry enterprise in Central America and the Caribbean, with a daily output of more than 1.4 million liters of high-quality milk, accounting for 82% of the domestic dairy market in Costa Rica. [16]


In 2020, the net output value will be 1.56 trillion kronor, accounting for 4.35% of GDP, and the export volume will be 2.83 billion dollars. Costa Rica is an important exporter of pineapple, banana and coffee in the world. In 2020, the export of fresh pineapple will reach 888 million US dollars, the export of banana will reach 1.08 billion US dollars, and the export of coffee will reach 325 million US dollars. [16]

Service industry

The service industry is developed, mainly including tourism, catering and accommodation, finance and insurance, real estate, enterprise services, public management, community services, intermediary services and other fields. In 2020, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, Costa Rica's service industry exports reached 6.832 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 29%; Except for tourism, the export of other service industries declined by only 2% year on year. In 2020, Costa Rica's tourism industry suffered a heavy blow. The number of foreign tourists in the year totaled 1011900, a year-on-year decrease of 67.76%. The tourists mainly come from the United States (434700 person times), Nicaragua (123900 person times), Canada (115600 person times) and Europe (169900 person times).
According to the World Economic Forum's 2019 Tourism Competitiveness Report, Costa Rica ranked 41st among the 140 countries participating in the evaluation, and is the third most attractive tourist destination in Latin America after Mexico and Brazil. The travel guide published by the internationally renowned travel magazine Lonely Planet recommended Costa Rica as the "best barrier free travel destination in 2021". In 2021, Costa Rica ranked first in International Life magazine's best destination for retirees, ahead of Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Portugal and other countries. [16]


Costa Rica means "rich ocean" in Spanish. Tourism income is the main foreign exchange income of Costa Rica source one of. Since the 1990s, tourism has become the most dynamic industry in Colombia. Tourist attractions include Errazuriz Volcan Poas And Spanish colonial cultural sites.
Although Costa Rica is still an agricultural country, it has achieved a relatively high living standard, land ownership has generally expanded, and tourism has flourished.
Costa Rica's economy is dominated by tourism, agriculture and electronic component After the economic depression in 1997, exports began to grow rapidly. Costa Rica is located in the narrow strip of Central America and in the center of the Americas. It has a sea that connects Europe and Asia, and can easily access the American market.
The rapid development of Costa Rica's economy benefits from a seven-year high-tech development plan of the government. Investment in this country is tax-free and the national education is in good condition. It has become a paradise for investment. Many multinational high-tech companies have begun to export products. [4]


The state-owned commercial banks are the National Bank and the Bank of Costa Rica. Insurance companies include Instituto Nacional de Seguros, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, Mapfre Seguros Costa rica, ASSACompa ñí a de Seguros, etc. The State Insurance Company is a state-owned enterprise.
The Costa Rican stock market started in the 1940s. In 1976, the National Stock Exchange of Costa Rica (Bolsa Nacional de Valores) was established as the only stock exchange. The Securities Market Supervision Law (Law 7732) is the main law regulating the management of the securities market. In 1998, the Securities Regulatory Commission was established on the basis of this law. According to the 2020 annual report of Costa Rica Securities Market, there are 41 domestic listed companies with a trading volume of 34.117 billion US dollars. [16]

foreign trade

Costa Rica implements the open trade policy, has signed free trade agreements with China, the United States, Mexico, Chile, Peru, five Central American countries, Dominica, Singapore, the European Union, etc., and has trade relations with more than 50 countries (regions) in the world. Foreign trade plays an important role in the national economy. It mainly exports electronic chips, integrated circuits, textiles, bananas, pineapples, coffee, medical equipment, processed food, machinery and electronic accessories, and its main export target countries are the United States, China, the European Union and neighboring countries in Central America; It mainly imports raw materials, consumer goods, fuels, lubricants and capital goods, and its main import source countries are the United States, the European Union, Venezuela and Mexico. In 2022, Costa Rica's exports will reach 17.9 billion US dollars and imports will reach 24.74 billion US dollars, with year-on-year growth of 14.1% and 11.2% respectively. [18]

