Staff training

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Employee training refers to the management activities that a certain organization conducts purposeful and planned cultivation and training of employees in various ways to meet the needs of business development and talent cultivation, Open class , internal training, etc. are common staff training and Enterprise training Form.
Staff training Skill training And staff quality training.
Training methods include Lecturing method Audiovisual Technology Law Discussion method Case study method Role playing Self study method Interactive group method Online training Method, scene reduction method, etc.
Chinese name
Staff training
Open class, internal training, etc
Cultivate talents

Course classification

Employee training can be divided into two types by content: employee Skill training And staff quality training.
1. Employee skill training: it is provided to employees according to the needs of the position Post capacity train.
2. Employee quality training: it is the enterprise's requirement for employee quality, mainly including Psychological quality , personal work attitude, work habits, etc.

Training methods

It belongs to the traditional training mode, and its advantage is that it is convenient to use Trainer Control the whole process. The disadvantage is one-way information transfer The feedback effect is poor. Often used for some ideas sex knowledge Training.
Audiovisual Technology Law
adopt Modern audio-visual technology (e.g Projector DVD video recorder And other tools) to train employees. The advantage is to use visual and auditory perception, intuitive and distinct. However, the feedback and practice of students are poor, and the cost of production and purchase is high, so it is easy to become outdated. It is mostly used for training content such as enterprise overview and skills teaching, and also for conceptual knowledge training.
According to the complicated procedure of cost and operation, it can be divided into two ways: general group discussion and seminar. Seminars are mostly based on lecture on a special topic Mainly, students are allowed to communicate with speakers during or after the meeting. The advantage is that the information can be transmitted in multiple directions, and the feedback effect is better than the lecture method, but the cost is higher. and Group discussion method Is characterized by Information exchange The time mode is multi-directional transmission, so the participation of students is high and the cost is low. It is mainly used to consolidate knowledge and train trainees to analyze and solve problems Interpersonal communication However, there is a high requirement for the trainers when using it.
Case study method
By providing relevant background information to the trainees, let them find suitable resolvent This way Usage expenses Low, good feedback effect, which can effectively train trainees' ability to analyze and solve problems. In addition, training research shows that case and discussion methods can also be used for knowledge training, and the effect is better.
Advantages: a. It can help trainees learn the skills of analyzing and solving problems; b. Be able to help trainees identify and understand different feasible solutions to problems.
Limitations: a. It takes a long time; b. May motivate and irritate different people at the same time; c. Sometimes the data related to the problem may not be very clear, which affects the analysis results.
The trainer plays a role in the work situation designed by the trainer, and other trainees and trainers make appropriate comments after the performance of the trainees. because information transfer Multi direction, good feedback effect, strong practicality and low cost, so it is mostly used for Interpersonal skills Training.
Advantages: a. It can stimulate the enthusiasm of students to solve problems; b. It can increase the diversity and interest of learning; c. It can stimulate heated discussion and enable trainees to express their own opinions; d. Be able to provide an opportunity to put yourself in the position of others; e. Possible dangers and Attempt error The pain of.
Limitations: a. The number of visitors should not be too large; b. The performance effect may be limited by students' excessive shyness or profundity self-consciousness Points for attention during training: a. Prepare the site and facilities to keep a distance between the performers and the audience; b. Before the performance, the situation of the topic should be clarified; c. Carefully select performers and Role Assignment d. Encourage students to perform in a relaxed mood; e. Different groups of students can repeat the same situation; f. Can be arranged differently cultural background To understand the influence of different cultures.
Self study method
This method is more suitable for learning general conceptual knowledge, because Adult learning It is economical and practical to let students with certain learning ability and consciousness learn by themselves, but this method also has the defect of poor supervision.
Also called sensitivity training method. This method is mainly applicable to the practical training and communication training of managers. Let trainees experience in training activities to improve their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. Its advantage is that it can significantly improve the ability of interpersonal relationship and communication, but its effect largely depends on the level of training teachers.
Is a new type of computer network information Training mode, with large investment. However, due to its flexible use, it conforms to the new trend of decentralized learning and saves the time and cost of centralized training. This way information content Big, new knowledge New ideas It has obvious transmission advantages and is more suitable for adult learning. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend of training development for enterprises with strength.
Individual guidance method
Master apprentice inheritance Also called "Master takes apprentice"“ apprentice "System" and "individual guidance method" are carried out by a senior employee in age or experience to support a junior employee Personal development Or career development system. The role of the master includes coach, consultant and supporter. As a coach, I will help junior people develop their skills. As a consultant, I will provide support and help them build self-confidence; As a supporter, I will actively participate in various affairs as a protector, so that the junior can get more important tasks, or use my power to promote and raise their salaries.
advantage a. Starting work under the guidance of the master can avoid blind groping; b. It is conducive to integrating into the team as soon as possible; c. It can eliminate the tension of just entering work; d. It is conducive to the transmission of traditional fine work style; e. A wealth of experience can be gained from mentors.
Scene reduction method
Scene restoration is a new type Staff training methods Its main way is to let new employees have a way to understand the causes and consequences of events from multiple dimensions such as projects, tasks, customers, colleagues, etc context , and this way is“ Activity Flow ”。
The collar system allows employees to enter the corresponding activity flow according to work needs, such as Project activities Flow, task activity flow, customer activity flow, personal activity flow, etc. If you want to know about the project, you can know all the information about the project goals, resources, execution process, documents, etc. by entering the project activity flow. If you are taking over the unfinished tasks in a project, you can reassign the tasks to a new colleague, who will immediately learn about the early record of task execution, because the task activity stream records all the problems, solutions, and customer feedback during the execution process, which is like a movie. If a new leader wants to know about department employees, he can have access to the Personal space To understand their work, interests, hobbies, real progress of work, suggestions for work, and completed projects, tasks, documents, etc.
In this way, leaders can quickly integrate into the team and carry out their own work.

