Hearing loss

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Disease name
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Hearing loss is a disease name.

Etiological analysis

1 Ear cleaning is excessively damaged Tympanic membrane Caused by diseases of the five senses tympanitis Rhinitis, etc
four working pressure Too much, such as fatigue, excessive rest, etc.
5 Surroundings of work or life noise Larger

Preventive methods

1. Noise prevention in daily life
In case of long time contact with the roaring machine, noisy workshop, noisy people, etc Noise , which will cause the tiny blood vessels of the inner ear to often be Spasmodic state The blood supply of the inner ear is reduced, and the hearing is sharply impaired. Therefore, avoiding or reducing noise interference as far as possible is the first thing to protect hearing.
2. Keep good mentality
If you are always in a state of impatience and anger, it will lead to Autonomic nerve Loss of normal regulation function inner ear Organogenesis ischemia , edema and hearing impairment, which is prone to sharp hearing loss. Therefore, try to keep yourself relaxed and happy.
3. Massage
massage Earlobe Wind points at the front and back (at the depression of the ear lobe and the high bone behind the ear) and Auditory acupoint (Below the front of the earscreen, chin Articular process Rear edge depression), which can increase the blood circulation , has the function of hearing protection. It is advisable to massage once every morning and evening for 5-10 minutes each time. If you persist for a long time, it will be effective. Recommended: very effective ear Exercises
4. Pay attention to medication
Application should be avoided as far as possible Ototoxic drugs , such as gentamicin streptomycin Kanamycin neomycin These drugs are easy to cause ototoxicity and damage hearing. Neurogenic deafness Patients should pay more attention!
5. It is better not to dig Ears
Frequently used Ear scoop When a match stick is dug out of the ear, it is easy to bruise the ear canal, causing infection, inflammation and damage Eardrum It can be used when the ear is itchy and unbearable Cotton swab Dip a little alcohol or glycerol Gently wipe the ear canal. It can also be taken orally vitamin B , C and cod-liver oil
6. The way of health care is to enrich the kidney
TCM believes that, Kidney opens to the ear , hearing loss and Kidney asthenia They have close relations. Therefore, you can take more kidney tonifying foods, such as Walnut porridge Sesame porridge Peanut porridge Porridge with pig kidney These foods are good for hearing protection.
7. Do not use headphones for too long
When you often use MP3, mp4 Or when listening to music or watching video with headphones, remember not to turn the volume too high, let alone use it for a long time, because it will reduce your hearing. If you want to use it for a long time, you can not use headphones.