foreign capital

Since the 1990s, Costa Rica's foreign direct investment has grown steadily, mainly focusing on manufacturing, services, real estate and commerce. In December 2020, the new headquarters of AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in Costa Rica was unveiled, with an investment amount of about 8 million dollars and an estimated 320 new jobs. In the same month, Intel announced that it would restart its assembly business in Colombia. It is expected to invest 350 million dollars in the next three years, create 200 jobs, and put it into operation in the second half of 2022. Intel entered Costa Rica in 1998 and closed its factory in Costa Rica in 2014. Only one service center and one laboratory responsible for equipment, software design and testing are retained. At present, the number of employees in Costa Rica is 2200.
According to the statistics of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, Costa Rica will absorb about 1.71 billion dollars of foreign capital in 2020. By the end of 2020, Costa Rica's stock of absorbing foreign investment was 49.84 billion US dollars. In 2020, foreign investment will mainly flow to manufacturing (US $1.095 billion), real estate (US $257 million), finance and insurance (US $152 million), and scientific research (US $128 million). The main sources of foreign investment are the United States, Belgium and Panama. Among them, the direct investment of the United States in Costa Rica accounted for more than 66%.
According to the World Investment Report 2020 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Costa Rica will absorb foreign investment of 2.536 billion dollars in 2019; By the end of 2019, Costa Rica's stock of absorbing foreign investment was 41.755 billion US dollars. [16]

Foreign aid

According to the data of Costa Rica's Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy, Costa Rica received 1.915 billion dollars in international aid in 2019, an increase of 124.5% year on year; Among them, paid assistance (international loans) was $1.82 billion (95%), and free assistance and technical cooperation was $95 million (5%). The bilateral assistance mainly comes from Germany (86.1%), China (8.2%) and South Korea (3.7%); Multilateral assistance mainly came from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE) (39.2%), the Inter American Development Bank (30.3%) and the Latin American Development Bank (28.2%).
In 2019, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy of Costa Rica implemented a total of 12 South South cooperation projects (six of which were suppliers and six of which were demanders), a decrease of 74% compared with 2018 (46 projects); 11 tripartite cooperation projects, an increase of 120% compared with 2017 (5). The fields of international assistance and cooperation are mainly finance, economy and industry (42.02%), public works and infrastructure (40.64%), health and social development (8.24%), security and justice (6.25%), etc. [16]




The official language is Spanish. English has a high prevalence among high-quality people. [16]


95% of the residents believe in Catholicism, and a few believe in Christianity and Judaism. [16]


Legal holidays include the Gregorian New Year (January 1), Holy Week (Thursday and Friday before Easter in March or April), National Hero Juan Santa Maria Memorial Day (April 11), Labor Day (May 1), the anniversary of the incorporation of Guanacast into Costa Rica's territory (July 25), Angel and Virgin Day (August 2), Mother's Day (August 15), Independence Day (September 15) Abolish Army Day (December 1) and Christmas Day (December 25). Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. [16]


Costa Ricans are honest, honest, optimistic, kind, modest, credit oriented and enthusiastic
Costa Rica specialty - banana
Hospitality, very friendly to foreign guests. The common etiquette is that men shake hands when meeting, women kiss or hug each other if they are friends or relatives, and the same is true when saying goodbye. In social occasions, adult men are generally referred to as "Mr.", married women as "Mrs.", unmarried young women as "Miss", and unmarried young men as "Young Master".
Like other countries in the Americas, Costa Ricans like to be referred to by others as their academic or professional titles and use them together with the above titles, such as "Mr. Doctor", "Mr. Master", "Mr. Director", etc.
Costa Ricans like to get together and chat with friends. They often invite close friends to their homes, drink coffee, eat fruits and sweets, and talk widely. If it is a weekend, when they are interested in chatting, they will sing and dance until tomorrow. In their first contact with foreign friends, if the guests are polite, familiar with the local customs and can speak a few words of the local national language, they will be regarded as old friends, appear particularly cordial and enthusiastic, and will actively invite them to their homes. For the warm invitation of Costa Ricans, foreign guests should not refuse out of politeness or other considerations, which will cause the host's displeasure.
When visiting a friend's home in Costa Rica, you should bring a bunch of flowers, a box of cakes, a bottle of good wine and other items to the host. Dinner is the main meal of Costa Ricans, usually after 7 p.m. The daily diet of ordinary families mainly includes pork, beef, chicken, fish, corn, beans, rice, plantain cassava and Palm heart Etc., usually used on weekends Plantain , cassava, potatoes, pumpkin cooking broth. The common fruits are bananas, mangoes, pineapples, watermelons, grapes and other tropical fruits. Traditional drinks are brewed with coffee and coarse sugar RUM , sugar and wine, etc. Costa Rica is one of the first places in the world to grow corn, and it can't help entertaining guests tamales , corn cakes, corn balls Corn wine Etc.
Meeting and Farewell
Costa Ricans are honest, kind, modest, optimistic, polite and full of noble feelings. They usually greet each other with handshakes, hugs and kisses, as well as farewell. When invited to dinner, bring some gifts, such as cakes and alcohol. When driving to say goodbye, first shake down the glass on the window, and then gently wave goodbye to the host.
Costa Rica has the same taboo as Spain and other European countries and the United States. People generally avoid "13" and "5", but prefer "3" and "7", which are considered lucky.


