Wu Mengchao

Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery
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Wu Mengchao (August 31, 1922 to May 22, 2021) , Fujian Minqing people, famous Hepatobiliary surgery Experts, Academician of CAS , the pioneer and one of the main founders of Chinese liver surgery, and the lifelong honorary president of Lizhuang Tongji Hospital, known as the "father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery" and one of the mainland Chinese scholars who may win the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. [1-3]
In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), he entered Tongji High School and graduated from the former Tongji University School of Medicine (Today Tongji Medical College )。 Elected in 1991 Academician of CAS , won in 2005 National Highest Science and Technology Award In May 2011, China named the asteroid 17606 "Wu Meng Superstar". On February 3, 2012, he was honorably elected Moved People of 2011 in China [2] [4-7] On January 14, 2019, academician Wu Mengchao retired.
Wu Mengchao was the first to put forward the new idea of "five lobes and four segments" of Chinese liver anatomy. He pioneered the method of intermittent hepatectomy under normal temperature in China, broke through the forbidden area of human middle lobe surgery, and established a complete Cavernous hemangioma of liver And early diagnosis and treatment system of small liver cancer. He presided over the establishment of a special center for the treatment and research of diseases in hepatobiliary surgery, which has won 24 national, military and Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Awards, published 19 medical monographs such as Atlas of Abdominal Surgery and Liver Surgery, and published more than 220 papers. [8-9] On October 18, 2020, Academician Wu Mengchao's Hall was opened in Minqing County, Fuzhou. [10]
At 13:02 on May 22, 2021, Wu Mengchao died of invalid medical treatment in Shanghai at the age of 99 [32]
Chinese name
Wu Mengchao
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Minqing County, Fujian Province
date of birth
August 31, 1922
Date of death
13:2, May 22, 2021
University one is graduated from
Tongji University School of Medicine
Physician and educator
Representative works
Atlas of Abdominal Surgery Liver Surgery
Key achievements
The 2005 National Highest Science and Technology Award moved China's 2011 figures
Political outlook
CPC member [35]

