Wu Gang attacked Guangxi

One of the ancient Chinese myths and legends
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Wu Gang The felling of Guangxi is an ancient Chinese Myth and legend one of. It is said that Wu Gang was punished by the Emperor of Heaven moon Cut down osmanthus trees, but the osmanthus trees will be cut as they are cut. The Jade Emperor regarded this endless labor as punishment for Wu Gang. [1]
Chinese name
Wu Gang attacked Guangxi
Foreign name
Wu Gang cuts the laurel
Wu Gang Old Man, Taiyin Xingjun
Myth and legend
Punishment of Wu Gang

Legend One

Wu Gang attacked Guangxi
Legend has it that Wu Gang's wife and Emperor Yan Sun Boling had an affair. Wu Gang was so angry that he killed Boling and angered the sun god Emperor Yan , sent to the moon to cut down the immortal tree. Laurel Chop as you like. Wu Gang chops every time Axe , the branches and leaves cut by the axe will grow Back to the tree After so long, Wu Gang still failed to cut down the laurel tree. Wu Gang's wife felt guilty and killed her Three sons Respectively become Toad , rabbits and snakes fly to the moon to accompany Wu Gang. In order to help his father cut down the cinnamon tree as soon as possible, the Jade Rabbit kept pounding the cut branches and leaves.
Shanhaijing · Haineijing 》Cloud: Sun Boling of Emperor Yan, Boling and Wu Quan's wife A female predestined wife The predestined woman was pregnant for three years, and was born with drums, yans, and children. The beginning is the marquis, the drum and the extension are the beginning bell, the music style.
shanhaiching It was said to be Wu Quan, but later generations mistook Wu Gang for "Wu Quan".

Legend II

The Heavenly Southern Gate Wu Gang and in the moon Chang'e Very good, but he often cares about meeting Chang'e and neglects his duties. When the Jade Emperor knew about it, he was so angry that he punished Wu Gang to chop a tree in the moon Laurel If Wu Gang does not cut down this laurel tree, he cannot return The Heavenly Southern Gate And can't meet Chang'e.
Wu Gang cut, cut, cut for half a year from winter to summer. Seeing that the tree was about to be cut down, the Jade Emperor sent crows to the laurel tree, "Shua", and took Wu Gang's coat from the tree. Wu Gang immediately put down his axe and went after the crow. After the clothes were recovered, Wu Gang went back to the tree and saw that all the branches and leaves that had been cut off were growing on the tree again. So from then on, whenever Wu Gang was about to cut all the branches and leaves of the osmanthus tree, the crow stood on the tree“ Whoa whoa ”Shout, as long as Wu Gang stops his axe and looks at it, the tree will grow branches again.
In this way, year after year, Wu Gang always cut more than the laurel tree. Only on August 16 every year does a leaf fall from the moon to the ground. Whose family is the most industrious, the golden leaf will float to that family, and that family will have endless wealth.

Legend III


Myth Story

Wu Gang felled Guiniang, the best wine in the world—— Osmanthus wine
Wu Gang attacked Guangxi
Wu Gang fells more than trees every day. Thousands of years have passed, and that magical osmanthus tree is still as old as before, full of vitality. Every time the Mid Autumn Festival comes, its fragrance overflows. Wu Gang knew that there were no osmanthus trees in the world, so he was ready to spread the seeds of osmanthus trees to the world.

Historical legend

Later generations, Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty When wandering in the Moon Palace, I recorded these traveling music and returned to the world to create Nishang Music. It is said that when Emperor Tang Ming was roaming the Moon Palace, Wu Gang also received him! But at that time, his face was tired, and his axe was covered with black rust Sleeves It's also dilapidated because no one sews it.

