Zhou Yi

Ministers and celebrities of the Jin Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Zhouyi (269-322), known as Beren, Ancheng County, Runan County (now Henan Province Runan County) people. [1] Jin dynasty Ministers and celebrities.
Zhou Yi had little reputation. In his weak years, he served as Secretary Lang, and Xi Feng was the Marquis of Chengwu County, serving as the general of the town army Sima Pi Long history. Yongjia Rebellion Later, follow General Anton Sima Rui Out of town Jiankang, as Military Counseling Sacrifice Wine , General Qian Ningyuan Protect Nanman Xiaowei Jingzhou Governor , Successive Prince Shaofu minister of personnel , progressive migration Left Minion Shooting He is famous for his elegance and integrity. Because he often gets drunk and ignores common affairs, he is called "three days of shooting".
The first year of Yongchang (322), Wang Dun's Rebellion At the age of 54, he was killed and presented to Dr. Zuo Guanglu and the Third Division of Yitong, Posthumous title Weikang. Related allusions“ I won't kill Beren. Beren died because of me ”。
(Overview picture: taken from the portraits of famous officials in previous dynasties, reference materials [29]
True name
Zhou Yi
Zhou Bushe Marquis Zhou
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Runan An Cheng (now Runan, Henan)
date of birth
Date of death
322 years
Main works
Collected Works Volume II
Official position
Escort general
Wuheng Marquis
Posthumous gift
Dr. Zuo Guanglu, Yitong Third Division
Posthumous title

Character's Life


There has long been a good reputation

Zhou Yi
When he was a teenager, Zhou Yi had a high reputation and was handsome. People of his peers were intimate with each other, but they did not dare to treat him lightly and recklessly. Situ Piao Bensong, a fellow villager, has lofty integrity. When he saw Zhou Yi, he exclaimed, "You Yingzhi had many strange people, but elegance and morality have not been popular for a long time. Today, he saw Zhou Boren, who will revive elegance and clean up our nation." Dai Yuan He is a famous scholar in Southeast China and has a good reputation. He entered Luoyang after he was selected as a scholar. Usually I heard of Zhou Yi's name, so I paid a special visit and sat opposite him for a long time. I didn't dare to show my eloquence until I left. Zhou Mu, the younger brother of Zhou Yi, also had a good reputation and wanted to surpass Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi didn't mind at all, nor did he compete with him, so people were more inclined to Zhou Yi. [2]
Since then, when the prefectures and counties were called up, Zhou Yi did not answer their orders. In the year of weak crown, he inherited the title of his father Wucheng Marquis (once known as the Marquis of Wu) Secretary Lang He moved the minister, the official, and the minister. King of the East China Sea Sima Yue Son of Sima Pi by Zhenjun General , appointed Zhou Yi as the long history. [3]

Return to the capital after defeat

Jin Yuan Emperor Sima Rui When I first arrived in Jiangdong, I asked Zhou Yi to Military Counseling Sacrifice Wine He was the general of Ningyuan and the governor of Jingzhou Protect Nanman Xiaowei , holiday. As soon as Zhou Yi arrived in Jingzhou, he met the rebellion of Fumi, a refugee from Jianping and others, and welcomed the bandits in Sichuan Du Tao When he entered the country, Zhou Yi was unable to parry and was in a mess. Tao Kan Send Wu Ji, the general of the Ministry, to lead the troops to save Zhou Yi, so that he can be safe and go to Yuzhang Wang Dun , Wang Dun took him in. Wang Dun's Military Division Dai Miao He said: "Although Zhou Yi has suffered a new failure, he has not yet exercised his power and should not take responsibility. Besides, he usually has a high reputation, so he should be reinstated." But Wang Dun disagreed. [25]
After that, the Yuan Emperor of Jin called Zhou Yi General Yang Wei , Governor of Yanzhou. When Zhou Yi returned to Jiankang, the Emperor Yuan of the Jin Dynasty left him and refused to leave. He appointed him again to serve as a military counselor and offer sacrifices, and then he was transferred to Right Changshi. [4]

