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Lubeck City

Cities in Northern Germany
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synonym Lübeck (Schleswig Holstein city in northern Germany) generally refers to Lubeck city (a city in northern Germany)
Lubeck is located in northern Germany Schleswig Holstein , 60 km from Hamburg, yes Northern Europe famous tourist city It is called "Liubikai" by local people, which means "charming place". Hanseatic League ”One of the initiators of the Hanseatic City Alliance, the center of the Hanseatic City Alliance, known as the "Queen of Hanseatic", was once one of the richest and most powerful cities in Europe. Its outstanding protection of ancient buildings reproduces the typical style of Hanseatic cities in Europe in the Middle Ages. There are still a large number of medieval monuments, which is of great value for the study of Lubeck's history.
Chinese name
Lubeck City
Foreign name
Hanseatic City of Lubeck
Administrative Region Category
Northern Germany
geographical position
Shihezhou, Northern Germany
214.14 km²
population size
210577 (as of December 31, 2011)

Development history

Located in Lubeck, Schleswig Holstein, Germany, the old city of Lubeck is a typical medieval city Mountainous city Since its establishment in 1143, it has always been a famous port and commercial city in Europe. Its influence is similar to that of Hamburg Copenhagen Bremen And other Hanseatic League cities. In retrospect, as early as 819, a castle was built here, called "Old Lubeck". In the 11th century, Lubeck was renamed "Liubisi", which means the lovely city. In 1143, Adolf II, Earl of Holstein, rebuilt Lubeck on the basis of the "lovely city", forming the prototype of the old city today. After a fire in 1159, Lubeck City was rearranged, and its fishbone shaped streets and alleys extending in all directions became northern Europe in the future Urban layout Mode. In 1226, the city became a free city-state; In 1358, Lubeck became the headquarters of the Hanseatic League, confirming its important position in Europe. In the 16th century, with the gradual strengthening of the Nordic countries, Lubeck lost its former glory. In the 20th century, the city has long lost its beauty. After World War II, Allied air raids destroyed one fifth of the buildings in the old city, including the famous church and city hall. After the war, the German government made great efforts to repair and protect the remaining cultural relics and historic sites , making the old city of Lubeck still a well preserved medieval city in northern Europe.
Lubeck Ancient City Stamps
In 1987, the "Hanseatic League City Lubeck" was the United Nations UNESCO is listed as World Cultural Heritage It is the first city in northern Europe to be listed as a world cultural heritage.

historical origin

Lubeck area was occupied by Slavs around 1400 BC. At that time, they lived together along the Trava River, a few kilometers away from the city center. In 1154, Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, conquered them and rebuilt the city. Lubeck in the 14th century called“ Hanseatic League And has always been the most powerful member of this medieval trade union. 1533 and Denmark The armed conflict led to the decline of Lubeck's strength. First translation“ Lubeck ”。 An important port in northern Germany. On the banks of the Travo River the Baltic Lubeck Bay 15 kilometers, which can be directly reached by medium-sized seagoing ships. Nantong with canal Elbe River The population is 216000 (1983). Built in the eleventh century. From the end of the 13th century to the 15th century, he was the leader of the Hanseatic League, Northern Europe One of the major business centers. Industries include shipbuilding, steelmaking, non-ferrous metallurgy Machinery manufacturing , fish processing, chemistry, cement and other departments. There are medieval monuments in the city. The suburban area is wide, including the coastal resort of Traverminde. Lubeck's history can be traced back to the early 11th century, when Heinrich, the leader of Lubeck, agreed to build a city. At that time, the city of Lubeis was a royal seat and Trade Centre In 1143, Adolf II of Schoenburg built a Commercial city The Travo River gives Lubeck an estuary open to the Baltic Sea and northern Europe. During the reign of Emperor Sassen, a fire destroyed the city of Lubeis, and Lubeck was also born. Lubeck was surrounded by a large rectangular market development And become. In 1159 AD, the city entered a period of prosperity, and a dynamic trade center has been formed, which has an influence comparable to that of Venice Comparable. Lubeck has developed into the business center of Northern Europe at an amazing speed. The privileged class - businessmen also set up a city here Senate , building churches. Its business has become more and more prosperous, and Lubeck has become a business center. In 1173 AD, Henry began to build Lubeck Church, the largest brick and stone church in Northern Europe. Saint Mary and Szentpeter Church Construction began at the same time. Lubeck City not only established the scale of the old city under Henry's guidance, but also maintained its original style. Everyone who walks in Lubeck City is indeed walking on the ancient road for thousands of years.
Lubeck Urban Architecture
In 1226, Lubeck achieved complete autonomy and developed into an "empire" Free city ”And Imperial Business Center. Friedrich II was equally important in the history of the city. In 1226, he established the unique status and freedom of Lubeck as a royal free city. This indicates that the citizens of the city are no longer under the jurisdiction of a certain duke, count or pope, but directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor. his Special status It lasted 711 years. thirteenth century City Alliance Rise, in 1241 AD, in order to prevent pirates from harassing normal commercial activities, as a recognized trade Commercial port Lubeck and Hamburg formed an alliance to protect their commercial activities, thus the "Hanseatic League" came into being. Lubeck became the main city of the Hanseatic League. The alliance formed the first German importers and exporters and cities. Cities in the West The Renaissance The period was established and gradually controlled the maritime trade of Northern Europe. Lubeck became the leader of the Hanseatic League. Around the 14th century, the Hanseatic League reached its peak. At that time, the Alliance had its own seat in the parliament, and the city was still prosperous until the end of the 16th century.
Aerial view of Lubeck
With the construction and development of the city, Lubeck, a city under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor, gradually evolved into a free city. When the market appears competitor Later, a series of difficulties emerged in the 15th century. Although the Hanseatic League tried to maintain its position by various means, it gradually declined. Thirty Year War (1618~1648 AD) was a fatal blow to the alliance.
Lubeck City Layout