Costa Rica is one of the first countries in the Americas to establish a democratic system, and the idea of freedom and equality is deeply rooted. Costa Ricans love peace and oppose violence. As early as December 1, 1948, Costa Rica announced its abolition armed forces The National Guard was set up to become the first country in the world without an army. [6] In 2007, there were 18000 police officers, which eliminated the possibility of military intervention in politics. In the 1970s and 1980s, when other Central American countries were mired in civil war and unable to extricate themselves, it was still peaceful here. Since Costa Rica canceled its military, it saved a lot of military expenditure, which was used to improve people's livelihood, develop education, and establish a social security system. Therefore, Costa Rica has maintained political stability for more than half a century. As of 2014, Costa Rica is still the country with the highest economic and social development level in Central America, and its international competitiveness ranks among the top in Latin America, The Costa Rican government has set the goal of building a developed country by 2021. [7]
Costa Rica has only paramilitary forces, which are composed of volunteers. The total strength of the security forces: 7000 (1997), the National Guard: 5000 (including 400 coastal marines), consisting of two border security headquarters, two anti riot battalions, seven border defense battalions, seven civil defense battalions, and the Marine Corps; Main equipment (1997): 7 inland river patrol boats, 10 patrol boats, 15 aircraft and 3 helicopters. [8]




Costa Rica has a total length of about 44000 kilometers of roads, of which 11.8% are asphalt roads. The Pan American Highway runs through the north and south, connecting neighboring Nicaragua and Panama. The road lacks maintenance and new investment for a long time, and the overall road condition is poor. [16]


In the 1970s, Costa Rica built railways leading to Pacific and Atlantic ports. However, for decades, due to poor management and lack of national financial support, the railway network shrank significantly. Since 2005, the railway from San Jos é to surrounding cities has resumed operation. However, due to aging equipment and fewer passengers, there is little profit. At present, only 323km of railway has been operated. Costa Rica mainly has three inter city railway lines: Bel é n-Pavas Curidabat, Carltago, Arajuela Rio Segundo Eredia San Jose. According to the data of Costa Rica Railway Administration, the railway freight volume in 2019 is about 84268 cases of bananas, 89615 tons of steel, and 123 containers of paper and cardboard; The passenger volume is about 3.613 million person times. [16]

air transport

Juan Santa Maria International Airport
Costa Rica has four airlines (LACSA, Nature Air, SANSA and Aerobell) operating 12 domestic routes and 15 international routes. Costa Rica has two international airports: Juan Santa Maria International Airport, located in Alajuela Province, about 16 kilometers away from the capital San Jose; Daniel Oudubar International Airport is located in Liberia, a famous tourist city in the north. Juan Santa Maria International Airport has opened 446 direct routes (423 commercial routes and 23 private routes), with 27 operating airlines covering some countries in Europe and the Americas. There are 22 direct flights to Europe every week, 203 to North America, 161 to Central America and 33 to South America. [16]

water transport

The total length of the channel is 730km, and the main ports are Limon Port, Moine Port and Caldera Port. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Costa Rica, the cargo throughput of all ports in 2018 totaled 17.3 million tons. As the port throughput is small and the equipment is outdated, which cannot meet the needs of foreign trade development, Costa Rica has constantly increased its investment in port transformation. On February 28, 2019, the Netherlands APM Port Management Group invested US $1 billion to build the APM container terminal at Moine Port in Golimont Province, which was officially put into operation. Goods can reach the European and Asian markets directly, and the port connectivity ranks first in Central America. [16]



People's life

In 2016, there were 2.278 million labor forces and 2.063 million employed people in Costa Rica. In 2021, the national poverty rate will be 23.0%; The extreme poverty rate is 6.3%. The average life expectancy is 80.9 years, the birth rate is 10.5 ‰, the mortality rate is 6.02 ‰, and the infant mortality rate is 8.47 ‰.

science and technology

Costa Rica attaches great importance to the development of science and technology, and has formulated a national plan for the development of science and technology to improve competitiveness and scientific and technological innovation. The high-tech industry and modern service industry continue to develop, and the per capita export of high-tech products ranks first in Latin America. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 of the World Economic Forum, Costa Rica had obvious advantages in labor quality and scientific and technological innovation in 2013, ranking 54 out of 148 countries participating in the evaluation, and fourth in Latin America. In the ranking list of "2013 Global Innovation Index" released by the European School of Business Administration, Cornell University and the World Intellectual Property Organization, Costa Rica ranked 39 out of 142 countries participating in the evaluation, becoming the most innovative country in Latin America, and entering the ranks of innovation economy countries for the first time. [4]
Advantages include climate change, tropical agriculture and electronic information technology. Key research institutions include the University of Costa Rica, the National University, the University of Science and Technology and the Tropical Agriculture Research and Education Center. Important science and technology policies include the National Science and Technology Innovation Plan 2015-2021 and the National Telecommunication Development Plan 2015-2021.
According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2019 of the World Economic Forum, the quality of Costa Rica's labor force ranked 26 out of 141 countries/regions participating in the evaluation, and its technological innovation advantages ranked 58. Costa Rica ranks 56th globally and 3rd in Latin America in the 2020 GII ranking jointly released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Cornell University and INSEAD. [16]