Repeated impeachment

After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhou Yi supplemented minister of personnel Soon, he was impeached by Yousi for being drunk and took his position as a cloth clothes. Later, he was removed from his official position due to the involvement of the students who hurt others. [5]
Daxing In the early years of (318), Zhou Yi was worshipped as Prince Shaofu He was still the minister of the Ministry of Officials. Zhou Yishang refused and said: "When I left the court, I thought over and over again. I could not learn the skills once learned, and I was not intelligent enough to be an official. It was difficult for people to stop being satisfied, and they failed to abide by their duties. So they took on the important task, and their fame and position exceeded their actual ability. Unexpectedly, your majesty forgot my stupid mistakes, and asked your officials to evaluate and select officials, and to accept the responsibility of educating and disciplining the crown prince. I myself am as light as a cicada's wings, but I am not competent to bear the heavy responsibility, and I do not need to identify the things I cannot do. If the minister is investigated for his dereliction of duty in the future, he will be humiliated by his improper employment. I am worried and ashamed. I don't know what to do. " [26] The imperial court issued an imperial edict, saying: "Prince Sima Shao gained such a noble position as the prince when he was young. He should rely on good officials to get rid of ignorance. There are strict teachers who make him look like he is. Even if he does not speak, he can learn from them. Do you still need to let him learn from them, just as people say and Tian Su You will forget your despicable heart when you travel together. You should accept the appointment, and there is no need to refuse modestly. " Later, he turned to minister Zuopu She, who still served as minister of the Ministry of Officials. [6] Soon, Zhou Yi took over Dai Yuan by Escort general Shangshu Ji Zhan Invite Zhou Yihe to a banquet Wang Dao The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty issued an imperial edict saying, "Zhou Yi, who was in a high position in the imperial court and was in charge of the selection and appraisal of officials, should be cautious and respectful, and be a model for all officials. He was repeatedly cited and prosecuted by the officials because of his loss of wine. I know that this is extremely happy, but after all, it is the exhortation to indulge in wine.". Zhou Yi must be able to restrain himself and observe the etiquette again, so he will be exempted from punishment this time. " [7]

Unyielding to death

The first year of Yongchang (322), Wang Dun When Wen Jiao raised his troops to revolt, he said to Zhou Yi, "The action of the general seems to have some direction, and it should not exceed the limit." Zhou Yi said, "You are young and don't understand. The emperor is certainly not as wise as Yao and Shun. How can he be without fault, but how can a minister intimidate the king with force! The Lord has praised everyone for less than a few years. Once we do this, the world will be in chaos? Wang Dungang is obstinate and cruel. He has no tyrant in his eyes. Can his intentions be limited? " Shortly after the defeat of the imperial army, Zhou Yi was ordered to meet Wang Dun. Wang Dun said, "Zhou Biren, you have failed me!" Zhou Yi said, "The public led the army to make trouble, and the lower officials led the six armies. They failed to do a good job, which led to the defeat of the king's division, so they have failed you." Wang Dun was strict with Zhou Yi's righteousness, and did not know how to answer. [9]
The Emperor Yuan of the Jin Dynasty summoned Zhou Yi in the Guangshi and said to him, "This is a big event that has happened recently. The East and West palaces are safe and everyone is safe. Is the general really as expected?" Zhou Yi said, "It is true that the East and West palaces are safe, but it is not clear whether the officials are safe or not." The commander of the guard Shi Haogu and others advised Zhou Yi to avoid Wang Dun, Zhou Yi said, "As a minister of the state, the court is in chaos now. Can I escape to live and throw myself into the place of Wuyue?" [40]
Soon and Dai Ruosi He was arrested by Wang Dun together. When passing the Imperial Temple, Zhou Yi shouted: "The spirit of the first emperor of heaven and earth: the bandit minister Wang Dun overthrew the country, killed loyal officials indiscriminately, and bullied the world. The ancestor god has a spirit. It is time to kill Wang Dun immediately, and not let him run amok any more, so as to destroy the royal family." Before the words were finished, the escort stabbed him in the mouth with a long halberd, bleeding to his heels, but he still looked pale and behaved calmly, Those who watched were all in tears. Later, Zhou Yi was killed on the stone outside the south gate of Jiankang City at the age of 54. [28]
After the death of Zhou Yi, Wang Dun sent Miao Tan to copy Zhou Yi's house and only collected a few empty baskets filled with old cotton wool, five jars of wine, and several stone meters. The courtiers admired Zhou Yi's honesty and simplicity. After Wang Dun died, Zhou Yi was posthumously presented as Doctor Zuo Guanglu Yitong Third Division , posthumous title Kang lamb and pig used as sacrifices The ceremony of offering sacrifices. [10]

