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Wu Fengming

Modern historical figures
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Wu Fengming (1869-1920) was named Qishan and Zhujun. Born in the southwest corner of Datong, Shanxi. His father, Wu De, was a scholar in Tongzhi, and his family was poor since he was young. Although born in a poor family, Mr. Feng Ming is fond of learning.
True name
Wu Fengming
Zhu Jun
one's native heath
Southwest corner of Datong, Shanxi
date of birth
Date of death
Main works
Shi Yiguan Poetry Collection
Wu Fengming (1869-1920), named Qishan and Zhujun, was born in Datong in the eighth year of Tongzhi (1869). At the age of 18, he joined the Confucian school in the county. Because his family was poor, he made a living by writing. In the 19th year of Guangxu's reign (1893), he took part in the local examination and had already passed the imperial examination in Zhonggui. Xuan was appointed as the prefect of Datong, Wu Chunhai, as the teacher. In the spring of the 26th year of Guangxu's reign (1900), he was transferred to Yangqu to teach with the magistrate. Later, he returned home due to the Boxer Movement. In the 27th year of Guangxu's reign (1901), he was the lecturer in Fengchuan Academy. In the 28th year of Guangxu's reign (1902), he was the lecturer in Pingcheng Academy. In the same year, the official primary school of Datong County was founded and fully taught. In the 33rd year of Guangxu's reign (1907), he was employed by the prefect of Datong as a Chinese teacher of the middle school of Datong Prefecture. In the same year, he was admitted to the Cabinet and served in Beijing for half a year. When he saw the corruption and bribery of the Qing government, he resigned and returned to the same place and still lectured in the government school.
In the first year of Xuantong (1909), Beijing established the University of Economics and Sciences to recruit people who know the classics from all over the world. Mr. Feng Ming went to Beijing to study. In the provincial capital, a consultative board was set up and elected as a member. After the Revolution of 1911, he was appointed by the Governor Yan Xishan to handle paperwork. The manuscripts of the governor's office at that time were more than those of Wu Fengming. Soon, he served as a first class member of the Department of Internal Affairs and a teacher of Shanxi University and the First Provincial Middle School. In 1914, Shanxi Provincial No. 3 Middle School was established. There is no suitable candidate for the new study of Chinese. Many people pushed Mr. Fengming, who was forced by Sangzi to apply for his hometown and return to the Third Provincial High School to teach. Because of his outstanding achievements, he was awarded the eighth class Jiahezhang. And for his enthusiasm for public welfare, the Governor of Shanxi Province awarded a third class medal. In 1918, Datong established the Heart Washing Society, and Mr. Feng Ming was elected president. He is also the chairman of the Military Lecture Society in northern Shanxi and the consultant of the Shanxi Military Governor's Office.
According to Datong Annals, Wu Fengming was "easygoing and friendly, and interacted with people, no matter how long he was, he was happy and talked about the past and the present day and night tirelessly. He was addicted to alcohol and was eventually injured". He died on September 8, 1920 at the age of 51. His works include Shi Yiguan Poetry Collection. [1]