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Zhou Enlai

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The Great Proletarian Revolutionist
Zhou Enlai (March 5, 1898 - January 8, 1976) , with the word Xiangyu, used to be Feifei, Wuhao, Shaoshan, Guansheng, etc [1] [6] , originally from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, [9] Born in Jiangsu on March 5, 1898 Huai'an He joined the Communist Party of China in 1921. He is a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionist, politician, militarist, diplomat, one of the main leaders of the Party and the country, one of the main founders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the founding father of the People's Republic of China, and an important member of the first generation of the central collective leadership of the Party with Comrade Mao Zedong at the core [2] [9]
He died in Beijing on January 8, 1976. His death was widely mourned. He is known as "the good premier of the people" because of his hard work, self-discipline and concern for the masses. Income from his major works《 Selected Works of Zhou Enlai 》。
Chinese name
Zhou Enlai
Wu Hao
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
date of birth
March 5, 1898
Date of death
January 8, 1976
Representative works
Selected Works of Zhou Enlai
Key achievements
One of the founders and core leading members of the Party
Founders and leaders of the People's Army
Explore the socialist road suitable for China
Great contribution to the Party's united front
Founder of diplomacy with Chinese characteristics

Character's Life

In 1918, Zhou Enlai went to Tokyo, Japan to study
Zhou Enlai went to Japan to study after graduating from Tianjin Nankai School in 1917, and began to contact Marxism
In 1919, he returned to China and joined Nankai University in September. He became the leader of the Tianjin student community in the May 4th Movement and co organized the progressive group Consciousness Society with other activists in the movement.
In January 1920, he was arrested in leading the patriotic movement of Tianjin students. Preaching Marxism in prison. Get out of jail in July. In November, I went to France for work study program.
In 1921, he joined the Paris Communist Group, one of the eight founding groups of the Communist Party of China, established the belief in communism and became one of the founders of the Communist Party of China. [7]
In 1922, he and Zhao Shiyan organized the Young Communist Party of China in Europe (renamed the European Branch of the Chinese Socialist Youth League the following year) to be responsible for propaganda. Secretary of the European Branch of the Chinese Socialist Youth League and leader of the European Branch of the Communist Party of China.
In 1923, he was appointed by the headquarters of the Kuomintang as the preparatory officer of the Paris branch of the Kuomintang, the special commissioner of the Kuomintang branch in Europe and the acting executive minister, and presided over the work of the Kuomintang branch in Europe.
He married Deng Yingchao in Guangzhou on August 8, 1925
He returned to China in the autumn of 1924, served as the director of the political department of Guangdong Huangpu Military Academy, the director of the political department of the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army, the deputy party representative of the First Army, etc. during the period of Kuomintang Communist cooperation, and successively served as the chairman, standing member and military minister of the Guangdong District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and twice participated in the crusade against warlords Chen Jiongming The "East Expedition" created an effective military political work system.
In March 1927, when the National Revolutionary Army of the Northern Expedition was close to Shanghai, it led the third armed uprising of Shanghai workers and drove away the Beiyang warlord troops stationed in Shanghai. In May of the same year, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. On July 12, the CPC Central Committee was reorganized, and he served as a member of the Provisional Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. After the complete breakdown of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he led the armed uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, together with He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, and served as the secretary of the Committee of the former enemy of the Communist Party of China.
In 1928, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee. Later, he was the head of the Central Organization Committee and the secretary of the Central Military Commission. It played an important role in ensuring the security of the secret work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, in contacting and guiding the armed struggle led by the Communist Party in various regions, and in developing the secret work in the Kuomintang ruled areas. For most of this period, he was actually the main leader of the CPC Central Committee.
In December 1931, he left Shanghai and went to the Central Revolutionary Base. He successively served as the Secretary of the Central Bureau of the Central Soviet Area, the General Political Committee of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army and the General Political Committee of the First Front Army, and the Vice Chairman of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission.
Zhou Enlai in the Red Army
Spring of 1933 Zhu De Led and commanded the Red Army to defeat the fourth "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang army against the Central Revolutionary Base Area.