Character's Life

Wu Mengchao was born in Fujian Province on August 31, 1922 Minqing County , returned from Malaysia. At the age of 5, he followed his mother to Malaysia to join his father. In Malaysia, when he was young, Wu Mengchao helped his father cut rubber while reading. [2]
 Academician Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao in operation The hale and hearty old man Wu Mengchao The wedding photo of Wu Mengchao and his wife Wu Peiyu Academician Wu Mengchao Wu Mengchao in Operation Young Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao and his mentor Academician Qiu Fazu (left) Academician Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao Academician Wu Mengchao delivers a report in the Great Hall of the People
Academician Wu Mengchao
In 1940, he returned to China to participate in the anti Japanese activities. Because he could not go to Yan'an, he had to stay in Kunming to study, determined to "save the country by studying". In the same year, he entered the middle school attached to Tongji University in the suburb of Kunming. [2]
At the end of 1941, shortly after the Pacific War broke out, the Japanese army captured Hong Kong. Many famous people who stayed in Hong Kong at that time, such as How Xiangning, Liu Yazi, Zou Taofen Mao Dun And professors of the United Nations University internationally known sinologist They were unable to evacuate in time because Kong Xiangxi When dignitaries monopolized the aircraft of AVIC to transport their personal belongings and furniture, the Kongs even transported foreign dogs to Chongqing by plane. The disclosure of this matter by Chongqing's Ta Kung Pao aroused great indignation among the teachers and students of Southwest Associated University.
On January 7, 1942, the students of Southwest Associated University launched a parade to beg for Confucius. The Southwest Associated University connected to Tongji High School. As the monitor, Wu Mengchao immediately led the students to the street.
In 1943, he and his wife Wu Peiyu were both National Tongji University Medical school admission [2] [11] And become a pre medical student (at that time, Tongji University's medicine was divided into pre medical and post medical. The pre medical study was mainly to lay the foundation, and only after passing the exam can you enter the post clinical study and various specific medical skills).
At the beginning of 1946, he passed the pre medical examination and went to Yibin (where the Medical College was located at that time) to study in the post medical period.
In 1949, he graduated from Tongji University School of Medicine (now Tongji Medical College [5] , received a bachelor's degree. In the same year, he entered the First Affiliated Hospital of the People's Medical College of East China Military Region (later The First Affiliated Hospital of the Second Military Medical University ), became a military surgeon. I was destined to learn from Professor Qiu Fazu again, and learn his medical skills and ethics. [2]
In 1958, he translated and published China's first monograph on liver surgery - Introduction to Liver Surgery. In the same year, he formed a "three person research group" headed by Wu Mengchao, aiming at conquering liver surgery. [2]
In February 1959, Wu Mengchao bought a table tennis ball, cut it into pieces and put it in acetone, waiting for its dissolution. The next day, the ping-pong ball in the bottle really dissolved into liquid. They bought celluloid from the table tennis factory, and added red, blue, white and yellow colors into it, which were injected respectively from the hepatic artery, hepatic vein, portal vein and bile duct, so that the crisscross thick and thin blood vessels inside the liver were all filled. After waiting for coagulation, use hydrochloric acid to corrode the surface tissue of the liver, and finally use a carving knife to hollow it out a little bit and remove it completely. The structure of liver blood vessels is clearly shown, from thick to thin, extending outward like branches, because each "branch" has different colors, like coral. After more than four months of hard work, China's first fully structured human liver blood vessel model was finally poured out.
At the end of 1959, 108 liver specimens and 60 fixed liver specimens were made. By making specimens, Wu Mengchao knew the internal structure of the liver and the direction of blood vessels like the palm of his hand, which laid a solid foundation for his future liver surgery.
In June 1960, Wu Mengchao formally proposed at the 7th National Surgical Academic Conference: "Based on the data of Chinese liver size and its rules, the liver anatomy of normal people can be divided into five lobes and six segments according to the internal vascular trend, and it is most practical to divide the liver into five lobes and four segments in surgical clinic.
In 1960, a middle-aged female patient was successfully resected for liver cancer, becoming the first successful liver operation in the First Affiliated Hospital of the Second Military Medical University. In the same year, he invented the "intermittent portal occlusion and liver resection method under normal temperature". [2]
In 1961, we discovered the "biochemical metabolic rule after liver surgery for normal and cirrhotic liver", and proposed new ideas and strategies to correct the common fatal biochemical metabolic disorder after liver cancer surgery. [2]
In 1963, it broke through the forbidden area of "middle lobe" surgery, which shocked the world. [2]
In 1964, in view of Wu Mengchao's innovation and achievements in a series of basic theories and clinical practice, Shanghai Science and Education Film Studio shot a color documentary "March to Liver Surgery". [2]
In 1966“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”It made Wu Mengchao wear the hat of "reactionary academic authority". As he was a returned overseas Chinese, he was also suspected of "connecting from inside to outside". [2]
