Zhou Dynasty

The Third Dynasty in Chinese History
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The Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC - 256 BC) is the successor in Chinese history Shang Dynasty The third dynasty after that. Yellow Emperor The week of offspring is“ Huaxia ”One word found The former and the original reference. [94-96] The Zhou Dynasty handed down 32 generations and 37 kings, and enjoyed the country for 790 years.
The Zhou Dynasty was divided into Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC) and Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC). Zhou Chaoyou King Wu of Zhou Jifa was established as the capital Zong Zhou Haojing (Today's Shaanxi Xi'an )。 King Cheng of Zhou built the capital Week-long Luoyang (Now Henan Luoyang As the center of the world, that is, the achievements of "Zhaizi China" [106-107] And held a series of activities to sacrifice and reward officials here. [1] First 771 years Haojing fall, Western Zhou Dynasty Extinction; In the first 770 years, King Ping of Zhou Moving eastward, the capital was established as Zhou (today Luoyang ), this period is called Eastern Zhou Dynasty The Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty are collectively called two weeks in the history books. Among them, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty“ Divided by three families ”Is a node, and is divided into spring and autumn and the warring states Two periods.
Yellow Emperor yes Huaxia The earliest ancestor of humanity, Xia, Shang and Zhou were descendants of the Yellow Emperor, and the Zhou Dynasty claimed to be summer , the name of the enfeoffment vassal state various Chinese kingdoms or Zhu Hua In the history of China, there was a cross clan state various Chinese kingdoms The Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed many vassals in various places Vassal states Throughout Western Zhou Dynasty and Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period During the period, it was to integrate the backbone of the surrounding ethnic groups and absorb summer merchant The old ethnic groups and the nearby barbarians, Rongdi, participated in the national integration, making Zhuxia and all ethnic groups integrated as a whole. This is Chinese nation [90] [94-96]
The Zhou Dynasty formed a more systematic cultural system and political order Nine Cauldrons and Eight Gui Order, bureaucratic government system Poetry, calligraphy, etiquette and music Culture, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness Morality , the palace system, burial system and Ritual music system It was widely implemented in all the vassal states, forming an unprecedented situation where the Central Plains Dynasty exercised stable control over the surrounding areas, and the unity of Chinese civilization was significantly enhanced. [97-98] [108] The Western Zhou Dynasty can be called the "earliest China" in the sense of political geography, ethnology and cultural China, and has a profound impact on later generations. [99] [101]
Chinese name
Zhou Dynasty
Foreign name
The Zhou Dynasty
Ji Zhou
About the 11th century to 256 years ago
Shell coin , knife coins, cloth coins, etc
Zhou Dynasty
King Wu of Zhou Jifa
The last centralized country in the slave society of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties

Country number

The early Zhou people lived in Ji Shui In the period of Gongliu, the Zhou tribe had already moved to Bin. The clan took Bin as its state, and the state was the city Gong Liu From then on, through the ninth generation Ancient Danfu When they were tribal leaders, the Zhou people were attacked by Fumigation Yurong and moved far away from their hometown. After experiencing hardships, they moved across lacquer, ju and Liangshan to Weihe River basin Qishan Zhouyuan to the south. [92-93] [100]
In the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou tribe was harassed by tribes in the northwest such as Rong and Di Ancient Danfu He led the Zhou people to move to Zhouyuan at the foot of Qishan Mountain to settle down. Living in the Weihe River valley, he was granted the title of Xibo (the head of the western princes) by the Shang Dynasty. He was one of the main Fangbo in the Shang Dynasty. He took Ji as his surname, and the Zhou people inherited his surname. The Zhou Dynasty implemented the system of enfeoffment (state enfeoffment), and the King of Zhou was the "co leader of the world". The Zhou Dynasty inherited the Xia and Shang dynasties, which was the heyday of the ancient social system. [96] [100]
Territory Map of Western Zhou Dynasty



The origin of Zhou people

The Zhou nationality is an ancient tribe living in today's Shaanxi Gansu Loess Plateau and the Weishui River valley. It is said that the surname Ji came from "Ji Shui". The ancestor of Zhou was named Abandon You Tai female Ginger rhizome Born. The Book of Songs · Daya · Shengmin records the myth and legend of abandoning birth. Jiang Yuan prayed for a son. She became pregnant and gave birth to a baby because she stepped on a huge footprint. The Zhou nationality lived in the period of Jiang Yuan was still in the matriarchal clan society, but by the time of abandoning the residence, it had transited to the paternal clan society, so abandoning was the ancestor of the Zhou nationality. [85] According to the Book of Songs, the first grandmother of the Zhou nationality is called Ginger rhizome Jiang and Qiang are interlinked. The ancestors of Zhou people are probably a branch of Qiang people. [91] Some people also believe that the Zhou nationality should come from the Baidi nationality in the loess plateau of northern Shaanxi, that is, the Huangdi nationality in ancient times. [87] Shang Dynasty Early years, descendants of Houji Gong Liu Lead the clan to move from Tai to Ci. The early Zhou people lived in the Wugong area of Shaanxi Province. By the time of Gongliu, the Zhou tribe had moved to Bin. From farming and herding tribes to farming based cities. From Gongliu to ancient times Bull When they were tribal leaders, the Zhou people had to move because of the invasion of Fumigor Yurong. They crossed lacquer, ju and liangshan and moved to zhouyuan, south of qishan in the weihe river basin.
Zhou Yuan has rich resources, fertile land, convenient irrigation, superior farming conditions and rapid economic development. The ancient duke's father built fields and camps, built towns and cities, and the national strength quickly recovered. After moving to Zhouyuan, the Zhou people became the subjects of the Shang Dynasty, the co leader of the Yellow River, and inferior to the Shang King Wu Yi. Under the protection of the Shang Dynasty, they gathered strength and accepted the cultural system of the Shang Dynasty, especially the concept of destiny. After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, this concept of destiny was combed again by Zhou Gongdan (Ji Dan), and became the political and legal basis for governing the world and establishing the country, Thus, the concept of divine grant of monarchy, which had influenced the future dynasties for thousands of years, was formed.
At the time of the ancient Duke Danfu, the Zhou tribe had already taken shape. Zhou Ren He has lived in Qishan It is called Qizhou. [109] And there are three sons who prefer children's calendar. eldest son Taibo And the second son Zhong Yong In order to pass on the throne in accordance with his father's will and Ji Li, he fled to Jing Man and joined the local clan. Later Wu kingdom According to《 Bamboo Chronicle 》After the Republic of China, Gu Jiegang, a skeptic group, and others believed that the Zhou State in this period had already had the idea of "Jian Merchants".

The Rise of Zhou State

King Wen of Zhou Ji Chang
During the seasonal calendar, the relationship between the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty began to be close《 Later Han Dynasty ·Biography of Western Qiang carried: Ancient Danfu The Ji Calendar was passed on the throne. The Ji Calendar not only married the Shang Dynasty and married the Shang Dynasty, but also was granted the title of "priest" by Wending, the king of the Shang Dynasty. It became the most important Fang Bo of the Shang Dynasty in the West. Therefore, the Ji Calendar is sometimes called the official quarter in oracle bone inscriptions. By this time, Zhou was already a powerful and generous country under the Shang Dynasty. Although the relationship is close, Shang Dynasty However, he was always on guard against this new force, and Zhou gradually annexed other small countries, especially the merchant friendly states. In the end, King Wending of the Shang Dynasty killed Ji Li, who was no longer so obedient, in order to curb the development of the power of the Zhou family and protect the Shang Dynasty's position from being threatened, but still took the Zhou people Xibo Zhou Ren With a strong view of destiny, King Wu's reason for attacking Zhou was considered to be King Zhou's "self denial to heaven". The premise of whether the Zhou people were favored by heaven was whether they were "virtuous", whether they were popular with the people or obeyed the public opinion. The so-called "people's desire, heaven will follow it", and the Zhou people gradually had the mentality of destroying the Eastern Shang Dynasty. [94] [110]
King Wu of Zhou Jifa [2]
Xibo Jichang After taking the throne, the country was not strong enough to fight with the Shang Dynasty, so it continued to submit to the Shang Dynasty and became the Shang Xibo. but Shang Dynasty Don't trust Zhou. Zhou of Shang Dynasty once imprisoned Jichang in Youli, and killed his son as broth, forcing King Wen to drink it. Zhou people bribed Di Xin with BMW and beautiful women to get King Wen released. After King Wen returned to his country, he was not relaxed in seeking business. On the one hand, he strengthened the strength of the Zhou nationality and made some tribes near the State of Zhou subordinate to him. On the other hand, the military expansion was carried out according to《 Shangshu 》It is recorded that the State of Zhou first crusaded small countries such as the West's Canrong and Misu to consolidate the rear, then attacked Qi in the east (in the southwest of today's Changzhi, Shanxi), and then attacked Yu (that is, Meng, in today's Qinyang, Henan), and finally attacked Chongguo, reaching deep into the sphere of influence of the Shang Dynasty. At this time, the State of Zhou had "divided the world into two thirds", and King Wen moved his capital to Fengdu (the west bank of Fenghe River in Huxian County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province today), ready to forge ahead with the Shang Dynasty.