Training role

Staff training
Enterprise staff training , as a person who can directly improve the operation and management Capability level and Employee skills It is the most important to provide enterprises with new working ideas, knowledge, information, skills, and basic ways and means to increase the talent, dedication and innovation of employees human resources development , is more than physical capital Investment is more important Human capital investment With China's entry into WTO and integration of world economy Enterprises have never attached importance to training as they do today. This article talks about some personal views on training for innovation Enterprise training
Training - the wings of enterprise development
Effective enterprise training is actually to improve the enterprise Comprehensive competitiveness Process. In fact, the effect of training does not depend on the individual trainees, but on the contrary, business organization As a Organism The state of play a very critical role. Good training has four advantages for enterprises:
1. Training can enhance employees' Sense of belonging And sense of responsibility. As far as enterprises are concerned, the more fully trained employees are, the more attractive they are to employees, and the higher their human resources will be Value added So as to create more benefits for enterprises. According to data, Pepsi Cola The company conducted a survey on 100 of the 270 employees in Shenzhen, and almost all of them had participated in training. Among them, 80% of employees are satisfied with their work, and 87% are willing to continue working in the company. The training not only improves the skills of the staff, but also improves the staff's understanding of their own value, and has a better understanding of the work goals.
2. Training can promote enterprises and employees management layer Two way communication with employees to enhance Enterprise centripetal force and cohesive force , create excellent corporate culture Many enterprises adopt their own training and Entrusted training The way. In this way, it is easy to integrate training into the corporate culture, because corporate culture is the soul of the enterprise, which is a kind of value centered training for all employees Enterprise awareness Micro education cultural system business management People and employees who identify with the corporate culture will not only consciously learn to master scientific and technological knowledge and skills, but also enhance Sense of ownership Quality awareness Innovation awareness. So as to cultivate everyone's professionalism, innovation spirit and Social responsibility , form self-study science and technology knowledge from top to bottom, consciously Invention The scientific and technological talents of the enterprise will thrive in a good atmosphere, and the scientific and technological development ability of the enterprise will be significantly enhanced. More business management papers can be found at "Mao Shan Xia"
3. Training can improve the comprehensive quality of employees production efficiency and service level , establish a good corporate image and enhance Enterprise profitability Monitored and trained by American institutions ROI Generally about 33%. In the analysis of large manufacturing companies in the United States, the company learned from training Rate of return About 20% - 30%. Motorola The company provides all employees with at least 40 hours of training every year. The survey shows that Motorola can achieve a production benefit of $40 within three years for every $1 training fee. Motorola believes that its employees with good quality have created a fortune of $4 billion for the company through technological innovation and economical operation. The huge amount of Motorola Training income It explains the importance of training investment to enterprises.
4. Adapt to market changes, enhance competitive advantage, cultivate the backup force of enterprises, and maintain the vitality of enterprises' permanent operation. Enterprise competition is the competition of talents. Wise entrepreneurs are increasingly aware that training is Enterprise development The "people-oriented investment" that cannot be ignored is to improve the enterprise“ Hematopoietic function ”The fundamental approach to. One in the United States research data indicate, Enterprise technology innovation Best of Investment proportion It is 5:5, that is, "people based investment" and hardware investment account for 50% respectively. Humanistic Soft technology Investment, acting on mechanical equipment Hard Technology investment After that, the benefit of output doubled. Under the same equipment conditions, increase the "human-oriented" investment, which can achieve the goal of "1 production, 8 Input-output ratio developed country In promoting technological innovation, we should not only pay attention to the hardware investment in the introduction, renewal and transformation of machinery and equipment, but also pay more attention to the soft technology investment with the main goal of improving people's quality. Facts have proved that talents are the first resource of enterprises. With talents, we can Develop products , create performance, you can Competitive neutrality In an invincible position.
5. Improve job performance Effective training and development can enable employees to improve the knowledge they need at work, including organization structure Business objectives , strategies, systems, procedures, work techniques and standards Communication skills , as well as interpersonal knowledge. [1]

Effective training

(1) Pay attention to training demand analysis. This process is not only the premise for determining training objectives and designing training plans, but also the standard and basis for training evaluation.
(2) Strict assessment and focus on results. Through the evaluation of training effect, we can get the following information: training timeliness Information and training on whether the setting of information and training purpose is reasonable Content and form Information on teaching materials and teacher selection.
(3) Establish new Training concept. First, establish "training is Human capital appreciation The concept of "fountainhead" further improves the understanding of enterprise leaders on the importance of training, and truly realizes that employee training is the basis for the survival, competition and development of modern enterprises. Secondly, the training of employees should be a lifelong process, so that employees can play a role in any career stage. Third, change the single work ability training into comprehensive training. While training the work ability and skills, we must also pay attention to Learning attitude , innovation ability, etc Synergy development.
(4) , Establishment Scientific system Employee training system. The employee training model of the complete system should conform to PDCA cycle Including preparation stage, training stage, evaluation stage and feedback stage.