Urban pattern

The old city of Lubeck is divided into three parts. The first part is the eastern and northern areas of the old city, the second part is the southwest area of the old city, and the third part is Saint Mary's Church and the City Hall. The eastern and northern parts of the old city have now been classified as protected areas, maintaining the integrity of the medieval pattern. The biggest feature of the buildings in this area is the harmonious integration of the religious and secular characteristics unique to the city in the 10th century. The skyline of the city is composed of seven towering church towers, highlighting the unique style of the city. It is also a living Architectural Museum : Gothic, Baroque, Rocky, non classical, from medieval to modern architectural style Both. Among them, the spires of St. Mary's Cathedral in Gothic style, the cathedral in Roman style and many other churches are clustered over the old city, as if they were a forest of churches. In 1942, the spires of St. Mary's Church and St. Peter's Church were destroyed in an air raid, and were rebuilt between 1956 and 1962. What is insufficient is that the continued building is different from the adjacent original building style in structure, shape proportion and combination form, and cannot be unified with the traditional form of the old city; However, due to the small scope of continued construction, the whole urban landscape was not damaged.
 Lübeck  Lübeck  Lübeck  Lübeck  Lübeck
The northern part of the old city is a typical representative of the characteristics of medieval towns, which are mainly shown by the unique brick houses and terraced mountain flowers. In the Middle Ages Space demand Growth, building structure The inner courtyard and the back street appeared on the street. The houses facing the street separated the inner courtyard from the street, forming a relatively closed introverted character, and also creating a unique style of the old city. In the east of the city, some simple houses of craftsmen are preserved. Most of these houses have inner courtyards, which have certain changes in opening and closing. The aristocratic mansions in the city are more particular. They are solid in structure, complete in facilities, rich in space changes, and exquisite in decoration, artistic value Very high. Among them, the hall with rich changes, antique fireplace and painted wood smallpox , room panel finishers and Fluff whitewash Suspended ceiling and side hall of the garden. These buildings are protected and carefully repaired. The southwest area of the old city is a quiet and slightly formal city, but there are also some romantic Pastoral style Lubeck people call it "painter's corner".
At the commanding height in the center of the old city, there are St. Mary's Church and the City Hall, which are adjacent to each other and become the most important buildings in Lubeck. It is famous in Europe for its noble value of art. At that time, these two buildings had extensive influence throughout northern Europe, so that a large number of buildings along the Baltic Sea were imitated. Saint Mary's Church Be treated as The typical Gothic brick cathedral; The city hall is regarded as the model of the city hall building in the region, with a unique architectural style, half of which is Gothic, and the other half is Lina Shanuo. In the following centuries, the city hall has been a model for cities far and near to emulate. To the west of the old city lies the Holstein Gate, which was built in the 13th century and has always been the symbol of Lubeck. It was built in 1466-1477 in the late period gothic style Deng Uptown The gate can overlook the whole Lubeck Old City. The castle has now become a museum, displaying ancient battle maps, weapons and warship models. In World War II, many ancient buildings in Lubeck were destroyed by war, but Holstein Gate survived. [1]
 Lubeck Church Lubeck Church
Lubeck Church