King Wu attacked Zhou

The Battle of Muye by King Wu of Zhou to Destroy the Shang Dynasty
The State of Zhou flourished in King Wen of Zhou When Ji Chang was the king of the state, his rule made the power of the State of Zhou strong. King Wen Hong, the second son Ji Fa, ascended the throne and was called King Wu of the Zhou. He built another one on the east bank of the Fenghe River Haojing Fenghao and Beijing are facing each other across the water and connected by a bridge, which is called Fenghao City. King Wu of Zhou Ji Fa Led Zhou to join forces with the allied forces of the princes Mengjin (now Mengjin, Henan), in the 11th century BC, led three hundred chariots, Huben Three thousand, 45000 Jiashi and 170000 troops of the Shang Dynasty fought in Muye (today's Jixian County, Henan Province). week King Wu attacked Zhou Battle of Makino in The former failed to win [110-111] Zhou Jun won a great victory, King Zhou of Shang Dynasty to Lutai He burned himself with jewels and jade articles on his back. The Shang Dynasty died because the Zhou tribe arrived Ancient Danfu Move from time to time Zhou Yuan After King Wu destroyed Yin“ week ”It is the name of the dynasty, and the Zhou Dynasty stands. Jiang Taigong played an important role in the cause of eliminating commerce of the Zhou people. His surname was Jiang, and he came from the Lv tribe of Qiang people. [88]

The Zhou Dynasty was founded

After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Tianzi Via“ To establish a state ”, conferring their close relatives and meritorious officials to establish vassal states in various places, realizing the stable rule of the dynasty over the vast areas beyond the royal area, and realizing the direct and stable rule over the vast areas that the Shang Dynasty could not achieve. The bronze wares of the Zhou Dynasty system were unearthed in various vassal states, reflecting that the palace system, burial system and ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty were widely implemented in various vassal states, forming an unprecedented situation where the Central Plains Dynasty exercised stable rule over the surrounding areas, and the unity of Chinese civilization was significantly enhanced. [108] Zhou people enfeoffment in Beitu Zhao Gong , Dongtu enfeoffment Qi Taigong and Duke Zhou of Lu , Nantu enfeoffment Nangong These are all important officials in the history of the early Zhou Dynasty, which shows that the people of the Zhou Dynasty To establish a state The importance of this policy. [112]
The Western Zhou Dynasty implemented the system of enfeoffment, and established the regimes of various vassals in large and small sizes in the vast territory. At the same time, through a series of regulations on the power of the Emperor and the obligations of the vassals, the power distribution and operation mechanism between the Emperor and the vassals was formed. In addition, the Western Zhou Dynasty formulated and implemented a complete set of hierarchical etiquette system, strengthening the hierarchical subordination relationship between different levels of political power under the feudal system, so as to establish a ritual order of "ritual and music expedition from the Son of Heaven". After the vassal states of the Western Zhou Dynasty were granted the state, they implemented a social system that was unified with the Western Zhou Dynasty, including Enfeoffment system Patriarchal clan system Minefield system State opposition system Etc. The establishment of the relationship between the emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the princes and officials, the strengthening of the subordination between the political power of the princes and the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, and the formation of a unified rule of etiquette order marked the initial formation of a new type of state government in Chinese history, the unified state government. [113]

Regent of Duke Zhou

Central Plains in Western Zhou Dynasty [3]
After King Wu of Zhou exterminated the Shang Dynasty, in 1045 BC, the system of enfeoffment was implemented, and the royal family and meritorious officials, such as Chi-Kou-Go-Istu Yu Qi Prince Shaogong Yu Yan and others were granted the son of Emperor Xin Wu Geng Yu Chaoge also appointed Shuxian, Shudu and Shuchu as "three supervisors" to monitor Wu Geng's actions. In 1043 years ago, King Wu of Zhou collapsed and Zi Song ascended the throne. It was King Cheng of Zhou who was assisted by Zhou Gongdan. In 1041 BC, the three wardens (Cai Shudu, Guan Shuxian, Huo Shuchu) were disgusted with the assistant government of Zhou Gongdan, while Guan Shuxian was even more resentful of Zhou Gongdan, who was younger than himself but was in charge of the assistant government, so they united with Wu Geng to revolt“ Three Guards ”Zhou Gongdan quelled the chaos, Wu Geng and Guan Shuxian were killed, Cai Shudu was exiled, and Huo Shuchu was abolished as a common people. Zhou Gongdan built Luoyang in Yi and Luo Ershui areas of Luoyang Basin to Week-long


King Cheng of Zhou who initiated the governance of Cheng Kang [4]
In 1021 BC, King Cheng of Zhou collapsed, and his son Ji Zhao ascended the throne as King Kang of Zhou. In 996 BC, King Kang of Zhou collapsed. During the 46 years from 1042 BC to 996 BC, the world was peaceful and the punishment was not used for more than 40 years. The Duke of Zhou returned to the throne and became the King of Zhou. The Zhou Dynasty entered a consolidation period, known as the "governance of Chengkang" in history.
King Kang of Zhou After his death, his son Ji Xia succeeded to the throne for King Zhao of Zhou In the 16th year of King Zhao of Zhou Dynasty, King Zhao marched against Jingchu in person, and the southern Zhenguo, Zeng Guoe, and other vassals sent troops to accompany him and went deep into the area south of Jianghan. [5] There were three expeditions to the south. The last time when King Zhao of Zhou returned to cross the Han River, he drowned in a natural disaster and the three armies were destroyed. Its son Ji Man Succession is for King Mu of Zhou , who was 50 years old when he succeeded to the throne. King Mu developed in all directions, attacked Canrong in the west and Jingchu in the south. But the good parade made the government relaxed. east Xu State While King Mu of Zhou was traveling to the west Jiuyi Rebellion against the Zhou Dynasty, King Mu of the Zhou Dynasty marched eastward, and the eastern Qi State, Lu State and other vassals sent troops to follow him, and won the victory in peace. During the reign of King Mu of Zhou, the territory of the Zhou Dynasty continued to expand, which effectively consolidated the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.
One view is that King Mu of Zhou once moved his capital to Nanzheng (later Zheng County), which is controversial.

From prosperity to decline

After the Zhaomu era, the strength of the Zhou Dynasty gradually declined. During this period, the army and the army in the northwest gradually flourished. King Yi of Zhou At that time, the army and the army invaded and oppressed China. Zhou people suffered a lot and moved their capital to Gouqiu (Xi'an, Shaanxi). [6]
King Li Zhou During this period, the people suffered from years of war. At the same time, King Li Zhou Rongyi Duke As a minister, he monopolizes social wealth and resources. In order to suppress the dissatisfaction of the Chinese people, King Li of Zhou ordered Weiwu to monitor and kill anyone who slandered the king. As a result, everyone was in danger and finally Chinese riots In 841 BC, the Zhou Dynasty rioted, and King Li ran to Ou (now Huo County, Shanxi Province). Central court Zhao Mu Gong Tiger Zhou Dinggong Executive of two ministers, No republic (I said that the princes were in charge of government affairs). [6]

Xuanwang Zhongxing

In the 14th year of the Republic of China (828 BC), King Li died and Prince Jing ascended the throne for King Xuan of Zhou , reigned for 46 years. King Xuan moved his capital to Haojing, worked hard to govern, enjoyed good governance and harmony, and the princes came to court. King Xuan of Zhou successively pacified the north 猃 狁 The rebellion of Rongdi in the west, Huaiyi in the east, and Chu in the south has opened up vast territory and revived the scene of prosperity“ Xuanwang Zhongxing ”。 [7] [102-103]
In his later years, King Xuan intervened State of Lu Inherit the throne and strengthen with strength Duke Xiao of Lu , causing the princes to be unhappy. Thirty six years later, the expedition against Tiaorong and Benrong ended in a disastrous defeat. Thirty nine years, and Xirong The other branches of the Yuan Clan fought for thousands of acres and lost miserably again. [6]

The disaster of dog soldiers

In 781 BC, King You of Zhou Succession Commendation In the third year of Youwang (779 B.C.), the battle against the Rong of Liuji failed. At the same time, natural disasters continued frequently. The daughter of Lord Shen and crown prince Suitable mortar , replace with Commendation After, its child Bofu For the crown prince. Yi Jiu Flees Shen Marquis Shen seeks justice and unity for his grandson and daughter Zeng State And name of a tribe in the west Attack Haojing (now Xi'an, Shaanxi). Zhou Youwang and Bo Fu were both name of a tribe in the west Kill at play In 771 BC, the Western Zhou Dynasty perished. [8]
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustration of war drama princes

Pingwang moved eastward

The social order of the Western Zhou Dynasty, which was maintained by the three systems of enfeoffment, patriarchal clan system and minefield system, had been damaged and fragmented by the end of the 8th century BC after more than 270 years of time erosion, and could be maintained only by historical inertia. All kinds of contradictions coexist in society, and the whole society is in turmoil. Although King Xuan of Zhou learned lessons, changed policies and achieved "rejuvenation" after he took the throne, in his later years, the decline of the Zhou Dynasty reappeared, and the demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty was irreversible. [9]
After King You of Zhou was killed, Marquis Shen and Marquis Zeng defeated and retreated from the war with other princes such as Zheng, Wei and Jin. Zheng, Wei, Jin and other princes made Prince Yijiu, Prince of You of Zhou, king King Ping of Zhou Pingwang moved eastward , capital Luoyang (Now Henan Luoyang ), historical title Eastern Zhou Dynasty meanwhile, Guo Gonghan The ministers of other dynasties appointed Prince Yu Chen as their king, known in history as“ Carry the king ”In this way, the situation of "two kings standing side by side" appeared. But most of the princes only admitted King Ping of Zhou , without admitting Zhou and Wang In the 21st year of King Ping of Zhou Dynasty (750 BC), Jin Wenhou Killing Zhou and his king ended the situation of two kings standing side by side. [4] [10-11]

the Spring and Autumn period

During the Spring and Autumn Period from 770 BC to 476 BC, some of the larger vassals fought for land, population and domination over other vassals. The one who wins will hold a meeting of the vassals to force them to recognize their "hegemonic" status. In the process of dukes' struggle for hegemony, large countries annexed small countries, and the number of dukes gradually decreased. The activity scope of the Huaxia nationality is mainly in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the north, there are Beidi and Yuxi; in the northwest, there are Diqiang; in Sichuan, there are Ba and Shu; in Hunan, Hubei and Anhui, there are Chu; in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there are Wu and Yue. [89] With the long struggle for hegemony among the princes, various ethnic groups are constantly mixing. During the Spring and Autumn Period, some nobles turned public farmland into private farmland, and gradually adopted a new way of exploitation, allowing farmers to hand over most of their products and retain some of them. [12-13]
  • Zheng Zhuang Duke Dominates
After the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, zheng Of Zheng Wugong Zheng Zhuang Duke Father and son controlled the great politics of the dynasty. Taking advantage of the advantages of serving as the king's minister, they often expanded by the king's order, making the state of Zheng become spring and autumn In the early years, a powerful country was called Xiaoba. Due to the great influence of the Duke of Zheng Zhuang King Ping of Zhou Is dissatisfied with. So King Ping of Zhou began to use Guo Gong To weaken the power of Duke Zhuang of Zheng, which caused strong dissatisfaction of Duke Zhuang of Zheng. But King Ping of Zhou had to rely on Duke Zhuang of Zheng for many things, so he had to explain to Duke Zhuang of Zheng Zhou Zheng Jiao Zhi Event for.
In 720 BC, when King Ping of Zhou collapsed, the Zhou court was ready to appoint Duke Guo to take power and replace Duke Zheng Zhuang. In this year, the State of Zheng harvested temperature Wheat and wheat in the field Week-long The relationship between Zhou and Zheng further deteriorated. In 717 BC, Duke Zheng Zhuang entered the court, King Huan of Zhou Because Zheng led the army to take it without authorization suburbs of the capital of an empire DeMai, don't be polite Zheng Zhuang Duke Duke Zhuang of Zheng was dissatisfied with the King of Zhou's practice, and he made peace with the King of Zhou without informing him in 716 BC State of Lu Exchange of territories (the agreement was implemented in the first 711 years).
In 706 BC, King Huan of Zhou recovered the power of Duke Zhuang of Zheng in the Zhou Dynasty. Duke Zhuang of Zheng did not see King Huan of Zhou, so King Huan of Zhou organized a coalition army to attack the State of Zheng, but was defeated by the State of Zheng. this is The Battle of Yuge