Ideological training

It refers to the management activities that a certain organization conducts purposeful and planned training and training for employees in various ways to meet the needs of business development and talent cultivation. Its goal is to enable employees to constantly update their knowledge, develop their skills, and improve their motivation, attitude, and behavior. It is an enterprise that adapts to new requirements, better qualifies for the current job or takes on higher level positions, So as to promote Organizational efficiency Improvement and Organizational objectives Implementation of.
Employee thought Training system According to the training form, there are two kinds: open class and Custom programs
1. The form of open class is to let employees go outside the enterprise to participate in the open class held by some relevant lecturers training course
2. The form of enterprise internal training: the enterprise invites relevant lecturers to the enterprise for research and targeted training for enterprise employees, which is comprehensive Internal training , generally not open to the public.
Running an enterprise is the operator; The operator is the operator's thought.
In the next ten years, enterprises have begun to market competition As a general Small and medium-sized enterprises The most important point of how to survive and develop is to ensure that employees' ideas are consistent with the enterprise and the boss. Thought determines attitude, attitude determines behavior, and behavior determines results.
The ideological training of employees is to guide employees to work with the idea of "kindness". What is good? An altruist is good, and an egoist is evil. In the enterprise and in the work, always think about the enterprise, the boss, colleagues, customers, quality and brand... This is called doing good in the work. Employees should be encouraged to "say positive words, do positive things and love people around" in their work and life, work hard, create value and move towards success.



Training purpose

Provide new employees with correct and relevant company and job information, and encourage their morale; Let the new employee understand the relevant work conditions that the company can provide him and the company's expectations of him; Let new employees understand the company's history, policies and corporate culture, and provide a platform for discussion; Reduce the tension of new employees when they first enter the company, so that they can adapt to the company faster; Let new employees feel welcome from the company and feel a sense of belonging; Make new employees understand their responsibilities and strengthen the relationship between colleagues; Train new employees to solve problems and provide ways to ask for help.
The purpose of employee training is as follows:
(1) Lower Employee turnover rate We have introduced the "two three two" principle. The better your training is, the more willing he is to stay in your company.
(2) Let employees adapt to work in order to reduce errors and save time. Take what he needs to do Rules and regulations They told him that he would make fewer mistakes and save time in the future, and the efficiency of the company would be improved accordingly.
(3) Demonstrate clear expectations of the position and the organization for individuals. Tell him his position, what he does and what you want him to do.
(4) Help new employees become more competent.
(5) Enhance the stability of enterprises. In fact, in other words, reduce Loss rate
(6) Reduce employee complaints. When employees come in without being cared for, they will complain. A good training will reduce employees' anxiety and complaints, so that they can really concentrate on their work.
(7) The most important purpose is to integrate him into the corporate culture. We apply association The phrase of "entering the mold" means that no matter what background, history or company he comes from, he will be trained and adapt to the company in a strengthened way organizational culture We all speak in the same voice. In fact, this is the new employee Induction training The most important purpose.