Main impacts

In his early years, Emperor Yuan of Jin crossed the river with the help of Du Tao's Rebellion However, Zhou Yi and Dai Yuan were allowed to enter Jingzhou one after another as governor and former general respectively, competing for control of the middle reaches with Wang Cheng, Wang Dun, Tao Kan and other emerging warlords in the south of the Langye Wang family. Due to the changing situation, things failed. After that, Zhou Yi also relied on his own influence, second only to that of Wang Dao, among the aristocratic groups, to connect Yu Liang, Huanyi, Xi Jian, Xie Kun, Wen Qiao and other aristocratic figures, so that the political force to maintain the imperial family could gain potential growth. [33]
After Wang Dun raised his troops, many aristocratic families expressed their support or watched from the sidelines. In this crisis, Zhou Yi, a relative and friend of Wang Dun, always stood on the side of the Emperor of Jin and Yuan, and stepped forward to serve as the general of the escort. He assumed the responsibility of the commander in chief of Jiankang defense, and took an active attitude of resistance to Wang Dun. Although the resistance ended in failure, its performance of struggling to resist during this period is worthy of affirmation, and its integrity and righteousness are vividly reflected in this event. [32]

Historical evaluation

A bust of Zhou Yi [11]
Ben Song, a famous scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: You Yinggu has many wonderful people! Since Qing Yadao was late, seeing Zhou Boren again today will shake up the old wind and clear up our nation. [12]
Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Dai Miao : Although Yi retreated, he was not blamed for coming to the masses. He has high moral integrity and should be restored. [12]
Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Yu Liang : ① All people are willing to use the monarch to help Leguang. [12] ② In the last years of Zhou Marquis, it can be said that the prosperity and virtue of Zhou Marquis had declined! [12]
Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Wang Dao : Although I won't kill Biren, I will kill him. In the nether world, I will defeat this good friend! [12]
Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Wang Dun : Zhou Yi Dai Yuan As far as the north and south are concerned, there is no doubt that we should go to the three divisions. [12]
Lv Yi, an official of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, said that both Zhou Yi and Dai Ruosi were famous enough to confuse people. Those who were close to them said they were not ashamed. If the public does not remove it, it will be worried about the future. [12]
Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Yan Han : Zhou Biren Zhizheng, Deng Bodao( Deng You )Zhiqing, Bian Wangzhi( Bian pot )Yu Zewu didn't know about the festival. [13]
Minister Liu Song of the Northern and Southern Dynasties He Shangzhi When the river crossing has come, Wang Dao, Zhou Yi, Yu Liang Wang Meng Xie Shang Chi Chao , Wang Tan Wang Gong Wang Mi chromedome Xie Fu Dai Kui Xu Enquiry , and the deceased great grandfather brother (referring to He Shangzhi's great grandfather He Chong What is it Brother), Wang Yuanlin, Kunji Fan Wang Sun Chuo Zhang Xuan Yin Yan Such as the crown of Zai Fu, the feather instrument of human relations, the appearance of loving the heaven and the people, or the appearance of anti trace haze. And I will return, and my heart will believe. [30]
Famous Monk in the Early Tang Dynasty Farin : Wang Dao, Zhou Yi, the crown of Zaifu. Wang Meng, Xie Shang, the feather instrument of human relations. Then Chi Chao, Wang Mi, Liu (Que), Xie Rong, etc., and Jiang Zuo Yingyan, more than 70 people. All learning is comprehensive and can reflect the ages. (《 Broad Analysis of Doubts 》) [14]
Fang Xuanling and others of the Tang Dynasty《 Jin Shu 》: ① If you want to be carefree and relaxed, you should study quietly. Biren is calm and upright, and can be contracted when it is plump. With high talents and elegant ways, we can participate in Henan consultation. As well as the imperial officials, they are indomitable, willing to go to the tripod and do all the work. How could they be able to do everything for the king without any hesitation! In the theory of Yi's timing, especially the wine virtue, the Book of Rites says that "flaws do not cover up virtues", and it is not enough to hide its beauty. ② Liu Diaoliangzhi is determined to become a king. When a traitor returns to ugliness, he will eventually die. Zhou Daiyingshuang, Zhongmo Yunsai. The Tao belongs to Tunmeng, which brings disaster to Te. [12]
Tang Dezong Li Shi : Xi Arenicola Shou die with integrity, and Zhou Yi fights against the words with integrity. But I believe in my officials, and I am worthy of being a philosopher. [15]
Neo Confucianism in Northern Song Dynasty younger brother of Cheng Hao and forerunner of Zhu Xi : Those who are upright in the upper and lower levels and are able to do well are not good enough officials. Since ancient times, there have been few people who have been honest and righteous, but their talent is not enough to help Li Gu Wang Yun The disciples of Yi and Wang Dao in the Zhou Dynasty of Jin Dynasty are also. [31]
Officials of the Ming Dynasty Zhang Fengxiang : Woo hoo! The martyr Gu Zhongchen died of misfortune at the hands of treacherous ministers, such as Bo Chuai's killing of Wu Zixu, Wang Fengzhi's killing of Wang Zhang, Cao Cao's killing of Kong Wenju, Wang Dunzhi's killing of Zhou Boren, Li Linfu's killing of Li Beihai, Lu Qizhi's killing of Yan Lugong, and Qin Hui's killing of Yue Wumu. The hatred between Duke Du and Wu Mu is still strong. [16]