In 1969, he moved from Shanghai to Xi'an with the Second Military Medical University, taught himself Chinese medicine, and became a barefoot doctor of "a silver needle and a handful of grass". [2]
In 1974, taking advantage of the good opportunity of the rectification of the Military Medical College, he applied to the hospital party committee for the establishment of an independent hepatobiliary surgery, which was approved, realizing his first leap in hepatobiliary career. [2]
In 1975, the largest resected cavernous hemangioma of the liver at home and abroad, weighing 18 kg, was miraculously removed with one knife. In July of the same year, the Second Military Medical University was ordered to move back to Shanghai. The next year, Wu Mengchao took the lead in conducting a liver cancer survey of 180000 people in Shanghai to carry out research on early diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. [2]
In 1978, National Science Conference Held in Beijing. At the meeting, Wu Mengchao's "New Achievements in Liver Surgery - Research on Normal Liver Anatomy" won the National Science Conference Award.
Since 1978, Wu Mengchao has taken the lead in recruiting graduate students, and has cultivated many high-end talents with expertise for decades. During this period, he also successively proposed a series of strategies for surgical treatment of liver cancer: "two-stage resection" of huge liver cancer; Local radical resection of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma; Re operation for recurrent liver cancer [2]
In September 1979, at the 28th International Surgical Academic Conference held in San Francisco, the United States, Wu Mengchao, as a member of the Chinese delegation, shocked the international medical community with his experience of resection and treatment of 181 cases of primary liver cancer from January 1960 to December 1977, with a total success rate of 91.2%. At the meeting, Wu Mengchao was elected as a member of the International Society of Surgery, as an affirmation of Chinese liver surgery by the international medical community.
In 1983, for a four month old baby girl, she successfully removed a hepatoblastoma weighing 600 grams. The tumor was even larger than the baby's head! The following series of pediatric liver surgery research and clinical practice has made the reputation of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery more impressive. [2]
Wu Mengchao once relieved more than 13600 patients with liver disease with both hands. By the end of 1986, 1019 patients had undergone hepatectomy, with a success rate of 97%. Both the total number of hepatectomy and the success rate were in the leading position in the world. [12]
In 1993, the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery was approved to develop the "hospital in hospital" of Changhai Hospital, with a total of 200 beds, realizing his second leap in life and career.
In 1996, Wu Mengchao set up the "Wu Mengchao Hepatobiliary Surgery Medical Fund" with generous donations, based on hundreds of thousands of yuan saved by individuals over the years and more than 4 million yuan awarded by all sectors of society. [2]
In 2006 Tang Zhaoyou Gu Jianren Wen Yumei Zheng Shusen Yang Shengli Wang Hongyang And other six academicians submitted the report of "Integrated Research on Liver Cancer" to the State Council. [2]
On July 26, 2010, the International Asteroid Center issued a bulletin informing the international community that the No. 17606 asteroid was permanently named "Wu Meng Superstar". The 17606 asteroid, permanently named "Wu Meng Superstar", was discovered by the Schmidt CCD Asteroid Project Team of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the Xinglong Observation Base of the National Astronomical Observatory in Xinglong County, Hebei Province on September 28, 1995.
On May 3, 2011, the Ministry of Science and Technology held an asteroid naming ceremony, Second Military Medical University Academician Wu Mengchao, the president of the Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, received the asteroid naming certificate and the bronze medal of the asteroid's orbit, named the 17606 asteroid "Wu Meng Superstar", and officially obtained the permanent asteroid naming. [2]
Wu Meng Superstar [13]
In February 2012, it was rated as 2011 Moved China Characters.
On November 25, 2016, he served as the honorary president for life of Lizhuang Tongji Hospital. [14]
In July 2018, Wu Mengchao participated in the program "The Reader". At the age of 96, he had three operations every week. [15]
On January 14, 2019, academician Wu Mengchao retired [16]
At 13:02 on May 22, 2021, Wu Mengchao died of invalid medical treatment in Shanghai at the age of 99 [32]
On the morning of May 23, 2021, a memorial ceremony was held in Building 3 of Dongfang Hepatobiliary Hospital, where Old Wu worked before his birth. There is a couplet in the mourning hall that says: a generation of great masters have braved their courage to expand the great cause of medicine, and all the models have trained Taoyu and Li Zhu to be a sincere doctor. An elegiac couplet "Mourning academician Wu Mengchao in deep sorrow" has been hung in the mourning hall, and white flowers are neatly placed in front of the door. [34]
Memorial meeting site
On the morning of May 26, 2021, the farewell ceremony for Wu Mengchao's remains will be held in the lobby of Shanghai Longhua Funeral Home. The Third Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University set up a mourning hall in the square of Building 3, No. 225, Changhai Road, Shanghai from May 23 to 25 to accept condolences. [33]
On January 20, 2022, the memorial and burial ceremony of academician Wu Mengchao and his wife Professor Wu Peiyu was held in Shanghai. [36]

