zero Useful+1

Famous ancestor

Chinese vocabulary
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Means by Proper noun (referring to names of people, places and trademarks) vocabulary Japanese is translated as "Ming Zu", which is also used in Chinese.
Chinese name
Famous ancestor
Foreign name
Greek name
Chinese vocabulary


It refers to the vocabulary evolved from proper nouns (referring to person names, place names and trademark names), while popularity refers to the vocabulary transformed from person names. The word eponym in English originates from the Greek eponym Ó s, meaning "named after". In Greek mythology, if the gods took a fancy to a certain feature of a mortal, they would turn her name into a common word, making her immortal or notorious.


(1) People of the same name, the same name;
(2) Named after.

historical background

The specific meaning of the word "name ancestor" is expanded to refer to a class of people or lose its original meaning and become common nouns, adjectives, adverbs and even verbs.
one Names used in ancient times can be divided into three categories:
1. Use God as the ancestor of a city or region: think that the city or region belongs to or was created by the god. as Apollo As Apollonia The ancestors of.
2. Take heroes as the ancestors of clans, tribes or regions. When Christeneus carried out the reform in Attica, he divided the Athenians into 10 tribes, and then created 10 heroes by Delphi as the ancestors of the 10 tribes, including Erectus, Egos Pandion, etc.
3. Use the name of the ruling consul as the name of the city for a period. The famous ancestor statue stands in the market square and is worshipped by people [2]
Athenian polity 》Medium Aristotle The description of Mingzu: "As seen in the consul and Mingzu rules, people over 59 years old can act as judges. Because there are ten named ancestors in the tribe, while there are forty-two years of age for military service. In the past, when Ding Nan was enrolled in the army, he usually carved on the white board, on which were written the names used by the consuls in the year of their recruitment and the judges in the previous year. But these names are now carved on the copper pillars, which stand in front of the meeting hall, Next to the name ancestor table. " Generally, the name of the highest person among the nine consuls is used as the year title, which is called Mingzu.
2、 Ancestor words are derived from people's names, place names, or trademarks, such as watt Volts Ohms 、China( Porcelain )、 Du Kang Coca Cola wait.
3、 The most interesting one was an American general named Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881). His big sideburns were very distinctive, so his name was used to describe this hairstyle. However, his name is Burnside, where side exactly means "one side", so it finally evolved into sideburns, which means sideburns. [1]
4、 With the rapid popularity of network events or network terms, some words are often given more meanings and tend to cover up their original meanings: Fan Runrun Edison Chan And Li Hao and so on.