Anti Fascist Alliance

Military alliance in the Second World War
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synonym Allies (Allies in World War II) generally refers to the anti fascist alliance
The Anti fascist Alliance. On January 1, 1942, 26 countries including Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union held a meeting in Washington and signed the《 United Nations Declaration 》, marking the international anti fascist The united front was finally formed. The founding envoy of the anti fascist alliance the Second World War The situation of Anti-Fascist War One of the decisive factors for the final victory, and the United Nations The foundation was laid.
Germany, Italy and Japan will fascist War and fascist tyranny were imposed on the peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa, prompting anti fascist National Alliance united front Establishment and gradual development and strengthening. June 22, 1941 Eastern Front On the day of the outbreak, British Prime Minister winston churchill Make a radio speech to announce that Soviet Union Give assistance within your power and make concerted efforts to attack the enemy. U.S. government He also issued a statement of willingness to assist the Soviet Union. On July 3, 1941, Joseph Visario Norwich Stalin Make a radio speech to show that Soviet Patriotic War "We will unite with the people of all countries in their struggle for independence, democracy and freedom" and form a "united front".
Chinese name
Anti Fascist Alliance
Foreign name
Anti fascist Alliance
Joint confrontation between countries fascist aggressive war
America, Britain, Soviet Union, China, France, Poland, Australia, etc
Engage in war
the Second World War

Alliance members

1、 poland (September 1, 1939)
2、 britain (September 3, 1939)
3、 Australia (September 3, 1939)
4、 New Zealand (September 3, 1939)
5、 France (September 3, 1939)
6、 Kingdom of Nepal (September 4, 1939)
7、 Tonga (September 4, 1939)
8、 South African Federation (September 6, 1939)
9、 Denmark (April 9, 1940)
10、 Norway (April 9, 1940)
11、 Belgium (May 10, 1940)
12、 Luxembourg (May 10, 1940)
13、 Netherlands (May 10, 1940)
14、 The Kingdom of Greece (October 28, 1940)
15、 Kingdom of Yugoslavia (April 6, 1941)
16、 Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)
17、 Tuvan People's Republic (June 25, 1941)
After Pearl Harbor Incident
18、 United States of America (December 7, 1941)
19、 Panama (December 7, 1941)
20、 the Philippines (December 7, 1941)
21、 Costa Rica (December 8, 1941)
22、 Dominican (December 8, 1941)
23、 El Salvador (December 8, 1941)
24、 Haiti (December 8, 1941)
25、 Honduras (December 8, 1941)
26、 Nicaragua (December 8, 1941)
27、 Republic of China (December 9, 1941; although China started a full-scale war with the Japanese army in 1937, it did not formally declare war against Japan until December 9, 1941)
28、 Guatemala (December 9, 1941)
29、 Cuba (December 9, 1941)
31、 Czechoslovakia (December 16, 1941)
United Nations Declaration 》After signing
32、 Mexico (May 22, 1942)
33、 Brazil (August 22, 1942)
34、 Ethiopia (December 14, 1942)
35、 Kingdom of Iraq (December 14, 1942)
36、 bolivia (April 7, 1943)
37、 Iran (September 9, 1943)
38、 Italy (October 13, 1943; September 8, 1943 Badoglio Government announced Italian surrender , September 13, Mussolini The government was established in northern Italy Italian Social Republic On October 13, the Badoglio government officially withdrew from the Axis and joined the Allies)
39、 Columbia (November 26, 1943)
40、 Liberia (January 27, 1944)
41、 Peru (February 12, 1944)
42、 Romania (August 25, 1944; seceded from the Axis)
43、 Bulgaria (September 8, 1944; seceded from the Axis)
44、 San Marino (September 21, 1944)
45、 Albania (October 26, 1944)
46、 Hungary (January 20, 1945; seceded from the Axis)
47、 Bahawalpur (February 2, 1945)
48、 Ecuador (February 2, 1945)
49、 Paraguay (February 7, 1945)
50、 Uruguay (February 15, 1945)
51、 Venezuela (February 15, 1945)
52、 turkey (February 23, 1945)
53、 Lebanon (February 27, 1945)
54、 Finland (March 1, 1944; seceded from the Axis in September 1944, and officially declared war on Germany on March 1, 1945)
55、 Argentina (March 27, 1945)
56、 Chile (April 11, 1945; war was declared only against Japan)
57、 the people's republic ofmongolia (August 10, 1945)