Social posts

Wu Mengchao has served in Shanghai Changhai Hospital Affiliated to the Second Military Medical University Deputy Director of the Department of Surgery, Deputy Director and Director of General Surgery, Director of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Second Military Medical University Vice president, grade; He was once the deputy director of the PLA Medical Science and Technology Commission Chinese Medical Association Vice President. Currently affiliated to the Second Military Medical University Dongfang Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital President, Director of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery General Logistics Department Deputy expert leader; He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was elected to the 14th National Congress and the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. [21]

Personal life

Wu Mengchao has a set of hand exercises, which he does whenever he has time to keep his hands flexible. When talking, his hands often hold the teacup and keep turning. The large teacup sets off a vivid finger. At the same time, the author finds a strange detail: Wu Mengchao's upper knuckle of his index finger bends outward, like a hook. Is this innate? Wu Mengchao smiled and said it was the result of a lifetime of hard work with the scalpel. With that, I put my index finger and middle finger together, and the fingertip has never been on. [22]

Publishing books

  • Liver Surgery
    Author name Wu Mengchao
    Work time 2000-1-1
    Liver Surgery is published by Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press and Shanghai Science and Technology Literature Press.
  • Huang Jiasi Surgery
    Author name Wu Mengchao
    Work time 2008-10-1
    Huang Jiasi's Surgery (7th Edition) is an advanced reference book for surgery, which is gradually enriched and developed on the basis of Huang Jiasi's Treatise on Surgery in May 1960. "Huang Jiasi Surgery" inherits the tradition of the 6th edition of "Huang Jiasi Surgery" edited by Wu Jieping and Qiu Fazu, and its chapter setting system covers basic surgery, anesthesia, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, general surgery, abdominal surgery, urology, orthopedics, vascular surgery, rehabilitation

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
One of the main founders of hepatobiliary surgery in China. In the 1950s, the Chinese first put forward the new idea of five lobes and four segments of liver anatomy. In the 1960s, the Chinese first created the intermittent portal occlusion and liver resection method under normal temperature, and took the lead in breaking through the forbidden area of human middle liver lobe surgery. In the 1970s, a complete early diagnosis and treatment system for hepatic cavernous hemangioma and small liver cancer was established. In the 1980s, the ligation of hepatic artery and embolization of hepatic artery were used earlier to treat middle and advanced liver cancer, The technology of normothermic bloodless hepatectomy, resection of recurrent liver cancer and two-stage hepatectomy for liver cancer was established in the 1990s. Significant progress was made in gene immunotherapy, liver cancer vaccine, liver transplantation and other aspects of advanced liver cancer, and laparoscopic hepatectomy and hepatic artery ligation were first carried out. Over the past 40 years, more than 8000 liver cancer operations have been carried out. The 5-year survival rate of small liver cancer (less than 5 cm) after surgery reached 38.1%. More than 1000 cases of small liver cancer (less than 5 cm) were operated. The 5-year survival rate of surgery reached 79.8% (85.3% of small liver cancer less than 3 cm), with the longest survival of 36 years. [17]
He established the key theory and technical system of liver surgery.
In order to lay the foundation of liver surgery, Wu Mengchao has conducted a study of liver anatomy since 1958. Based on the establishment of human liver perfusion corrosion model and detailed observation and surgical practice, the author creatively proposed the anatomical theory of "five leaves and four segments"; In order to solve the important problem of bleeding in liver surgery, on the basis of animal experiments and clinical exploration, a liver hemostasis technique of "intermittent portal occlusion at normal temperature" was established; In order to master the changes of biochemical metabolism after liver surgery and reduce the mortality rate of surgery, we found the "rule of biochemical metabolism after liver surgery for normal and cirrhotic liver" through clinical and liver biochemical studies, and proposed a new strategy to correct the common fatal biochemical metabolic disorder after liver cancer surgery; In order to further expand the indications of liver surgery and improve the level of liver surgery, he took the lead in successfully implementing a series of landmark operations represented by middle lobe hepatectomy. Based on the above work, we have created unique key theories and technologies of liver surgery, established a disciplinary system of liver surgery in China, and gradually developed and expanded it. [18]