Training process

1. Pre employment training( division manager Responsible)
Before arrival:
To new employees Welcome Letter Human Resources Department Responsible)
Let other employees in the department know about the arrival of new employees
Prepare office space and office supplies for new employees
Ready for New employee training Department internal training materials of
Assign a senior employee to the new employee as a mentor
Prepare the first item for new employees Task
2. Department post training (in the charge of department manager)
The first day after taking office:
reach Human Resources Department Check in and conduct training on new staff instructions (in the charge of Human Resources Department)
Report to the department, and the manager welcomes the new employees on behalf of all department employees
Introduce new employees to know the employees of the department and visit World Trade Mall
department Structure and function Introduction, special regulations within the department
new employee Job description Responsibilities
Discuss the first task of the new employee
Send old employees to accompany new employees to the company restaurant for their first lunch
On the fifth day after taking office:
Within one week, the department manager has an informal conversation with the new employee to reiterate operating duty , talk about problems in work and answer questions from new employees.
Evaluate the performance of new employees in a week, and determine some short-term Performance objectives
Set next time performance appraisal Time of
The 30th day after taking office
The department manager interviewed the new employees to discuss their performance in the past month during the probation period and fill in the evaluation form
The 90th day after taking office
Human Resources Department The manager and the department manager discuss the performance of new employees, whether they are suitable for the position, fill in the probation assessment form, and talk with new employees about the performance assessment in the probation period to inform them of the company's performance assessment requirements and system.
3. Company Overall training : (HR Department is responsible for irregular)
Company history and vision, company organizational structure Main business
Company policies and benefits, company related procedures, performance appraisal
Function introduction of each department of the company, the company training plan And procedures
Distribution of the company's overall training materials and answering the questions raised by new employees
The staff training shall be based on the staff Training needs Diversified "meal sharing" staff training should be carried out according to knowledge needs, instead of one size fits all staff training, so as to fully meet staff training needs and improve the effectiveness of staff training.
First, establish training for learning staff long-term mechanism The team's Nature of work The characteristics of employees, their education level, work and rest rules and other realities, and the key positions, key personnel and other key staff training of the enterprise are combined to establish a long-term mechanism for employees to learn staff training on a daily basis.
Secondly, it is necessary to innovate and learn staff training methods. According to the different characteristics of enterprises and employees, employee training methods should be flexible and diverse. For example, the training for older employees should give full play to their advantages of strong hands-on ability to avoid memory The training content of employees should focus on practical operation, repair and reuse knowledge, while for young employees, the training should focus on theory and practice Operating skills Of Synchronous development We should focus on the training of employees to improve their hands-on skills, and we can take the way that old employees and young employees form mentors, so that they can help each other and learn from each other.
Third, establish scientific learning impact assessment System. The content of the examination is closely related to the actual work of the employees. What you do is not to focus on the beard and eyebrows at the same time, and overemphasize "one post can do many things" and "pulling out the seedlings to help". For employees Training effect , be timely Follow up investigation , conduct scientific evaluation, and make targeted adjustments to the employee training plan according to the evaluation results, so that employees can really learn something and be beneficial to their work.
As an important means and method of human resources development, employee training is increasingly valued by modern enterprises. For many employees, especially new employees, employee training can not only help them quickly identify with the corporate culture, values management idea And can improve employees Job skills So that employees can grow, mature and strengthen rapidly Sense of collective honor And become a truly qualified professional.
To ensure that the direction of training and development does not deviate from the organization's predetermined goals; The enterprise must formulate basic principle And take it as a guide. It includes the following aspects:
Enterprises must put the training and development of employees at a strategic level. Some employee training can be immediately reflected in employee performance; Some may receive obvious results after several years, especially the training of managers. Therefore, many enterprises regard training as a "loss making" business with only input but no output. They often only pay attention to the current interests and arrange "idle people" to participate in training, while the personnel who really need training cannot be trained because of the heavy work tasks. As a result, "training" that is useless or not used at all appears specialized household ”The training has really become a "loss" business with only input but no output; Enterprises must establish Strategic concept &; according to Enterprise development objectives and Strategy formulation Training planning So that training and development are closely combined with the long-term development of the enterprise
Staff training should be clearly targeted, starting from the needs of actual work; Closely combined with the characteristics of the position and the age knowledge structure Capability structure The purpose is to enable employees to master the necessary skills to complete the specified work through training, and ultimately improve the enterprise's economic performance Services. Only in this way can the training be effective and improved work efficiency
Training and development contents, except Cultural knowledge Besides the training content of professional knowledge and skills, it should also include ideals, beliefs, values Morality And other training contents. The latter has to deal with Enterprise objectives , corporate culture Enterprise system The combination of good traditions of the enterprise enables employees to meet the requirements of the enterprise in all aspects.
All staff training It is to train all employees in a planned and step-by-step way, which is the only way to improve the quality of all employees. In order to improve the return rate of training investment, training must focus on the rise and fall of enterprises significant impact Management and technical backbone, especially in Senior management Moreover, the echelon personnel with training prospects should be trained and developed in a planned way.
Training effect The feedback and reinforcement of is an indispensable and important link. Feedback of training effect refers to the inspection of employees after training, which is used to consolidate Employee learning The more timely and accurate the feedback information; The better the training effect. Reinforcement refers to rewards or punishments for trainees due to feedback. On the one hand, it aims to reward those who have received training and achieved performance, and on the other hand, it aims to strengthen the training awareness of other employees and further strengthen the training effect.
System construction
human capital theory Founder, 1979 nobel prize in economics Winner Theodore? In the 1960s, T.W. Schultz relied on a large number of Empirical analysis A breakthrough conclusion is drawn: in modern society, the improvement of human quality (knowledge, talent and health, etc.) plays a much greater role in social and economic growth than the increase of (material) capital and labor (non-technical labor), and human knowledge is basically investment (especially Education investment )The product of. According to this theory, we should not human capital The reproduction of Much greater than Economic benefits of material investment. And human capital investment no longer meets Law of diminishing marginal returns , but increasing marginal revenue Of.
In the 1990s, human society In the era of knowledge economy, the focus of enterprise competition is not only capital, technology and other traditional resources, but also human resources Capital base Above innovation ability Simultaneous economic globalization The development has expanded the scope of competition among enterprises and accelerated the pace of market changes. In the face of this severe challenge, enterprises must maintain the ability to continue learning and constantly track the changing advanced technique and Management thought In order to have a place in the broad market. As a result, we will increase our investment in human resources and strengthen our Education and training , improve the quality of employees, make human capital continuously increase in value, so as to continuously improve enterprise performance and realize strategic planning business Consensus.
