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The rulers of Islamic countries in history
open 2 entries with the same name
Caliph Islamic countries The ruler of Arabic The transliteration of khal ī fah in Chinese means successor and agent. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
khalīfah [2 ] (Arabic)
Foreign name
Caliph [1] (Latin)
Time of occurrence
632 years [1]
Abolition time
March 1924 [1]
brief introduction
632 years Mohammed After death Abu Bakr (reigned from 632 to 634) took his place and was called "the caliph of the messenger of God". About the second caliph Omar I (634~644), the caliph became the title of the head of politics and religion of Islamic countries. Four caliphs After the era, the caliph became hereditary and was no longer elected by the Islamic commune. Umayyad Caliphate There were 14 caliphs, Abbasid caliphate There were 38 caliphs. The latter claims to be Allah's representative, "Allah's shadow on the earth", and its power is directly from Allah. After the middle of the 10th century Seljuk Turks As the true ruler of the Abbasid dynasty, the caliph lost all secular power and only retained the position of religious leader. In 1258, the Mongolian army fell Baghdad , kill the caliph. 1260, Egypt Mamluk Dynasty The surviving Abbas were fostered as the new caliph and were canonized. In 1516, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I Defeat the Mamluk army and capture Khalifa Mudewakil. In 1543, Mudewakil was forced to hand over the authority of the caliph to the Ottoman rulers. From then on, the Ottoman sultan had the title of caliph and became the religious leader of the entire Islamic world. In March 1924, Republic of Turkey The Grand National Assembly passed a bill to abolish the caliphate system. [1]