Hubble constant

Constant Values in Hubble's Law
zero Useful+1
Hubble constant, is Hubble's law The constant value in. Hubble's law is about physics Cosmology This law was first formulated in 1929 after nearly ten years of observation by Hubble and Milton Schumerson. It is considered to be the first observation basis on the extended space paradigm and is often cited as support big bang An important evidence of. With the proposition of Hubble's law, Cosmic expansion The concept of.
In September 2019, German scientists used Gravitational lensing effect The Hubble constant is calculated to be 82.4, so the age of the universe is calculated to be 11.4 billion years, more than 2 billion years younger than the 13.7 billion years of mainstream opinion. [1] In 2022, an analysis by American astrophysicists, The expansion rate of the current universe is determined, that is, the Hubble constant is 73.4 (km/s)/Mpc gap, and the uncertainty is only 1.3%. [2]
Chinese name
Hubble constant
Foreign name
Hubble constant
Hubble's law
Constant value
67.80 ± 0.77 (km/s)/Mpc (determined by European Space Agency)

Basic concepts

Hubble's law Zhonghe alien system Retrogression speed The ratio of the same distance. It is a constant, usually expressed in H, and its unit is km/(second · millionth second difference). This ratio is sometimes referred to as the velocity distance ratio, or Hubble ratio.
Hubble's law
European Space Agency Announced on March 21, 2013, pursuant to Planck satellite The new Hubble constant value is 67.80 ± 0.77 (km/s)/Mpc (Mpc Millisecond gap , about 3 million light years), that is, the speed of the galaxy away from the Earth increases by 67.80 ± 0.77 kilometers per second for every additional 3 million light years (or every 3 million years).

Discovery history

In 1929, Hubble first discovered the Apparent velocity It is proportional to the distance (that is, the greater the distance, the greater the apparent velocity), and gives the speed distance ratio, with the symbol K and the ratio 500. Later people called it the Hubble constant and used the symbol H. In 1931, Hubble and s. Hammarson determined that H was 558 for the second time, and later revised it to 526.
When measuring H by Hubble Cepheid variable And the brightest star in the galaxy. In 1952, Bud pointed out that, Andromeda galaxy The magnitude zero point of Cepheid variable in should change by 1.5 degrees, so the Hubble constant should be revised to H=260. 1958 Sandwich It is pointed out that the brightest star mentioned by Hubble is actually located at Ionized hydrogen region Therefore, a magnitude correction of 1.8 is added to reduce the Hubble constant to H=75. From 1974 to 1976, Sandage and Taman revised the Hubble constant again by using seven distance indicators, and obtained H=55, which was only 1/10 of the measured value of Hubble in that year. That is to say, press Hubble's law To calculate the distance between galaxies, the new revised value of H is 10 times larger than that of Hubble.
stay Relativistic cosmology Hubble constant can be compared with Cosmic scale factor R (t) is linked: H=(t)/R (t). In some cosmology, the Hubble constant is a function of time. Usually, H represents the modern value of the Hubble constant, and H is called Hubble parameter
Since the 1970s, many astronomers have measured H by various methods, and the values obtained by various researchers are very inconsistent.
The difference between the measured values of Hubble constant lies in the difference between Distance modulus Different. Except observed systematic error random error and Galaxy Besides external factors such as the calibration uncertainty of the internal distance index, there are internal reasons. For example, due to the differences in chemical composition, age, and evolutionary experience between different galaxies, the distance index and Absolute magnitude The relationship between them will not be consistent.
In August 2006, from Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) research team uses Qian Zhuo from NASA X-ray Observatory The Hubble constant found is 77 (km/s)/Mpc, and the error is about 15%.
On May 7, 2009, NASA According to NASA's data on distant galaxies Ia supernova The latest measurement results of, the published Hubble constant is (74.2 ± 3.6) (km/s)/Mpc Uncertainty It is further reduced to less than 5%.
In September 2019, German scientists wrote an article in Science magazine that the Hubble constant was calculated to be 82.4 by using the gravitational lens effect, thus the age of the universe was calculated to be 11.4 billion years old, more than 2 billion years younger than the 13.7 billion years according to the mainstream view. [1]
In 2022, an analysis by American astrophysicists, The expansion rate of the current universe is determined, that is, the Hubble constant is 73.4 (km/s)/Mpc gap, and the uncertainty is only 1.3%. [2]