Anecdotes and allusions


Likes drinking

Zhou Yi drank like crazy. Only his sister died and woke up for three days. His aunt died and woke up for three days. At other times, he was drunk. Therefore, he got the nickname of "three days of servant". As a minister, he can work for three days at most. [41]
Before crossing the river, Zhou Yi drank as much as a stone. After crossing the river, although he was intoxicated every day, he often said that there was no match for drinking. Occasionally, an opponent who used to drink wine came from Jiangbei. Zhou Yi was very happy when he met him, so he took out two pieces of wine and drank them together. Both of them were very drunk. When Zhou Yi woke up, he sent someone to see the guest, who had died of gastrointestinal injury. [18]


Another time, Zhou Yi, Wang Dao and others came to visit a family. They had a beloved concubine who could sing the latest tunes. Zhou Yi was so excited among all the guests that he wanted to have a relationship with his concubine. This was too much. The relevant departments reported that Zhou Yi's official should be exempted. Of course, the Emperor of Jin Yuan defended him and specifically ordered him to be exempted. [41]

Compassion and fraternity

Zhou Yi is kind and friendly, younger brother Zhou Song After drinking, he stared at him and said, "Your talent is not as good as mine. How can you gain high reputation for no reason?" He threw the burning candle at Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi was silent, and then said quietly, "Brother, you launched the fire attack, which is the worst policy." [19]

Wang Dun's face is hot

General Wang Dun, who had known Zhou Yi since childhood, was always afraid of him. Every time I met Zhou Yi, my face was hot and my ears were red. Even in the cold winter months, I had to use my hands to make fans. [20]

utter lack of substance

Director Wang attached great importance to Zhou Yi. He once put his head on his knee and pointed to his belly and asked, "What is there here?" Zhou Yi replied, "There is nothing here, but it is enough to accommodate hundreds of people like you." Director Wang didn't think he was rude. [21]

Not like Ji Ruan

Zhou Yi once sang proudly in the king's chair. The king said, "Do you want to learn from Ji Kang and Ruan Ji?" Zhou Yi replied, "How dare I abandon Ming Gong nearby and go away to learn from Ji Kang and Ruan Ji?" [21]

offend the most beautiful

Yu Liang once said to Zhou Yi, "Everyone compares you to Leguang 。” Zhou Yi said, "Why do you want to beautify ugly women without salt so as to offend Xi Shi?" [22]

Sin never ends in death

One time, when the Emperor of Jin Yuan feasted his officials in the west hall and drank heavily, he calmly said, "Today, there are many famous officials here. How does it compare with the time of Yao and Shun?" Zhou Yi cried out because he was drunk, "Although he is also the king of man, how can he compare with the time of Yao and Shun?" The Emperor of Jin Yuan became very angry, and wrote an edict in calligraphy to send Zhou Yi to the imperial court for punishment and execution soon. After several days, Emperor Yuan of the Jin calmed down his anger, and then pardoned and released Zhou Yi. After Zhou Yi was released from prison, his colleagues went to visit him. Zhou Yi said easily, "I knew that my crime would not kill me." [17]

Three day shooting

At the beginning, Zhou Yi was famous for his elegant outlook and was admired by people at home. Later, he often made mistakes due to drinking. When he was allowed to shoot, he didn't wake up too often. At that time, people called him "three days of shooting". Yu Liang He said, "In his later years, Marquis Zhou was just like the decline of Feng virtue in the Analects of Confucius." [27]