It has opened up a new field of basic and clinical research on liver cancer. He put forward the concept of "secondary surgery" in view of the fact that most of the patients with liver cancer were late, huge and could not be removed when they were found, that is, large liver cancer should be treated comprehensively first, and then resected after the tumor shrinks, which opened up a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of advanced liver cancer; In view of the characteristics of frequent postoperative recurrence of liver cancer but lack of effective treatment, the concept of "reoperation after recurrence of liver cancer" was first proposed, which significantly prolonged the survival time of patients with liver cancer; According to the characteristics of liver cancer with cirrhosis in China, which is easy to lead to liver failure after surgery, a local radical treatment strategy for liver cancer is proposed, so that the efficacy and safety of liver cancer surgery can be organically unified. The above research has increased the 5-year survival rate of liver cancer from 16.0% in the 1960s to 1970s to 30.6% in the 1980s and 48.6% in the 1990s. It has constantly enriched and developed the cause of liver surgery in China.
In order to improve the scientific research level of liver surgery in China and make the cause of liver surgery develop continuously and deeply, Academician Wu Mengchao established the largest specialized institute of liver surgery in the world, led and guided a series of basic research work with international advanced level, and developed two tumor vaccines, cell fusion and double specific monoclonal antibody modification, We invented a proliferative viral vector carrying anti-cancer genes, and the research results were published in Science, NatureMed, Hepatology, Oncogene, Cancer Research and other academic journals. [18]
It has established the world's largest liver disease research and treatment center and trained a large number of high-level professionals. The scale of disciplines led by him has grown from a "three person research group" to the current three-level first-class specialized hospital and institute of hepatobiliary surgery, becoming the largest diagnosis and treatment center and scientific research base for hepatobiliary diseases in the world; Wu Mengchao's Medical Fund for Hepatobiliary Surgery was established to award outstanding talents and innovative research who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of hepatobiliary surgery in China; A large number of high-level professionals have been trained. Through the joint efforts of him and his peers, he has promoted the development of liver surgery at home and abroad. Most of the theories and technologies of surgical treatment of liver cancer were originated in China, making China's research, diagnosis and treatment level in this field leading the world. [18]
After Tu Youyou, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, opened the gate of the Nobel Prize with artemisinin therapy for malaria in 2015, Wu Mengchao's new theory and therapy of liver surgery, together with Zhang Tingdong's leukemia arsenic therapy, Wang Xuechang's neck shoulder waist leg pain arc blade acupuncture therapy, and Wang Zhenyi's malignant tumor differentiation induction therapy, are considered to be the successor of Tu Youyou in mainland China, Important scientific and technological achievements in mainland China that are expected to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. [3]
  • scientific research
In the 1950s, the Chinese first put forward the new idea of five lobes and four segments of liver anatomy;
In the 1960s, it pioneered the method of intermittent portal occlusion and hepatectomy under normal temperature, and took the lead in breaking through the forbidden area of human middle lobe hepatectomy;
In the 1970s, a complete early diagnosis and treatment system for hepatic cavernous hemangioma and small liver cancer was established, and the ligation of hepatic artery and embolization of hepatic artery were used earlier to treat middle and advanced liver cancer;
In the 1980s, blood free hepatectomy at room temperature, resection of recurrent liver cancer and two-stage surgery for liver cancer were established;
In the 1990s, great progress was made in gene immunotherapy and liver transplantation for advanced liver cancer, and laparoscopic hepatectomy and hepatic artery ligation were first carried out.
Over the past 40 years, more than 8000 liver cancer operations have been performed, with a 5-year survival rate of 38.1%; More than 1000 cases of small liver cancer (less than 5cm) were operated. The 5-year survival rate was 79.8% (85.3% for small liver cancer less than 3cm), and the longest survival was 36 years. [12]
In the 1960s, he pioneered a simple and safe new method of liver surgery - intermittent blocking of the hepatic portal and hepatectomy, and broke through the restricted area of the liver, and successfully performed middle lobe hepatectomy. [12]
  • Thesis and works
He has been engaged in the field of liver surgery for nearly 50 years, published 796 academic papers, and was the chief editor《 Huang Jiasi 15 monographs such as Surgery and Primary Life Cancer. [18]

