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Wu Yanqing

revolutionary martyr
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Wu Yanqing, male, born in 1903, a revolutionary martyr, died in 1937.
Chinese name
Wu Yanqing
date of birth
Date of death
He was born in July 1903 in a peasant family. I read for three years when I was young. He followed his father in farming. In February 1929, he joined the Communist Party of China. He was once the chairman of the Soviet government of Changshou District, Pingjiang County. In July 1930, he was transferred to be the judge member of the special committee of the CPC in the Hunan Hubei Jiangxi Border Region and the director of the Counter revolutionaries Elimination Committee. In view of the problems existing in the counter revolutionaries at that time, specific provisions such as the prohibition of extorting confessions were drawn up, submitted to the Special Committee for approval, and sent to the counter revolutionaries departments in all counties for implementation. At the beginning of 1931, he was transferred to the Hunan Hubei Border Region to be responsible for supporting the front work. The bedding and clothing factory of the 16th Red Army was reorganized, so that the production of clothing rapidly increased from 80 sets per day to 120 sets per day. In the summer of 1932, more than 100 loads of grain and 200 jin of salt were raised successively, and more than 200 Red Guards were sent to the front line, which solved the supply problem of the Sixteenth Red Army who was fighting in Jiangxi Tonggu, and was praised by the Soviet Union of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi Province as "a model for supporting the front". In October 1934, after the Long March of the Central Red Army, the Central Red Army stayed in the Hunan Hubei Jiangxi Border Region and persisted in guerrilla warfare for three years. Under extremely difficult conditions, he had to endure the grief and indignation of his mother and uncle being killed by the enemy and his house being burned down by the enemy. He often traveled between Pingjiang County and Xiushui County, and came and went in and out of Huangjingang and Changshou Street, raising a large amount of food and salt for the Red Army guerrillas and provincial Soviet organs. In May 1937, when I went to Lusidong, Changshou Street, to buy salt, I was surrounded by the enemy because of traitors' informants. During the breakthrough, he was shot and killed.