We attach great importance to the development of education, and stipulate that 8% of the annual gross domestic product should be used to develop education. Since 1870, free compulsory education has been implemented in public primary and secondary schools. Private schools charge higher fees, and the fees for different majors vary greatly. There are nearly 5000 educational institutions in China, including 576 private schools, which mostly implement bilingual teaching (English, German, French, Hebrew).
In 2020, the Costa Rican Human Development Index released by the United Nations Development Programme shows that the gross enrolment rates of primary schools, middle schools and universities in Costa Rica are 113%, 133% and 55% respectively, the adult literacy rate (over 15 years old) is 97.9%, and the illiteracy rate in the country is the lowest in Central America.
There are 5 public universities and 69 private universities in Costa Rica. The main institutions of higher learning are the University of Costa Rica, the National University of Costa Rica, the National Institute of Technology, the University of Distance Education, the private Central American Autonomous University, and the Latin American University. The academic system of the university is 2 to 10 years, including 4 kinds of junior college, undergraduate, master and doctor degrees, and the degrees awarded are similar to those of Chinese universities. The teaching quality of public universities is higher than that of private universities.
Costa Rica's national education report shows that in 2019, the budget of the Ministry of Public Education reached 2.6 trillion kronor, an increase of about four times in the past 12 years. The coverage of pre-school education has improved, but pre-school children's reading ability is low; 93.4% of middle school students failed to complete 43 class hours/week of study according to the national regulations. 75% of middle school students were school-age students, and the proportion of over age students was high; The proportion of students enrolled in higher education is 28%, which has remained stagnant in the past 10 years. The proportion of science and engineering majors in colleges and universities is only 37%, and is concentrated in the medical field. [16]

medical care

The Costa Rican Social Security Service (CCSS) was established on November 1, 1941. The national medical insurance coverage rate reached 95%, ranking first in Latin America. According to the report of the United Nations Development Programme, in 2020, Colombia's human development index will be 0.81, ranking 7th in Latin America and the Caribbean and 61st in the world. Costa Rica has fewer infectious diseases, and only a few malaria cases occasionally occur in Limon Province on the Caribbean coast. In recent years, with climate change, the incidence of insect bite dengue fever (Chikungunya) is high in the Caribbean Sea and the hot areas along the Pacific coast, but there is no large-scale epidemic. At the beginning of 2016, Zika cases occurred in Colombia. The Ministry of Health of Colombia took emergency prevention and control measures, and the epidemic was quickly and effectively controlled.
According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, in 2018, Costa Rica's national recurrent medical and health expenditure accounted for 5% of GDP. According to PPP, the per capita recurrent medical and health expenditure was $659.
According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics of Costa Rica, in 2020, the average life expectancy in Costa Rica will be 80.6 years, including 78.1 years for men and 83.2 years for women. [16]


Costa Rica National Football Team is the representative football team of Costa Rica, which is managed by Costa Rica Football Association. In people's memory, Costa Rica is not a strong team even in Central and North America, where the football level is lagging behind. This is also the reason why the National Football Association set the goal of "defeating Brazil, drawing Turkey, and defeating Costa Rica, and going out with a goal difference advantage" in the 2002 World Cup. But in the 2014 Brazil World Cup, Costa Rica stood out in the death group with Uruguay, four-star Italy and England, the last third place runner up, with two wins and one draw, and ranked first in the group. Greece, who defeated 11 men with 10 men, entered the last eight, and drew against Holland in 120 minutes to drag the game into a penalty shootout, finally losing the Netherlands 4-3.
The last time Costa Rica entered the finals of the World Cup was in 2006. The first time Costa Rica entered the World Cup, it was amazing. In 1990, it was in the last 16. Costa Rica's best performance in the Golden Cup of America was in 2002, when it finished second. They have also won the Central American Cup of Nations five times. They were invited to the Copa America three times and were eliminated from the last eight twice.
Costa Rica's usual formation is 3-5-2. Their midfield is very flexible and flexible in the game. They usually put their opponents through the middle, and then use their amazing speed on the wing to hit back. The physique close to that of African players enables Costa Rican players to have very outstanding speed, which often gives a fatal blow to the other side's back line. When their two flanks press on the attack, other midfielders will quickly make up for the vacancy left by them.
Costa Rica's attack is very strong, scoring 25 goals in 14 games, which is due to their two excellent forward Vonseka and Vanjop are "hounds" in the restricted area, and they are very capable of catching opportunities. The two men cooperated very well, and they were also a pair of sharp swords with great lethality. In addition, the veteran who scored the winning goal against Sweden in the 1990 World Cup Kay Medford They are still in the team, so Costa Rica's attack is enough to make them proud.
Famous players include Juan Arnoldo Cayasso Centrino , Vonseka Ronald Gomez MARIN Luis Martinez , Mauricio Montero, Solis, Mauricio Wright, Lopez, Alexander Guimares, Medvedev, Gansalis, Juan Ouola, Renaldo Parks, Eric Lonis, Locha, Ector Marchena Paulo Wanchope Campbell, Ruiz, Navas.


