Wu Boxiao

Chinese essayists and educators
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synonym Wu Boxiao (Wu Boxiao) Generally refers to Wu Boxiao
Wu Boxiao (from March 13, 1906 to August 10, 1982), a native of Laiwu (now Jinan), Shandong Province, formerly known as Wu Xicheng, is a famous contemporary an essayist And educators. "Cultural Revolution" Expulsion from the Party After the end of the "Cultural Revolution", he served as the national middle school Chinese teaching President of the Research Association, editor in chief of Writing, president of China Writing Research Association, etc., and participated in Guo Moruo's works Editorial Committee Leadership In October 1981, he visited the United Kingdom and was elected to the country soon after Federation of Literary and Art Circles Director. He died in August 1982. Representative works: Feather Book《 Nanlaoquan 》《 Black red dot 》Polaris, Lu'an Scenery《 Notes on vegetable garden 》Departure《 Record a spinning wheel 》Forgetting the Year, Past Years, etc.
Chinese name
Wu Boxiao
Former name Xicheng
Ethnic groups
date of birth
March 13, 1906
Date of death
August 10, 1982
University one is graduated from
Qufu Normal School
an essayist and educator
one's native heath
Wu Hua Yuan Cun, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
Representative works
Yu Shu, Polaris, etc

Life experience



Wu Boxiao
Wu Boxiao (from March 13, 1906 to August 10, 1982), formerly known as Xicheng, is a famous contemporary essayist and educator. Born in 1906 Laiwu prefecture level city in Shandong Wu Garden Village (present genus Jinan city Laiwu District )Rich families with half farming and half reading. He studied from his father at the age of 7. Admitted in 1919 Qufu Normal School , serving as the secretary of the Student Union. During the May 4th Movement, I took part in strikes, checked Japanese goods and publicized Democracy and science And other activities. After graduating from Xia Normal University in 1924, he began to write literature. During the period, he participated in the group new society, secretly read books and periodicals such as "Communist ABC", "Night is still young", and published articles such as "Day and Night", "Miscellany in the School", etc. in the supplement of Beijing News. And Cao Weifeng Cheng Qiyu co founded Chimney magazine and published 10 issues in total. After the "December 9th Movement", in order to prevent students from being persecuted by warlords, we strongly advocated early holidays and organized students to go back to their hometown to publicize the fight against Japan and save the country. In 1936 Laiyang The headmaster of rural normal schools. Joined the revolution after the Anti Japanese War and went to Democratic Germany Attended Heine Academic Conference.
Wu Boxiao devoted his whole life to literary creation and education Tongue ploughing and pen writing have yielded fruitful results, with more than 200 works in his life, mainly collected in the Feather Book《 Soot collection 》《 Black red dot 》Lu'an Scenery, Polaris《 Departure set 》"Forgetting the Year" and other collections; The Hong Kong Literature Research Society published Selected Works of Wu Boxiao. [1]