united front

Gradually expand
united front
Atlantic Charter 》, expressed common opposition nazi Tyranny and determination to rebuild peace.
On September 29, 1941 Moscow The three countries meeting of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain was held, and the United States and Britain signed the agreement to provide aircraft and tanks to the Soviet Union Military materials And loans Soviet Union An agreement to supply raw materials to Britain and the United States. Pearl Harbor Incident Later, the United States officially entered the war, and China also declared war on Germany, Italy and Japan. Other countries also declared war on the Axis countries.
On December 22, 1941, the heads of the United States and Britain proposed that all countries fighting against the Axis countries sign a declaration of alliance. The draft declaration proposed by the United States, after consultation with the British and Soviet Union, was sent to the allies by urgent telegram.
Three Big Allies
On January 1, 1942, 26 countries Washington Signed《 United Nations Declaration 》, the declaration expressed approval《 Atlantic Charter 》The purpose and principle of the war, emphasizing the importance of defeating the common enemy; The signatory states pledged to use all their military and economic resources And Germany Italy Japan fascist States fight, cooperate with allies, and do not conclude armistice agreements or peace agreements with the enemy alone; Will be defeated Fascism Other countries that have provided material assistance and contributions in the struggle of the Communist Party of China may accede to this Declaration.
The signing and issuance of the declaration marks International Anti Fascist Alliance Formally established.
To August 15, 1945 the Second World War At the end, 52 countries joined the alliance.

After the German surrender

On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany Surrender. The defeated Germany not only lost the territory of other countries annexed before and during the war, but also Crimean Statement and Potsdam Agreement, East Prussia And Oder- Ness River About 114000 to the east square kilometre German territories were ceded to Soviet Union and poland The rest of the German territory and the capital city of Great Berlin are from the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France partition Occupy, establish 4 occupation zone And the "Allied Control Committee" composed of four countries took over the supreme power of Germany. Although in the post-war international instruments on Germany, all countries concerned expressed their desire to maintain German unity, so that Germany could eliminate the Nazis and Militarism Later, it became a peaceful and democratic country. However, due to the different positions, purposes and interests of the eastern and western allies, the agreements were interpreted in favor of themselves. So around the implementation Potsdam Agreement , the restoration of German unity and West Berlin The four major powers and the factions in their occupied areas politic force A sharp and complicated struggle was launched.

Germany split

With the intensification of the East West Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union changed from wartime allies to competitor Soviet occupied areas And the western occupied areas have embarked on different development paths, and the division of Germany has gradually become a reality.
From 1947 to 1949, the United States, Britain and France successively merged their occupied areas in western Germany, convened the Constituent Assembly of the western occupied areas, formulated an interim constitution, and implemented Monetary reform , using west mark Replace the original Empire Mark.
On May 10, 1949, the Constituent Assembly of the Western Occupied Area decided to bonn Established for the capital federal The country adopted the Basic Law, the Interim Constitution, on May 23, Federal Republic of Germany Establishment. In the five eastern German states occupied by the Soviet Union, elections were held in April 1946 in towns and districts, and corresponding parliaments and governments at all levels were established German Communist Party and Social Democratic Party Merged German United Socialist Party To occupy the position of leading role On October 7, the German People's Committee in the Soviet occupied area was announced to be established German Democratic Republic So far, there have been two Germany country.
In October 1954, Federal Germany United States, Britain, France, etc the West Signed Paris Agreement , the agreement came into force the following year, West Germany End the occupied state and become Sovereign state And joined North Atlantic Treaty Organization A few days later, on May 14, the East, with the Soviet Union as its ally, including Democratic Germany military bloc —— Warsaw Treaty Organization It is also declared to be established. In the long period that followed, the division of Germany was seen as post-war European order An integral part of.
In this case, the former German capital Berlin The eastern half of the Soviet occupied areas and the western half of the United States, Britain and France occupied areas formed two sets of systems: two municipal governments, two sets of police systems, and two currencies. In December 1948, two more city councils appeared. West Berlin under the control of the United States, Britain and France marshall plan The huge amount of aid from China has been quickly restored and developed, and has been completed the West The "shop window" of. But it is located in the hinterland of East Germany, like an island.
Between 1945 and 1961, about 100000 citizens of GDR (East Germany) fled through Berlin every year Federal Germany And caused great losses to Democratic Germany.
Berlin Wall


It unites the forces that can be united and isolates them to the greatest extent fascist The aggressive forces played a decisive role in the final victory over the fascist countries. The anti fascist defense wall is Berlin Wall Of Official name , Yes the Second World War and capitalism socialist The product of the cold war relationship between the two camps.