In October 1934, he participated in the Long March.
At the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Zunyi, Guizhou in January 1935, we supported Mao Zedong's correct proposition and established Mao Zedong The correct leadership of the new Central Committee, represented by, has played a key role and continues to be elected as one of the main military leaders of the Central Committee.
Zhou Enlai during the Xi'an Incident
In December 1936, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the "Xi'an Incident" to detain Chiang Kai shek by force. After that, they served as plenipotentiary representatives of the Communist Party of China, Qin Bangxian, Ye Jianying and others went to Xi'an to negotiate with Chiang Kai shek. Together with Zhang and Yang, they forced Chiang Kai shek to accept the idea of "stopping the civil war and fighting against Japan together", which promoted the formation of a united anti Japanese situation.
In 1937, he served as Deputy Minister of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the National Government. [10]
Counter-Japanese War During the period, he worked on the united front in Chongqing and other areas controlled by the Kuomintang for a long time on behalf of the Communist Party of China, worked hard to unite the forces advocating resistance against Japan and saving the country, and led the work of the Changjiang Bureau and the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee successively. He insisted on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, actively united democratic parties, progressive intellectuals, patriots and international friends, stopped the counter current against the Communist Party and overcame the danger of capitulation to Japan.
In 1945, he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the CPC, and formed the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong, together with Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi and Ren Bishi. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, in order to stop the civil war, the CPC delegation led negotiations with the Kuomintang, and led the work of the party, military and united front in the Kuomintang ruled area.
After 1946, he served as Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and Acting Chief of the General Staff, assisting Mao Zedong in organizing and directing the War of Liberation, and guiding the revolutionary movement in the Kuomintang ruled areas.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai has been the Prime Minister of the government, and served as Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1958; He was elected as a member of the 8th, 9th and 10th Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the 8th and 10th Vice Chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission; First Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Second, Third and Fourth Chairmen. It is charged with the heavy task of handling the daily work of the Party and the country.
From 1949 to 1952, he successfully organized and led the recovery of the national economy. By the end of 1952, the gross industrial and agricultural output value of the country had reached the highest level in history.
During the First Five Year Plan period from 1953 to 1957, he led the industrial construction centered on 156 construction projects, which laid a preliminary foundation for China's industrialization. In 1954, he put forward the goal of building modern industry, agriculture, transportation and national defense, and organized the formulation of the Scientific Development Plan from 1956 to 1967, which promoted the rapid development of national science and technology.
From 1961 to 1965, in order to correct the mistakes brought about by the "Great Leap Forward" and reverse the difficult situation of the economy, he, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping led the adjustment of the national economy, which gradually restored and developed the national economy. He stressed that the key to building a strong socialist country lies in the modernization of science and technology, and advocated that economic construction must be realistic, proceed from China's reality, be active, stable, and comprehensively balanced. He paid special attention to water conservancy construction and the development of national defense science and technology, and made great contributions to this. He also paid special attention to the united front work, intellectual work, cultural work and the modernization of the people's army during the socialist period, and made important achievements in guiding these work.
He was involved in formulating and personally implementing major diplomatic decisions. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, he assisted Mao Zedong in commanding the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, took charge of the organization of logistical support, and led the Chinese delegation in the armistice negotiations.
In 1954, he led the Chinese delegation to the Geneva Conference and reached an agreement through negotiation, which enabled Vietnam (except the South), Laos and Cambodia to gain international recognition for their independence. On behalf of the Chinese government, he proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the guidelines for state to state relations.
In October 1963, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping were on the Tiananmen Tower
At the Bandung Conference in 1955, China advocated peaceful coexistence, opposed colonialism, advocated seeking common ground while reserving differences, and reached consensus through consultation, so that China's independent foreign policy of peace was actively implemented. He has visited dozens of countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, received a large number of leaders and friendly people from all over the world, and made important contributions to enhancing the friendship between the Chinese people and the people of the world and expanding China's international influence.