Architectural features

The buildings in the old city of Lubeck are natural in combination, unified in style, and moving Urban landscape Effect, representing Lubeck Urban art A high degree of achievement. So UNESCO has included this ancient city of the Hanseatic League, which includes nearly 1000 buildings World Heritage List As an ancient capital, Lubeck has many ancient and beautiful buildings. Gothic St. Mary's Church , Roman style cathedral, Gothic combination Renaissance style The old town hall, medieval castles, city gates, etc., these buildings show its past civilization and glory.
Lubeck architecture
St. Mary's Church
It has a building built in 1472 Astronomical clock The bell tower of St. Petri Kirche can overlook the old city and port. The old town hall stands on the NeuerMarkt, while Uni Rostock The main building of (Universittshauptgebaude) is located in Pedestrian area
gothic Brick building
In addition to the magnificent church, Gothic The Renaissance as well as Baroque The house facing the street with its gable shows the wealth of medieval businessmen; The astronomical clock attracts tourists Gothic cathedral St. Marie; A few steps away is the Baroque style vestibule and the prominent Rathaus
Altes Rathaus
The city hall was built in the central block in the 13th and 15th centuries. The front is Renaissance style, decorated with colorful tiles, which is extremely magnificent; Located on the north side of the city hall, St. Mary's Church has two spires towering into the sky, forming its unique style. The Holy Spirit Hospital, built in the 13th century, is the most well preserved dormitory for medieval monks in Germany and is now used as a nursing home for the elderly; St. James Church, built in the 14th century, preserves the altar of the 16th century and the later period gothic style The city gate of Holstentell, built in 1447 (another data: built in 1464), is now history museum Its huge double round towers look solemn and simple, and are the symbol of Lubeck (see the attached figure). The style and features of Lubeck ancient capital can be fully displayed in these buildings. It still exudes attractive luster. The old town hall (Historisches Rathaus) was a department store Merchants sell their goods there. Baroque style on the top floor of the second floor banquet hall (Festsaal) is used for concert performance. For nearly 800 years, this city hall has been the office of the government.
bathing beach
100 meter wide beach and seaside at Seebad Warnemunde avenue , lighthouse, fish market, beautiful small houses where fishermen live, seafood restaurant with unique taste, sailing on the old port channel (Alten Strom Fishing boat And sailboats, all of which bring people a real feeling of seaside life.
The Kulturhistorisches Museum is located in the Monastery Inside. In addition to its rich collection, the monastery, which is almost intact as before, is also worth visiting. The collection includes archaeological discoveries, medieval religious treasures, toys and Citizen class Housewear & Furnishings
The Kulturhistorisches Museum in Kloster Zum Heiligen Kreuz exhibits medieval works of art, such as the Dreikoenigsaltar and Handicrafts Rostocker Schifffahrtsmuseum is located on an old ship, which is in IGA Park; The Heimatmuseum Warnemunde shows the history of this place from a fishing village in the early 14th century to a seaside city. In addition, many galleries display local art works.
Museum on the old ship
The Shipbuilding and Shipping Museum (Schiffbau und Schifffahrtsmuseum audit dem Traditionsschiff) on the old ship reminds people of the trade era of the multi mast high board sailing ships as the main means of transportation in the past and the golden age of Rostock's shipping industry. What is worth seeing Sailing ship model It was such a ship that transported a full load of Mecklenburg grain to the world. Among them is the model of "Vasa", a legendary Swedish sailing ship that sank at the port of Stockholm on its first voyage.
Heimatmuseum Warnemunde is located in a former fisherman's house, which attracts people to experience the life and work style of fishermen and sailors in Walnemunde. There are The living room , bedroom and kitchen. In addition, people can also learn about the history of bathing beaches, pilot ports and maritime rescue here.