Costa Rica National Theatre
The influential TV channels include private Channel 6, Channel 7 and state-owned Channel 11. People can pay to receive nearly 100 TV channels, most of which are from Europe and the United States.
The most influential local radio stations are Monumental and Columbia.
LA NACION has the greatest influence, with a daily circulation of more than 100000, covering political, economic, social and other fields; LAREPUBLICA is a professional financial newspaper with a daily circulation of about 10000. In addition, there are Free News, Daily News and other newspapers.
The online versions of newspapers and media such as the National Daily, the Republic Daily, the Free News and the Extra Newspaper, as well as websites such as "Costa Rica Today" (www.crhoy. com) and "Newsletter" (www.aldia. cr) have a great impact on the Internet. [16]


Costa Rica is the country with the largest total installed capacity in Central America, accounting for 22% of the total power generation in Central America, which can meet the current domestic power demand and supply power to various industrial enterprises without the need to build self owned power plants. According to the national electricity system (SEN) data, in 2019, the total power generation in the country was 11312.85 GWh, 99.15% of which was from renewable energy, of which 69.18% was hydropower, 15.88% was wind, 13.37% was geothermal, 0.72% was biomass and solar energy, and 0.85% was thermal power; The national electricity demand was 11334.11 GWh, up 1.97% year on year. The power transmission capacity of Costa Rica is 9700MVA, the voltage level is 138KV and 230KV, and the total length of transmission line is 2146km.
The power transmission is monopolized by the State Power Corporation. The national power grid coverage rate reached 99.38%, and regional interconnected power grids were formed with Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and other countries through the Central American Power Connection System (Siepac). The total length of the power transmission system is 1792 kilometers, including 500 kilometers in Costa Rica. [16]


According to the statistics of Costa Rica Statistics Bureau, as of July 2020, there are 449020 fixed telephone users, 1339492 home network users and 1523268 mobile phone home users in 1581585 households nationwide. Among Latin American countries, Costa Rica's mobile Internet access costs are only lower than Brazil, the highest in Central America. In 2019, the market shares of ICE, Movistar and Claro were 51.2%, 29.9% and 18.9% respectively.
In January 1993, Costa Rica became the fifth country in Latin America with Internet services, behind Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Argentina. The Internet is widely used in Costa Rica, and the main central cities and coastal cities can access broadband. According to the report of the Costa Rica Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Sutel), in 2019, the average access rate of 4G mobile networks will be 70%; The 4G mobile data download speeds of Kolbi, Movistar and Claro, the three major telecom operators, are 26Mbps, 10Mbps and 12.9Mbps respectively. At the beginning of 2021, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica said that it might start 5G network construction within the year. As the promoter of 5G network construction in Costa Rica, the Ministry welcomed different 5G operators to carry out 5G mobile network business in Costa Rica. [16]

International Relations


foreign policy

Colombia pursues a peaceful and neutral foreign policy, supports the principles of self-determination and non-interference in the internal affairs of all peoples, attaches importance to the development of traditional friendly relations with Latin American countries, actively promotes the process of regional economic integration, and supports the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas. He was elected as a non permanent member of the UN Security Council for three times (1974~1975, 1997~1998 and 2008~2009), and was a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2011~2016 and 2023~2025. From January 2014 to January 2015, he served as the rotating presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. [18]