Premier Zhou Enlai
During the "Cultural Revolution", he was in a very difficult situation, in order to minimize the losses caused by the "Cultural Revolution", so that the Party and the country can still do many necessary work to maintain the national economic construction; We have made unremitting efforts to protect a large number of leading cadres and democrats, and to restore and implement the policies of the Party and the state. He fought against Lin Biao and Jiang Qing clique in various forms and played an important role in controlling and stabilizing the situation in thwarting various separatist and power seizing conspiracies of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing clique. He has made outstanding contributions to opening up a new diplomatic situation, achieving Sino US detente, normalizing Sino Japanese relations and restoring China's seat in the United Nations.
After he was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1972, he still kept working. At the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress in 1975, on behalf of the Communist Party of China, the goal of modernizing industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology in China was put forward again, which encouraged the people's confidence in overcoming difficulties.
He died in Beijing on January 8, 1976. His death was widely mourned. He is known as "the good premier of the people" because of his hard work, self-discipline and concern for the masses. Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day in April 1976, a large number of party members, workers, students, cadres and even soldiers and farmers held a spontaneous rally in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to commemorate him and oppose the "Gang of Four" that was still in power at that time. It was called the "Tiananmen Incident" and developed into a nationwide protest movement against the Jiangqing counter revolutionary group, It laid a mass foundation for the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to smash the Jiangqing counter revolutionary group in October 1976. [1] [3]

Main contributions

Mao Zedong and Comrade Zhou Enlai
New Democratic Revolution During the period, Comrade Zhou Enlai made immortal contributions to the Communist Party of China's exploration of the correct path of the Chinese revolution, the creation of the people's army, the creation of the revolutionary united front, and the creation of a new China where the people are masters of the country. During the Great Revolution, he led the National Revolutionary Army The military and political work, the work of local political power in Guangdong, and the armed uprising of workers in Shanghai, which shocked China and foreign countries, became the first recognition of our party Armed struggle Importance and early engagement Military work One of the leaders of. After the failure of the Great Revolution, he led the world famous August 1 Nanchang Uprising The first shot of armed resistance against the Kuomintang reactionaries was fired, and the people's army led by the Party was born. After the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as the leader who actually presided over the work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he wisely and bravely defended the central organs of the Communist Party of China under extremely dangerous conditions, protected a large number of leading cadres of the Communist Party of China, developed the secret work of the Communist Party of China in the White Area, and supported armed independent regime of workers and peasants He actively explored the correct path of the Chinese revolution, clearly put forward the idea of "rural center", and made outstanding contributions to the formation of the road of "rural encirclement of cities and armed seizure of power". In the Central Revolutionary Base in Jiangxi, he worked with Zhu De Comrades and others successfully directed the fourth anti "encirclement and suppression" struggle, creating new experience in the ambush annihilation war of the Corps.
Deng Yingchao and Zhou Enlai
On the way to the Long March of the Red Army, at the Zunyi Conference, which has far-reaching historical significance, he stood up for Comrade Mao Zedong's correct proposition and played an important role in establishing Comrade Mao Zedong's leadership in the Red Army and the Party Central Committee, and in saving the Red Army and the Party in distress. After the Xi'an Incident broke out, at the critical moment when the nation was in danger, he went to Xi'an according to the established policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, promoted the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident in an extremely complex and difficult environment, and promoted a new situation of Kuomintang Communist cooperation and unity against Japan. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he, on behalf of our party, has been working in the Kuomintang ruled areas for a long time, responsible for negotiating with the Kuomintang authorities, widely uniting patriots from all walks of life, adhering to and developing the anti Japanese national united front Kuomintang diehards We fought bravely and deliberately. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, in order to stop the civil war, he accompanied Comrade Mao Zedong to Chongqing for peace negotiations with the Kuomintang, and then led our party delegation to carry out a reasonable and disciplined political struggle with the Kuomintang authorities. During the War of Liberation, he assisted Comrade Mao Zedong in devising strategies and promoting The second front He has made outstanding contributions to the formation of the CPPCC, moving to northern Shaanxi, directing a series of strategic decisive battles that will change China's destiny, preparing for the convening of the new CPPCC, and presiding over the drafting of the Common Programme.