In Goplina street (Krpeliner Strasse), Lange Strasse poland Dobernaner Platz has many stores of all sizes, which will bring you shopping pleasure. In addition Rostock Galerie Rostocker Hof, Hopfenmarkt and Doberaner Hof. There are also many shopping places in Am Strom, Kirchenplatz and Muhlenstrasse of Warnemunde Beach. Wende Business District, with Lubeck as its capital, Scope of activities Including the original German settlements along the Baltic Sea and Pomerania
Kiel, Lubeck North Port City, the capital of Schleswig Holstein State. stay Kiel Canal Dongkou It is 11km away from Haikou. Area 118.4 Square kilometers , with a population of 233244 (2005). It was founded in 1242 and joined the Hanseatic League in 1284. In the second half of the 19th century Military harbor important naval base With the construction of Kiel Canal, the economy has developed rapidly. Railway junction Fishery base Industry is dominated by shipbuilding and machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding industry Second only to Hamburg. In addition, there are aquatic processing, chemistry, metallurgy, wine making and other departments. Adjacent to the Baltic Sea Kiel Bay The city has been a major German naval base since the 1860s. Kiel is the center of German shipbuilding industry and the eastern end of Kiel Canal.
Lubeck in Irmanau Riverside, 35 kilometers southeast of Hamburg. The population is 61000 (1984). It was recorded in 956 AD. It was founded in 1247. He was a member of the Hanseatic League. There are Salt mine , beginning of the tenth century Salt mining , sold to Northern Europe. Transport hub Industry, chemical, textile, metal and wood processing Mainly, there are cement and beer brewing plants. yes salt spring , mud baths, tourism and Sanatorium


University ä t zu L ü beck national university Its teaching and research are characterized by medicine. Lubeck University was founded in 1964. When it was founded, it was the second medical department of Kiel University. Today, the scope of disciplines has expanded from medicine to science and teaching, but it still has close contact and cooperation with the hospital. Therefore, Lubeck University's medical discipline occupies an obvious advantage in Germany.
Musikhochschule L ü beck is the only music college in Schleswig Holstein, located in Lubeck, northeastern Germany. The school dates back to 1911, when it was a private school. From 1937, it was renamed as a state due to public sponsorship music school Later, the school was forced to close due to the war until 1950 when Schleswig Holstein School of Music and North Germany Organ The name of the school reopened. The scale of Lubeck Conservatory of Music was formed after 1973.
Fachhochschule L ü beck, a national university in Lubeck, was founded in 1808 and now has 4143 students. The university has four colleges in total, namely, Natural Science College, Civil Engineering College, Electronic Information College and Mechanical Economics College. The university has the right to grant bachelor's degree and master's degree.