  • Qi Huan's First Overlord
In 685 BC, Duke Huan of Qi Succession to Guan Zhong In order to be the prime minister, we should rectify the state administration, abolish the system of mining fields, determine taxes according to the fertility of the land, and set up salt and iron officials coin We have increased our financial revenue, put our troops in agriculture, integrated grass-roots administrative organizations and military organizations, increased our military resources and combat capabilities, and quickly became the richest and strongest country in China. And then it started“ Honor the king and fight against the barbarians ”We have held many meetings with princes, helped or intervened in other countries, and fought against tribes in the east and north , finally in King Xi of Zhou He became the hegemon in three years (679 BC). Zhou Huiwang In the 21st year (656 BC), Duke Huan of Qi led the allied forces of eight vassal states to force Chu State Yield Alliance of Zhaoling , become Five Hegemons First. Duke Huan of Qi established the agreement system of hegemonic alliance [14-16]
Prince Wen of Jin [17]
After the death of Duke Huan of Qi, there was chaos in setting up Diao and Yi Ya, and the Five Young Princes seized the throne. The internal chaos in Qi continued. It is said that the five sons of Duke Huan of Qi fought with each other, and arrows were shot on the body of Duke Huan of Qi, but no one cared. After the rise of the Chu State in the south, King Cheng of Chu killed several small states in the north and pointed his spearhead at the Central Plains.
The Duke of Song Xianggong, a descendant of the Shang Dynasty, tried to meet the princes again to become the hegemon by supporting the filial Duke of Qi and calming down the chaos of Qi. However, the power of the State of Song was insufficient, and the aristocratic temperament was serious, so he could not display it. Instead, he was humiliated by the barbarian State of Chu. In the 15th year of the reign of Duke of Song Xianggong (638 BC), the Song and Chu armies fought in Hongshui (now Shangqiu, Henan), which is known as the battle of Hongshui. When the Chu army crossed the river, Song Dasi Mazi Yu suggested that Song Xianggong "attack halfway", and Song Xiang said that attacking while the enemy crossed the river was to refuse the proposal without mercy; After the Chu army crossed the river, Zi Yu suggested to attack while the Chu army was in chaos. Song Xianggong refused again on the grounds of injustice. After the formation of the Chu army, the attack was launched, and the Song army was defeated. Song Xianggong was shot in the thigh, and died of serious injuries the next year. During the serious injuries, he treated the exiled Jin Chong'er (later known as Jin Wengong) kindly. Although King Cheng of Chu became the king for a while, he came across Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin successively, and the State of Chu was suppressed by the State of Qi and the State of Jin successively.
  • Jin Wen Zhiba
In the north Jin state during Spring and Autumn period , the same family as Zhou Shi. Jin Xiangong Loving and trusting Aiji has caused chaos in national politics. In 636 BC, Prince Xian of Jin Dynasty Chong Er stay Duke Mu of Qin The troops sent to inherit the throne of Jin were escorted to Prince Wen of Jin He reformed politics, developed economy, reorganized the army and practiced martial arts, won the trust of the people, stabilized the royal family, and was friendly the Qin state He has high prestige among princes. King Xiang of Zhou Twenty years (633 BC), the Chu army surrounded Song State capital Shangqiu At the beginning of the next year, Duke Wen of Jin led troops to rescue Song battle of Cheng Pu Defeat the Chu army and become the overlord. [16] [18]
After the death of Duke Wen of Jin, his son Duke Xiang of Jin He succeeded to the throne and became the new king and overlord of the Jin State. In 628 BC, Duke Mu of Qin Send troops to attack Zheng when Duke Wen is dead. The Duke Xianggong of Jin sent troops to Battle of Xiao Defeated the State of Qin and captured the three generals of the State of Qin. Later, Qin attacked Jin repeatedly. It was still unable to break the strategic blockade of the Jin State, and Duke Xiang of Jin was firmly seated as the hegemon. [16] [18]
  • Qin Ba Xirong
Duke Mu of Qin stay Prince Wen of Jin After his death, he sought to develop eastward and was blocked by Jin. Battle of Xiao Battle of Peng Yamen The Qin army was defeated. Duke Mu of Qin decisively adjusted the national policy and moved westward, annexing some Rongdi tribes and dominating Xirong [16] [18]
  • Chu Zi won the championship
Chu State stay battle of Cheng Pu Later, he hid his strength and bided his time. He developed eastward and destroyed many small countries. His power reached south to what is now Yunnan and north to Yellow River King Zhuang of Chu The reform of internal affairs, the suppression of riots, and the construction of water conservancy have made the country more powerful King Ding of Zhou The emissary asked about the size of the tripod sacrificing heaven and earth, showing his ambition to covet the world. This is“ Win the championship ”The source of the word. In the 10th year of King Ding of Zhou Dynasty (597 BC), Chu and Jin fought in , a big win. Soon, they marched to encircle the Song Dynasty, but the Jin people did not dare to save it. So the small countries in the Central Plains returned to Chu, and the Chu people dominated the Central Plains. [18-20]
  • Jin Chu saw
After the death of King Zhuang of Chu in 591 BC, the hegemony of Chu gradually declined. Experience of Jin State Jin Jinggong Duke Li of Jin Two generations of operation gradually surpassed the Chu State. In 589 BC Battle of Saddle And 578 BC Battle of Machun Tunnel China defeated Qi and Qin respectively, and the national situation recovered. Later, the third great war broke out between Jin and Chu—— Battle of Yanling Jin ended up winning, and Chu's hegemony was further weakened. But soon there was civil unrest in Jin, Duke Li of Jin Killed. At this stage, the State of Jin had the overall advantage in the struggle between the Central Plains and the State of Chu. However, because the State of Jin had to face the pressure of the State of Qin, the State of Qi and the northern tribes, it formed a tug of war in the Central Plains. [18] [21-22]
  • Jin mourns the hegemony
Duke Li of Jin After death, Duke Mourning of Jin He succeeded to the throne, reformed politics at home, appointed talents and used energy, controlled officials, accepted Wu from the outside, deterred Qin from seizing Qi, divided Jin's army into three parts, contested Zheng and exhausted Chu, fully grasped the strategic initiative, was more overwhelming than Chu, and all the princes attached to Jin, and within eight years, Jin mourned the Duke and joined the princes nine times. Jin's hegemony revived. Chu had to give up the fight for hegemony in the Central Plains due to the re prosperity of Jin. [18]
  • Armistice and alliance
Duke Mourning of Jin After his death, the monarch's power moved down again, Six Ministers of the State of Jin He was good at national politics, prospered in internal strife, and intended to make peace with Chu. The continuous wars have brought huge disasters to the people, and also caused the boredom of small and medium-sized countries. In addition, the two great powers of Jin and Chu are so close that no one can eat each other. So it was Huayuan And Xiang Xu Initiated on Zhou Jian Wang Seven years (579 BC) and King Ling of Zhou In the twenty sixth year (546 BC), it was held twice“ have a truce ”The war was greatly reduced after the alliance.   [15-16] [18] [22]
  • The Overlord of Wu and Yue
Wu Zixu [23]
When Central Plains Vassals contending for hegemony When the dust of war settled, Wu and Yue, located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, began to develop. King of Wu Helu reusing strategist of the Warring States period Wu Zixu wait forsomeone. King Jing of Zhou In the 14th year (506 BC), the King of Wu took Wu Zixu as the general and led the army to attack Chu. The Wu army attacked the capital of Chu Ying Wu Zixu Revenge for father and brother, dig King Ping of Chu Tomb, whip three hundred corpses. In the 24th year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (496 BC), the Wu army marched southward to attack Vietnam. Gou Jian, King of Yue Lead the soldiers to fight, Doctor Yue Linggu Floating A dagger hit Helu, and Helu died of injury.
In the 26th year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (494 BC), King Wu king of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period Revenge your father and defeat your army. Gou Jian seeks peace. The king of Wu rejected Wu Zixu's proposal to unite Qi to destroy Yue and accepted it Vietnam He begged for peace and forced Gou Jian, the king of Yue, to submit to him. Continue to turn and attack northward, defeat Qi's army and become a little bully. Gou Jian sleep on the brushwood Ten years together, ten years of lessons , finally in King of Zhou Yuan In three years (473 BC), Gou Jian's empty opportunity to unite with the princes in the Central Plains was eliminated Wu kingdom Fu Chai commits suicide in shame. Gou Jian went north to join forces with Qi Jin and became the last hegemon. [24-25]