After the founding of New China, Comrade Zhou Enlai served successively as Premier of the Government Council and Premier of the State Council for 26 years. In order to actively explore the path of socialist construction in line with China's national conditions, and comprehensively organize and implement various socialist construction undertakings, he worked hard and spared no effort in politics, economy, diplomacy, national defense, united front, science and technology, culture, education, journalism, health Sports and other fields have devoted a lot of efforts and made groundbreaking contributions. In leading the construction and development of New China, he stressed that economic construction Work is "in the first place" in the life of the whole country. If a country cannot be completely independent economically, it cannot be completely independent politically. He stressed the need to correctly handle various relationships and achieve overall planning, comprehensive arrangement, comprehensive balance and coordinated development; Emphasize that "our country should not only have economic construction, but also have political and spiritual construction", and building socialism must be fully developed; Emphasize that we must pay attention to environmental protection, do not sacrifice the environment for economic development, and do not do things to the detriment of future generations. He attaches great importance to the key role of science and technology and intellectuals in socialist construction, emphasizing that the key to realizing modernization and building China into a socialist power is to realize the modernization of science and technology, and that intellectuals are an indispensable and important force for the success of socialist construction.
He organized and led the "two bombs and one satellite" large-scale scientific and technological breakthrough, which greatly improved China's comprehensive national strength and international status. He attached great importance to foreign trade and learning foreign advanced technology, emphasizing that "learning from foreign countries must be combined with the spirit of originality". He attached great importance to the role of the united front in the socialist revolution and construction, often listened to the views of democratic parties and non party patriots, in order to adhere to and improve Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China Has made important contributions. He never forgets the great cause of national reunification and has done a lot of basic and pioneering work to solve the problems of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He has effectively led the foreign affairs work of the Party and the country, advocated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, adhered to the principle of equality of all countries, regardless of size, and promoted China to actively develop friendly and cooperative relations with other countries, especially the vast number of developing countries, so as to make our friends all over the world. His broad and profound diplomatic thought, rich and colorful diplomatic practice, unique diplomatic art and style have won a high reputation for the party and the country in the international community.
On“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”Under the extremely complicated special environment, Comrade Zhou Enlai endured humiliation, endured the crisis and made unimaginable efforts to safeguard the normal operation of the Party and the country, safeguard the unity of the Party and reduce losses as much as possible. He protected a large number of leading cadres, democrats and intellectuals of the Party; He helped Comrade Mao Zedong crush Lin Biao's Counterrevolutionary Group The conspiracy to seize the highest power, presided over the daily work of the Central Committee, criticized and corrected the mistakes of the ultra leftist trend of thought, and made a turnaround in all aspects of work; He actively promoted and implemented according to Comrade Mao Zedong's decision Deng Xiaoping Comrade Deng Xiaoping returned and presided over the work of the Central Committee, fully supporting the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping to rectify all aspects of work; He is suffering from a terminal disease, and still perseveres in his work Ye Jianying Li Xiannian Comrades and others fought resolutely with the Jiangqing counter revolutionary group; He is The First Session of the Fourth National People's Congress The Party reaffirmed the grand goal of realizing the four modernizations, which greatly encouraged the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups.