Legend 4

It's said that a long time ago, Xianning This place made a scene plague People are almost one third dead. People use all kinds of folk remedies without any effect Hangbang Mountain Next, there was a brave, loyal and filial young man named Wu Gang. His mother was also bedridden Go up the mountain to gather herbs Save the mother. One day, Guanyin came back from an eastern tour and was on her way back to the west for the Mid Autumn Festival Cliff I was deeply moved by collecting herbs. I asked him a dream at night, saying that there was a kind of Melilotus officinalis Tree, also called sweet-scented osmanthus , with a kind of golden flower, you can use it to soak water to drink, which can cure this plague; Hangbang Mountain has a ladder to pick laurels in the moon palace on August 15.
That night was August 12, and there were three days left, August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival Has. To reach the top of Mount Hangbang, you must cross seven deep streams and climb seven cliffs. It takes at least seven days and seven nights, but time waits for no one. After August 15, I missed it sweet-scented osmanthus Once a year, we have to wait for another year. To make a long story short, Wu Gang finally reached the top of Mount Hangbang on the evening of August 15 and caught up with the ladder to the Moon Palace. August is the sweet scented osmanthus season. The heavenly fragrance is floating out of the clouds. Wu Gang followed the fragrance to the osmanthus tree. Looking at the golden osmanthus, he was so happy to see the things out of the sky. He tried hard to pick and pick. He always wanted to pick more to save his mother and fellow villagers. However, he could not hold more of them, so he thought of a way. He shook the osmanthus tree and let the osmanthus fall one after another, falling into the river at the foot of Guabang Mountain. Suddenly, the river smelled sweet and the river was dyed golden yellow. People drank the river and all the diseases were cured, so people said that this was no river. It was clearly a river of life-saving water more expensive than gold, so people gave it A river It is named Jinshui. Later, he added Three drips of water , named "Gan (g à n) River".
This evening is the gathering of the immortals in the Heavenly Palace at the 15th National Congress in August, where they will watch the moon Eating mooncakes At this time, the fragrance of osmanthus rushed to the sky, alerting the immortals, so they sent an investigation. When the officer arrived at the Moon Palace, he saw that all the osmanthus on the Moon Palace Sacred Tree and the Treasure of Immortality Osmanthus fragrans Tree were gone, and they all fell to the world“ Gan River ”He reported it to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor was furious. You know, the Jade Emperor likes eating most Laurel Flower Moon Cake Yes, there was no osmanthus in any tree, so he couldn't eat any mooncakes. So he sent his heavenly troops and generals to capture Wu Gang.
After Wu Gang was captured, he told the Jade Emperor exactly what had happened that night. The Jade Emperor is not sure what to say after hearing it Heart eye Li admired the young man. But Wu Gang, after all, has violated the rules of heaven. If he is not punished, he cannot establish the prestige of the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor asked Wu Gang what he wanted, and Wu Gang said he wanted to take the osmanthus tree to the world to save lives. So the Jade Emperor thought of an idea. He could both punish Wu Gang and agree to Wu Gang's request. He said, as long as you cut down the osmanthus, you can take it. So Wu Gang found a big axe to cut down the tree quickly. Who knows, the Jade Emperor cast a spell and cut one blade with another. Wu Gang has been cutting for thousands of years. Wu Gang was so homesick for his mother when he saw that he could not cut down the trees. So he left a sweet osmanthus flower on Mount Hangbang every Mid Autumn Festival night to express his homesickness. Year after year, the Hangbang Mountain is covered with sweet scented osmanthus, which is used by villagers to make tea, Xianning No more disasters.
Besides, Wu Gang has a name in his village Chang'e Wu Gang and Wu Gang are childhood sweethearts. They are young and have no idea. Since Wu Gang went to the Moon Palace, she has taken care of Wu Gang's mother until the old man died. Wu Gang and Chang'e are separated from each other. Love for each other is growing day by day. Wu Gang cannot cut down the osmanthus tree and cannot come back. Chang'e is also separated from heaven and earth and cannot go to meet Wu Lang. One day, The Queen Mother of the West She took her seven daughters to take a bath in Mingshui Spring at the foot of Hangbang Mountain. Chang'e saw it and secretly took it Seven Fairies Take it home to eat and take her Jade Hare , God met Wu Gang.
The seven fairies can't go back to heaven without the pills. They can only go to heaven when their sisters come back to take a bath three days later. You should know that in the past three years, the seven fairies met Dong Yong So there is the well-known moving story.