the Warring States period

475-221 BC the Warring States period , via spring and autumn The long and fierce war for hegemony started in the Warring States Period, and the major vassals were state-owned Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei Qin Seven other countries, known in history as“ Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period ”。 [26-27]
  • Divided by three families
stay Prince Wen of Jin After Huijin ascended the throne, many attendants followed him home. As a result, their descendants gradually became aristocrats in Jin after a long war. From 550 BC to 497 BC, the state politics of the Jin State were controlled by the aristocrats such as Fan, Zhongxing, Zhao, Han, Zhi and Wei.
In 455 BC, only four clans of Zhi, Zhao, Wei and Han were left among the aristocrats of Jin. Zhi sent troops to attack Zhao and coerced Wei and Han to send troops. The war lasted for two years, and Zhao persuaded the Wei and Han families to switch sides and destroy Zhishi , divide the land intelligently and control the state politics of Jin. In 438 BC, the three families of Han, Zhao and Wei were divided into Jin, Duke You of Jin Only Jiang and Quwo are left. In 403 BC, King Weilie of Zhou The three families of Ce Li Han, Zhao and Wei were marquises, and they entered at this time Sengoku [15-16] [28]
  • The State of Wei dominated
Wei In the first two monarchs Wei Wenhou and Marquis Wu of Wei At that time, through reform, the national strength gradually became stronger and stronger, becoming the most powerful in the early Warring States Period Vassal states Wei Wenhou was the first of the seven heroes in the Warring States Period to implement reform, reform politics, reward farming, build water conservancy, develop feudal economy, and wipe out the north Zhongshan (Today's western Hebei Pingshan Lingshou area), Qinxi River in the west (today Yellow River And Luoshui) became the most powerful country in the early Warring States Period. Appointment of Wei Wenhou Li Xuan Wu Qi Leyang Ximen leopard Zixia Zhai Huang Wei Cheng People, rich country and strong army, restrain Zhao , destroyed Zhongshan, defeated Qin, Qi and Chu, and expanded a large area of territory, making Wei a great power central plains The overlord of [29-31]
After the death of Marquis Wen of Wei, his son Marquis Wu of Wei ascended the throne. During the reign of Marquis Wu of Wei, the military strategist Wu Qi was appointed to carry out reforms, and the national strength continued to rise. Wait until the son of Wei Wuhou Wei Huiwang During his reign, the State of Wei had dominated the Central Plains for a hundred years. In 343 BC, King Wei Hui led the princes to meet Zhou Tianzi , officially marking that the State of Wei has become a new generation of overlord. [32]
  • Qi and Qin became king
Qi State To King Qi Wei When appointed by King Wei Zou Ji Political reform and appointment for the prime minister Tian Ji Sun Bin As a general, Qi became powerful. In 353 BC, Qi defeated Wei in Guilin. In 341 BC, Qi defeated the Wei army in Maling. In 334 years ago, King Wei and King Wei Hui "met with King Xiang of Xuzhou" and officially became king. In the late years of King Wei, State Minister Zou Ji and General Tian Ji fought for political power. In 322 BC, Tian Ji was caught in a conspiracy to attack Linzi and seek Zou Ji. After defeat, he fled to the State of Chu [33] until King Xuan After he ascended the throne, he was called back to his old post [34]
In 338 BC, Qin Xiaogong Death, Prince Si Li, is for Qin Huiwen King At this time Shang Yang The new law "persecuted" the old nobles who were deprived of political privileges and launched a counter attack against Shang Yang. In order to ease the conflict, King Qin Huiwen took Shang Yang as the scapegoat, Car crack Shang Yang. Although Shang Yang was dead, "Qin Dynasty and France were not defeated". King Qin Huiwen continued to pursue Shang Yang's Political Reform Since then, it has been a national policy of external development. In 325 BC, King Huiwen of Qin became king. The Qin army allied with Han and Wei to attack Qi Chu, defeat the Yiqu State, annex Bashu, and control the Shandong The strategic initiative of the warlords. [35]
  • Revival of Chu State
In the Warring States Period, the six major powers had carried out one-sided or comprehensive political and economic reforms, and only those in the south Chu State Stubbornness and complacency have not changed a little. In 400 BC, since Jin Dynasty Han Zhao Wei The Three Kingdoms have repeatedly attacked Chu [36] Reigning Mourning the King of Chu Appoint in order to enrich the country and strengthen the army Wu Qi The reform and reform started, which made Chu's national strength rapidly stronger [37] Due to the unfortunate early death of King Mourning of Chu, Wu Qi He lost his strong backer and was brutally killed by the old nobles. The achievements of the reform have not been fully consolidated due to the short time of the reform.
to King Wei of Chu The territory of Chu has expanded to Pakistan , approximation Vietnam . It flourished for a while. In 306 BC, King Huai of Chu Send a minister Showing slippery Lead the army to attack Vietnam and occupy the areas ruled by the former Wu State [38] And set up Jiangdong County.
  • learn from other 's merits
Zhao Wuling King [39]
King Wuling of Zhao, a king with outstanding talent, courage and ambition. During his reign“ learn from other 's merits ”Soldiers across the country have changed from the traditional broad battle clothes to tight and small ones Hu dress Change the traditional army structure dominated by infantry into cavalry And crossbow soldiers.
If the national army is changed into a clothing and service that is regarded as a border clan, there will be great resistance. But King Wuling Zhao did it [39-41]
The policy of "riding and shooting in a hoodie", abandoning the tactics of the people in the Central Plains, such as loose clothes and chariots, and replacing them with short clothes, tight sleeves, leather belts, hoodies and single people wearing leather boots Cavalry tactics The country is strong. Zhao Yu attacked and destroyed the Northeast Zhongshan Northwest defeated Linhu Loufan In the newly opened area in the north In the cloud Yanmen , Dai Sanjun, and built from today's Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province to Wuyuan County, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia“ Zhao Changcheng [39-41]
  • Korean weapons
the republic of korea Wei and Zhao are in the north, Qi is in the east, Chu is in the south, and Qin is in the west. Fortunately, South Korea is famous for its weapons—— Crossbow And feared by all countries. The so-called "all powerful bows and crossbows in the world come from South Korea". The crossbow in South Korea can shoot 800 meters away. "The one far away covers the chest of the hole, and the one near is located at the heart" [42] In addition, Korean swords are also extremely sharp. They are all "broken horses and oxen on the land, and swans and geese on the water" [42] , "When you are the enemy, cut down the iron curtain" [42]
In 375 BC, Han destroyed the traditional ancient country of the Central Plains with his fierce troops zheng The strongest national power of South Korea is Han Zhaohou When in place. He's a legalist Shen Buhai As the prime minister, the internal affairs are improved and the ROK is well off. Because of its location central plains South Korea is surrounded by the states of Wei, Qi, Chu and Qin, so there is no room for development, and its territory is the smallest of the seven countries. [43]
  • Yan State Fells Hu
King Yan Zhao When Yan Jiang Qin Kai , on Eastern Hu As a hostage of Yan, Donghu people trust him very much. After Qin Kai returned to China, he attacked Donghu, "Donghu is thousands of miles away" [44] As a result, the border of Yan moved more than 1000 li eastward, greatly expanding the territory of Yan, and Yan immediately began to build the North Great Wall.

The fall of the Zhou Dynasty

First Emperor of Qin [45]
In 440 BC, Zhou Kaowang Enfeoff his younger brother Ji Jieyu royal city , establishing the State of Zhou( Principality of the Western Zhou Dynasty )。 In 367 years ago, Duke of Zhou Zigen rebelled, and Zhao and South Korea supported him, forcing Zhou Xianwang Feng Ji is rooted in Gong. So far, the king's seat of the Zhou Dynasty belonged to the western and eastern Zhou principalities, and the only remaining king of the Zhou Dynasty Week-long The palace of The Principality of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty In the first 307 years, the Qin army Zhou Nan Wang After leaving the palace, King Nan of Zhou moved to the royal city of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In 256 years ago, Qin destroyed the Duke of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Nan of Zhou died of illness, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty perished. [45] In 249 BC, Qin destroyed the principality of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
In 256 BC, Wang Nan (n ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ) heard from King Kaolie of Chu, summoned six countries to fight against Qin in the name of the Son of Heaven, but failed because the six. In 246 BC, King Qin Ying Zheng Enthronement. His appointment Wei Liao Liss They accelerated the pace of reunification, bought the powerful officials of the six countries with money, disrupted the deployment of the six countries, and sent troops to the East for several years. After many years of war, from 230 BC the Qin state From the extermination of Korea to the extermination of Qi in 221 BC, the six eastern countries united Qin and established a centralized country. [45-46]




At that time, the northern territory of the vassal states under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty had reached the present Liaoning Kazuo Chaoyang One belt, west to Gansu Weihe River Upstream, arriving from northwest Fenhe River basin Huo Shan Here comes Qilu, the eastern vassal state Shandong Peninsula , south to Hanshui Middle reaches, southeast Yangtze River Downstream and Taihu Basin , the influence may reach Bashu One Belt. [47-49]
During the reign of Chengkang, the Zhou Dynasty entered a period of early prosperity, and Jizi also went to the Korean area for Jizi Korea. At this time, Huai Yi in the Huaishui area surrendered, and the rest of the Shang Dynasty adherents stayed in Suiyang District, Shangqiu, Henan Province today. It was the State of Song. During this period, Sushen in northeast China came to pay tribute to King Cheng of Zhou when he heard of his heroic appearance in the Eastern Expedition. At that time, the territory of the Zhou Dynasty reached the Liaodong Peninsula in the northeast, the southern part of Shaanxi in the northwest, and the Yangtze River in the south. At that time, the territory of the Zhou Dynasty was the largest.

administrative division

King Wu of Zhou Jifa's enfeoffment Ji surname The descendants of the patriarchal clan and the meritorious officials are the various states or nations The vassals are of the fifth rank: dukes, marquises, uncles, sons, and males. Those who are inferior to the fifth rank are Vassal [50]
In the chapter of Xunzi Confucian Effect:, Ji surname Fifty three people live alone. "
In the 28th year of the reign of Duke Zhao in Zuo Zhuan, it was said that "there are five out of ten people in the country of brothers and forty in the country of Ji", which is the origin of the "feudalism" in which Chinese feudal lords were granted the same surname.