Comrade Zhou Enlai has participated in and led the major work of the Party during the period of revolution and construction, and has made great efforts for every major victory of the Party. In his long-term practice, he focused on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific reality of our country, conscientiously summarizing the positive and negative experience of revolution and construction, carrying out in-depth theoretical thinking, deeply explaining the party's theory, line, principles and policies, and making theoretical contributions in the fields of politics, economy, military, diplomacy, united front, culture and education, and party building Mao Zedong Thought Has made an important contribution to the formation and development of the CPC, and has also contributed to the formation of the CPC during the subsequent reform and opening up period Socialist theories with Chinese characteristics Provides important thought materials [4]
 Zhou Enlai at Bandung Conference in April 1955
Zhou Enlai at Bandung Conference in April 1955
 Zhou Enlai Meets with Yasser Arafat
Zhou Enlai Meets with Yasser Arafat
 He was welcomed by Mao Zedong at the airport after returning from the Soviet Union in 1964
He was welcomed by Mao Zedong at the airport after returning from the Soviet Union in 1964
 Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an in June 1973
Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an in June 1973
 In September 1975, I met with Ilia Verdez in the hospital
In September 1975, I met with Ilia Verdez in the hospital
 Zhou Enlai greets Deng Xiaoping with illness
Zhou Enlai greets Deng Xiaoping with illness
 Zhou Enlai was rescued from prison by people from all walks of life after being arrested
Zhou Enlai was rescued from prison by people from all walks of life after being arrested
 Zhou Enlai and other leaders in the Great Hall of the People
Zhou Enlai and other leaders in the Great Hall of the People
 Zhou Enlai Visits Tanzania
Zhou Enlai Visits Tanzania
 Zhou Enlai went to Japan to study
Zhou Enlai went to Japan to study
 Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Meet with American Journalist Snow
Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Meet with American Journalist Snow
 Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao in Suzhou
Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao in Suzhou
 Zhou Enlai and Li Zhengdao, a famous Chinese American physicist
Zhou Enlai and Li Zhengdao, a famous Chinese American physicist
 Zhou Enlai is with Tao Zhu and Chen Yi, who are under his protection
Zhou Enlai is with Tao Zhu and Chen Yi, who are under his protection
 Zhou Enlai in the "Cultural Revolution"
Zhou Enlai in the "Cultural Revolution"
 Premier Zhou Enlai
Premier Zhou Enlai
 Comrade Zhou Enlai
Comrade Zhou Enlai
 Zhou Enlai's middle school study period
Zhou Enlai's middle school study period
 Zhou Enlai reviews the Navy Beihai Fleet
Zhou Enlai reviews the Navy Beihai Fleet
 Zhou Enlai's youth study period
Zhou Enlai's youth study period
 Zhou Enlai Talks with Wang Jinxi, the "Iron Man" of Daqing Oilfield
Zhou Enlai Talks with Wang Jinxi, the "Iron Man" of Daqing Oilfield
 Zhou Enlai Condolences the People in the Earthquake stricken Area
Zhou Enlai Condolences the People in the Earthquake stricken Area
 Zhou Enlai congratulated the famous painter Qi Baishi on his birthday
Zhou Enlai congratulated the famous painter Qi Baishi on his birthday
 Zhou Enlai greets French President George Pompidou
Zhou Enlai greets French President George Pompidou
 Zhou Enlai greets Congolese President Marian Nguwabi
Zhou Enlai greets Congolese President Marian Nguwabi
 Zhou Enlai greets US President Nixon
Zhou Enlai greets US President Nixon
 Zhou Enlai talked with performing artist Mei Lanfang and others
Zhou Enlai talked with performing artist Mei Lanfang and others
 Commemorative photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao's 25th wedding anniversary
Commemorative photo of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao's 25th wedding anniversary
 Zhou Enlai Reading Lei Feng's Diary
Zhou Enlai Reading Lei Feng's Diary
 Zhou Enlai studies hard in France
Zhou Enlai studies hard in France
 Zhou Enlai at Huangpu Military Academy
Zhou Enlai at Huangpu Military Academy
 Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping Meet Kim Il Sung in the Hospital
Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping Meet Kim Il Sung in the Hospital
 Meeting with Thai Prime Minister Monlachang Keri Bamo in the hospital
Meeting with Thai Prime Minister Monlachang Keri Bamo in the hospital

Character works

Income from his major works《 Selected Works of Zhou Enlai 》。 [1] [3]

Social evaluation

Comrade Zhou Enlai's revolutionary career of more than 50 years is closely linked with the establishment, development and expansion of the Communist Party of China, the victory of China's new democratic revolution, and the historical process of China's socialist revolution and construction. He unreservedly devoted all his energy to the Party and the people until the last breath of his life. He epitomized the lofty demeanor and integrity of the Chinese Communists and erected an immortal monument in the hearts of the Chinese people. In remembering Comrade Zhou Enlai, we should always remember and earnestly study his spirit, so that it can be carried forward.