Life experience

Born in 1906 Laiwu prefecture level city in Shandong Wu Garden Village Rich families with half farming and half reading. He studied from his father at the age of 7. Entered at the age of 14 Qufu Normal school. After graduating from Xia Normal School in 1924, he was introduced by his fellow villagers to the Confucius Family House as an English teacher. In the summer of 1925, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University. After graduating in the summer of 1931 Qingdao University President Office Clerk , get to know Wen Yiduo director Lao She Wang Tongzhao Meng Chao Etc. In 1935, he served as the Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Jinan Rural Normal School and a Chinese teacher. Back during summer vacation Qingdao , with Lao She, Wang Tongzhao, Hong Shen Zang Kejia , Wang Yaping, etc《 Record of summer vacation 》。 In 1936, he was the principal of Laiyang Rural Normal School (today ludong university )。 In April 1938, he traveled a long way to Yan'an to study at the Chinese People's Anti Japanese Military and Political University. In November, served as the Eighth Route Army General Political Department The head of the Anti Japanese Literature and Art Working Group went to Changzhi to work. In 1939, he returned to Yan'an and served as Secretary General of Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Cultural Association, participating in editing《 Literary assault 》, and also a teacher of China Women's University.
In August 1941, he joined the Communist Party of China Border Region Government Department of Education Secondary Education Division Section Chief. In May 1942, I attended the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, listened to Comrade Mao Zedong's speech, and further established Workers, peasants and soldiers The idea of service. In November 1945 North China United University (Resident Zhangjiakou )Deputy Director of the Chinese Department. Soon Northeastern University (in Jiamusi) Vice President of the Academy of Social Sciences, Vice President of the School of Arts, and Vice Dean of the Academic Registrar. In July 1949, he was elected as Literary Association Member, Secretary General. In 1951, he served as the Northeast Institute of Education (now Shenyang Normal University )Vice President. In the spring of 1954 People's Education Press Vice president and deputy editor in chief participated in editing the literature textbook Literature Institute of Chinese Writers Association Director and responsible for《 Literature and art study 》《 Chinese learning 》Editing and publishing of various publications. In October 1956, he went to Democratic Germany to attend Heine Academic Conference.
Normal University started literary creation when studying, and wrote "Day and Night", "School Miscellaneous" and other articles, published in the "Beijing News" and "Morning News". Later, he wrote Yu Shu and Ma, which were collected in the collection of Yu Shu published by Life Publishing House. After the Anti Japanese War, he joined the revolution and came to Yan'an in 1938. He used to be the secretary general of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Cultural Association. He has been engaged in education for a long time Northeastern University Vice Dean of the College of Arts. After liberation, he was mainly engaged in compiling and reviewing Chinese textbooks Leadership , long-term People's Education Press Vice president and deputy editor in chief, and adhere to prose creation.
In the early 1960s, when China was in a difficult period of three years, we should People's Daily Comrade Wu Boxiao wrote Polaris successively《 Record a spinning wheel 》More than 20 essays, including Song, were later collected as the collection Polaris. In these essays, the author enthusiastically publicizes the revolutionary tradition And style, extolling socialist revoltion And construction to encourage the people to overcome difficulties and win new victories. This group of essays has profound ideological significance and strong era color, and has a fairly high artistic level.

Personal life



Influenced by the trend of thought in the May 4th Movement, Wu Boxiao, a essayist, had strong resistance in his youth feudal ethics The consciousness of Marriage problems On the contrary, he was a rebel who was ordered by his parents and made matchmakers.
In the summer of 1925, Ben Qufu Served as the seventy seventh generation title of the eldest direct descendant of Confucius in each generation scholar and KMT official Wu Boxiao, an English teacher, was admitted with the support and help of his hometown Wang Ziying Beijing Normal University attend school. Soon, he was recalled by his parents Laiwu prefecture level city in Shandong Get married in your hometown. The marriage was arranged entirely by her parents. The bride, Liu, was from the village of Pian Town in the county. Her father and Wu Bosheng, Wu Boxiao's father, were friends with each other. Wu Boxiao, who was only 19 years old at the time, did not agree with the marriage at all. He once argued in a very angry tone: "This kind of marriage has no feelings to speak of. It's like meeting someone on the road and getting married without speaking. Is it OK?" His parents persuaded him and forced him to stick to his own Insights , dead disagree. On the wedding night, he first reasoned with his wife and then quarreled. They never shared the same bed. On the third day after marriage, he left his family in anger and returned to Beijing.
In the summer of 1931, after graduating from Beijing Normal University, Wu went home to handle the divorce. In order to obtain public opinion He also specially stayed in Dongguan, Laiwu County, not far from home Large collection Posted a Mimeograph Tabloid, propaganda feudalism Ethics Harm and parents Arranged marriage A bad reason is a good reason to ask for divorce. Since then, he has been recommended to Qingdao Shandong University President Office Clerk I met and fell in love with Guo Jingjun, a senior high school student of Qingdao Girls' Middle School, and married Guo in 1937.
However, after Wu and the Liu family divorced, Liu did not leave the Wu family to remarry. Instead, he stayed in the Wu family to do housework and take care of Wu Boxiao's parents until Wu's parents died. After Wu Boxiao married Guo Jingjun, he kept sending money to his family to help them live.

Former Residence

Wu Boxiao
stay Laicheng District Fengcheng Sub district Office Wu Garden Village In the southwest corner of, there is an inconspicuous Sihe Courtyard, which is the former residence of the late famous prose writer and educator Wu Boxiao.
The house Wu Boxiao once lived in was originally built by his grandfather Wu Hanxiang. It has two rooms in the east and two rooms in the west Nanwu Three rooms (one in the west is Wu Boxiao's bedroom), and five rooms in the north room. At that time, except that the south house was a tiled house, the rest were commonly known by the people“ mandarin jacket Child "house." In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), Wu Xizhen, the third brother of Wu Boxiao, renovated the south house of the house. Laiwu Campaign During the period (1946), the north house of the house was burned down, and the west gable and the east roof of the south house were shelled, so they were repaired in 1947. In 1982, Wu Xizhen, the head of the house, transformed the original gate into a rural ordinary gate, and Thatched cottage The brick wall in front of the north house has been changed into a brick wall, the roof has been replaced with large tiles, and the small tiles in the south house have also been replaced with large tiles.