Strengthening staff training can enhance Enterprise competitiveness , implement Enterprise strategic objectives On the other hand, it unifies employees' personal development goals with the enterprise's strategic development goals, meets employees' self-development needs, mobilizes employees' enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work, and enhances Enterprise cohesion Give full play to the positive role of training for enterprises, and establish effective Training system Is the prerequisite for achieving this goal.
Whether the training system is effective Judgment criteria Whether the training system can increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and realize the strategic target An effective training system should have the following characteristics:
1. Effective training system to Enterprise Strategy Is oriented
Enterprise training system It is rooted in the enterprise development strategy . Under the human resources strategy system, only Enterprise strategic planning , in combination with the human resources development strategy, we can tailor our own sustained development Efficient training system.
2. Effective training system focuses on the core needs of enterprises
An effective training system is not A headache heals the head, and a sore foot heals the foot The "fire fighting project" is to explore the core needs of the enterprise, predict the demand for human capital according to the strategic development goals of the enterprise Enterprise demand Cultivate and reserve talents.
3. An effective training system is multi-level and comprehensive
In the final analysis, employee training is a kind of adult education. An effective training system should consider the particularity of employee education Course adoption Different training methods are adopted according to specific conditions personal ability And development Planning different Training program On the premise of maximizing benefits, build a multi-channel and multi-level training system to achieve Full participation Share the effect of training results together to make training methods and contents suitable for trainees.
4. The effective training system fully considers the needs of employees' self-development
According to Maslow's needs Theory of Levels Human needs are multifaceted, and the highest need is self-development and self realization. To receive education and training according to their own needs is to affirm and meet the needs of self-development. The ultimate purpose of the training work is to serve the development strategy of the enterprise, and at the same time, it should also work with individual employees Career Combination of development and realization of employee quality and enterprise management strategy Match of. This system incorporates employee personal development Enterprise development So that while serving the enterprise to promote the realization of its strategic goals, employees can also Career development The goal is to achieve personal development and personal achievements by participating in training at the corresponding level. In addition, intense Talent market Competition also makes employees realize that it is the fundamental for them to improve their skills and abilities in the society. An effective training system should recognize this need Justification And give reasonable guidance.
1、 Integrating theory with practice Principle of learning for application
Staff training should be targeted and practical, based on the actual needs of the work, closely combined with the characteristics of the position, and closely combined with the age and knowledge structure of the trainees.
2. Principle of all staff training and key improvement
Training shall be carried out step by step for in-service personnel at all levels to improve their quality. At the same time, we should focus on training a number of technical and management backbones, especially for middle and senior managers.
3. The principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude
The staff training shall be carried out according to the actual skills, positions and personal development willingness of each staff, and the training methods and methods shall be suitable for individual personality characteristics and learning ability.
4. The principle of practical results
The effect and quality are the key to the success of employee training. Therefore, a comprehensive and thorough training plan must be formulated and advanced scientific training methods and means must be adopted.
5. Incentive principle
Combine personnel training with personnel appointment, promotion, rewards and punishments, wages and benefits, etc., so that trainees can be encouraged to some extent. At the same time, managers should pay more attention to the study, work and life of trainees.
1、 Training demand analysis And assessment
To draw up a training plan, first determine Training needs from Attrition Factors, existing positions requirement Enterprise scale Expanded demand and technological development The training demand is predicted in many aspects, such as the demand of. about generality The following methods can be used to determine the needs of training activities:
(1) Business analysis (business analysis) By discussing the company's business development direction and change plan in the next few years, determine the business priorities, and cooperate with the company's overall development strategy, use a forward-looking perspective to bring the newly developed business into the training category in advance.
(2) Organizational analysis (Organization analysis) The necessity and appropriateness of training, as well as the cooperation of organizational culture, are important prerequisites. Otherwise, if the training results in greater cognitive differences within the company, it will not pay off. Secondly, the organizational structure, objectives and advantages and disadvantages of the organization should also be analyzed to determine the scope and focus of training.
(3) job analysis (job analysis) One of the purposes of training is to improve Quality of work , with Statement of Work and Job specification Table as the basis for determining the position Working conditions Responsibilities quality of personnel And define the connotation of training.
(4) The investigation and analysis (opinion survey) conducts interviews or questionnaires on supervisors and contractors at all levels, asks them about their work needs, and truthfully explains the training theme or what abilities should be strengthened.
(5) performance appraisal (performance appropriate) Reasonable and fair performance appraisal It can display employee's ability defects. After the end of the period performance appraisal, it can reflect the plans that employees need to improve, which can stimulate their potential. Therefore, performance appraisal has become an important source of determining training needs.
(6) Evaluation Center (Assessment center) In the process of employee promotion, in order to ensure the appropriateness of selecting candidates, it is an effective method to use the evaluation center to determine the ability of candidates, and can also measure the focus of employee training needs.
For special training, self application can be used to meet professional needs and timeliness.
Training needs reflect the expectations of employees and enterprises for training, but to translate these needs into plans, needs to be evaluated. The evaluation of training needs usually starts from the following aspects:
(1) Whether the training needs are consistent with the strategic objectives of the enterprise. Only the training needs that meet the strategic objectives of enterprise development will be met. The training needs should at least meet the requirements of knowledge transfer, skill training and Change of attitude Any one of them.
(2) Whether the training needs are consistent with the corporate culture. If a certain training demand conflicts with the corporate culture, it will cause confusion of the corporate culture, and the result will be more than the gain.
(3) Number of employees involved in training needs. Different employees have different training needs, and the training needs of most employees should be given priority.
(4) The importance of training needs to organizational goals. If training can bring great benefits to the organization, such training should be given priority.
(5) The extent to which professional level can be improved through training. The needs that can be greatly improved through training should be prioritized. train Needs assessment It can define whether the training needs should be met, and form a sequence of needs according to priorities, which creates conditions for the design of the training system.
2. How to establish an effective training system.
The staff training system includes training institutions, training contents, training methods, training objects and training management style Training management includes training plan, training implementation and Training evaluation Three aspects. To establish an effective training system, the above aspects need to be addressed optimal design