personnel training

  • Teaching achievements
Wu Mengchao has cultivated a large number of high-level professionals. The scale of disciplines he led has grown from a "three person research group" to the current three-level first-class specialized hospital and hepatobiliary surgery research institute, becoming the largest diagnosis and treatment center and scientific research base for hepatobiliary diseases in the world.
Wu Mengchao's Medical Fund for Hepatobiliary Surgery was established to award outstanding talents and innovative research who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of hepatobiliary surgery in China; A large number of high-level professionals have been trained. Through the joint efforts of him and his peers, he has promoted the development of liver surgery at home and abroad. Most of the theories and technologies of surgical treatment of liver cancer were originated in China, making China's research, diagnosis and treatment level in this field leading the world. [19]
Since 1978, under his guidance, the whole hospital has cultivated 23 postdoctoral researchers, 67 doctoral students and 85 master students. [20] For example, Deputy Director of the Oriental Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Second Military Medical University Wang Hongyang

Award record

Awards won
Award time Award Name Award results
two thousand and fourteen Chinese Doctor Award selected by the 9th Chinese Medical Doctor Association Award
two thousand and eleven Won the Military Cadre Lifelong Contribution Award for Health Care Award
two thousand and eleven Top Ten People of the Year Who "Moved China" Moved Chinese People Award
two thousand and ten Special Contribution Award for Major Achievements in Military Medical Science and Technology Award
2006-01-09 Won the 2005 National Highest Science and Technology Award Award
two thousand and five National Highest Science and Technology Award Award
2004-12 Won the National Special Contribution Award for Advanced Medical Textbooks and the Gold Award for Outstanding Achievements of the International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five Won the Grand Prize of Guanghua Science and Technology Fund Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five Shanghai Candlelight Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five Patriotic dedication award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five Honorary Award for Practical Medicine Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Military Science and Technology Major Contribution Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Shanghai Medical Honor Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Ho Leung Ho Lee Medical Foundation Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Won the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three Honorary Award of Donghua Hospital in San Francisco and Chen Jiageng Medical Science Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two National Excellent Science and Technology Book Award Award
Honorary title
Award time Award Name Award results
2011-05-03 With the approval of the Small Object Naming Committee of the International Astronomical Union, planet 17606 was named "Wu Meng Superstar". Award
two thousand and eleven Honorary title of "National Excellent Communist Party Member" Award
two thousand and nine Top Ten Journalists Practicing the Core Values of Contemporary Revolutionary Soldiers in the Army Award
two thousand and nine One hundred advanced model figures who have made great contributions to national defense and military building and had great influence after the founding of New China Award
two thousand and eight He was rated as a meritorious figure in Shanghai's education Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six Awarded the honorary title of "Model Medical Expert" by the Central Military Commission Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Won the honorary title of "Top Ten Overseas Chinese" Award

Character influence

In March 1997, Wu Mengchao established the Wu Mengchao Hepatobiliary Surgery Medical Fund (renamed in June 2004 as Shanghai Wu Mengchao Medical Science and Technology Foundation )To reward Chinese experts who have made outstanding achievements in the field of hepatobiliary surgery. [20]
May 10, 2011 General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao He made an important instruction to study and publicize Comrade Wu Mengchao's advanced deeds, stressed that we should vigorously publicize academician Wu Mengchao's advanced deeds and noble medical ethics, publicize his feelings of loving the party, patriotism and the people, and take the propaganda of the advanced deeds of outstanding Communist Party members as an important part of the activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. [23]
On May 10, 2011, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Health, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee jointly held a report meeting on the advanced deeds of Comrade Wu Mengchao in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [24]
From May 10 to 20, 2011, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Health General Political Department General Logistics Department And Shanghai Municipal Party Committee jointly hosted the report meeting on Wu Mengchao's advanced deeds Lanzhou , Chongqing, Guangzhou Shanghai Tour. [25]
On June 15, 2011, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee Ministry of Health and General Political Department General Logistics Department The advanced deeds report team of Comrade Wu Mengchao jointly organized by the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee held a special report meeting at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was attended by more than 1000 academicians in Beijing, representatives of outstanding young scientists and young student representatives. [26]
In August 2011, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health and the General Political Department of the PLA jointly issued the Decision on Carrying out Learning Activities from Comrade Wu Mengchao. [27]
August 31, 2011, by Shanghai Municipal People's Government Fujian Provincial People's Government Chinese Academy of Sciences Second Military Medical University The symposium on the 68th anniversary and 90th birthday of academician Wu Mengchao's medical practice was held in Shanghai Second Military Medical University, and the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Lu Yongxiang Han Qide Sang Guowei Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Minister of Science and Technology Wangang , member of the Central Military Commission, head of the General Logistics Department Liao Xilong Wait for a letter of congratulation. [28]