Central system

Enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty [51]
According to the Zhou system, the princes of great countries can sometimes serve as officials of the royal family. For example, Uncle Wei Kang was the Zhou Si Kou in the early Zhou Dynasty, and Duke Huan of Zheng was the Zhou Si Tu in the late Western Zhou Dynasty. The official system set up by the vassals in their country is roughly the same as that of the royal family, and the army is the leader of each side. [51]
The Emperor of Zhou had greater authority over the princes, who could also accept orders to pay tribute. Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》In the 13th year of the reign of Zhao Gong, he said: "In the past Son of Heaven Bangong is as light as it is heavy, and the tribute is as heavy as it is respected. It is also made by the Zhou Dynasty. " In addition to Gongna, they also need to make pilgrimage reports and send troops to enlist. Zhou Tianzi They have the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the vassals, and sometimes send envoys to supervise the vassals. Together with the vassals, they are called "vassals, vassals". [51-52]
During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Emperor of Zhou was still able to order princes to enter Eastern Zhou Dynasty The authority of the Zhou royal family declined, and many princes failed to fulfill their obligations to the royal family. The royal family itself had to rely on the great powers of the time Jin Zheng And Wei , not to mention ordering the princes. Zhou Zheng Jiao Zhi And "shoot King Huan "Shoulder", and let the only dignity of the Emperor Zhou also lose.
However, the vassals of all countries are still nominally the subjects of the King of Zhou. Except for the State of Chu, most of them did not become kings. Duke Huan of Qi propose Honor the king and fight against the barbarians , more for their own national interests, but also made the king of zhou wei slightly improved. Five tyrants Most of the monarchs also act under this slogan, that is, they respect the king on the surface, but actually they expand and merge.
After entering the Warring States Period, most of the country mergers have been completed. There are only more than 20 states in the Zhou Dynasty, the largest of which is No Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period In the Warring States Period, except Wei Huiwang King Qi Wei There was once a move to court the Zhou Dynasty, but it was also a show. The monarchs of other vassals have no move to court the Zhou Dynasty. [51]
  • Shiqing and Shilu
The king of Zhou was the supreme ruler of the country. The king of Zhou had two bureaucrats, namely, division and protection. Teacher and guarantor Grand Master and Taibao , master the military and political power of the court, and be the guardian of the young monarch. This political elder guardianship system was developed from the etiquette of childcare and guardianship in aristocratic families, and formed an official position. [51]
Central government There are two major bureaucratic systems, namely Qing Shiliao and Tai Shiliao. [51]
  • Qing Shiliao
Inscriptions on bronze In“ Minister affairs ”"Qing Shi" in the literature. "Shuowen" said: "Scholars, things also." Both are called Liao, indicating that they were the two official offices at that time. The ministers and officials were in charge of the "three things and four directions" of the dynasty. The so-called "three affairs" refer to the three major political affairs in Wang's neighborhood; "Sifang" refers to the affairs of princes other than Wang Ji. The officers of Qingshiliao were Tai Bao and Tai Shi in the early period and Tai Shi after the middle period. [51-52]
The subordinate officials are mainly "three departments", that is Sima Earthman (apprentice) Engineer (empty). Situ was the official in charge of land apprenticeship; Sima is the officer in charge of military fu; Sikong is an officer in charge of construction engineering. In addition to the Third Division, there is the Secretary, who is an officer in charge of the prison police and other matters, and has a low status. Again“ Shi Shi ”、“ Asian Brigade ”、“ Tiger giant ”, is the officer in charge of the military. Yes“ Fun horse ”, the officer in charge of the horse“ cook ”He is the official in charge of the king's food and the cashier's order. [51-52]
"In ancient times, there was no distinction between the military and punishment. Qing was the officer of Liao, and whether the Grand Shifu or the Tai Bao had the military and political power, so Duke Zhao and Duke Zhou both went to war. [51-52]
  • Tai Shiliao
Emperor Zhou Qiliu [53]
Tai Shiliao Yes, sir Taishi , in charge of order registration, salary preparation sacrifice , seasons, maps, etc., are leaders of both civilian officials and clergy officials, and their status is second only to that of Qing Shiliao. According to the Book of Rites - Qu Li Xia, there are six major officials, namely, Dazhai, Dafang, Dashi, Dazhu, Dashi and Dabu. The "six major" are also called "heavenly officials". These officials may be relatively primitive, and they are regarded as having their origins. Among the six major conferences, Taishi is the longest. Taishi, like Taishi and Taibao, can be called "Gong". For example, Zhao Gongguan is the Taibao, Zhou Gongguan is the Grand Master, and Bi Gongguan has the Taishi, so they are all called "Gong" [53] [54]
In the Zhou Dynasty, "sacrificing and fighting is a national event" [55] Therefore, most of the six ministers' duties are closely related to religious affairs. After the middle period, the religious function gradually weakened in the regime, "so the official positions of Ming Bao, Ming Gong, Emperor Tian Yin Dabao, Dabao and so on have disappeared, which means that the expansion of the government official positions and the development of the bureaucracy in the Western Zhou Dynasty. [54]

Feudal system

Zhou implemented the Great Feudalism, and built Zhou Tianzi It is a patriarchal hierarchical enfeoffment system for the patriarch. Zhou called these princes“ various Chinese kingdoms ”The place where the vassals were distributed, that is, the whole place where the vassals of Zhou Dynasty were distributed, including the former Xia and Shang ruling areas, was collectively called "Qu Xia", and it was also considered as the place opened up by Dayu, so it was called "Yu Ji" or "Yu Ji". In the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the place where the capital was located was called "China". Later, the reference scope of the word was extended to the whole "Zhuxia", often called "Zhuxia" by "China". During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the original Xia people, businessmen and Zhou people were integrated into one, and absorbed the elements of other tribal groups, so that the political, economic and cultural aspects became more unified, Chinese nation The community is basically formed. [86] Also called feudalism Enfeoffment system , i.e. ancient Chinese“ feudal ”The original meaning of; The "feudalism" in ancient documents is the "enfeoffment system". In the Zhou Dynasty, the feudal system was a social system in which the Zhou royal family divided the territory land into princes. Under the feudal system, the state land was not completely owned by the Zhou royal family, but was owned by the princes who obtained the land. They owned all the resources and benefits of the enfeoffment land, and only had to pay a certain amount of tribute to the Zhou royal family to fulfill their obligations, which was equivalent to the medieval times The kingdoms of Europe and Holy See The relationship between the two is the foundation of the federation in the modern sense. The king of Zhou is a co owner (co owner is Gentile society Yu was the last leader of the clan). In theory, the land of princes can be recovered and redistributed by the Zhou royal family after their death, but generally hereditary [56]
The relationship between the royal family of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the local enfeoffment was quite complicated. First of all, from the perspective of archaeological discoveries and unearthed bronze inscriptions, the royal family of the Western Zhou Dynasty interacted frequently with the feudal states and had a close relationship. All monarchs should be ordered by the king to establish the country and give land and people, Zhou Tianzi Not only can the fiefs be moved, such as "ordering Tang Bohou to Jin", but also the royal ministers can be sent to command the feudal monarchs to participate in the war of the dynasty. Western Zhou Dynasty li-yue culture Its spread benefited from the establishment and development of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou nobles who were enfeoffed to various places not only took on the task of defending the Zhou Dynasty, but also spread the ritual and music culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the newly developed territory. [114]

Patriarchal clan system

This system was established in Xia Dynasty , developed on Shang Dynasty It was completed in the Zhou Dynasty and influenced the later feudal dynasties. according to Zhou dynasty The patriarchal system of Bulk and Theravada school King Zhou claimed Son of Heaven , known as the world's largest. Division of the Son of Heaven Legitimate eldest son Other sons were granted the title of Vassals The princes were small to the emperor, but they were large in his country. The other sons of the princes were granted the title of high ministers and nobles Qing officials are small clans for princes, but they are large in his fiefs. The same is true for officials and scholars. Therefore, the legitimate eldest son of the nobility is always the leader of different ranks( eldest son of one's legal wife )。 Dafang not only enjoys the right to rule over clan members, but also enjoys political privileges. Later, the Ruler The patriarchal system was reformed, and gradually established clan authority The feudal patriarchal system consisting of theocracy and patriarchy. [57-58]

Minefield system

Well field system is China Ancient society There were written records in the Shang Dynasty and prevailing in the Western Zhou Dynasty. At that time, roads and channels crisscrossed and separated the land into blocks in the shape of "well", so it was called "well field system". The well field is owned by King Zhou and allocated to Common people use. The lord is not allowed to buy, sell or transfer the mine fields, but must pay certain tribute. The lord forced the common people to collectively cultivate well fields, with private fields around and public fields in the middle. Its essence is a kind of private land system. Xia Shang In the Western Zhou Dynasty, all land belonged to the state). [59]

Ritual music system

The "rites" emphasized in the Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn Period were developed and transformed by the nobility according to the customs and habits of the patriarchal clan system at the end of the primitive society, and were used as a means to rule the people and consolidate the internal relations of the nobility. The purpose is to maintain its patriarchal system and monarchical, clan, husband and divine rights, which has the function of maintaining the hereditary and hierarchical system of the nobility and strengthening the rule. At that time, many economic and political rules and regulations were often run through the holding of various ceremonies, which were established and maintained by the holding of various ceremonies.   [60]
Zhou Gongdan, who makes ritual and makes merry [61]
By the late Spring and Autumn Period, there was a situation of "ritual collapse and music destruction". While seizing the power of the monarch, these officials not only used the rites of princes, but also the rites of the Son of Heaven. According to the ceremony, the dance of the emperor used "eight Yi" ("Yi" means "column", eight people in each column, eight Yi sixty-four people). At this time, Ji Sun also used "eight Yi dance in court", Kongqiu He scolded and said, "It is tolerable, but it is intolerable!" According to the ceremony, the Son of Heaven offered sacrifices to the ancestors by singing the poem "Yong" to remove the offerings. At this time, the three families of Lu "withdrew with the poem" Yong ". Kongqiu thought that this kind of thing should not come from the" three families ". According to the ritual, only the Son of Heaven can "travel" (sacrifice) to Mount Tai. At this time, Ji Sun's family "traveled to Mount Tai", and Confucius accused him of not understanding ritual [61] In essence, the "arrogance" of the officials is a manifestation of seizing political power.
According to records, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the emperor used nine tripods, the princes used seven tripods, and the scholars used three tripods or one tripod. In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the emperor and princes used nine tripods, the minister used seven tripods, the doctor used five tripods, and the scholar used three tripods or one tripod. The first prosperous cow of the Emperor, called "Tailao", is used to serve sheep, rags, fish, fat, intestines and stomach, fat, fresh fish and fresh wax; The princes used seven tripods, also known as "prison", to reduce fresh meat and fresh wax; The minister used five tripods, called "Shaolao", to prosper sheep, rags, fish, wax and skin; Scholars use three cauldrons to serve rags, fish and wax, and scholars also use one cauldron to serve rags. The ritual music system is mainly used to maintain Patriarchal clan system and Monarchical power clan authority authority of the husband Theocracy "Xunzi · On Rites" says: "There are three principles of etiquette: heaven and earth are the origin of life; ancestors are the origin of class (race); and teachers are the origin of governance.". Later rulers took heaven, earth, monarch, relatives and teachers as the main objects of worship, which was based on this theory.