diplomatic relations

Relations with China
Bilateral political relations: China and Costa Rica established diplomatic relations on June 1, 2007. After that, the two countries had frequent exchanges.
China is Costa Rica's second largest trading partner. In April 2010, the two countries signed a free trade agreement. In August 2011, the agreement came into force. In October 2007, the two countries signed an agreement on the promotion and protection of investment. In October 2016, the agreement came into force. According to the statistics of China Customs, in 2023, the total trade volume between China and Costa Rica will be 5.702 billion US dollars, including 2.784 billion US dollars of Chinese exports and 2.918 billion US dollars of imports, up 30.8%, 18.5% and 45.3% year on year respectively.
China mainly exports electrical and electronic products, motor vehicles and parts, machinery and equipment, cotton textiles and plastic products, etc; Imported electrical and electronic products, medical equipment, beef, etc. [19]
Other exchanges: In November 2011, the Chinese Navy Hospital Ship "Peace Ark" visited Colombia for the first time to provide humanitarian medical services for local people and overseas Chinese.
Relations with the United States
Gome established diplomatic relations in 1851. The two countries have close relations and frequent high-level visits. The United States is the largest trading partner of Costa Rica. In 2007, Costa Rica exported $1.142 billion to the United States and imported $2.865 billion from the United States. The United States has always regarded Costa Rica as a "model of democracy" for Latin American countries and provided a large amount of economic assistance. The two sides have maintained close cooperation in counter-terrorism, drug control, military and other fields. The United States has built a Latin American police school in Costa Rica, and American warships use Costa Rica's Pacific and Atlantic ports. In 2003, under the pressure of the United States, Colombia withdrew from the "Group of 22" in the WTO. After President Arias came to power, Costa Rica asked the United States to support Costa Rica on its official website Iraq War And publicly criticized the US anti-terrorism policy at the UN General Assembly meeting. In March 2007, the United States announced that it would reduce the debts of Costa Rica by 12.6 million dollars and promised to support Costa Rica's accession to APEC. In September 2008, President Arias visited the United States and extended the final entry into force period of the FTA to January 1, 2009. [9]
Relations with Latin American countries
We should attach importance to developing good neighborly, friendly and cooperative relations with Latin American countries, especially Central American countries, maintain close high-level exchanges, and actively promote the process of regional integration in Central America. Costa Rica has no diplomatic relations with Cuba. President Arias publicly criticized the leaders of Cuba and Venezuela, which caused dissatisfaction in Cuba and Venezuela. In addition, Costa Rica and its neighbors Nicaragua There are border and immigration disputes. With El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Chile Columbia The leaders of seven Latin American countries, including Guatemala and Honduras, signed the Charter Statement of the Pacific Gulf Forum to close economic and trade ties with APEC member countries. [9]
Relations with Cuba
In 1961, Costa Rica unilaterally announced the suspension of diplomatic relations with Cuba due to different ideologies. In March 2009, the Colombian government said that the break of diplomatic relations with Cuba was a product of the cold war. The world has changed dramatically. The government decided to resume diplomatic relations with Cuba. In August 2010, Cuba sent its first ambassador to Costa Rica in 50 years. [9]
Relations with European countries
It has traditional economic and trade exchanges with European countries and is the most important exporter of Central America to the EU. In October 2007, the first round of talks on the negotiation of a partnership agreement between Central America and Europe was held in Costa Rica. The partnership agreement includes three parts: free trade agreement, political dialogue mechanism and cooperation mechanism. During the negotiation, Costa Rica advocated that Central American countries should establish a "strategic partnership enjoying preferential treatment" with Europe. In December, the Central American heads of state signed the Central American Joint Tariff Agreement, providing legal protection for the free trade negotiations between Central America and the EU. [9]
Relations with Asia Pacific countries
In the 21st century, Costa Rica has increasingly attached importance to economic and trade cooperation with Asia Pacific countries, and advocated the establishment of regular political and economic consultation mechanisms between Central America and ASEAN countries. Now it is a member of the East Asia Latin America Cooperation Forum. According to the statistics of Costa Rica's Ministry of Foreign Trade, Asia has become the second largest trading partner of Costa Rica after the United States. [9]



Tourism situation

Costa Rica has established and developed 34 natural parks. By 2014, they have become important tourist attractions in Costa Rica.
According to the statistics released by the National Nature Conservation Agency of Costa Rica, in the first half of 2003, more than 500000 tourists visited the nature park, earning more than US $2 million, an increase of 2.3 times over 2002.
The main reason for the increase in the income of Costa Rica's natural parks is the increase of foreign tourists, as well as the adoption of double admission fees. For Colombian tourists, the admission fee for the park is $1.45 per person, but for foreign tourists, it is $7 per person, almost five times that of domestic tourists.
Among the 34 natural parks, the three active volcano parks with the largest number of visitors are Poyas, Arenal, and Ilasu, as well as several coastal parks in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. Their income accounts for 76% of the total income of national natural parks. [10] Located in the Isthmus of Central America, it faces the Caribbean Sea in the east and the North Pacific in the west, with a coastline of 1290 kilometers. Costa Rica borders Nicaragua in the north and Panama in the south southeast, with a total area of 51100 square kilometers. In recent years, the Tenorio Volcano National Park in Costa Rica has become a popular destination for tourists. In addition to the 12819 hectares of virgin rainforest, the famous waterfalls and blue lagoons make people feel like entering a paradise. Costa Rica is known as "Switzerland of Central America" for its comfortable lifestyle, more democratic political environment and beautiful natural scenery.

