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Zhou Yongcheng

General Manager of Zhou Shengsheng Group International Co., Ltd
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Zhou Yongcheng is Zhoushengsheng Group International Co., Ltd General manager, Zhou Fangpu, Zhou Yongcheng's grandfather, has been operating meticulously since the 1930s Zhou Shengsheng Jindian. Zhou Fangpu doesn't read much. He has a simple and simple wish: this business can be stronger and bigger in his own hands and in the hands of his children and grandchildren.
Chinese name
Zhou Yongcheng
Key achievements
In June 1997, Zhou Yongcheng was awarded the honorary title of "Justice of Peace"
General Manager of Zhou Shengsheng Group International Co., Ltd

Character experience

At the end of 1966, Zhou Yongcheng went to California to study science and engineering. At that time, although Zhou Shengsheng, who had worked hard for two generations, had already taken on a considerable scale, the young Zhou Yongcheng had no idea of taking over the business of his parents because he wanted to break into his own world. He worked in a large company, worked in the IT industry for two years, and also started a real estate business in New York.
After nearly 20 years of hard work, Zhou Yongcheng has done a good job in his career. At the beginning of his career, his father revealed his wish to return to Hong Kong to take over Zhou Shengsheng's career from his parents. Although he was born in Macao, China, and studied in the United States, Zhou Yongcheng still values his family deeply. In this way, he soon gave up his business and returned to Hong Kong. At this time, Zhou Shengsheng was already a well-known listed company. At the beginning of his career, Zhou Yongcheng took over the "first bucket of gold" from his parents.
After taking over Zhou Shengsheng, Zhou Yongcheng, who has accumulated enough knowledge and management experience, realized that it is imperative to inject fresh blood into "time-honored brands". In terms of hardware, he began to actively promote computerization, replacing abacus with microcomputer. As early as 1984, Zhou Shengsheng took the lead in completing the electronic upgrading in the industry. In terms of employment, he constantly improved the management mode and absorbed advanced management means. He has retained the advantages of humanized management, strong executive power, and employees' sense of ownership of the family business. At the same time, he has transferred from the "cronyism" approach of the family business to the open "meritocracy" approach, attracting a large number of talents.
"Only by constantly correcting deficiencies and absorbing the essence can pragmatic improvement be truly effective. Therefore, I have kept all the good things." He told reporters that his pragmatic style of gentle approach was recognized by everyone, and both the vitality of the enterprise and the cohesion of the team have greatly improved. Zhou Shengsheng ushered in another great development.
In 1984, Zhou Yongcheng joined the family business after returning to Hong Kong and applied his knowledge to the company, making Zhou Shengsheng one of the earliest computerized jewelry stores in Hong Kong
In 1985, Zhou Yongcheng was responsible for Zhou Shengsheng's cooperation with the Hong Kong Productivity Council in developing the inventory management computer system
In 1999, Zhou Shengsheng passed the ISO9002 international quality certification, becoming the first institution in the jewelry industry to win this honor
In 2004, under the leadership of Zhou Yongcheng, Zhou Shengsheng signed a contract with Disney, becoming the only jewelry store in the park
incumbent Zhoushengsheng Group International Co., Ltd Zhou Shengsheng, Director and General Manager of Jewelry Gold Co., Ltd

Business philosophy

If an enterprise wants to succeed, it must win not only the past but also the future. The best way to win the future is innovation, especially for the jewelry industry. From Zhou Shengsheng's development history, innovation has always been an important part of enterprise development.
First, in order to meet the needs of different classes in terms of products, Zhou Shengsheng constantly pushes through the old and brings forth new products. On the one hand, self-designed jewelry should change with the development of the trend, and more importantly, create high-quality brands to lead the trend. On the other hand, from time to time, many international top brands with different styles and colors are introduced to give customers more choices.
Second, Zhou Shengsheng's store design is also updated from time to time. In August 2006, we changed our clothes once. From brand logo, display design, gift packaging, staff uniforms to advertising, all of them are completely new. Zhou Yongcheng said, "We hope to bring consumers a feeling of abundance, fashion and vitality, and bring them a surprise beyond jewelry.".
Insist on self financing and self operation. In order to better control the Greater China market, Zhou Shengsheng still insists on self funded self operation when the franchise store model is popular today. Zhou Yongcheng said that self funded and self operated stores have absolute control, and the brand image, product and service quality are guaranteed, avoiding the situation of easy release but difficult collection.
Service first, Customer focus In order to better serve customers, Zhou Shengsheng especially put forward the "four hearts" service concept. Zhou Yongcheng explained that; Customers' consumption rights and interests are guaranteed, and shopping in Zhoushengsheng can be "relieved"; Zhou Shengsheng's products have various styles, and quality assurance is to be 'satisfactory'; Zhou Shengsheng's service is considerate, and customers can be very happy when shopping. Zhou Shengsheng's spirit of continuous innovation makes customers' unforgettable '.

Character comments

Since Schumpeter, an economist, explained "innovation theory" systematically and completely for the first time, the word "innovation" has become one of the most lively global topics. However, compared with the empty theory, innovative practice is the basic power to promote enterprise progress.
Zhou Yongcheng, as the director and general manager of Zhoushengsheng Group, is to promote the innovative practice of the jewelry store, and it is these constant innovative practices that make this jewelry store with a history of more than 70 years truly realize "cycle after cycle, endless life".
More than 70 years, the length of a person's life. What a difficult development path an enterprise has experienced from unknown to famous. If Zhou Yongcheng's ancestors built a boat and put it into the sea, then Zhou Yongcheng is the one who took over the rudder and put it into the wider sea.
Zhou Yongcheng expects that Zhou Shengsheng will become the chief jewelry company in Asia with hundreds of stores in the future, and his aggressive spirit can be seen. Following the concept of innovation, Zhou Yongcheng's dream is not far away.
The bright and gorgeous jewels reflect Zhou Yongcheng's equally brilliant life path.
Zhou Yongcheng deduces classics with innovation, and creates the future with practice!

Contribution achievements

In June 1997, Zhou Yongcheng was awarded the honorary title of "Justice of Peace"
On New Year's Day in 1996, Zhou Yongcheng was awarded the Medal of the British Empire
In 2003, Zhou Yongchengxiang Shunde Vocational and Technical College Donate 2 million Hong Kong dollars to support the construction of the new campus
Current public office:
Member of the investigation team of the Hong Kong Certified Public Accountants Union
Member of the Council of City University of Hong Kong
Chairman of the Management Committee of the Post Secondary School of City University of Hong Kong
Chairman of Hong Kong Drama Troupe
Member of Shunde District, Foshan City, CPPCC
Previous public office:
Member of the Public Service Commission
Members of the Urban Council