Ruan Fuxuan

The twelfth emperor of the Ruan Dynasty
zero Useful+1
synonym Qiding Emperor (Emperor Qiding) generally refers to Ruan Fu
Nguyen Ph ú c Tu ấ n (October 8, 1885 November 6, 1925) was formerly Nguyen Ph ú c B ử u Đ o). Vietnam? Ruan Dynasty The 12th emperor reigned from 1916 to 1925.
Chinese name
Ruan Fuxuan
Foreign name
Nguyễn Phúc Tuấn
date of birth
October 8, 1885
Date of death
November 6, 1925
Vietnam? emperor
Representative works
The 12th Emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam, who reigned from 1916 to 1925
Start (Khải Định)

Basic information

Qiding Emperor
Name Ruan Fuxuan
Temple name Hongzong (Ho ằ ng T ô ng)
Title: Sitian Jiayun, Sage, Wisdom, Benevolence, Filial Piety, Sincerity, Loyalty, Conspiracy, Emperor Xuan
regime Nh à Nguy ễ n
Living 1885-1925
Reign 1916-1925
Year Start (Khải Định )


Qiding Emperor
Born in the Forbidden City of Hue in 1885, the son of Tongqing, the Vietnamese emperor. In 1916, he was appointed Emperor of Vietnam by the French colonialists, and his year title was Kai Ding (Kh ≮ i 272ị nh).
After assuming the throne, he vowed to rebuild the prestige of the royal family; However, from the perspective of his profound relationship with the French colonial government, it was obviously impossible. Although Emperor Qiding was not satisfied with his situation, he still issued many laws in favor of the French. Therefore, Nguyen Phu Tan is generally unpopular with Vietnamese people. nationalism person Pan Zhouzhen He criticized that when ordinary Vietnamese people were exploited by France, they lived a luxurious life; Ruan Aiguo (that is, Ho Chi Minh) wrote a play called "Bamboo Dragon" to ridicule the fact that Emperor Qiding looked very powerful on the surface, but at best he was just a puppet of the French. His trip to France in 1922 was also criticized. In 1923, when Ruan Fuxuan ordered to increase taxes on farmers in order to build his mausoleum, the noise reached its peak; At the same time, he signed many laws and decrees, causing more dissidents to be arrested and imprisoned.
In 1919, the governor of Indochina, Saro, forced Emperor Qiding to abolish Confucianism education and imperial examinations. So that the traditional political and cultural center of Huhua has been further lost.
In 1922, Emperor Qiding of the Ruan Dynasty went to France to attend the Marseille Exposition, seeking the support of the French government for his son's succession. In France, Vietnamese and overseas students held a protest demonstration, and submitted a strongly worded "Seven Chops Book" to Qiding. The book lists seven crimes that should be punished: abuse of monarchical power, unclear rewards and punishments, servility, extravagance, poor clothing, extravagance, and conspiracy to visit.
Emperor Qiding has been weak and sickly since childhood, and has suffered from Drug addiction He finally died of tuberculosis on November 6, 1925, at the age of 40. Temple name Hongzong (Ho ằ T ô ng), posthumous title of the emperor, T ự Thi ê n Gia V ậ n Th á nh Minh Th ầ n Tr í Nh â n Hi ế u Th à nh K í nh Di M ư u Th ừ a Li ệ t Tuy ê n Ho ế).
emperor's mausoleum
After the death of Emperor Qiding, he was buried in Ying Mausoleum (Ứăăăă洈), which was completed in 1931. be located Hue suburb. Its structure combines the architectural features of China and France. On the whole, the architectural style of the mausoleum is European, especially the towering towers on both sides, which reflect the mark of the French colonial period. However, the carving of coiled dragons around columns is Chinese. The mausoleum is divided into three layers, and the main color is gray. It is built along the mountain, and each layer is higher than the other. The second floor is the most impressive. Stone elephants, stone horses and stone officials are separated on both sides, with a two-story stone pavilion in the middle. There is a stone tablet in the center of the pavilion Baoda Emperor (The son of Qiding) is a monument of holy virtue and divine skill for his father. The third floor is the tomb of Emperor Qiding. It looks like a building full of dragons outside. Inside, there is a bronze statue of Qiding, which was cast by a real person in 1922 in France according to Qiding.

Marriage and children

Zhang Shijing was the first mate of Ruan Fuxuan and the daughter of Zhang Rugang, the assistant government minister of the Reform Dynasty. In 1904, she married Ruan Fuxuan as her concubine. His married life was disharmonious, and he became a monk in 1916. In the same year, Ruan Fuxuan was appointed emperor by the colonial government and wanted to confer Zhang Shijing as the imperial concubine, but Zhang Shijing refused.
Huang Shiju married Ruan Fuxuan as his concubine in 1913. After Ruan Fuxuan succeeded to the throne in 1916, the Huang family was successively granted the titles of the third rank Huibin, the second rank Huifei and the first rank Houfei. After his son Baoda took office in person, he was honored as the empress dowager of Duanhui.
Hu Zhizhi is Ruan Fuxuan's stepson and the daughter of Hu Dezhong, an important official of the Kaiding Dynasty. Hu's origin is Reforming Emperor But in 1915, the imperial court lost the election of imperial concubines for the reform emperor. After Ruan Fuxuan succeeded to the throne in 1916, Hu Zhizhi was elected to the palace and was conferred the first rank concubine.
In addition, he has several concubines. According to one of the concubines, "he is not very interested in sex".
Ruan Fu Tan has only one son, Ruan Fu Yongrui, the last emperor Baoda Emperor , which was born by Huang Shiju, empress dowager of Duanhui.