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Call Center CRM

Promote products and business through telephone
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Telemarketing refers to the promotion of products and the promotion of the company's business by telephone. Telemarketing requires salespersons to have good speech skills, clear expression ability and certain product knowledge. As a convenient, fast and economical modern communication tool, the telephone is getting more and more popular. The penetration rate of urban telephone in China has reached more than 98%.
Chinese name
Call Center CRM
Foreign name
Customer Relationship Management
customer relationship management
CRM Overview
Telemarketing products and promoting the company's business
Penetration rate
More than 98%
Telemarketing Mainly by telephone

CRM Introduction

CRM is short for Customer Relationship Management, which is generally translated as "Customer Relationship Management". CRM originated in the United States, and was first proposed by Gartner Group. Since the 1990s, with the tide of Internet and e-commerce, it has developed rapidly. Different scholars or business organizations have different views on the concept of CRM. [1]
The originator of this concept believes that CRM is a business strategy, which effectively organizes enterprise resources according to the classification of customers, cultivates customer-centric business behavior and implements customer-centric business processes, and uses this as a means to improve enterprise profitability, profits and customer satisfaction.
IBM believes that CRM can establish a long-term, stable and close relationship of mutual trust with customers by improving product performance, enhancing customer service, improving customer delivery value and customer satisfaction, so as to attract new customers, maintain old customers, and improve efficiency and competitive advantage for enterprises.
SAP: The core of CRM system is the management of customer data. The customer database is an important data center of the enterprise. It records various interactions between the enterprise and customers in the marketing and sales process, as well as the status of various related activities, provides various data models, and provides support for later analysis and decision-making
Based on the above classical CRM concepts, CRM can be defined as: CRM is modern information technology It is a combination of business ideas. It uses information technology as a means to form an automated solution through the important combination and design of "customer centric" business processes, so as to improve customer loyalty and ultimately achieve the improvement of business operation efficiency and profit growth.
Regardless of the definition of CRM, "customer-centric" will be the core of CRM. CRM can shorten the sales cycle, reduce sales costs, increase revenue, expand the market, and comprehensively improve the profitability and competitiveness of enterprises by meeting customers' personalized needs and improving customer loyalty. The original intention of any enterprise to implement customer relationship management is to create more value for customers, that is, to achieve "win-win" between customers and enterprises.

Brief description of call center

In a modern society, Telephone As a fast, convenient and economical communication Tools have become increasingly popular in consulting and shopping. Modern life is in pursuit of fast pace and high efficiency, so telephone sales should be born. The latest survey shows that residents' home phones are increasingly used in consultation and shopping, in addition to general contact with relatives, friends and colleagues. 65% of residents have used telephone inquiry and consultation services, and 20% of residents have used telephone booking and shopping. Modern life pursues fast pace and high efficiency. As a new fashion, telemarketing is coming into every household.


1. First, people can clearly understand that Telemarketing It is mainly carried out by telephone rather than by interview, which is the biggest difference between telemarketers and other salespeople. The opposite is marketing personnel, who mainly rely on face-to-face visits to customers to obtain orders.
2. Secondly, the process of telemarketing that people focus on is actually the process of establishing trust relationship with customers by telephone. The foundation of any business is the mutual trust established by both parties. People often say that he only deals with people he knows, likes and trusts, so trust is the foundation of telemarketing.
3. Finally, there is an important concept: customer demand. There are two kinds of customer needs: personal needs and business needs. This requires that if people want to successfully complete sales on the phone, not only the telemarketers can grasp the customer's business needs, but also the customer's personal needs (in telemarketing, personal needs are often reflected in emotional needs). Having understood the customer's needs, we still need to meet the customer's needs. [2]

Main forms

The form of implementing telemarketing in enterprises
1. Enterprises build their own Call Center to complete sales through their own telemarketers. Enterprises that adopt this method are generally large in scale, and the telemarketing system is relatively mature, which belongs to the complete sense of telemarketing.
2. Enterprises have their own telemarketers, but there is no CallCenter. They only have a few phone lines. Generally, enterprises are small in size. Strictly speaking, it is not a complete telemarketing, but the products generally sold by such enterprises are complex, and they often need the support and cooperation of senior sales personnel to complete sales. Therefore, such telemarketing personnel play more roles in screening customers than CRM provided by 800 customers.
3. Enterprises cooperate with some CallCenter operators to entrust their products to CallCenter for sales, which belongs to telemarketing outsourcing. The good thing about this form for enterprises is that it saves time, reduces investment and minimizes risk at the initial stage. However, CallCenter operators are unfamiliar to Chinese enterprises, so it will take time for this form to be recognized by most enterprises.