Comrade Zhou Enlai has always believed firmly and had lofty ideals, which is mainly reflected in his spirit of infinite loyalty to the Party and the people. This is the source of strength for his lifelong struggle. Comrade Zhou Enlai said, "People should have ideals, and life without ideals will become blind." He was establishing Communist belief At that time, he said: "I believe that the doctrine must remain unchanged, and I am determined to promote him.". He has always been full of confidence in winning the cause of the Party, the bright future of socialist China, and the great cause of revitalizing the Chinese nation. No matter what difficulties and hardships he encounters, he never wavers. He said: "Communists exist to constantly overcome difficulties and continue to move forward. It is not the quality of Communists to be afraid of difficulties." In the process of establishing revolutionary ideals and beliefs, he had both a strong desire to pursue truth and thoughtful rational thinking; It not only attaches importance to the study and research of scientific theory, but also attaches importance to the application and development of scientific theory in practice; He not only pays attention to learning the advanced theory of Marxism, but also to absorbing the cultural essence of the Chinese nation. His revolutionary ideals and beliefs are based on rational consciousness, so they are rock solid. With his own practical actions, he fulfilled the pledge that "in any difficult situation, he will fight for communism to the end with an unyielding spirit".
Comrade Zhou Enlai has always loved the people and worked hard for the people, which is mainly reflected in his spirit of being willing to be a public servant of the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai has always adhered to the principle that the interests of the people are above everything, regarded himself as the "general servant" of the people, repeatedly stressed that "all our work is for the people", "our country's cadres are the public servants of the people, and should share weal and woe with the masses, and share the same fate", and "always be the loyal servants of the people". He is concerned about the people, anxious for their needs and worried about their concerns. As long as it concerns the safety of the masses, he is always considerate and considerate. On holidays, he always cares whether the workers on the production line can have a meal of dumplings. He has been to the front line of flood fighting and the earthquake scene for many times. He will be there in time wherever there is disaster and where the masses have difficulties. [4]
Comrade Zhou Enlai's life course of more than half a century's struggle is a vivid epitome of the history of the Communist Party of China not forgetting its original intention and keeping its mission in mind, a vivid epitome of the history of the breeding, birth, growth and high international prestige of New China, and a vivid epitome of the history of the Chinese people's hard exploration, continuous development and triumphal march on the road of revolution and construction chosen by themselves. Comrade Zhou Enlai is a shining star of the Chinese nation since modern times and an immortal banner of the Chinese Communists. Comrade Zhou Enlai's lofty spirit, noble character and great demeanor have inspired and nurtured generations of Chinese Communists. The lofty spirit of the Chinese Communists displayed by Comrade Zhou Enlai is historic and epochal, and will encourage us to forge ahead courageously on the journey of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model who never forgets his original intention and sticks to his beliefs. When Comrade Zhou Enlai established his belief in communism, he said, "I believe that the doctrine must remain unchanged, and I will resolutely promote it for him." He also said, "In any difficult and difficult situation, we must fight for communism in the spirit of unswerving and unchanging." Comrade Zhou Enlai has followed his vows all his life. No matter how weak the revolutionary force is, how cruel the white terror is, how fierce the struggle against the enemy is, how complicated the political situation is, how serious the challenges facing the cause of the Party and the country are, how arduous the responsibilities are, and how difficult the personal situation is, he always maintains a firm ideal and belief and a strong revolutionary spirit. As he said when dissecting himself, "I never lose heart when I do work." Comrade Zhou Enlai has always been full of confidence in the development of the cause of the Party and the people, the bright future of socialist China, and the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. In his mind, the original aspiration of the Chinese Communists and the belief in communism are as firm as a rock.