National opposition system

System of the State and the Wild stay Shang dynasty The situation is generally difficult to determine. Western Zhou Dynasty The system of state and wilderness was the most typical. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the system of state and wilderness began to collapse the warring states Is generally prefectures and counties At the beginning of the week Duke Zhou Eastern Expedition and Armed Colonization. [62-63]
Jiang Taigong, who was granted the state of Qi [64]
The Zhou Dynasty was developed from the "Small State Zhou" between Qi, Wei and Heluo. After successfully replacing "Big Bang Yin" and becoming the world's leader, the power cannot be effectively controlled Shang Dynasty All territories. In most areas of the former Shang Dynasty, the people and Zhou Ren No matter in culture or other aspects, they are very different. In order to further stabilize the control of the eastern land, Duke Zhou marched eastward and destroyed Mercantile And allies Huaiyi The power of. After the victory of the Eastern Expedition, Dafeng with the same surname, different surname and the descendants of the ancient emperors in the newly occupied East“ Fan Ping Zhou ”。 The enfeoffment at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty was actually an armed colonization. These important armed colonial strongholds mainly include: Qi Lu Yan , should( Wu ), Chiang and other vassals Country and wild. [62]
It was granted by the Zhou Dynasty noble After the commune farmers led by him entered the newly occupied area, the first step was to establish a military Strongholds, such strongholds are called "cities" and "countries". The vast area outside the "country" is called "wild". It was found in the Kinuchi and the vassal states of the dynasty National Wilderness The difference is the difference between villages and villages. [62]
suburbs of the capital of an empire A hundred miles away from the city is the suburb, the inner suburb is the township, and the outer suburb is the Sui. Six dynasties, six villages and six achievements, and three big countries, three villages and three achievements. The "state" of the Zhou Dynasty was different from the later commercial cities. It had no function of regulating production for the "wild". Their livelihood generally depends on the supply of "wild", so the colonial camp of the Zhou people was also wild. [62]
The division between the country and the wild also drives countrymen And Savage Different political positions. countrymen And Savage They belong to the civilian class. [62]
The so-called Shiqing refers to the hereditary clans under the emperor or princes who enjoy the position of Qing and hold the power. As Duke of Zhou, until Eastern Zhou Dynasty In the middle period, it was still inherited by the Zhou Gongdan family, and there was also the post of Zhao Gong. This kind of Shiqing system and ethnic groups interact with each other. Generations of governance is based on the habit of clan co governance, and the existence of the clan also depends on generations of control of the government. Therefore, it is said: "If you abandon officials, the clan will have no shelter" [64] [62]
Officiating Lineage They should try to control their vested interests. Members of the same clan are not easily excluded from the circle of rights and interests. Therefore, Lu had three Huan, Zheng had seven Mu, who were brothers at first, and Song's Hua family had more power. The so-called "Zheng You Ning" [65] , for example, for families. [62]
The identity and status of the clan is not determined by the emperor and the monarch, but inherited from the family. Aristocratic clans have the same surname as the King of Zhou but different surnames. Their formation has its own characteristics. Most of the royal families of the Zhou Dynasty were nobles during the early Zhou Dynasty's Eastern Expedition, either relatives of the king of the Zhou Dynasty or descendants of the traditional big clan. At the beginning of the Eastern Expedition in the Zhou Dynasty, some sons often established their country in foreign colonies, and some sons stayed behind to assist the royal family. This is what Wuzi said in the Spring and Autumn Period: "The internal surname was chosen from relatives, and the external surname was chosen from the old, so it is not a loss of virtue and power to reward." [66] [62]
Implemented by the Zhou Dynasty Patriarchal clan system And Enfeoffment system , combining blood relationship with political power distribution, and rites and music Civilization consolidates and maintains this system, and the national structure is more rigorous and perfect. [104] In the Zhou Dynasty Ritual music system The national structure based on the enfeoffment system is an important development stage of unified centralization in Chinese history. [105]


Probably around the same time, the Chinese invented Crossbow It has been a major weapon for most of China's history. Other advances in military technology include tactical improvements related to attacking and defending walled cities.



handicraft industry

  • bronze art
The Zhou Dynasty was the golden age of bronze ware in Chinese history. The bronze age included Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, which lasted for more than 1600 years. Bronze wares of this period are mainly divided into ritual instruments Weapon and Miscellaneous device Musical instruments are also mainly used in Zongmiao sacrifice Active. Sacrificial vessels were used in ancient ceremonies, or were displayed in temples, or used for feasting Lavatory , and some are specially made be buried alive with the dead Among all bronze wares, the number of ritual vessels is the largest and the production is the most exquisite. Ritual instruments can represent the highest level of Chinese bronze production technology. The types of ritual vessels include cooking vessels, food vessels, wine vessels, water vessels and statues. The bronze wares of the Zhou Dynasty were most beautifully decorated, and there were many kinds of cultural decorations. In the Zhou Dynasty, bronze wares with extremely exquisite and advanced craftsmanship were produced, which were cast by Hun Investment casting Dewaxing method )、 Brazing set riveting And other bronze ware manufacturing processes, and Flat carving relief circular engravure Openwork carving Misplaced gold set A variety of decoration techniques, such as the bronze manufacturing technology of the Pre Qin period, epitomize the advanced bronze smelting and casting level of China at that time. During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, due to the improvement of bronze casting techniques, there were extremely rich decorative patterns, and some were inlaid with gold, silver or jade materials, which made the bronze ware form a multi-color performance effect. [74-77]
Cultural relics of the Zhou Dynasty
Chunhua Dading of Western Zhou Dynasty - Cultural Relics Prohibited from Going Abroad for Exhibition
Chime Bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng
Lotus and Crane Square Pot - The First Batch of Cultural Relics Prohibited from Going Abroad for Exhibition
The jade inlaid gold cup unearthed from the tomb of the Emperor of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (Luoyang Golden Village)
  • Jade craftsmanship
The changes in social economy and politics have brought about the renewal of the concept of propriety in the vassal states. And ruling class The closely related ritual jade and decorative jade also changed, and the types of decorative jade increased. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the main types of jade ware are: Bi, Cong, tube, pearl, pendant, qi, string decoration, le, yuan, ring, Jue, gui, zhang, handle shaped ware, Ge, belt hook, mirror frame, dagger, etc. Most of them are ritual vessels, and a few are life tools.
As a decoration to show the noble status, jade is accompanied by the wearer all the time. The gentleman does not leave without reason. Jade symbolizes the virtue of a gentleman Seven Virtues Jiude "Ten One Virtues". The evolution of jadeware, compared with the more three-dimensional jade carvings in the Shang Dynasty, left traces in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Since the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period, jadeware have become increasingly flat, with fewer varieties, but are more refined. Most of the tombs of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period that have been excavated are buried with jade articles, which are large in number and beautifully made. For example, more than 3000 pieces of jade were unearthed from the Chu tomb in Xichuan, Nanyang, Henan Province in the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. There are also one or two hundred pieces of jade wares unearthed from ordinary tombs. Some of them are exquisite, which makes people marvel, such as the sixteen section dragon jade pendant unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in Sui County, Hubei Province; The human shaped jade pendant unearthed from Han Tomb in Jincun, Luoyang, the capital, is excellent in both material selection and carving.
  • Lacquerware technology
China is the first country in the world to use natural lacquer, and the lacquer craft in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties was very developed. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, lacquer ware was used more widely, its technology was greatly improved, and local styles emerged. The Warring States Period lacquerware was a period of great development in the history of Chinese lacquerware, with a wide range of distribution, a large increase in varieties, an unprecedented increase in production level, and new improvements in many aspects. First of all, the fetal bones are quite diverse. In addition to the wooden ones, there are also clamp, leather and bamboo ones; The colors used are also more abundant than before, including red, black, white, purple, brown, green, blue, yellow, gold, silver, etc., with black and red as the main tone; The patterns are numerous and regular. In addition, the combination of painting and carving, painting, and even inlaying is also a major feature of Eastern Zhou lacquer ware.
  • Metallurgical technology
During the Western Zhou Dynasty, China began to appear large-scale iron Smelting and casting, the iron smelting site of the late Western Zhou Dynasty has been found. [78]
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, as the last bronze age in China, due to the use of iron and the promotion of cattle farming, bronze gradually withdrew from the historical stage. The use of iron and the promotion of cattle farming also marked a significant increase in social productivity.
China began to use iron no later than the 7th century BC, or even no later than the 6th century BC. In the literature, the earliest materials can be found in《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》This book records 513 BC Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Cast criminal law on a set of iron tripods. The weapons, farm implements and utensils excavated from the tombs of the Warring States Period are all made of iron.
A considerable number of gold objects were unearthed in the tombs of the Zhou Dynasty, which were either primitive, strange, or exquisite, reflecting the budding gold smelting and production in China at that time, reaching a certain level. [79-81]
  • Embroidery process
During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period tapestry and embroidery High achievements have been made in technology, for example, 35 pieces of well preserved clothes were found in a small tomb in Mashan, Jiangling, Hubei in 1982. The unearthed textiles can be divided into silk and hemp. Silk fabrics include silk, thu, yarn, luo, qi, brocade, tapestry and other eight categories, and the quality of production is unprecedented.


Minefield system [67]
There was no doubt that industry and commerce had developed considerably in the late Zhou Dynasty, although, like many other cases, it was impossible to accurately estimate what had happened. An important sign is that there are different metals with fixed value in different countries currency This was especially true in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. [67] Redords of the Grand History of China 》And other historical records also recorded several famous merchants, first Zi Gong, a disciple of Confucius, and Lv Buwei, the prime minister, not long before the Qin Dynasty unified the country. Big businessmen do not deal in major commodities. They are large in quantity and easy to break down. They are profitable only when they are in short supply; They prefer to concentrate on luxury goods or benefit from the mountains. The government does not directly care about these commodities as it does about collecting and distributing major commodities. [68]