scenic spot

San Jose
With an altitude of 1163 meters, San Jose has a pleasant climate. The annual average temperature is about 20 degrees. It is like spring all the year round, with flowers in full bloom. The city is surrounded by green trees. On both sides of the road, there are acacia trees, camellias and roses planted in family homes. The whole city is verdant, just like a big garden. Therefore, San Jose is also known as the "Flower City". The residences in this city are generally low built and light in structure, most of which are small two-story villas. The street is built along the mountain, up and down, which is interesting. In front of the Chinese restaurant on the street, there are bright Chinese names. On both sides of the door, there are red couplets. The word "rice" on red paper is facing the restaurant, which is full of Chinese national characteristics. In addition to the spacious Central Avenue, other streets in the urban area are relatively small, and many ancient buildings still maintain the style of one or two hundred years ago.
The Spanish church and bell tower in the 18th century stand in the new and modern buildings. The urban construction also has a special pattern. Each district has a church. There must be a small park in front of it and a school next to it. Bronze and marble statues of national heroes, famous politicians, artists or Indians often stand on the lawn of the park. There are also many museums in the city. The National Museum is located in an ancient castle style building in the center of the city, mainly displaying various precious historical relics; The Jade Museum displays various jades and jades before the discovery of the New World; The Gold and Coin Museum displays gold and silver handicrafts and coins before the discovery of the New World. In addition, there are Insect Museum and Natural Science Museum. [11]
Volcan Poas
Located in the northwest of the central valley of Costa Rica, it is 57 kilometers away from San Jose. The volcano erupted for the first time in 1910 and intermittently several times in 1952-1954. There are two lakes in the crater with a diameter of 1600 meters at the top of the volcano. The lake above is clear and bright, surrounded by various green plants. The lake water below has a large amount of igneous rock materials with high acid content. Due to the volcanic activity, white gas bursts out of the lake, making a huge boiling sound, and then lifting a huge water column more than 100 meters high, forming the world's largest geyser. With the change of temperature and volcanic activity, the color of the lake water varies from blue to gray. It is said that it is caused by small eruptions at the bottom of the crater. [11]
Ilasu volcano
Ilasu volcano is located in the middle of Costa Rica, about 60 kilometers east of San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, with an altitude of 3432 meters. Its crater is 1050 meters in diameter and 300 meters in depth. There is a pool of green water at the bottom and smoke above. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Costa Rica. Mount Ilasu is the highest of the seven volcanoes in Costa Rica, and also the highest peak of the Central Mountains. Standing on the mountain, you can see the scenery of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
Ilasu volcano is an intermittent volcano, mainly composed of basalt and andesite. It erupted in 1841, 1920 and 1963, and the last eruption was in 1978, leaving three craters. Yilasu Volcano is not barren. It is a rare tourist resort with beautiful scenery, dense forests and lush flowers.
Arenal Volcano
Arena volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and is the most famous and active volcano in Costa Rica. About 147 kilometers northwest of the capital San Jose, 1633 meters above sea level. Its conical crater can be seen from any place within a few kilometers around, which is extremely magnificent and imposing against the blue sky and white clouds. Arena volcano is 1633 meters above sea level. On July 29, 1968, it had a big eruption. It is said that the lava at that time covered more than 700 hectares of the earth's surface, causing great losses. Now Arena Volcano has calmed down a lot, but there are occasional small-scale eruptions.
The paths in Arena Volcano National Park and the nearby mountains are the best places to watch the volcano. The volcano erupted intermittently, causing great volcanic ash fog and loud roar in the sky, which can be seen dozens of kilometers away. In the evening, the landscape of Arena Volcano is more spectacular. The lava rolls down the high temperature melted rocks, forming a very strange but brilliant "fireworks", which usually extends at least 5 kilometers away, and is one of the famous wonders in Central America. In addition, there are picturesque lakes and mountains near the volcano, and hot spring rivers are winding through them, which can soak in hot springs almost anytime and anywhere, so there are many tourists here.
Osthunar National Wildlife Refuge
Ossaunar National Wildlife Reserve is located in Guanacast Province, Costa Rica. It was established as a reserve in 1982 and officially became a national wildlife reserve in 1984. With an area of 85.7 square kilometers, it is one of the two most important olive ridley turtle reserves in the world.
Ossaunar National Wildlife Reserve was established to protect olive loggerhead turtles, so that olive loggerhead turtles can breed in peace. Every year, hundreds, even thousands, of tortoises come ashore to nest in the Ossaunar National Wildlife Reserve on the west coast of Costa Rica, attracting tourists from all over the world to watch this spectacle.