(1) Training institutions. There are two types of enterprise training institutions: external training institutions and internal training institutions. External institutions include professionals Training company , cooperation between universities and cross companies (that is, sending employees of the company to other enterprises Temporary exercise Etc.). Enterprise internal training institutions include specialized training entities, or Human Resources Department Perform their duties. An enterprise decides whether to choose an external training institution or an internal training institution based on its capital, personnel, training content and other factors. Generally speaking, larger enterprises can establish their own training institutions, such as Motorola's Motorola University BenQ University, which is connected with BenQ. Smaller companies, or the training content is more professional, or the number of trainees is less Economies of scale You can turn to External consulting agencies
(2) Trainees. It can be divided into: Senior management Training Middle management training , general staff training and worker training. Corresponding training methods and contents shall be designed according to different trainees. Generally speaking, senior managers should focus on instilling ideas and abilities, and the number of trainees should not be too large. Short term and intensive methods should be adopted to use discussion learning method For middle level personnel, pay attention to Interpersonal skills Training and guidance, the scale of participation can be appropriately expanded, the training time can be extended, and the interactive opportunities can be increased by means of speeches, discussions and reports learning effect For the training of ordinary staff and workers, it is necessary to strengthen the training of their professional skills, which can be carried out in large shifts, Long term To enrich the basic concepts of employees and strengthen business operations.
(3) Training methods. In terms of training methods, there are On the job training and Off the job training. In job education refers to work instruction Work rotation , work probation, work assignment and other ways, and in job education can improve employees' concept, interpersonal communication and professionalism Technical capability It has a good effect. Off job education refers to the training of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the performance of duties on the special training site. There are many methods of off job training, such as imparting knowledge, developing skills and changing work attitudes. In service education and out of service education are combined, and different methods are adopted for different training contents, so as to flexibly conduct staff training.
(4) Training plan. The management of staff training is very important, and an effective training system needs good management as a guarantee. The training plan covers training basis, training purpose, training object, training time Course content Source of teachers Implementation progress and training expense Etc.
An effective training system requires that the training plan should follow the proposed Management procedures , first Human Resources Management Departments (or training competent units) distribute training needs questionnaire After being discussed and filled in by the personnel of units at all levels and approved by the direct supervisor, the Human Resources Management Department will summarize, prepare the training draft, submit it to the superior supervisor for approval, and discuss and approve it at the annual planning meeting. In terms of training methods, various methods should be considered, such as speeches, symposiums, discussions and simulations, which can enhance the training effect. At the same time, it is better to adopt self-management The method of Training objectives The opening and liberalization of the theme and venue can increase employees' willingness to learn and improve the learning effect.
(5) Training implementation. After the training plan is formulated Organizational plan Implementation of. In terms of practical operation, several problems should be noted:
(a) It is better to combine training with assessment, pay attention to process control, and observe the reaction and opinions of participants in the training process. Training is a continuous process of mental transformation, so the socialization change of employees in the training process deserves more attention than the training results.
(b) Pay attention to the implementation of training plan Elasticity principle And exception management. The general training can be handled as a whole, and the Human Resources Management Department is mainly responsible for it. For specific training Exception management , which shall be handled flexibly by each unit according to the specific situation.
(c) In training activities, attention should be paid to communication in advance to create a learning atmosphere, so as to strengthen learning interaction, create a good learning atmosphere and gradually establish a learning organization.
(6) Training evaluation. The evaluation and feedback of training effectiveness are Not to be ignored Of. The effectiveness evaluation of training is on the one hand to test the learning effect, and on the other hand to summarize the training work. The methods of effectiveness evaluation are divided into Process evaluation And post evaluation. The former attaches importance to the improvement of training activities, so as to achieve the role of improving the effectiveness of substantive training; The latter is for HR management department Decision reference From a rationalization point of view, it is best to combine the two. The methods of effectiveness evaluation are Experimental design method Quasi experimental design Law and Non experimental design Law. Specifically, according to Kirkpatrick's level of training objectives, the effectiveness evaluation method adopts the following methods:
(a) If the purpose of the training is to understand the response of participants, you can use Observation method , interview or Opinion survey So as to understand the satisfaction of the participants with the training content, theme, teaching materials, environment, etc.
(b) In order to understand the learning effect of participants, the written examination or experience To understand their knowledge increase.
(c) In order to understand the change of participants' behavior, we can observe their behavior and interview their supervisors or colleagues.
(d) This method is difficult to determine the actual work performance, which may be affected by external factors.
Training objectives
Optimize employees' knowledge structure, improve their skill level, work performance and ability, enhance employees' sense of identity and belonging to the company, and create Learning organization
Training classification
(1) Induction training for new employees
(2) Pre job training for transferred employees
2. On the job training
Training process
1. Filled in by each department Annual training plan It shall be submitted to the Management Department for review. After passing the review, the Annual Training Plan can be submitted to the General Manager, who can organize and implement the training after signing and approving it.
2. For the temporarily arranged training plan, the corresponding department shall fill in the Training Application Form and submit it to the Management Department. The Management Department will submit it to the General Manager for approval after the preliminary review. The Management Department can organize the implementation of training only after the General Manager approves it.
3. Pre job training
(1) The induction training for new employees is conducted by Human Resources Department Responsible for:
a、 Company profile employee handbook personnel management Explanation of regulations;
b、 Corporate culture knowledge training;
c、 Training on adjustment of employees' mentality;
d、 Work requirements, work procedures operating duty Description of;
(2) Pre job training for transferred employees
The method and content of training shall be determined by the transfer in department
4. On the job training:
The purpose of on-the-job training is to improve the working efficiency of employees, so as to better coordinate the operation and development of the company. The content and mode of training are decided by the department
5. Special training: the company organizes some or all employees to carry out training on a certain topic according to the development needs or the department's job needs.
6. Assessment after training:
The assessment after training shall be determined by the training department itself, which generally includes the assessment of trainers, managers and employees.
7. After the training, the trainer should fill in《 Training records 》, together with the assessment form, training materials, sign in form and all evaluation reports, they shall be submitted to the Management Department for filing.
8. The trained staff shall strictly abide by the confidential contents of the company during the training Principle of confidentiality In case of leakage, the company will impose fines, demerits or dismissal according to the specific circumstances.

