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Posterior nostril

Disease name
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Posterior nostril: Congenital posterior nostril atresia. This disease is a serious nasal deformity and belongs to a family hereditary disease.
Disease introduction
This disease is a serious nasal deformity, which belongs to a family hereditary disease. According to Evans (1971), there were 65 cases of congenital choanal atresia, and 28 cases were complicated with other congenital malformations, accounting for 43%. Among them, there were multiple congenital malformations (Charge complex malformations), namely, congenital iris defect (Colomba), congenital heart disease (Cardionomies), congenital atresia choanae, growth stagnation (Restardedgrowth) Genital hypoplasia, ear malformations, and other malformations may also exist, such as strabismus, iridoplegia, maxillofacial osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome, external auditory atresia, ileal diverticulum, intestinal ectopia, urinary system malformations, foot polydactyly, etc.