The Death of Zhou Yi

When Wang Dun rebelled, Liu Wei The Emperor Yuan of the Jin Dynasty persuaded the Wang family to be slaughtered all over the house, and the Sikong Wang Dao led his sons to the palace gate to plead guilty, just in time to meet Zhou Yi, who was about to enter the palace. Director Wang stopped Zhou Yi and said, "Biren, the lives of our hundreds of people depend on you!" Without even looking at him, Zhou Yi went on his way. After entering the palace, Zhou Yi stated the loyalty of the leader to the Emperor Yuandi of Jin and earnestly pleaded for him. The Emperor Yuandi of Jin agreed to his request. Zhou Yi liked drinking and didn't leave the palace until he was drunk. At this time, the king guide was still kneeling at the gate of the palace to plead guilty. When he saw Zhou Yi coming out, he called his name again. Zhou Yi still ignored him and said to the left and right, "Now that you have killed these thieves, you can put a big gold seal on your arm." After leaving the palace, Zhou Yi wrote a letter to defend the king guide and spoke earnestly. Without knowing it, Wang Dao thought that Zhou Yi was unwilling to save himself, so he felt resentful. After Wang Dun led the troops to Jiankang, he asked Wang Dao: "Zhou Yi and Dai Ruosi are famous people in the north and south, so they should be in the third division, so that no one would doubt them." Wang Dao did not answer. Wang Dun also said, "If it is not suitable to be the Third Division, let them be the servants who should be ordered?" Wang Dao still did not answer. Wang Dun said, "If this doesn't work, kill them." Wang Dao still didn't speak. Later, Wang Dao managed to deal with the matters left over by Shusheng. He saw the badge of Zhou Yi rescuing himself, and only saw his words were earnest and sincere. Wang Dao came back to his sons and said, "Although I didn't kill Biren, he died because of me. I'm sorry for such a good friend under the yellow spring." [8]

To ascend and fall

After Zhou Yi died, Wang Dun and Yi joined the army Ailanthus altissima In the play, a horse who joined the army was eaten and said to Wang Dun: "The Zhou family has enjoyed great reputation for several generations, but its status never reached the Duke. When Zhou Boren arrived, he fell down just as he ascended the high position, just like my horse." Wang Dun said, "When Chief Executive Zhou Boren met Prince Donggong, he was sincere and promised three things. Unfortunately, he broke the law." [37]

Main works

Zhou Yi wrote two volumes of essays. Quan Jinwen 》Also included are "Let Prince Shao Fu Shu" and "Fu Rou Xing Yi". [23]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
An official of the Western Han Dynasty, the ancestor of the Zhou family in Ancheng, Runan, was granted the title of "Zhenggong" as the Marquis of Rufen.
The official went to the minister of Shaofu in the Cao Wei Dynasty.
Word Kailin. He moved to Zhongcheng, the Imperial Historian of the Cao Wei Dynasty, paid homage to General Zhechong, the Governor of Yangzhou, and was granted the title of Marquis Sheyang.
younger brother
With the word Zhongzhi, he was moved to be the prime minister of the imperial court and engaged in Zhonglang. Later, Wang Dun framed and murdered him.
The word "Anu" has served successively as a valet, a middle guard, and the Marquis Zhenhou of Xiping, and presented it to Doctor Jin Ziguang Lu.
Zi Qian, Zuo Pushe, the general of the guard, Cheng Wu Liehou, presented to Doctor Jin Ziguang Lu.
Zhou Tian
He has successively served as court and local officials.
Zhou Yi
He has successively served as court and local officials.
Zhou Lin
The eldest son of Zhou Yi, who succeeded his uncle Zhou Min, was appointed to Dongyang Prefecture.
Zhou Wen
Zhou Lin, the youngest son, went to the Piaoqi to consult and join the army.
(Reference materials above) [24] [34-36]

Historical data index

"Book of Jin, Volume 69, Biography 39" [12]

Artistic image

New Pavilion Tears, Puxian Opera Plays. Zheng Huaixing According to relevant records in the Book of Jin and Shishuoxinyu. In October 1981, Xianyou County Carp Sound Troupe made its debut, and Xu Sheng Zhu Jinshui acted as Zhou Yi. [38]
The New Pavilion Tears, a Pingju play, was recomposed from Zheng Huaixing's Puxian play of the same name, and premiered at the end of 2019, Yu Haiquan Decorate the Zhou Yi. [39]