training plan

(1) Establish training objectives - through the investigation and analysis of training needs, the general needs of training will be transformed into the overall objectives of enterprise training, such as various production and operation objectives achieved through training and the improvement of enterprise management level. By pairing Annual training plan The summary and analysis of the special needs of training can establish the special goal of improving the current situation through training, and become the key project of this year's training.
(2) Research on the development trend of the enterprise -- the enterprise training department will study the production of the enterprise together with the relevant main managers Marketing plan To determine how to complete the enterprise's annual training Production and operation indicators The achievement of a production and operation goal often depends on whether one or several employees complete the task correctly; The correct completion of tasks depends on whether employees have the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to complete tasks. Determine which aspects of training should be carried out by examining each business objective. The enterprise training department should also study the enterprise's Production and operation status , find out what needs to be improved deficiencies And seek what kind of training can improve the current situation and achieve the special goals of training.
(3) According to the training target classification --Training around the production and operation objectives of enterprises should be included in Business training Scheme; Training activities focusing on improving enterprise management level should be included management training Programme. Therefore, the formulation of the training program is to specifically design the arrangement process of various training activities according to the training objectives. Business training activities of enterprises can be divided into quality training, language training and specialized business training. The management training activities of enterprises mainly include Foreman The training of the above management personnel includes systematic supervision and management training and Trainer Specialized training, etc.
(4) Decide on the training course -- the course is the subject of the training, and the employees participating in the training are required to master and apply the content of the training program after studying and discussing some topics. In the annual training plan, the courses of various training activities should be arranged, mainly listing Training activities It usually includes training subjects, training time, training place, training methods, etc. be careful training course The scope of Training courses There is too much overlap between them; However, the scope should not be too narrow, so as not to really understand the knowledge and skills of the project. It should mainly be limited to the courses necessary to be familiar with the training project. After the training course is decided, it is necessary to select and compile teaching materials for each course. The teaching materials should include the following parts: a brief description of the purpose of the training materials; List the charts of relevant teaching materials; Explain the method of expressing the content of the textbook; The textbook shall be prepared in the following order: textbook title, textbook outline and time plan, main contents, implementation methods and methods, discussion topics, review methods and materials used.
(5) Training budget planning -- The training budget is an estimate of the total cost of various training programs and management training programs when the enterprise training department prepares the annual training plan. The budget is estimated based on the funds required for various training activities in the program, the cost of equipment and equipment, and the cost of teaching materials, teaching aids, outings and professional activities.
Short term plan refers to training activities or courses with different subjects and contents concrete plan The steps to formulate a detailed plan for training activities are as follows:
Three levels
Level 1: "C" – Coaching Be a coach
Focus on the skill training and practical operation of employees, hand by hand teaching and demonstration.
Level 2: "T" – Training
Focus on knowledge training of employees, organize Special lecture , inculcation service idea And knowledge.
Level 3: "D" – Developing
Employee focused Career Design Find the potential of employees and cultivate their professional quality.
These three levels are integrated and indispensable, forming layers Progressive relation Coaching enables employees to master basic Service skills , go on duty first, it usually takes 1-2 weeks; At the same time, training should be carried out to master the basic concept and knowledge of the service, so that employees can make continuous progress. It usually takes 1 to 3 months, which is just the applicable probation period for new employees; In the process of employee growth, it usually takes 1-2 years to discover the potential of employees, help them analyze their personality characteristics, which position they are suitable for, or promote or transfer their positions, and design their career together with the employees themselves.


1. How to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the training project is the key and the general direction. It is recommended to train the project leader and Trainer Should pay more attention to the problems of enterprises, Proceed from reality , no Follow blindly On the market training course Many are also miscellaneous, so we should be good at choosing and take what we really need. Only proceeding from reality and elaborately designing the training plan can lay a good foundation for the implementation of training.
2. Implementation of training programs. After the training plan is formulated, its implementation is also very important. Including the selection of appropriate training institutions or trainers, the implementation of training links and the connection of relevant service processes.
3. The effect transformation of training projects, especially the important training projects with large investment. If the training results do not get obvious returns, it is difficult for the boss and employees to give the fullest recognition and follow-up training support to the training program.

5 Elements

In employee training, process guidance is particularly important. Many managers also usually have "process guidance" in the process of training employees, but most employees still have a little knowledge after "process guidance", which can not meet the requirements of managers. The main reason is that the trainers (masters) do not fully grasp the skills of process guidance.
After summary and analysis, it is found that there are five key elements of process guidance, and none of them is dispensable.
The five key elements of employee process guidance are: 1. sample; 2. Collaboration; 3. Observation; 4. Correction; 5. Strengthening.
The template is the template made according to the requirements of various standards, which is the daily work of employees object of reference
Trainers must Working standards Make an appearance to let trainees understand what is correct in the most intuitive way.
Collaboration means leading and accompanying employees to complete various tasks.
After the trainer makes the template according to the work standard, he/she and the trainee should complete the work together according to the requirements of the template. On the one hand, the trainee can better understand the content of the template, on the other hand, it can help the trainee solve the difficulties and Psychological disorders
Observation is to observe the whole process of employees' work to understand the advantages and disadvantages of employees' work.
After "template" and "collaboration", the trainees already have certain operating skills. At this time, the trainers can no longer help the trainees to complete the work, but let them complete it independently. At this time, the trainer must stand beside the trainee, select the position that does not affect the work of the trainee for observation, make records, and mark the places that are not done well.
Correction refers to pointing out what is well done and what is not well done according to the results of the work of the trainees, and then correcting what is not well done.
Correction is an important link to ensure the effect of process guidance, but trainers should pay attention to the following points when correcting:
1. Before correcting deficiencies, the trainees should be recognized and praised for what they have done well, preferably in public;
2. When correcting deficiencies, it is better to pull the trainees aside and explain them separately, while doing more demonstration actions to strengthen memory.
Strengthening means sticking to the standard of the model and finally forming a habit.
Strengthening is a long-term process. Trainers must force trainees to continue to do it, and they should make assessment indicators according to the model standards. Those who fail to meet the standards should be punished. After these five steps are effectively completed, the trainees can "graduate".


What is training Effectiveness In short, it refers to the benefits that the company and employees get from training. For individual employees, benefits mean learning new knowledge or skills; For the company, revenue includes the increase of customer satisfaction, Market share And finally Enterprise benefits Increase of. Training effectiveness It is often reflected through training results, which refer to the criteria used to evaluate training, and these criteria become the standards of training effectiveness.
Generally speaking, the standards of training effectiveness are as follows.

