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Posterior galaxy cluster

Galaxy cluster
synonym Backhair Cluster (Backward cluster of galaxies) generally refers to the backward cluster of galaxies
Backhair Cluster (Abel 1656) is a huge Galaxy cluster , with more than 1000 confirmed galaxies. Together. Leo Galaxy Cluster (Abel 1367), both Backhair supercluster The two main members of. It is located in Backseat Therefore, it is named after the constellation.
The average distance between this galaxy cluster and the Earth is 99 million Second gap (321 million Light year ), of which 10 are the brightest spiral galaxy Of Apparent magnitude Between 12 and 14 grades, amateur astronomers can see with telescopes with an aperture of more than 20 cm. In the middle, there are two huge Elliptical galaxy NGC 4874 and NGC 4889 This galaxy cluster is far away from the the galaxy The North Pole is only a few degrees. Most of the galaxies in the central part of the Backhair Cluster are huge Elliptical galaxy , and there are abundant Dwarf galaxy And giant elliptical galaxies.
Chinese name
Backhair Cluster
Right ascension

Intergalactic gas

The galaxies in this group are all very hot Intergalactic gas Shrouded in and radiated remarkable X-ray radiation These free gases have also changed Cosmic microwave background radiation Of microwave spectrum , this effect is called Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect The mass of the gas between these galaxies is far greater than the total mass of the galaxies in this galaxy cluster.

Members of galaxy clusters

Such a rich cluster of galaxies, usually Elliptical galaxy and Lenticular galaxy With overwhelming majority, the younger spiral galaxy Only a few, and probably most, are scattered around the outer edge of the cluster.
Although many galaxies have been identified separately, the understanding of galaxy clusters was incomplete until the 1950s, Palomar Observatory Only after the beginning of rigorous research did astronomers of.

dark substance

Backhair Cluster About 90% of the quality is considered to be dark substance However, the distribution of dark matter in the whole group is very unnatural.

X-ray source

Before 1966, it was reported that there was an X-ray diffusion source centered at 1300+28 in the direction of the Backhair Cluster. The X-ray source is composed of Sounding balloon It was discovered, but the X-ray Astronomy Group of the US Naval Research Laboratory launched the Sounding rocket , the X-ray source was not detected in flight. X-ray observation satellite Liberty A strong X-ray source was found near the center of the cluster, and this source was labeled as X-1 of the constellation.
With RA1256 ± 2Dec28 ° 6 '± 12' (1950 minutes) as the center on the celestial sphere, within an area of 100 X 100 arc minutes, the Backhair Galaxy Cluster contains about 800 galaxies with brightness L x =2.6 x 10ergs/s flux. The source is diffuse, about 45 'in size, which has led to a dispute about whether it is emitted by a single galaxy. The observation of Freedom pointed out that there is a 2500 electron volt radiation source whose intensity does not exceed~10 photon centimeters skeV, which is inconsistent with the earlier observation that the size is about 5 °, at 25000 electron volts, the intensity is~10 photon centimeters skeVat 25 keV, and a size of.