Technological change

The traditional call center is the embodiment of the computer and telephone integration technology. Although it has been developed for many years and the technology is relatively mature, in recent years, with the trend of IP, the concept of all seats and the requirements of multiple media access, the traditional call center has been challenged. and Multimedia call center The platform and solutions are based on new CTI concepts and standards (C: Computation - data processing capability of computer system; T: Telecommunication - reliability and systematic advantages of telecommunication equipment; 1: IP/Internet - advantages of IP network/Internet distributed processing and interconnection), which has a series of advantages over traditional call centers.
CRM call center adapts to IP trend
1. In the tide of all going to IP, IP call center (IPCC) ushered in a new opportunity. IPCC uses the company's existing IP network to optimize the WAN Investment in (WAN) infrastructure and reduced management expenses. In addition, the IP centric architecture allows enterprises to easily expand the coverage of call centers, adding remote nodes, remote agents, and knowledge-based employee agents. IP makes the deployment of remote distributed call centers more convenient and cheaper. It also makes it possible to access multiple media, which is impossible in the TDM architecture. At the same time, the operation cost of the call center is greatly reduced due to the IPlization. This is also the fundamental reason why IP is becoming the core keyword of the new generation call center.
2、CRM Multimedia call center While accessing the traditional communication network, the system platform also supports the access to Internet, NGN and 3G networks, and takes advantage of the universality of IP technology to fully enjoy the market opportunities brought by technological progress. 800 passengers Multimedia call center System platform, which can E-mail , SMS, WAP instant messaging (IM), Web Forms, Web Call, Video Services, Whiteboard, Service Collaboration Remote service And other applications, seamlessly integrated into the customer service system.

Integration function

Integration Overview
1. In the CIO survey, application integration topped the list of important IT goals. In the informatization process of Chinese enterprises for more than ten years, various types of management Software Using different technologies, it has been self-developed or upgraded several times. At the same time, CRM integration is not only a difficult and intractable IT challenge, but also a major opportunity to adapt to the strategic objectives of enterprises and seize the competitive advantage. According to industry statistics, in current typical enterprise IT projects, integration almost consumes more than 35% of the total cost of design, development and maintenance, but CRM is making integration easier and easier.
two CRM platform is real Cloud computing platform The platform's open attributes, standard integration methods and flexible customization are applicable to all kinds of enterprises and integrate all kinds of existing management Software , realize the real-time unification of enterprise management data, and meet customers' comprehensive and in-depth management needs to the maximum extent.
three For customers, CRM platform means that the management platform can integrate with any enterprise application or system, including SAP, Kingdee, UFIDA, etc Third party software Take advantage of flexible and internationally popular SOA Architecture Under the standard Web Service mode, there is no destructiveness, technology dependency or vendor lock. For partners, the CRM platform means the ability to deploy integrated applications for all customers.


Telemarketing should have a good customer list and good data management. One of the biggest characteristics that distinguishes telemarketing from traditional sales is that it is more targeted and interactive. A successful telemarketing must accurately identify the target customers and sell them targeted products and services. Telemarketing may be aimed at potential customers or old customers. Different customers have different data collection methods and analysis methods. How to get the data? Do you want to buy, rent or cooperate with other companies? How to guarantee the purchase or lease of Data quality How to clean data (de duplication, de forgery, error checking)? How to analyze customer types and match corresponding products or product combinations according to customer types? Whether these details are done carefully or not will affect the success rate and cost-benefit of telemarketing. CRM Software Handles details very well.

Opportunity management

Business opportunity is the basis of driving sales. Effective management of business opportunities can achieve or exceed sales targets in a limited time and quickly seize new markets.
a、 Online lead capture
CRM provides online capture of potential customers, which can automatically collect customer needs from the company's website and allocate them to the corresponding sales staff within a few minutes, so that sales staff can track and capture potential customers in a timely manner.
b、 Opportunity Registration
How many times have you dared to be angry because your colleagues seized your business opportunities? But the problem is not people, but whether the process is standardized and whether the rights and responsibilities are clear. Through 800 customers, sales personnel or agents can easily report business opportunities, and the perfect data authority and trace retention mechanism ensures the security of business opportunities information.
c、 Opportunity Assignment
Sales managers can choose manual or automatic allocation methods to allocate business opportunities to the most appropriate sales personnel according to industry, region, scale, time and other factors, or reassign potential customers who have not been effectively followed up for a long time to improve the response rate and achievement rate of business opportunities.
d、 Opportunity tracking
Track the progress of each sales project from beginning to end, provide sales personnel with a 360 degree view of sales opportunities, and help them make wise judgments on identifying key decision makers, forecasting sales volume and other decisions by providing fully visible business opportunity history, key time, progress and other important information.

customer management

Who are your most valuable customers? What is your most concerned business problem? CRM can effectively and centrally manage all important customer information and maintain good customer relations.
a、 Customer information
CRM can be used to centrally save all important customer information, such as company profiles, related documents, agents, key sales data, etc., and to uniformly manage customer contacts. The strict authority management can control the authority to the field level according to roles, profiles, sharing rules, etc. to achieve the purpose of the same sales team or multiple roles participating in the same customer management, which not only effectively ensures the security of customer information, but also realizes the sharing of information within the team. CRM can effectively help sales representatives track various activities, manage processes, track milestones, and provide a comprehensive view to view customer details to understand business progress.  
b、 contact manager
Most salespeople know that although the customer company is important, the specific customer contact is the key. With CRM, you can comprehensively manage the contacts of each customer. The powerful multipoint association function allows a customer to associate with multiple contacts, and track and manage all activities related to the contact. The system will also provide more high-quality targeted customer care, such as birthday care, regional care, etc., to fully tap the wealth of contacts.