one confucian , Representative: Confucius Mencius a pre-Qin philosopher Works:《 spring and autumn 》、《 Mencius 》、《 a pre-Qin philosopher 》。 Proposition: confucian It is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period Confucius Represented by Six Arts Advocate the law“ benevolence and righteousness ”, advocate“ loyal and considerate ”And impartial“ The Doctrine of the Mean ”The principle of "benevolence" and“ Benevolent government ”It is an academic school that attaches importance to moral and ethical education and people's self-cultivation.
confucian It emphasizes the function of edification and believes that people can be edified without classification. Claims“ make no social distinctions in teaching ”Both the ruler and the ruled should be educated so that the whole country can become civilized people. Politically, he also advocated governing the country with benevolence and persuading people with virtue, called for the restoration of "benevolence and righteousness", and believed that "benevolence and righteousness" was the ideal way to realize ideal politics. To the Warring States Period, confucian There are eight schools, the important ones are Mencius and Xunzi. [69]
Taoist representative Laozi
two Taoist school , Representative: Laozi Zhuangzi philosopher advocating ethical egoism Works:《 The Scripture of Ethics 》、《 Zhuangzi 》。 Proposition: Taoist school It is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period, also known as "moralist". This school takes Laozi As the theoretical basis, the theory of "Tao" explains the essence, origin, composition and change of all things in the universe. He believes that the way of heaven is inaction, and all things become natural. He denies that God and ghosts dominate everything. He advocates that the Tao should follow nature, let nature take its course, and advocate quiet inaction, keeping female and soft, and using soft to overcome hard. The political ideal is“ small territory and population ”、“ govern by doing nothing that goes against nature ”。 After Laozi, Taoism was divided into different schools. There were four famous schools: Zhuangzi School Yang Zhu School Song Yin School and Huang Lao School
three Mohist School , Representative: Mozi Works:《 Mozi 》。 Proposition: Mohist School It is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period, founded by Mozhai This school takes“ Mutual love and mutual benefit ”As the basis of the theory: and, as oneself; Universal love means loving others as yourself. "The world loves each other at the same time" can achieve the goal of "mutual benefit". Politically, they advocate upholding virtue, harmony and non aggression; Economically, it advocates to economize on the use of capital; Mentally, he proposed respecting heaven and ghosts. At the same time, it is proposed that“ Unnatural ”It emphasizes to rely on its own strength.
Mohist School There is a strict organization, and most of the members come from the lower class of society. It is said that they can all go to the fire and dance swords to encourage themselves. His disciples are engaged in debating“ Mo Debate ”; Those engaged in martial arts are called "Moxia"; The leader called him "Juzi". Its discipline is strict. It is said that "Mohism is the law that kills people and injures people" and "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals: Eliminating Selflessness". After Mozhai's death, he split into three factions. By the late Warring States Period, it had merged into two branches: one focused on the research of epistemology, logic, mathematics, optics, mechanics and other disciplines, which was called "Mohist Postschool" (also known as "late Mohist"), and the other was transformed into a ranger in the Qin and Han Dynasties.
four Legalists , Representative: Han Fei Liss Shang Yang Works:《 Han Feizi 》、《 Book of Shang Jun 》Pipe. Proposition: Legalists It is one of the important schools of thought in the Warring States Period. It is called because it advocates the rule of law Legalists the Spring and Autumn period Guan Zhong Offspring That is Legalists The pioneer of. In the early Warring States Period, Li Xuan Shang Yang Shen Buhai Be cautious And so on Legalist School By the end of the Warring States Period, Han Fei comprehensive Shang Yang "Method", "potential" and Shen Buhai The "art" of "art" is the culmination of legalist ideology and theory.
This school of thought, economically speaking, advocates abandoned mine fields, Attach importance to agriculture and restrain business Reward farming; Politically, he advocated abolishing enfeoffment and establishing prefectures and counties, Absolute monarchy , wield power and skill, and rule with severe punishment and laws; In terms of ideology and education, he advocated that all schools of thought should be banned, that law should be used as education, and that officials should be used as teachers. His theory provided a theoretical basis and a general plan of action for the establishment of a unified monarchical dynasty《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》Bibliography Legalists There are 217 works, and nearly half of them exist today, the most important of which is《 Book of Shang Jun 》And《 Han Feizi 》 。
strategist of the Warring States period [70]
five Military strategist , Representative: strategist of the Warring States period Sun Bin Works:《 Sun Tzu's Art of War 》、《 Sun Bin's Art of War 》。
six Famous master , Representative: Deng Xie Huishi Gongsunlong Huan Regiment Works:《 Gongsun Dragon Son 》。 Famous scholars are one of the important schools of thought in the Warring States Period. They are called famous scholars by later generations because their main academic activities are to debate names (names, concepts) and facts (facts, realities). At that time, people called it "debater", "inspector" or "famous criminal (figure) scholar". The representative figures are Huishi and Gongsunlong.
seven Yinyang Family , Representative: Zou Yan Proposition: The Yin and Yang School was one of the important schools in the Warring States Period, because it advocated Yin Yang and Five Elements Theory And use it to explain social personnel. This school should have originated from the ruling class that held the astronomical calendar in ancient times. The yin-yang school believes that yin and yang are two opposing and transforming forces of things themselves, which can be used to explain the law of development and change of things. According to the Five Elements Theory, all things are composed of five elements: wood, fire, earth, gold and water, and there are two laws of mutual generation and mutual victory (chinaware), which can explain the origin and change of all things in the universe. Zou Yan Combining the two, according to the theory that the five elements are mutually beneficial, the attribute of the five elements is interpreted as "five virtues", creating“ Five Virtues Always Say ”As the rule of the rise and fall of all dynasties, it provides a theoretical basis for the establishment of the new unified dynasty. Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》Twenty one kinds of works of this school have been described and all have been lost. Formed in the late Warring States Period《 Book of Rites · Monthly Order 》, some people say yes Yinyang Family Works. Some articles in Guanzi also belong to Yinyang Family His works include Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, Ying Tong, Huai Nan Zi, Qi's Common Sayings, and Historical Records· First Emperor of Qin Some materials of the Yin and Yang family are reserved in the Book of Records.
Guiguzi [71]
eight Strategist , Representative: Guiguzi Zhang Yi Gongsun Yan Su Qin The main remarks were passed on from《 Strategies of the Warring States Period 》, Ghost Valley Classic. Proposition: Strategist During the Warring States Period, he was a counselor engaged in political and diplomatic activities by lobbying the princes with various tactics. Column is all classes of authors one of. The main representatives are Zhang Yi Gongsun Yan Su Qin Etc.
In the Warring States Period, the south and north were combined to form a vertical line, and the west and east were connected to form a horizontal line, Su Qin Support Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu Synverticality To reject Qin, Zhang Yi Then we will break the unity and the vertical, and the six countries will act separately in Qin Dynasty, Strategist Hence the name. Their activities had an important impact on the changes of the political and military pattern in the Warring States Period. Strategies of the Warring States Period 》There are a lot of records of its activities. According to《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》Record, Strategist He once wrote "sixteen hundred and seven articles".
nine Miscellaneous , Representative: Lu Buwei Works:《 Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》。 Proposition: Miscellaneous It is a comprehensive school in the late Warring States Period. Because of the "combination of Confucianism and Mohism, and the combination of name and law" Hundred All the ways are integrated "(Han Shu, Yiwen Zhi and Yan Shigu's note). Qin Dynasty Lu Buwei The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lv Family, compiled by gathered disciples, is a typical collection of miscellaneous works.
ten Farmhouse , Representative: Xu Xing Proposition: Farmhouse It is one of the important schools in the Warring States Period. It is named for its emphasis on agricultural production. This school comes from the officials who managed agricultural production in ancient times. They believe that agriculture is the foundation of food and clothing and should be put first in all work. In Mencius Teng Wengong, it is recorded that Xu Xingren, "for the words of the Shennong", proposed that the sages should "cultivate and eat together with the people, and treat with food", which shows the social and political ideals of farmers. This party also paid attention to recording and summarizing agricultural production technology and experience. Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》The "Shangnong", "Ren Di", "Debate on the Land", "Shen Shi" and other articles in the Chinese Academy of Sciences are considered to be important materials for the study of farmers in the pre Qin period.
eleven novelist , Representative: Yu Chu Works: Yu Chu Zhou Shuo. Proposition: novelist Pre Qin the nine schools of thought One of the ten schools is to collect folk legends and comments to investigate people's customs. "The flow of novelists is attributed to officials. The gossip in the street is created by the hearers. [71]




The documents of the Zhou Dynasty are very rich, especially mural From《 shanhaiching 》Poets of Chu State Qu Yuan The contents reflected in Tianwen can reveal the huge scale of murals at that time, but unfortunately they have not been handed down to this day. We can only learn about the paintings at that time from the bronze paintings, lacquer paintings and the only two remaining silk paintings. Through the huge and complex bronze scenes: mulberry picking, hunting, shooting, feasting, land and water warfare, it can be seen that the craftsmen of the Zhou Dynasty had a fairly high ability to compose pictures and shape images, and had initially mastered the artistic principles of balance, symmetry, contrast, etc. Although the characters in the picture have no facial expressions due to restrictions on conditions, they are vivid in appearance and appropriate in proportion, which indirectly express the mentality of the characters. As Xun Zi said, the shapes are vivid but the gods are alive. The lacquerware unearthed from the tombs are all painted with patterns, simple and bright in color, and the characters on them are also dynamic. The facial expressions are relatively simple, and painting is still in its infancy, The characteristics of innocence, liveliness and vitality in childhood are fully displayed. Some lacquer coffins are painted with paint, which can be regarded as the earliest oil paintings. Four silk paintings of the Warring States Period, especially《 Figure Dragon and Phoenix 》、《 Figure Riding the Dragon 》, representing the highest level of painting at that time. For example, composition, balance, dynamic image proportion and line strength have made certain achievements. In particular, the "Figure Riding the Dragon" has strong and flexible lines. The portrayal of the man with sword and the expressiveness of the lines are more mature. The characteristics of Chinese painting in the form of lines have emerged. The widely distributed and colorful rock paintings enrich the painting content from another aspect. [72]


Gaogu pottery
The carving skills of the Zhou Dynasty were far inferior to those of Greece at the same time. Large and independent sculptures have not yet been found. At that time, the sculptures were mainly buried clay figurines, jade sculptures, bronzes and lacquerware in animal and human shapes, and other arts and crafts. In terms of the complexity of types and the richness of materials and techniques, Greek sculpture is inferior. The sculptures found in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are made of lacquer, bronze, jade, mud, wood and other materials, with images of animals, people, gods, birds, dragons and phoenixes, etc., and techniques of round sculpture, relief sculpture, color painting, and inlay. The portrayal of characters can not only distinguish the differences between high and low levels, gender and age characteristics of men and women, old and young, but also individual personality characteristics. The decorative, painterly, symbolic and other characteristics of Chinese traditional sculpture have taken shape at this time, and this traditional influence is extremely far-reaching.


The calligraphy of Zhou Dynasty occupies an important position in the history of Chinese calligraphy. He Zun Mingwen Inscriptions on bronze )Shiguwen and Shiguwen represent the first climax of the development of Chinese calligraphy art. Their style is either vigorous and primitive, or elegant and elegant, with a special sense of beauty, which is treasured by later generations. Allied books and brief books, whether written in Dan or Zhu, have distinctive characters. For example, in Hou Ma Meng's book, the blade and pen marks are obvious, the turning is sharp, the thickness of the line changes slightly, and the writing forms a silkworm head. Some people call it Tadpole Book , forming a special sense of beauty. The seal characters provided the earliest model for the later seal cutting art. [72-73]

Music and dance

Qu Yuan [74]
Music and dance have been valued by rulers of all dynasties and loved by people of all walks of life, and its social role is considerable. For the upper class, music and dance are first used for major ceremonies such as sacrifices and feasts, and mainly for entertainment and rest of the people. At first, court music and dance were strictly separated from folk music and dance. By the Warring States Period, the palace music and dance had absorbed many elements of folk music and dance, producing Zheng Sheng, Chu Dance, Chu Yin, Song Yin, Wei Yin, Qi Yin and other music and dance. These palace music and dance with strong folk music and dance color are inevitable phenomena in the historical progress, which caused some conservative people to panic and oppose. However, the reform of music and dance is the same trend as the historical progress, Irreversible. From the literature records and unearthed objects, the scale of the palace music and dance activities in the Warring States Period was very large. From the dozens of complete sets of chimes and chimes unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, not only the scale was large, but also the functions of musical instruments were quite advanced, which solved many outstanding problems in the history of music. At that time, in addition to the music and dance used for sacrifice, the religious dance used for praying and dispelling evil spirits was very developed, such as wax offering and nuo ceremony, which were popular from the court to the folk. Chu Yin and Chu Dance《 Nine Odes 》Is representative. In terms of music theory, all schools of thought in the Pre Qin period had their own music views. Taoism, Mohism and Legalism hold negative attitudes towards music and dance, but there are differences in the starting point of opposition and the degree of negation: Confucianism affirms music and dance, while Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi have their own emphasis while affirming it. Whether it is positive or negative, both of them have explained their own reasons, and all of them give enlightenment to others from a certain aspect, which is worth studying by future generations.