World Cultural Heritage

World Heritage Committee Evaluation, 1987 based on cultural heritage Selection criteria C (IV) is listed in the World Heritage List. Founded in the 12th century, as the former capital of the Hanseatic League, it did not become an important commercial center in northern Europe until the 16th century. It is still a maritime trade center, especially among the Nordic countries. except World War II Most of the old city structure is composed of aristocratic residences, some historic sites, churches and salt fields from the 15th to the 16th century, which still remain intact. Lubeck is also important cultural life City, the debate here The Nobel Prize in Literature Winner Thomas Mann and writer Henry Mann. their Budenblock House In the old city of Lubeck, many tourists still regard it as the tourist guide office of Lubeck. The Hanseatic League City also established the Thomas Mann Award. Other famous writers born in Lubeck, such as Emanuel Geibel, Otto Anthes and Erich Missam Etc. At the writer gunter grass You can see his outstanding Literariness And artistic originals. Lubeck also has the Erich Missam Association, which provides the Erich Missam Award.
Although in World War II During this period, the city was destroyed. After a series of restoration and improvement work, the League city of Lubeckhamsa still maintained the magnificent street view of aristocratic residences from the 15th to the 16th century, with historical value The area of is located on the north bank of the Trave River. These buildings include the famous brick gate and salt tower, which is a strong witness of the Hanseatic League. ancient City center The traces of the 1942 bombing still remain. As a whole, the city Rock rotation The color is harmonious. Although some buildings were destroyed in the war, Lubeck is still a Medieval architecture And was listed in the World Catalog. Two longitudinal axes belonging to Lubeck City during its establishment period cross the city, with waterways surrounding the city. Large public squares are inlaid with markets and cathedrals, and also contain ancient city hall Various wide streets, which are usually winding, form a network around the square, passing from one block to another.
Hanseatic City of L ü beck
Selected in 1987
Selection basis: cultural heritage (iv)
geographical position : N53 52 00 E10 4130 (Qingshan Temple Aegidien Street)
N53 51 45 E10 4100 (St. Peter's Cathedral Lubeck Cathedral)
N53 52 04 E10 4104 (Cathedral of Notre Dame, City Hall, Market Square)
Heritage number: 272
L ü beck was established in 1143 as the first "western city located on the Baltic coast" Baltic Sea Region The glorious example of the Hanseatic League was honored as the "Queen of Lufthansa". This medieval city is made of bricks Gothic architecture One of the most important testimonies of style, which reminds people of this city as an early world trade The glorious history of the hub.
The city of Hencetic in Lubeck is located in Germany Schleswig Holstein It is the most valuable building in medieval Germany. In 1987, according to the criteria for selection of cultural heritage (iv), the Hanseatic League city Lubeck was UNESCO World Heritage Committee Approved for inclusion as cultural heritage《 World Heritage List 》。
Selection criteria (iv): As an outstanding example of building types, the Hanseatic city Lubeck most truly reflects Hanseatic League The power and historical role of.
Evaluation of World Heritage Committee
Lubeck, the former capital and Queens of the Hanseatic League, was built in the 12th century A.D. and flourished as an important commercial center in northern Europe until the 16th century. It is still a maritime trade center (especially the maritime trade with Nordic countries). Although in the Second World War It has been damaged to a certain extent Urban structure It still remains, which can be seen from the noble residences built from the 15th century to the 16th century, historical monuments (such as the famous Houston brick gate), churches and salt fields. [2]
The ancient city known as the "Queen of the Baltic Sea"
Shi Hezhou (Schleswig Holdostein), the northernmost state in Germany, is a strange and beautiful place. It is located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and most of its northern area faces Denmark across the sea. Stone Hezhou has unique scenery and unique charm: wide flower bed farms and fields, quiet, clean, neat and simple towns, exquisite and elegant brick buildings, unique small thatched farmhouses, hundreds of lakes scattered in deciduous forests, and the faint smell of sea water floating in the air... It is quiet, peaceful and pleasant everywhere, It makes people feel a kind of idyllic beauty.
The ancient city of Lubeck (also known as Hansetik), located in Shihezhou, has a history of thousands of years, from the "lovely city" to the "free city-state" to the sea trade port. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Lubeck was called "Queen of the Baltic Sea". In the prosperous stage of the Hanseatic League, Lubeck, as the center of the League, reached its peak. The old town of Lubeck still maintained the complete pattern of the Middle Ages. It is an important model of medieval towns in Europe. It harmoniously integrated the religious and secular nature of urban building groups since the 10th century.

Hanseatic League

The old Lubeck Castle appeared as early as 819 AD. It was renamed as Lubis in the 11th century, meaning "the lovely city". In 1143 AD, Adolf II, the Earl of Holstein, rebuilt Lubeck on the basis of the city of Rubis, forming what is now inner city The rudiment of. After the fire burned the city in 1159, Lubeck re planned the layout of streets and alleys like fish bones, extending in all directions, which later became Northwest Europe The pursuit of urban construction, even Stockholm And other cities will follow suit. In 1266, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II established Lubeck as a "free city-state", whose administration is directly under the "central" government, and its economy is like a "special zone" or free trade Easy port. [3]

Sister city

Germany Vesma (1987)
France La Rochelle (1988)
Italy Venice (Friendly and cooperative relationship in 1979)
Japan kawasaki (1992, friendly cooperation)
Norway Bergen (1996, friendly cooperation)
Zhejiang Province, China Shaoxing City (2003, friendly cooperation)