differential diagnosis

In medicine, hearing loss is generally referred to as deaf Deafness does not mean that no sound can be heard, but there are certain differences, such as mild, moderate and severe, and even Total deafness Several situations. Usually we divide deafness into transmission deafness Sensorineural deafness and Mixed deafness Category 3:
1. Acoustic deafness: refers to the hearing loss caused by the obstruction of the sound transmission and pressure transformation device, which affects the sound wave transmission. The sound transmission of human ear is mainly conducted by air, so External auditory meatus Tympanic membrane Ossicular chain The hearing loss caused by structural changes such as Aural deafness The main pathological changes that can cause transmission deafness are as follows:
Cerumen Embolism: cerumen blocks the external auditory canal, hinders sound transmission and causes hearing loss.
Perforation of tympanic membrane After perforation of the tympanic membrane, energy leakage occurs after sound waves are transmitted into the deep part of the external auditory canal, which leads to hearing loss. This is like a broken drum in the hammer. The sound must not be as loud as a complete drum face.
⑶ Tympanic membrane invagination: mostly Eustachian tube Result of abnormal function. Invagination of tympanic membrane Increase the tension of tympanic membrane resonance frequency Changes that affect sound transmission.
Secretory otitis media : It is a non suppurative inflammatory disease in the middle ear cavity Tympanum There is fluid in it, which affects sound transmission and makes hearing loss. This is like a drum filled with water in its inner cavity, and the sound is depressed.
Suppurative otitis media : both acute and Chronic suppurative otitis media It can affect hearing. The main reason is that the tympanic secretion is blocked or the tympanic membrane is perforated.
(6) Disruption of ossicular chain: caused by trauma and concussion of middle ear dislocation of joint Or otitis media corrodes the ossicular chain, and the ossicular chain of the tympanic cavity after otitis media is adhered and fixed, resulting in sound Amplification effect Reduce, affect listening.
Tympanosclerosis : Various Inflammatory disease It causes calcium deposition in the structure of the tympanic cavity and limited function, thus affecting sound transmission.
Transmission deafness generally does not lead to total hearing loss pure tone The listening test can find that, Air conduction hearing loss Generally, it does not exceed 60 decibels, belonging to moderate deafness, while bone conduction hearing is basically within the normal range.
2. Sensorineural deafness: refers to that the lesion is located in the ear Auger Of Hair cell Auditory nerve And all levels Auditory center , align Sound perception And Nerve impulse conduction And cause sensorineural deafness. Common diseases are as follows:
(1) Otosclerosis: unlike tympanosclerosis, otosclerosis is a disease of unknown cause. Shown as inner ear Osseous labyrinth Density of Bone plate The disease caused by the replacement of sponge like new bone is the same as the house wall, which is made of solid bricks and concrete and replaced by sand and stone, becomes loose and weak. However, this kind of ear osteoporosis is only the first stage of the disease. Later, it will develop further. There are a lot of fibrous tissue hyperplasia and calcification in the bone, just like the cement placed in the open air. It will harden soon. This stage is also called hardening stage, so it is called Otosclerosis The result of ear hardening is the structural change of the inner ear, nerve cell Deformation and necrosis eventually lead to hearing loss, which is mostly bilateral and continues to worsen. Hearing loss is mostly sensorineural.
⑵ Meniere's disease: it is a disease characterized by Paroxysmal vertigo Volatility Deafness and tinnitus The main symptom of the disease is the sense of fullness in the ear, which is caused by the edema of the labyrinth of the inner eardrum. It is usually unilateral ear disease, which is common in young adults.
⑶ Congenital deafness: it can be caused by genetic factors, or because the mother suffered viral infection Or other injuries, which causes hearing loss after the birth of the fetus.
Senile deafness : During human aging, organ of hearing happen Degenerative change Therefore, it is often found that the hearing of the elderly is not as good as that of the young.
(5) Deafness caused by infectious diseases: all kinds of acute and chronic infectious diseases can cause Sensorineural deafness as Polio diphtheria Typhoid fever But now it is rare.
(6) Deafness caused by some other diseases of the whole body: Arteriosclerosis Is the most common. The reason is that inner ear It is caused by the disturbance of nutrition and blood supply. Others such as diabetes Hypothyroidism It can also cause hearing loss.
(7) Drugs Toxic deafness : It is now clear that streptomycin, gentamicin Amikacin etc. Aminoglycosides Antibiotics are harmful to human ears and can cause Sensorineural deafness
Traumatic deafness Craniocerebral trauma cause Labyrinthine concussion Skull base fracture Can damage the inner ear and cause hearing loss.
Sudden deafness : It is a sudden onset deafness disease, which may be related to the inner ear blood supply disorder and virus infection.
Can cause Sensorineural deafness There are many reasons. According to the lesion location, the sensory sound can also be Neurogenic deafness Divided into Sensorineural deafness And neurogenic deafness. Sensorineural deafness It is the hearing loss caused by hair cell disease. Neurogenic deafness is the hearing loss caused by the pathological changes of auditory nerve and conduction pathway.
3. Mixed deafness: refers to the hearing loss caused by the combination of vocal and sensorial diseases. If you have chronic suppurative otitis media for a long time, you may have perforation of the tympanic membrane, Auditory ossicle The transmission deafness caused by damage can also be caused by long-term Bacterial toxin Absorbed, caused by damage to the inner ear Sensorineural deafness
1. If young people occasionally have a short tinnitus, it will soon Return to normal This may be caused by sudden noise stimulation to the ears, or by various reasons such as work stress, high pressure, insomnia, etc. Attention to daily life and ear use habits will ease; If tinnitus occurs for 1-2 days, you must go to the hospital for inspection. Don't think it's just tinnitus that doesn't affect your hearing, because there are some high frequencies deaf At first, it was just tinnitus, and the hearing was not affected, but it would suddenly appear deaf after a long time.
2. During the flight, when the aircraft takes off atmospheric pressure Rapid lowering will make ears feel blocked, and a few people may also have a short time Hearing impairment And pain in the ear canal. This is because when the aircraft is ascending or descending pressure The change of Eustachian tube If the middle ear tympanic cavity is under negative pressure due to pressure blockage, the human body will Ear canal blockage , tinnitus Auricular distention , hearing loss and other symptoms. Therefore, it can be chewed during takeoff and landing Chewing gum , as you chew and swallow, Eustachian tube At any time Opening and closing , air can enter and exit the middle ear cavity freely, making the middle ear Internal pressure Keep normal with external atmospheric pressure Equilibrium state , ear discomfort will be reduced or disappeared. Having a cold upper respiratory tract infection Or people with nasal problems, it is best not to fly, so as not to cause otitis media.
3. Young parents should pay attention that children, especially infants, are prone to ear inflammation and hearing loss due to upper respiratory tract infection. Especially for newborns, do not let the baby lie flat when feeding, try to hold it sideways, otherwise it is easy Choke milk Once choked in the ear, it is easy to breed bacteria and cause ear infection.

