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Wu Bo

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Former Minister of Finance
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Wu Bo (1906-2005), male, Chinese nationality , born in 1906 Anhui Province Jing County Joined the revolutionary work in June 1939 and joined in September 1941 Communist Party of China Wu Bo is a deputy to the Eighth and Twelfth National Congress of the Party, a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a deputy to the Third National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, a deputy chairman of the Finance and Economics Committee, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC. [1] (Source of overview diagram [4]
Chinese name
Wu Bo
one's native heath
Anhui Province Jing County [1]
date of birth
Date of death
Political outlook
CPC member
Participate in revolutionary work
June 1939
Joining the Communist Party of China
September 1941

Life experience

Born in 1906 in Anhui Province Jing County In June 1939, he participated in revolutionary work.
Counter-Japanese War Period Shanxi Chahar Hebei Staff of the cadre brigade, The Eighteenth Group Army Officer and Secretary of the United Front Department of the Field Political Department and Luoyang Office. Later, he was transferred to Yan'an and served as the editor of the Biography Committee of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. He has successively served as Secretary General of the Finance Department of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region, Deputy Director and Acting Director of the Grain Bureau of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region.
Served concurrently during the War of Liberation Shanxi Chahar Hebei Field Army Deputy Director of the Supply Department of the Logistics Command, Director of the Finance and Economics Office of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region, Deputy Director of the Finance Department of the North China Liberation Area, People's Government of North China Deputy Minister of Finance.
After the founding of New China, he has successively served as the Director of the General Office of the Central Ministry of Finance, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry, Secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, Deputy Minister of the Central Ministry of Finance, and member of the Party Leadership Group, People's Bank of China Vice President, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Deputy Secretary of the Finance and Trade Party Committee of the State Council.
Persecuted during the Cultural Revolution
Since 1978, he has successively served as adviser to the Ministry of Finance, minister of the Ministry of Finance, secretary of the Party Leadership Group, adviser to the Ministry of Finance, and member of the Party Leadership Group.
1988 Retirement [1] [5] [7]
He died in Beijing on February 21, 2005 at the age of 99. During the period of serious illness and after death, Hu Jintao Wen Jiabao Zeng Qinghong Chrysanthemum morifolium He Guoqiang , Bo Yibo Hua Jianmin , Chen Zhili and Zhang Jinfu Wang Bingqian and other comrades expressed condolences and condolences in different ways. [6] [8]


Deputies to the Eighth and Twelfth National Congresses of the Party, members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, deputies to the Third National People's Congress, members of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, vice chairmen of the Finance and Economics Committee, and members of the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC. [8]

Character evaluation

In Wu Bo, people see the noble sentiments and qualities of a Communist. His character, professional ability and work performance are obvious to all, and he was highly praised by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is with the efforts of him and other leaders of the Ministry of Finance that the Ministry of Finance has formed a good style of diligence, honesty, steadfastness and carefulness. (Excerpted from Wang Bingqian and other comrades' articles about memories, originally published in China Financial News on September 22, 2009) [2]
Wu Bo [5]
Comrade Wu Bo's life fully reflects the spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. He is a person who embodies extraordinary noble sentiments in ordinary work. He is a real proletarian. His noble qualities and the spiritual heritage he left behind are a precious treasure.
"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry." Comrade Wu Bo's life was simple, approachable, caring for the masses and strict with himself. Whatever can be given to others and the society, he will contribute unreservedly; He did not hesitate to give back to the society what others or the society gave him. Although Comrade Wu Bo is far away from us, his brilliant life is always an example for us to learn. His spiritual wealth is worth cherishing forever, and his noble demeanor is worth remembering forever. Wang Bingqian : Recalling Comrade Wu Bo) [3]
Old Minister Wu Bo is an outstanding representative of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. As a Party member, he is selfless and dedicated to others, with deep and simple feelings for the people; As a financial man, he has served as the leader of the Ministry of Finance for more than 30 years, made important contributions to the financial work, and formed a set of rich financial concepts. He is realistic, honest and honest, is a vivid model textbook, and sets a benchmark for setting an example. (Inherit the spirit and march forward courageously, deputy to the National People's Congress and director of the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province Zeng Zhiquan