Monarch lineage

See: The monarch of the Zhou Dynasty In this table, the monarch of Queen You of Zhou still has Zhou with Wang Jiyu, and "Tsinghua Jane · Series Year" as the king of Hui and king of Hui. The Bamboo Slips of Tsinghua University records that "... The Youwang and Bopan will perish, and Zhou will perish. The king Zhu Zheng is Yu Chen, the younger brother of the king Li Youwang, and he is the king with Hui. Twenty years later, the Duke Wen of Jin killed the king Hui in Guo. In the ninth year of the death of the king, the king of Zhou did not reign in the Zhou Dynasty. The Duke Wen of Jin rebelled against the King Ping in Shao'e, and established him in the capital. In the third year, he moved to the east, and ended in Chengzhou...". [83]
Liu Guozhong, Chen Jian, Dong Shan, Huang Rener, Zhu Fenghan, Chao Fulin and others all advocated that "nine years after the death of the king of Zhou Dynasty" should be "nine years without a king of Zhou Dynasty", which means that nine years after the destruction of the king, nine years without a king. [84] "Nine years after the death of the king with him" actually admitted that there was a gap in the weekend when there was no king of Zhou, which was equivalent to treating the king with him as the legitimate successor of the emperor of Zhou. [84] Wang Hongliang and other scholars believe that this theory cannot be established. [83]
Lineage of the monarchs of the Zhou Dynasty
Posthumous title
full name
brief introduction
In office time
From the 21st century to the middle of the 11th century
Ancestor of Zhou People
Emperor Shun Xia Dynasty initial stage
woman No item
Son abandoned by Hou Ji Ji
Xia Dynasty Taikang Period
woman Ju
Ji Bujiu's son
Ji Liu
Jiju's son
Shang Dynasty Ninth World Rebellion ”At the end of the period“ Pan Geng moved to Yin ”Prophase
Son of Ji Gongliu
Son of Ji Qingjie
woman Chafer
Son of Ji Imperial Servant
Son of Ji Chafu
Son of Ji Ruihun
Bin Hou
Son of Ji Gongfei
woman Subscale
The son of Bin Hou Ji Gaoyu
Son of Ji Yayu
woman Dan
Son of Ji Gong's uncle
woman calendar
King Tai of Zhou Son of Jidan
Son of King Jili of Zhou
Western Zhou Dynasty 11th century BC - 771 BC
Son of King Wen of Zhou Jichang
Front 1046 - Front 1043
Son of Jifa, King Wu of Zhou
Front 1042 - front 1021
The son of King Cheng of Zhou Jixuan
Front 1020 - Front 996
Son of Ji Zhao, King Kang of Zhou
Front 995-Front 977
The son of Ji Xia, King Zhao of Zhou
Front 976 - Front 922
Son of Ji Man, King Mu of Zhou
Front 922 - Front 900
Son of Ji Yihu, King of the Communist Party of Zhou
Front 899 - Front 892
Son of Ji Man, King Mu of Zhou
Front 892 - Front 886
The son of Ji Xuan, King Yi of Zhou
Front 885 - Front 878
Son of Ji Xie, King of Zhou Yi
Front 877 - Front 841
Front 841 - Front 828
The son of King Li of Zhou Jihu
Front 827 - Front 782
Ji Gong
Son of Ji Jing, King Xuan of Zhou
Front 781 - Front 771
Eastern Zhou Dynasty Front 770 - Front 256
The son of King You of Zhou Jigong
Front 770 - Front 720
Son of Ji Jing, King Xuan of Zhou
Front 771 - Front 750
Sun of Ji Yijiu, King Ping of Zhou
Front 719 - Front 697
Son of Jilin, King Huan of Zhou
Front 696 - Front 682
Son of King Jituo of Zhouzhuang
Front 681 - Front 677
The son of Zhou Xi, Wang Ji and Hu Qi
Front 676 - Front 652
Son of King Jituo of Zhouzhuang
Front 675 - Front 673
Son of Ji Lang, King Hui of Zhou
Front 651 - Front 619
Ji Dai
Son of Ji Lang, King Hui of Zhou
Front 636 - Front 635
Princess Zhou Xiang, son of Zheng
Front 618 - Front 613
Son of Ji Renchen, King Qing of Zhou
Front 612 - Front 607
Son of Ji Renchen, King Qing of Zhou
Front 606 - Front 586
Son of Ji Yu, King Ding of Zhou
Front 585 - Front 572
Son of Ji Yi, King of Zhou Jian
Front 571 - Front 545
The son of Empress Zhou Ling
Front 544 - Front 520
The son of Zhou Jing Wang Jigui
Front 520
The son of Zhou Jing Wang Jigui
Front 520 - front 516
The son of Zhou Jing Wang Jigui [82]
Front 519 - Front 476
Son of King Jing of Zhou Ji
Front 475 - Front 469
Son of King Jiren of Zhou Yuan
Front 468 - Front 441
Son of Zhou Zhending, Wang Jijie
Front 441
Son of Zhou Zhending, Wang Jijie
Front 441
Son of Zhou Zhending, Wang Jijie
Front 440 - front 426
Zhou Kao, the son of Wang Jiwei
Front 425 - Front 402
Son of Zhou Weilie, Wang Jiwu
Front 401 - front 376
Son of Zhou An, Wang Jijiao
Front 375 - Front 369
Son of Zhou An, Wang Jijiao
Front 368 - Front 321
Son of Zhou Xian Wang Jibian
Front 320 - front 315
Zhou Shenliang, the son of Wang Jiding
Front 314 - Front 256

Historical evaluation


Zhaoji Huaxia

Yellow Emperor yes Huaxia The first ancient emperor of the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of the Chinese nation, first because he is Chinese nation Ancestors of. Yellow Emperor Ji surname Zhou is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and the people of Zhou belong to the Ji surname, which can be proved by both literature and bronze inscriptions, Ji surname It is the surname of the Zhou royal family. [94] [100]
Descendants of the Yellow Emperor Zhou nationality People established the Zhou Dynasty and continued to expand its territory. The Zhou Dynasty called itself summer The Zhou Dynasty also called the enfeoffment states Xia, which was later various Chinese kingdoms The origin of this name. The Book of Songs · Zhou Song 》It is called the enfeoffment vassals“ In summer ”。 Develop to spring and autumn During the period, the literature changed another name for the princes, called Zhu Hua Why is it called Zhuhua? Because the two words Hua and Xia also have the same pronunciation. Zuo Zhuan is sometimes called various Chinese kingdoms Sometimes it is called Zhuhua, which means the same thing. There is another meaning in saying Zhuhua, that is, the Chinese characters also have such meanings as beauty and literary grace, Huaxia With the later“ China has the beauty of costumes, which is called "China"; China has great etiquette, called Summer ”The connotation of. [94-96]
Xia, Shang and Zhou are descendants of the Yellow Emperor. The Zhou Dynasty called itself Xia and the enfeoffment states various Chinese kingdoms or Zhu Hua The Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed many vassal states in various places Western Zhou Dynasty and Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period At that time, they were the backbone of the surrounding ethnic groups and absorbed summer merchant The old ethnic groups and the nearby barbarians, Rongdi, participated in the national integration, and finally made Zhuxia and all ethnic groups integrated into a whole. This is Chinese nation reach the warring states Period, Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period Korea, Wei and Yan in China are all Ji State Another reason is that the Zhou Dynasty still existed in name at this time. In this process, the Zhou people undoubtedly played a leading role, so later this newly formed national community naturally put Yellow Emperor He became his most important ancestor. [94-95]

Far-reaching influence

The Western Zhou Dynasty was a crucial period in the process of Chinese civilization Enfeoffment system Patriarchal clan system , ritual and music system Zhou Tianzi The national structure of the world as the core has further strengthened summer merchant The centralized system since Qin and Han Dynasties The formation of a unified multi-ethnic country has laid a solid foundation. [115]
Western Zhou Dynasty The establishment of the dynasty opened up an unprecedented vast territory through the continuous large-scale military conquest of the four lands and four directions and a large number of feudalism on this basis. Especially for Yan Qi Lu Jin Wu The feudalism of other vassal states has important strategic significance and long-term vision. Zhou Ren On the basis of Xitu, it has generally controlled the development of the north Yanshan South, east coast, south to Yangtze and Huai rivers A large area of land in the region, which initially laid the foundation for the political geography of the Central Plains Dynasty, which was unified in ancient China. Mr. Wang Guowei said that "China's political and cultural changes, Mo drama at the time of Yin and Zhou." Through political, military, economic and cultural influence, the Zhou people firmly controlled the thousand mile country and the vast four lands and four directions, and in this context, initially bred the vague concept of world unity of "under the Pu Tian, Mo Fei's royal land, the coast of the land, Mo Fei's royal officials". While the Zhou people effectively exercised political, economic, military and other national sovereignty over the Qianli Bang area, the four lands and the four directions, the ethnic groups with Xia, Shang and Zhou as the main body, took the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River where the Central Plains is located as the stage in the process of frequent political, military, economic and cultural exchanges with the surrounding ethnic groups, infiltrated, blended, expanded and split, and national integration accelerated unprecedentedly, It has laid a solid foundation for the formation of the Chinese nation, the predecessor of the Han nation. At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, in the process of controlling and managing the four regions and four directions, the politicians constantly learned from historical experience and lessons, "showed virtue and carefully punished", and established a policy of maintaining the hierarchical order at all levels in the Western Zhou Dynasty Ritual music system Zhou people actively advocated and practiced“ virtue ”The concept of "and its influence on the political, military, cultural and other aspects of the Zhou people Ritual and musical civilization It constitutes an important source of Confucius' theory of benevolence and propriety, and has merged into the backbone of Chinese traditional culture for thousands of years. It has become a rich nourishment for the Chinese nation to grow and develop, supporting the Chinese nation to grow and pass on from generation to generation. [99] [101]