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of loyalty to the Party and safeguarding the overall situation. Comrade Zhou Enlai has made great contributions to the Party and the people, but he never cares about his personal status, gains and losses. He can correctly handle the relationship between individuals and organizations at any time, is always absolutely loyal to the Party, and regards maintaining and consolidating the unity within the Party and maintaining and consolidating the overall political situation of the Party as his code of conduct. Comrade Zhou Enlai has always adhered to the Party's absolute leadership over all work. In order to be vigilant and "oppose to regard the areas and departments under his leadership as independent kingdoms, and oppose putting individuals above organizations", Zhou Enlai, when he was the main leader of the Red Army in the war years, stressed that "the leadership role of the Party should be absolutely improved. The Red Army can only have the leadership of the Party, and the Party should use the principle of centralized guidance to establish authority". During the period of socialist construction, when taking charge of government work, Comrade Zhou Enlai proposed that we must strengthen "the work of the Party group in all departments" and "the system of asking for instructions and reporting to the Party Central Committee". Comrade Zhou Enlai has always consciously maintained the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, consciously maintained Comrade Mao Zedong's leadership, and resolutely opposed and resisted statements and actions that are detrimental to the unity of the Party and undermine the authority of the Party Central Committee. Comrade Zhou Enlai opposes any factional ideology, small group habits, localism, mountain stronghold doctrine, and departmentalism, never engages in small circles or groups, and requires leading cadres of Party members to first pass the political barrier under any conditions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model who loves the people and works hard for the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai said a very vivid sentence: "Never forget the mountain when going down the mountain, never forget the hometown when going into the city", "If you forget, you forget your origin." Comrade Zhou Enlai said this is the people. He said, "We come from the people, and our past victories were all won with the support of the people, so we should not forget our roots.", Urge the needs of the masses and worry about the needs of the masses. As long as it is related to the safety of the masses, he is always considerate and considerate, and has achieved the goal of sharing weal and woe, happiness and progress with the masses. Comrade Zhou Enlai attaches great importance to investigation and research. He often goes deep into the masses and the front line. He said, "Investigation and research should be practical and realistic, and not be disorderly." "To understand the real situation, we must treat people equally." Comrade Zhou Enlai set a brilliant example for the whole party to serve the people wholeheartedly with his own practical actions. "The people's prime minister loves the people, and the people's prime minister loves the people". The people expressed their most sincere feelings for Comrade Zhou Enlai in simple language.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self revolution and eternal struggle. Comrade Zhou Enlai has long served as an important leading post of the Party and the country, but he has always been modest, modest and prudent, not arrogant and impetuous. His motto for himself is "It is never too old to live, learn, and transform". Comrade Zhou Enlai regarded ideological reform as air, and it was necessary. He often said: "Every member of the Communist Party should have such a recognition from the time he joined the Party: be ready to reform his mind and continue to reform until he is old." "If a Communist thinks that his reform is complete and that he does not need to reform again, he is not a good Communist." "The prestige of the leadership is raised not from concealing mistakes but from correcting them; It was cultivated not from boasting but from hard work. " Faced with different tasks and requirements of the times, Comrade Zhou Enlai always meets new challenges with the spirit of self revolution, participates in leading and promoting the great social revolution carried out by the Communist Party of China, and makes himself always advance with the cause of the Party and the people. Throughout his life, Comrade Zhou Enlai practiced these vows of self revolution and eternal struggle with his own practical actions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding example of courage to take responsibility and dedication. Comrade Zhou Enlai bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities and shouldered heavy burdens throughout his life. He said, "For the sake of the happiness of our children and grandchildren, we have to take on many difficulties temporarily." "It is not the quality of Communists to be afraid of difficulties." After the founding of New China, he usually worked more than 12 hours a day, sometimes more than 16 hours. The period of the "Cultural Revolution" was even more arduous, working day and night, sometimes only two or three hours a day to rest, even after a serious illness. Comrade Zhou Enlai said, "Since I have been put on the stage of history, I have to complete the historical task." He has been working hard for decades, even in the last period of his life, and worried about the people. He said, I am not afraid of death. The ancients said that people have lived for seventy years, and I am over seventy-seven years old, which can be regarded as a long life. However, in the past 20 years or more, we should always build our country better and improve the people's lives more. Only when we report to Marx can we feel relieved. I always feel guilty and ashamed when I report for duty in this situation. Comrade Zhou Enlai really did his utmost to die.