Wu Nong's soft language

[wú nóng ruǎn yǔ]
chinese idioms
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Wu Nong's soft language is an adjective and idiom. It is also called "Wu Nong Jiao Yu" or "Wu Nong Xi Yu". It describes the phenomenon of "people in Wu speak softly and softly". [1]
"Wu Nong's soft language" is generally used to describe Jiangsu Suzhou Belt Wu dialect Because the speech is soft and tactful, it is called "Wu Nong's soft language".
Chinese name
Wu Nong's soft language
Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ
Wu Nong's soft language
Part of speech
adjective noun
words whose meaning is similar
Wu Nong whispers, Wu Nong Jiaoyu, soft voice whispers

Verbatim explanation



Legend has it that Shang dynasty At the end of the year, the Duke Danfu of the State of Zhou Three sons : eldest son Taber , Second Son Zhong Yong And young children Seasonal calendar Danfu likes seasonal calendar, but according to the system, it must be passed to Legitimate eldest son In order to respect their father's wishes and avoid the throne, Taibo and Zhongyong went to Jiangdong and followed the local customs.
There was a custom in Jiangdong at that time, that is, he liked to shout while running. Taber created a word "Wu" to represent Jiangdong people, and established the state of princes surnamed Ji in Spring and Autumn Period Wu kingdom The original meaning of the word "Wu" is to shout to the sky, symbolizing the arrogance of the people in the Wu area before the Qin Dynasty Wu dialect The pronunciation is usually [ŋ] or [ɦ u], Suzhou Sound [ɦəəəɦəɦ u], keep the voice of shouting.


"Nong" is ancient Wu dialect The transliteration of the Chinese character "Ren" describes Cao Wu dialect People with clear and elegant voice. Li Bai There is a poem in Hengjiang Ci, "Humanity is good in crossing the river, but it is evil in crossing the river", which is equivalent to "humanity is good in crossing the river, and humanity is evil in crossing the river". In modern Wu language, South Zhejiang The "people" in the area retain the ancient Jiangdong sound "Nong", while the pronunciation of the word "people" in the northern Wu Dynasty has ceased to be pronounced "Nong". In today's Shanghai, Ningbo and other places, Nong represents Second person You.


Going up from the flat, opposing the clear and turbid Cuspidate mass Differentiation, the Wu language retains more ancient Chinese Factors make Wu dialect fluent and natural, which is called "soft". But because“ the entering tone ”Short, strong“ Dullness ”Wu dialect is by no means soft because of the strong vibration of its vocal cords. Of course, "soft" can also be understood as women have a unique style of femininity and smartness, while men are quite refined and elegant.


Wu dialect (Wu Chinese) is Chinese Seven dialects one of [2] yes Southern Jiangsu , Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places have more native speakers than Britain or France.
The word Wu is commonly used in ancient documents such as Tang poetry and Song poetry, such as《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Vol. 218, No. 14《 Five Songs of Rejuvenation · He Gongya Wu Yu 》。 The inheritance of Wu language has a history of thousands of years.
Since the 1980s, Wu dialect District began to implement mandarin The school prohibits the use of dialects and the media restricts the use of dialects. Young people in Wu dialect area can speak Mandarin well, Jiangnan Some children in the area are no longer able to speak dialect. vigorously popularize the common spoken Chinese At the same time, protecting the inheritance of dialects has also become the focus of the current work.


The seventh and sixth chapters of The Status Quo of the Strange Witnesses in Twenty Years: "They called Serve wine All of them are from the southern leadership. At that time, the voice of swallows and warblers was full of Wu Nong's soft words. "
Zheng Zhenduo Suzhou Anthem: Suzhou The people seem to be very gentle, but they are often at the forefront of the struggle. "


Wu Nong's soft language
Wu Nong's soft language is usually used to describe Suzhou dialect The vocabulary of. Suzhou dialect belongs to Wu dialect Taihu Lake Su Hujia piece, Su Hujia piece, Wu dialect accent is relatively elegant and euphemistic in Wu area, so it is called "Wu Nong soft language". Wunong soft language is usually used to refer to Suzhou accent, and sometimes also used to describe Shanghai accent. However, the Wu language in Ningbo and other places is relatively hard, and generally does not use "Wu Nong soft language" to describe it.
Suzhou dialect It has always been called "Wu Nong's soft language". Its biggest feature is "soft", especially for girls. Peripheral Wuxi dialect Jiaxing dialect Shaoxing dialect Ningbo dialect They are not as soft as Suzhou dialect. Whether a dialect sounds good or not mainly depends on the intonation, speed, rhythm, pronunciation and vocabulary. Wu dialect And Hunan dialect (refers to Laoxiang dialect) is the earliest dialect formed in the collection of seven Chinese dialects, so Wu dialect has retained quite a lot of ancient sounds. Wu dialect One of the characteristics of Dullness Initial, with seven to eight tones, left the entering tone In terms of hearing, if a dialect speaks too fast and has too strong cadence, we often call it "too stiff"; However, if the speaking speed is too slow and lacks obvious cadence, we often call it "too loose". Suzhou discourse is peaceful without losing its cadence, Speed of speech Moderate without loss of frustration, this Pronunciation mode It feels like singing in a low voice.
Wu dialect , also known as Jiangdong dialect, Jiangnan dialect and Jiangzhe dialect, which are popular in today's Shanghai Southern Jiangsu , Zhejiang, etc.
International Languages and Language code
Sino Tibetan language family Chinese family Wu language
ISO 639-2:chi(B)zho(T)
ISO/DIS 639-3:wuu [3]