Hudson River

A river in New York
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Hudson River (English: Hudson River), also known as Hudson River Hudson River, Hudson River yes U.S.A New York A 507 km long river originating from Adirondack Mountains (Adirondack Mountains) Lake Tear of the Clouds, Mohawk River (Mohawk River) flows into the upper reaches of Hudson River and connects to the west Erie Canal (Erie Canal), end import Port of New York Is the economic lifeline of New York State. The Hudson River flows from north to south New York In the east, coastal cities include Saratoga TROY Albany Kingston , Pokepuxi, Newburgh New York City, etc. Downstream New York and New Jersey The boundary of.
The Hudson River was founded by Italian explorers in 1524 Giovanni da Verrazzano (Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1485-1528).
Chinese name
Hudson River
Foreign name
Hudson River
Hudson River Hudson River
geographical position
North America Northeast Appalachian Mountains west side
Flow area
Saratoga TROY Albany Kingston Pokepuxi , Newburgh, New York City, etc
Adirondack Mountains Cloud Tear Lake
River length
507 km (315 miles)
Drainage area
36260 km² (14000 square miles)
Average flow
620 m³/s
New York, USA
Maximum flow
6088 m3/s
Minimum flow
25 m3/s
Port of New York

brief introduction

Hudson River
Hudson River in the United States New York The total length of the river is about 507 kilometers (315 miles). The first 172 kilometers (108 miles) of the river meanders southeast to Corinth and then turns northeast to Hudson Falls From here, it flows directly to the south and injects Upper New York Bay The drainage area is 34628 square kilometers (13370 square miles). There is a submerged valley stretching about 320 kilometers (200 miles) from the estuary to the sea. And its main tributaries Mohawk River (Mohawk River) together constitute one of the most important waterways in China.


Cloud Tear Lake
The source of the Hudson River is Adirondack Lake Tear of the Clouds in Adirondack Park is 1317 meters (4322 feet) above sea level. It is worth noting that on the map, the reach several miles from the source is not marked as the Hudson River, but is called Feldspar Brook, which has the same name as Calamity Brook after confluence. Later, the stream converges with Indian Pass Brook and flows southward at the mouth of Henderson Lake. Until then, this stream was officially called the Hudson River.
However, there are also a lot of resources that show that Henderson Lake should be counted as the source of the Hudson River. USGS (U.S. Geological Survey, USGS) located the origin of Hudson River near the mouth of Henderson Lake in Newcomb.
The farthest source of the Hudson River set by the Geological Survey is shown as small Maxi Mountain Opalescent River on the west slope of Little Marcy Mountain. The river originates 2 miles north of Yunli Lake, with a total length of 1 mile longer than Shixi.
However, in popular culture and common understanding, Yunli Lake is often considered as the birthplace of the Hudson River.

Historical evolution

English in 1609 Henry Hudson He first crossed the river and later named it after him. American Revolutionary War China is a river with an important strategic position.
Three canals were built in the 19th century( Erie Canal Delaware Hudson Canal, Champlain Canal) The Great Lakes District Delaware River and St Lawrence River Downstream communication has promoted the central and western regions and New York The development of the city. The main towns in the lower reaches prospered by whaling in the early days and became the bases of ocean going fleets in the 19th century.
Seagoing ships can sail to the capital of New York State throughout the year Albany The barge can sail to the Great Lakes for 8 months every year. Freight transportation includes sand, gravel, crushed stone, oil, coal, lignite, etc. Passenger transport has been replaced by railways and highways. There are many bridges on the river. In order to solve the problems caused by industrial waste and wastewater stream pollution The state government and local authorities have begun to formulate plans for environmental protection and river water purification. In order to make rational use of river water resources and protect scenic spots and historic sites along the coast, 1966 establish Hudson River Basin Commission.