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self-discipline, honesty and integrity. "The sea embraces all rivers, and if there is capacity, it will be great; if there is no desire, it will be just." Comrade Zhou Enlai is such a person. Comrade Zhou Enlai has been strict with himself, hardworking and plain living all his life, seeking only dedication and never thinking of return. He warned leading cadres to live well in ideology, politics, society, relatives and life, and maintain the political integrity and fine style of the Communists. Comrade Zhou Enlai was in a high position, but never engaged in specialization. He was the first to do what the Party members and the masses were required to do. At the end of June 1935, when the Red Army arrived at Lianghekou, the Party organization was re elected. Wei Guolu, the guard, was elected as the leader of the Party group where Zhou Enlai belonged. On one occasion, Comrade Zhou Enlai asked Wei Guolu why he had not held a party group meeting for a long time. Wei Guolu replied that the party group meeting had been held, and when he saw that the head was busy, he did not notify him. Comrade Zhou Enlai criticized with a rare serious attitude, saying, How can that work? I am a party member and should lead an organized life. In our Party, everyone is an ordinary member and everyone has to lead an organizational life. This is a question of Party spirit. In January 1958, Comrade Zhou Enlai came to Hangzhou for inspection and took his pillow towel, cotton mattress, bedspread and quilt with him. The quilt was the bed used in Meiyuan New Village during the Liberation War, and it was washed white. The pillow towel was used again and again, but the middle was broken. Comrade Zhou Enlai cut off the broken part and sewed on the two ends again to continue using it. The comrades of the Zhejiang Provincial Security Department couldn't bear it, so they took the opportunity of his going to a meeting to get a new pillow towel from the logistics department and put it on. When Comrade Zhou Enlai came back from the meeting and found a new pillow towel, he said earnestly to the comrades at the Zhejiang Provincial Security Office that our country is not rich, and we should maintain the tradition of hard struggle. Even if we become rich in the future, we should not lose this glorious tradition. Comrade Zhou Enlai said frankly that China, with a population of 6.7 billion, is only a premier. No matter how poor it is, there is no shortage of new clothes. But the problem is not whether there is a shortage of clothes. I do this not only for one person, but also to advocate frugality, not the pursuit of enjoyment, and to encourage everyone to maintain the nature of a hard working Communist. In the 1950s, in response to the call of the Party, Comrade Zhou Enlai took the lead in clearing the graves of several generations of relatives in his hometown of Huai'an and handing over the land sorted out for public use. Comrade Zhou Enlai was strict with his relatives and made "ten family rules" for them. He never used his power to seek personal gains for himself or his relatives and friends. Comrade Zhou Enlai earnestly taught the younger generation that they should deny the feudal kinship relationship, have self-confidence and self-confidence, or rely on relationships to rise up and be pioneers on the road of life. He especially told younger generation not to tell their relationship with him on any occasion, not to carry the signs of the Premier's relatives, not to show off themselves for personal gain. Comrade Zhou Enlai did not leave any personal property behind him, and even his ashes were not allowed to be retained and scattered into the motherland. "Great sages should learn from others and be selfless." Comrade Zhou Enlai's noble personality of selflessness in the bottom of his heart and public service throughout his life is a concentrated portrayal of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and the outstanding moral character of the Chinese Communists, and will always be admired by future generations. [5]

People Memorial

Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall It was built in Huai'an City, Zhou Enlai's hometown, Jiangsu Province in March 1988 and opened to the outside world on January 6, 1992. In 1998, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Zhou Enlai's birth, another project was built to imitate Beijing Zhongnanhai Western Flower Hall And Zhou Enlai Bronze Statue Square. Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall was named by Deng Xiaoping Inscription. [8]
Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall
Zhou Enlai's bronze statue with its base is 7.6 meters high. It was created by Li Shouren, a famous sculptor and professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, based on Premier Zhou Enlai's habitual standing posture when talking with the people in the 1950s and 1960s. [8]
Bronze statue: Comrade Zhou Enlai [8]