zero Useful+1

I'm gabbling

Characters in the web game "Sail"
synonym I, uh, wow (The character in online game "Sail") Generally refers to me
I gabble, web game《 Seer 》Characters in his derivative works, outstanding pioneers of the Sail, members of special teams, and sergeant rank [2-3]
Chinese name
I'm gabbling
Gabble It's gabbling
Debut works
Seer [1]
Representative color
green [3]
Star explorers, journalists, pioneers, navigators [2]
Gemini robot [2]

Role image


Identity background

Giggle (green)&Ugly (blue) [2]
I, uh, wow My brother. Since the sail of the Sail, the two brothers have been the pioneers of the Sail, busy in the first line of exploration of new planets and new elves. Members of the special team, later replaced by his brother Fei Alice Become the navigator of the observation cabin [2]

Character characteristics

People like their names are talkative, with little brother control [2]

Personal life

Jili Guala and Wuli Guala are twin robot brothers, and also a pair of funny happy enemies. The two brothers look very similar. They often work together, quarrel and quarrel, and sometimes send small selves to mediate their disputes. But as the saying goes, brothers in war, father and son soldiers, as the excellent pioneers of the Sail, fighting can also relax your body and mind when you are hard exploring. After all, the relationship between the two brothers is invincible, especially when the critical moment comes, when there is a dangerous situation, they will always defend their brother [2]
Every year, I wish my brother's stuttering would be better [2]

Role experience


Game experience

I used to be working with my brother, Umui Dr. Pat Task of Cloud Star During the investigation, he was separated and trapped at the highest level of the sky star (while his brother was trapped at Cecilia )Later Fei Alice Receive their distress signal and report to the captain Hart Roger , and then they found the brothers one after another [2]
Another time, since the pirate disk incident, there has been no news, nor any information about him on the Scorpion. Entrusted by Wu Lihuala, the Sail decided to turn its bow and attack the Rhino controlled by Zog. After a series of preparations and taking advantage of Zog's gluttonous weakness Scar Shawn The developed pirate transformation card was disguised as a food delivery pirate, and then broke through the siege with the Titans team and rescued the long lost Jilila Zog Even more frightened, the rhinoceros finally fell [1]

Animation experience

The two small trumpets of the Sail, the brothers often like to make false news to make everyone hurry for fun, but later everyone distrusts them. Once, when the Obi organization really came, Zog captured his younger brother, but no one believed that he was talking, so he had to sneak into the enemy camp alone [3]
but Race interest Because of his selfish desire to "expose" the two brothers, he secretly followed them to Zog's spaceship, even mistakenly thought that the two brothers were traitors. As a result, Zog was woken up, and was involved in the trouble of saving Bu Gela. Sai Xiaoxi succeeded in making Zog fall into the trap and abandon the boat by relying on his acting skills and the deception of the brothers. Finally, in order to repay Sai Xiaoxi's kindness, the two brothers who came back made a true report and publicized his deeds (unfortunately, because of the previous reasons, the two brothers had lost their credibility, so no one except Sai Xiaoxi believed this report) [3]

interpersonal relationship

relatives: I, uh, wow (younger brother)
master worker: Instructor Raymond
Friend: Xi Xi [2]

Debut works

Web Games《 Seer [1]
Animation with the same name
Sail Season 1 (2012 [3]
Saier's Saints Counter attack 》(2013) [Guest appearance [3]