Requirements report

An enterprise middle manager Training Demand Report
In December 2007, Human Resources Department The annual training needs of the middle managers of the enterprise were investigated, and it was learned that most of the current middle managers of the enterprise had been in office for a short time. adopt Demand survey Analysis, promotion managerial skills It has become one of the key contents of their training needs.
Persons in charge of functional departments of the enterprise and those above the level of supervisor middle management Post holders (36 in total)
(1) Interview
The manager of the Human Resources Department, as the main person in charge of training needs analysis, organized discussions with middle managers and communicated with some senior managers of the enterprise about their work performance.
Human Resources Department sends out training demands in total questionnaire 36 copies, recycled Valid questionnaire 36 copies, all middle manager They filled in the questionnaire carefully according to the actual situation.
(1) Post Duration
Within 1 year
1-2 years
2 years and above
Number of middle managers
It can be seen from the above table that 69.44% of middle managers have been in their current positions for less than 2 years, and more than 50% of middle managers have been in their current positions for less than 1 year, which is enough to show that their management experience needs to be improved.
Management range
1-3 persons
4-6 persons
6-10 persons
10 or more
Number of middle managers
It can be seen from the table that 88.89% of middle managers have direct subordinates, of which 16.67% have 10 or more direct subordinates, 63.89% have 4-10 direct subordinates, and only 4 middle managers have no direct subordinates, but they are only temporary. Therefore, managers Role cognition It is one of the necessary management knowledge.
(3) How to formulate Work plan
Most middle managers make plans on a monthly or quarterly basis, but few make long-term plans. In the process of making specific plans, there are many shortcomings on how to make specific feasible plans around the overall goal and how to ensure the realization of the plans.
(4) Effective authorization and incentive
Empowerment and motivation are one of the important management skills of managers. According to the results of the training needs survey, 31 people said that they would grant certain permissions to their subordinates and motivate employees, but 83.33% of middle managers said they would like to get specific and effective skills on how to authorize and motivate employees in their work.
(5) Efficient team Construction of
If the team plays a good role 1+1 The effect is greater than 2. As for how to lead and build an efficient team, 77.78% of middle managers said they still lack skills in this regard.
(6) Staff training
All middle-level managers who are the objects of this training have chosen to train their employees, but only 16.67% of middle-level managers have formulated employee training plans and carefully implemented them, 33.33% of middle-level managers have formulated employee training plans but have not implemented them, and 33.33% of middle-level managers are more casual about employee training, 16.67% of middle managers think they have no time to train their employees.
It can be seen that they are all aware of the importance of training employees. However, the actual implementation is relatively few, and the mastery of training skills still needs further study.

Management Steps

First of all, conduct with the senior management effective communication And strive to be supported and recognized.
The boss's attitude directly affects the development of enterprise training. Thoroughly analyze the development status of the enterprise and the quality of employees, point out the urgency of the enterprise training work reasonably, and make the boss realize the seriousness of the training work. Organize a short-term effective training, and change the boss's idea of "training is useless" with facts. Carry out a comprehensive analysis of the role of training, and change the training concept of the boss who is eager for quick success and instant benefit. The President's strong support and Demonstration effect , for the company Training culture The construction is particularly important.
Secondly, do a good job Career planning , motivate employees to be trained Internal motivation
The most favorable motivation for employees to take the initiative to receive training is not from the economic and monetary stimulus, nor is it the punishment of absence from training and failure to pass the exam, but the need for employees to realize themselves. Attendance system The attendance rate of employees can not be guaranteed, but the seriousness of their attendance can not be guaranteed. Training assessment and severe punishment can avoid employees, but can not motivate them Initiative
Make career planning for employees, link training with their personal development, let employees see the role of training in personal ability improvement, knowledge reserve and position promotion, stimulate employees' internal needs for training, and better ensure the effect of training.
Finally, the training content conforms to the actual situation of enterprises and employees, instructional design Reasonable.
Conduct comprehensive and systematic training demand survey and analysis Enterprise development Requirements, practical ability of employees, targeted selection of training courses, and then professional training institutions and trainers.
The set enterprise training content should not only meet the needs of the enterprise and the position, but also fall on the staff's“ Nearest development zone ”。 At the same time, systematic Design strategy , use professional training designers to design training mode to ensure teaching Mode design Reasonable.

Development suggestions

In view of the current situation of enterprise training, we believe that enterprises should take the following specific improvement measures according to their own conditions:
  1. one
    Implement the training work. In China's enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, we should establish the awareness of the importance of training. We should not always become a mere formality. We should change our consciousness and concepts, conscientiously carry out training work, and at the same time, we should do a good job in the evaluation of training effects, rather than a "tiger head and snake tail", and achieve the organic combination of training work and enterprise planning, Make the training work contribute to the realization of the overall goal of the enterprise. 2. Do a good job in long-term planning, not just focusing on immediate interests. The reason why many enterprises ignore or even give up training is largely due to the bottleneck of funds. It can also be said that they are unwilling to invest too much in this aspect. But in fact, we should learn to "take a long-term view" and strengthen the investment in human resources education and training. 3. Improve training methods. Learn from advanced training methods, carry out in-depth teaching reform, summarize and explore a set of new ideas for training work in line with China's national conditions, with the main purpose of improving ability, and get rid of the situation where training methods are simple "copy and paste". 4. Establish and develop a perfect training and teaching system, constantly improve the quality and pertinence of training, and make the training content consistent with the knowledge, ability and skills required by the trainees. Through education and training management system Monitor training, conduct formal and regular evaluation and feedback on training, and make it a powerful means to promote high-quality training. 5. Different education and training institutions, enterprises and training institutions should learn to exchange information, knowledge and experience of training development. According to China's current national conditions, strive for the optimization of capital. Different functional departments should be able to share special skills and equipment, carry out joint efforts to strengthen the resource base. 6. Focus on solving the problems of human resources training and development of special groups. Such as emerging enterprises and senior management talent groups, so as to change the problem of insufficient human resources and low quality in these fields. For China, this special group is the main driving force for the sustainable development of China's economy in the future.