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is located in Puntarenas and Alajuela Provinces of Costa Rica. It was founded in 1973 and consists of 10500 tropical rainforests. Every year, about 70000 people visit this reserve, which is always in its original state. Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is famous for its biodiversity and integrity, which is of great significance for biological conservation and research. The reserve consists of seven ecological areas, 90% of which are primitive forests. It is an ecological diversity reserve, home to more than 2500 plants, 100 mammals, 400 birds, 120 reptiles and amphibians, and thousands of insects.
About 10% of the more than 2500 species of plants in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve are endemic.
Guanacast Nature Reserve
The Guanacast Nature Reserve is located in the northwest of Costa Rica. It extends from Costa Rica 12 miles away from the Pacific Ocean. It crosses the interior along the lowlands along the Pacific coast, crosses three volcanoes, and then subducts to the lowlands. The total length is about 105 kilometers, and the highest point is 1916 meters. In 1999, Guanacast Nature Reserve was listed as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO. The land area of the Reserve is 88000 hectares, and the sea area is 43000 hectares. These statistics are not included in the 3000 to 5000 hectares of areas that were subsequently newly included in the Reserve.
The Guanacast Nature Reserve includes a series of volcanic areas, the most famous of which is the Linkong Delabha volcano, which has three craters and a lagoon. The last volcanic eruption observed was in the 1970s, but now there is still a crater that has been blowing, and there are 32 rivers Sixteen geysers originated in the vicinity of the volcano.
Guanacast Nature Reserve is one of the most important natural habitats in the world. It maintains biological diversity, including the best dry land forest habitat, biological communities from Central America to northern Mexico, and major endangered plants and animals. The land and coastal environment of this place is very important for ecological activities, including: evolution, continuation and restoration of tropical dryland forests in the Pacific Ocean; Highland migration, other interactive biological and ecological activities, as well as the rise and development of coral communities and reefs.
Talamanka Yangzhi Laamistede Reserve
The unique Talamanka Yangzhi La Amistede Reserve covers an area of more than 800000 hectares and is located in the middle of the Americas at the junction of Costa Rica and Panama. The reserve is marked by the Quaternary glaciers. The animals and plants of North America and South America live together here, and the tropical rainforest covers most of the reserve. Four different Indian tribes lived on this land and benefited from the close cooperation between Costa Rica and Panama.
Due to the climate characteristics and fertile soil, the region presents a colorful landform, forming many different habitats. In Talamanka Yangzhi Amistad Reserve, you can enjoy the forest in the clouds, the scenery of Lilliput, the beautiful desolate valley, the descendants of Xibu and the sacred birds worshipped by Aztecs. In addition to natural wonders, there are a large number of ancient cultural relics in this area. More than 200 sites have been found, including tombs, stone pillars, prehistoric rock paintings, which cover a history of more than 12000 years.
Cocos Island National Park
Cocos Island National Park is 550 kilometers away from Costa Rica's Pacific coast. It is the only island in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean with tropical rainforest. Its location is closest to the northern equatorial countercurrent, and it is also the place where the island and the surrounding marine ecosystem interact comprehensively. Therefore, this area is an ideal laboratory for studying biological processes. In 1997, UNESCO listed it as a natural heritage on the World Heritage List.
The terrain of Cocos Island is rugged. In nature's miraculous "creation", the reefs on the island are various, and waterfalls, steep cliffs and labyrinth like underground caves can be seen everywhere. The underwater world of Cocos Island is recognized as the best place to watch pelagic creatures in the world. There are a lot of marine creatures growing in the transparent blue sea area, such as sharks, rays, tuna and dolphins. The island's rare flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world every year. According to statistics, there are 97 kinds of birds, 2 kinds of endangered reptiles, 57 kinds of crustaceans, more than 500 kinds of marine molluscs, more than 500 kinds of insects, more than 300 kinds of marine fish, and 5 kinds of freshwater fish in the island. The coral reefs here are even more colorful and colorful.

Related reports

On September 15, 2021, Costa Rica celebrated the 200th anniversary of its independence. [12]
On May 8, 2022, the President of Costa Rica declared a state of emergency on the day he took office. [14]
On May 12, 2022, many government agencies in Costa Rica, a Central American country, including the Ministry of Finance, were paralyzed by hackers' ransomware attacks. [14]
In February 2023, the EU will update the list of tax jurisdictions, and Costa Rica will be listed as black name list. [17]