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Pharyngeal paralysis

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Lv Wei (Deputy Chief Physician) Review Department of Otolaryngology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital
The pharyngeal muscles are mainly dominated by motor nerve fibers from the pharyngeal plexus paralysis Common, the causes can be divided into central and peripheral paralysis. Central lesions are found in the medulla oblongata caused by various reasons, such as bulbar paralysis encephalitis Acoustic neuroma The medulla oblongata is invaded. Peripheral paralysis Polyneuritis Common, others such as infection myasthenia gravis Dermatomyositis And skull base lesions caused by compression of the fourth, fifth and sixth cranial nerves.
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Common causes
Central paralysis can be seen in medullary diseases caused by various reasons, such as medullary paralysis, encephalitis, etc. Peripheral paralysis is more common with polyneuritis
common symptom
There is an open nasal sound when speaking, and it is easy to flow back into the nasal cavity when entering a liquid diet

clinical manifestation

Pharyngeal muscle paralysis can be divided into complete or incomplete, unilateral or bilateral. Because of the soft palate paralysis, the nasopharynx cannot be closed, and the patient has an open nasal sound when speaking, it is easy to flow back into the nasal cavity when entering the liquid diet. When the pharyngeal constrictor muscle is paralyzed, the swallowing function is affected, and it is difficult to eat liquid food in the early stage, which may lead to the danger of aspiration into the throat.
Physical examination showed that the healthy side moved while the affected side could not lift up when the mouth opened and the voice "ah" was pronounced. If both sides are paralyzed, the soft palate is loose and cannot be lifted. If the pharyngeal constrictor muscle is paralyzed, saliva or food retention can be seen in the pyriform fossa.


Imaging examination can clarify the etiology and guide treatment.

differential diagnosis

Mainly central and peripheral paralysis Identification between the two. The skull base lesions were excluded.


Treat according to the cause of disease. The central disease should be diagnosed and treated by the department of internal medicine and neurology. Patients with peripheral paralysis can be treated with anticholinesterase drugs, nerve stimulants, vitamins, and acupuncture. Constrictor muscle of pharynx paralysis Those who cannot eat or who inhale by mistake should be given nasal feeding.