Declining factors

1、 One month after birth, the baby has relatively perfect hearing. At this stage, it is not suitable to receive large sound stimulation. Excessive stimulation may cause hearing damage. When bathing and shampooing the baby, pay attention not to let sewage flow in Auditory meatus To prevent External ear And otitis media.
Attention should be paid to the correct feeding and water feeding posture, that is, to pick up the baby and take Semi recumbent position Posture, if the mother's milk is too sufficient and the pressure is too great, the baby's head can be slightly lowered, which can avoid Choke milk Or swallowed in time Eustachian tube cause Acute otitis media
2、 Otitis media is the most common cause of hearing loss. E.g. acute middle ear Inflammation is usually caused by Eustachian tube Infected, usually when catching a cold, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, and active bacteria will enter the middle ear directly from the opening of the eustachian tube in the nasopharynx, causing inflammation of the middle ear mucosa, especially in childhood.
Because adults Eustachian tube Narrow, curved and long, on the contrary for infants, the eustachian tube is short and relatively thick, and horizontal direction Therefore, bacteria in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are easy to invade, resulting in acute otitis media or even Acute suppurative otitis media It affects listening.
There is another non Suppurative otitis media be known as Secretory otitis media , is also an increasingly common disease.
Generally, the disease occurs frequently in winter and spring. It is characterized by liquid accumulation in the middle ear cavity. At present, most people believe that this disease is related to Eustachian tube Dysfunction, organic immunity , and upper respiratory tract infection Yes, some children with this disease are cold Then suddenly appeared.
Some occur unconsciously, often with Auricular stuffiness Hearing loss As the main manifestation, a small number of children reported slightly Earache In children, they are usually slow in listening, mislistening or inattention.
The TV volume is turned on very high, and the academic performance is reduced. Because the clinical symptoms are not typical, it is easy to be ignored by parents, resulting in hearing loss of children to varying degrees or lifelong.
3、 The middle ear is also often threatened by "neighbors", such as nasal and pharyngeal diseases, including nasosinusitis amygdalitis , proliferation Adenitis Etc, Regular meetings It is complicated with otitis media, so in order to protect the health of the middle ear, attention must also be paid to correcting this kind of disease.
There are a lot of such cases in clinic tonsil After that, not only the chance of catching a cold is less, but also the recurrent otitis media has recovered.
4、 Many drugs have strong toxicity to the ear, which can be caused by long-term use or a large amount of use, or the patient is highly sensitive to this drug hearing Obstacles.