Publishing books

  • Author name Wu Boxiao
    Work time 1983-7
    Selected Essays of Wu Boxiao, a book written by Wu Boxiao. In April 2020, it was included in the Reading Guidance Catalog for Primary and Middle School Students of the Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Development Center of the Ministry of Education (2020 Edition).
  • Author name Wu Boxiao
    The Collection of Smoke and Dust is a collection of essays written by Wu Boxiao in modern times. It is divided into four volumes and has 22 articles.
  • Record of summer vacation
    Author name Wu Boxiao
    Work time 1935-7-14
    In the summer of 1935, a number of acquaintances occasionally gathered in Qingdao; Twelve people including Wang Yuqi, Wang Tongzhao, Wang Yaping, Lao She, Du Yu, Li Tongyu, Wu Boxiao, Meng Chao, Hong Shen, Zhao Shaohou, Zang Kejia and Liu Simon. Their stay in Qingdao, either for a long-term career or for a short-term task, is for the sake of business; No one is really free; No one came to Qingdao specially for summer vacation. But he
  • Feather script
    Author name Wu Boxiao

Character achievements



Whether Wu Boxiao's prose is reminiscent Yan'an Life , or recount their love for socialism, and both advocate inheritance revolutionary tradition The theme of promoting people to be positive.
One of the characteristics of Wu Boxiao's prose is to dig deeply from the ordinary things of "one branch and one leaf", see the big from the small, and draw out profound connotation from the ordinary. For example, Record One spinning wheel 》From the "hand spinning wheel used in rural areas", the Yan'an spirit of "fighting against difficulties, having endless fun" was introduced.
Wu Boxiao usually doesn't improvise, but after accumulating feelings for a period of time, he goes back and recounts his past experience. Therefore, his prose contains deep feelings under the plain narration, like his own experience Yan'an Life It was written in prose 15 years later. After some aftertaste and refining, the works written in this way become clear and clear, and the one-sided feelings will be integrated into a complete impression.


Wu Boxiao is an outstanding and influential person in China an essayist He began to write in 1925 when he was studying in Beijing. He wrote more than 200 pieces of works in his life, mainly in The Feather Book《 Soot collection 》《 Black red dot 》Lu'an Scenery, Polaris《 Departure set 》"Forgetting the Year" and other collections; His translation includes Heine's Baltic Sea; People's Literature Press He has published Wu Boxiao's Prose Collection. The first collection of essays, Street Night, was not published due to the September 18th Incident. In the seven years of teaching in Shandong, prose creation tends to be self-conscious. "Mountain House", "Season on the Island", "Horse", "Shuo Busy", "Yu Shu", and "I haven't seen the Great Wall" have become modern masterpieces and are considered by contemporary critics to be pioneering modern prose Of“ Bold and unconstrained school "In 1931, it was published in Shanghai under the name of Yu Shu. It was written during the Yan'an period Field communication As published on《 Anti Japanese literature and art 》The Ta Kung Pao and other large newspapers and periodicals had a great impact in the rear area. These works were later included in the communication reports "Collection of Lu'an Scenery" and "Black Red Dot". Also published in Yan'an Liberation Daily Lyric prose "On the realm of selflessness", "The mood of a guest", "Talking about daily life", "Peach Blossoms in the mountains", etc., show Wu Boxiao's deep thinking about life, which should be regarded as a masterpiece of Wu Boxiao's prose. In Northeast China, there were few prose works, Representativeness The chapters include "Starting Point", "Toward the Sea", "Book", "Mr. Fan Mingshu", etc. Later, "Starting Collection" was published. Created in the early 1960s to express Yan'an Life A famous article of《 Record a spinning wheel 》《 Notes on vegetable garden 》Song, Cave Scenery and《 Nanlaoquan 》"Morning" was included in the prose collection "Polaris". In the new period, he created many excellent works such as Tianya and Forgetting the Year, and published the last collection of essays, Past Years, in 1982. After Wu Boxiao died, People's Literature Press Published《 Selected Essays of Wu Boxiao 》, People's Education Press He published two volumes of Wu Boxiao's Collected Works. [2]