Character evaluation

Academician Wu Mengchao has noble medical ethics, love the party, love the country and love the people. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao review
Old Wu is the pride of Fujian people, and also an example for Fujian people to learn from. We should be as dedicated and selfless as Mr. Wu, and cultivate more excellent medical talents. Vice President of Fujian Medical University Huang Aimin's Comments
Wu Mengchao always treats patients with endless enthusiasm and treats hepatobiliary surgery with pure love. The doctor is kind-hearted. A great doctor moves the world not only by his medical skill, but also by his benevolence. Mr. Wu Mengchao is a well deserved medical magnate. Moved China to elect members Hu Zhanfan review [4]
Old Wu is 90 years old, and shares the same feelings with the patient. As a doctor and a soldier, he is a monument. Moved China to elect members Ren Weixin review [4]
Sixty years ago, Wu Mengchao built the first operating table, and still hasn't left today. A knife in my hand is still accurate, and the blade is still sharp. A fire in my heart, keeping the oath, has never been extinguished. He is an tireless old horse patient Carry the river one by one. Comments of the China Organizing Committee [4]
Wu Mengchao closely linked his personal development with the needs of the motherland and the people, and with loyalty, he wrote the love for the motherland and the people of a generation of medical giants. Member of the Central Military Commission and Head of the General Logistics Department Liao Xilong review [25]
Wu Mengchao has set up a new value benchmark for our times. "The spirit of Wu Mengchao has given us profound enlightenment. Political Commissar of General Logistics Department Liu Yuan review [25]
We should learn from Comrade Wu Mengchao's firm belief in loyalty to the Party and dedication to the country, his noble character of selfless dedication and love for the people, and his enterprising spirit of active exploration and innovation. Lu Haoping, Secretary of Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of Gansu Provincial People's Congress [25]
Comrade Wu Mengchao is an outstanding representative of contemporary Communist Party members and revolutionary soldiers, and a shining example of practicing the socialist core value system! " Guangzhou Military Area Command vice commissar Tian Yigong review [25]
"Like Wu Mengchao, we should take the needs of the Party and the people as our life pursuit, and strive to constantly make new achievements and create new brilliance in the field of military medicine."( Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of the Third Military Medical University Cheng Tianmin review [25]
Wu Mengchao shows the conscience and brightness of the Chinese medical community. " Famous scholar Comments by Zhou Guoping
Why does the deeds of an ordinary medical worker have such strong repercussions? "Wu Mengchao's noble medical ethics are the call of the times and the needs of the people!"( Director of Hepatology Center of Beijing Friendship Hospital Jia Jidong review [25]
Old Wu always exudes a kind of love, which is the love of career, life and everyone around him. " Vice President of Dongfang Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital of the Second Military Medical University Shen Feng review [25]
As peers, we should learn from Wu's great medical realm of "unity of knowledge and practice". Wei Junmin, Director of General Surgery Department of Beijing Hospital [25]
Wu Mengchao is a loyal son who is determined to serve the Party and the country. He is a great scientist who has climbed the peak bravely and made outstanding achievements. The school party committee has made the decision to learn from Wu Mengchao. President of the Second Military Medical University Liu Zhenquan , Political Commissar Chen Jinhua review
The noble quality, profound knowledge, noble demeanor and valuable spirit of the old Wu is a heavy book that can never be read in his whole life. Old Wu always has a lofty vision. He always looks so far and accurately in cultivating talents. What everyone has heard is that he made three important decisions at a critical time. Deputy Director of Dongfang Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Second Military Medical University Wang Hongyang review
"Academician Wu Mengchao's superb medical skills and noble medical ethics are admirable and touching, and they are models for us to learn". "He has always put the cause of the Party, the interests of the country and the happiness of the people first. He has created many firsts in Chinese and international liver surgery, and is known as the 'Father of Chinese liver surgery'. He is not only a famous doctor in liver and gall, but also an excellent representative of the Communist Party. I want to learn from him, always live and serve!"( National model worker, old secretary of Huaxi Village Party Committee Wu Renbao review [29]
"We should carry out in-depth learning activities from Wu Mengchao Snow covered plateau In the health services provided by the vast number of border guards and Tibetan compatriots, we will better practice the core values of contemporary revolutionary soldiers. " President of the General Hospital of the Tibet Military Region Li Suzhi review [29]
"Wu Lao's simple and simple life moved me, and let me know that the real enjoyment is life without luxury. As a new generation of Tongji people, we should study hard, enrich our lives, and keep up with Wu Lao."( Comments on Professor Cheng Deli of Tongji University Law School [29]
"Wu Mengchao is worthy of the title of 'People's Medicine Expert'. His extraordinary medical achievements and noble personality are well known at home and abroad, and he has become a mentor leading us forward. As a medical worker, we should take the old Wu as an example, set up lofty career ideals, care for patients, practice skills hard, and be brave to innovate, so as to lay a solid foundation for better medical career."( Head of Hepatobiliary Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University Liu Jingfeng Professor Comments [30]
"Old Wu is a doctor with superb medical skills, a soldier with firm convictions, an old man with high moral integrity, and a scholar who never changes his nature. He has devoted his life to the medical cause of the motherland. His advanced deeds have deeply touched me and inspired me to maximize the value of life in my own post, regardless of fame and wealth, down-to-earth."( Comments on Su Na, a counselor in the School Work Office of Tongji University Hospital [31]

Commemoration for future generations

On May 22, 2024, Fujian Medical University Meng Chao Hepatobiliary Hospital, together with relevant units, jointly held the spirit publicity activities of Wu Mengchao scientists to pay tribute to the memory of Wu Mengchao academician. [37]